Image Trail Effects

Today we’d like to share a fun mouse interaction effect with you that we found on the VLNC Studio website. The idea is to follow the mouse and show a trail of random images. It’s a kind of brutalist effect and there are various possibilities when it comes to showing and hiding the images. So we compiled a set of demos that explores different animations.

The animations are powered by TweenMax.

Attention: Note that the demos are experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

The main idea is to show the images quickly so that a trail forms along the movement of the mouse.


While there’s different ways to show the images, there’s also lots of room to play with the effects that make them disappear.


Demo 3 shows how we can make the images “drop” when they disappear:


We can also add a bit of a squeeze, too:


The last demo explores setting the size of the image to be fullscreen and restricting the movement to the sides only:


This effect is inspired by Ricky Michiels website.

Here’s a short GIF that shows the effect of demo 2 where we scale the images up and fade them out:

ImageTrailEffects.2019-08-07 11_22_55

We hope you enjoy these demos and find them useful.

References and Credits

Image Trail Effects was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Draggable Menu with Image Grid Previews

After our little draggable image strip experiment, we wanted to explore using the dragging functionality on a menu. The idea is to show a large inline menu with some scattered thumbnails. The menu can be dragged and while doing so, the thumbnails get moved with an animation. Each menu item also changes the letters to show an outlined version. When clicking on the “explore” link under a menu item, the thumbnails move and enlarge to form a grid.

The animations are powered by TweenMax and we use Dave DeSandro’s Draggabilly.

Attention: Note that the demo is experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

The initial view looks as follows:


When clicking on the explore link, we animate all thumbnails to their place in a custom grid.


You can see it in action here:

DraggableMenu.2019-06-19 10_45_16_optimized

We hope you enjoy this menu and find it useful!

References and Credits

Draggable Menu with Image Grid Previews was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Animated Image Columns

Today we’d like to share a little layout with you. The idea is based on the current trend of a grid layout where the columns are animated. You can see this kind of animation in Aristide Benoist’s amazing design for Everest or Hrvoje Grubisic’s GETZ — Photography Portfolio Website concept. In our demo, we animate a decorative image grid and make the columns move away in an alternating way, revealing some content underneath. We use a playful hover effect for the menu items and mimic the animating when they fly away. We also added some slight mouse move interaction for the columns.

The animations are powered by TweenMax.

Attention: Note that the demo is experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

The initial view of the demo is the navigation with the decorative grid in the background.


When clicking on one of the menu items, we animate the grid out by moving the columns in an alternating fashion, rotating them slightly. We mimic this behavior on the letters of the menu item.

When the grid moves away, the content area underneath is revealed:


AnimatedColumns.2019-05-16 17_23_33

We hope you enjoy this experiment and find it useful!

References and Credits

Animated Image Columns was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Text Trail Effect

Today we’d like to share a little text effect for a slideshow with you. It’s based on the animation seen in the Dribbble shot Abstract is hiring. The idea is to show a trail of a text when transitioning between slides of a slideshow. The animations are made using TweenMax.

Attention: Note that this is very experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

We’ve created five demos with different typography and effects for the images as we go from one slide to another. The text trail layout is made by using a flexbox container that will make the height of each text container shrink so that all fit into the viewport (height). Some of the texts will be visible in full height (we set them specifically to flex: none). Using blend modes and rotations also creates an interesting look.






We hope you enjoy this effect and find it useful!

References and Credits

Text Trail Effect was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Grid Reveal Effects with Anime.js

Recently, a new version of anime.js was released. One of the great new features is its staggering system that makes complex follow through and overlapping animations really simple. We wanted to give it a try and experiment with this new feature on an image grid with many thumbnails. We’ve created four demos, each with a different staggering effect that hides and shows small images to reveal some content underneath.

Attention: Note that this is highly experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

If you want to learn more about staggering in anime, you can check out the great documentation: Staggering in anime.js

In the first demo, we make the thumbnails disappear from the point where we clicked and then reverse this animation when closing the full view.



In the second demo, we fade and scale the thumbnails down. Not from the center though but from the edges. We also make the thumbnails appear again in the same way when closing the full view.


The third demo shows how to make the items disappear towards the bottom right corner.


The last demo is a more playful example: here we let the thumbnails “fall down”. When closing the view, we make them show again by moving them upwards.


We hope you like these effects and find them useful!

References and Credits

Grid Reveal Effects with Anime.js was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Text Distortion Effects using Blotter.js

Distortion effects have become quite popular over the past two years and now many extraordinary website designs have some unique form of this intriguing trend. Today we’d like to share two demos with you that show how to use Blotter, a three.js and Underscore.js powered API for drawing artsy text effects. We used it to distort text on scroll and on mouse move.

The inspiration for this experiment comes from the project page of Bounce where you can see decorative letters being distorted on scroll.

If you enjoy this little experiment, you might also like Yannis’ Liquid Distortion Effects or Robin’s WebGL Distortion Hover Effects or Lucas’ Animated Heat Distortion Effects with WebGL.

Attention: Note that this is experimental and that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.


Blotter gives us an easy to use interface for creating text effects that utilize GLSL shaders. You can use one of the many configurable effects (materials) or, if you are familiar with GLSL, implement completely new ones. Read the basics to understand how to use it and play with one of the materials to see it in action.


The main idea in our demos is to change the value of the material’s uniform as we scroll the page. The faster the scrolling the more the value changes. Here’s a simplified example on how to achieve this:

<span data-blotter>text here</span>
const MathUtils = {
  // Equation of a line.
  lineEq: (y2, y1, x2, x1, currentVal) => {
    var m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1), b = y1 - m * x1;
    return m * currentVal + b;
  // Linear Interpolation function.
  lerp: (a, b, n) =>  (1 - n) * a + n * b

// Create the blotter material. 
const material = new Blotter.LiquidDistortMaterial();
// Set the default material uniform values.
material.uniforms.uSpeed.value = .5;
material.uniforms.uVolatility.value = 0;
material.uniforms.uSeed.value = 0.4;
// Create the Blotter instance.
const blotter = new Blotter(material);
// Initialize the Blotter Text on all HTML elements with data-blotter.
const blotterElems = [...document.querySelectorAll('[data-blotter]')];
blotterElems.forEach((el) => {
  const text = new Blotter.Text(el.innerHTML);
  // Now delete the html content.
  el.innerHTML = '';
  // The created canvas.
  const scope = blotter.forText(text);
  // Append it to the main element.

// Now, change one (or more) uniform value as we scroll. 
// The faster the scrolling the more the value changes.
let currentScroll = window.pageYOffset;
// The volatility is the uniform that will change.  
let volatility = 0;
// It will go from 0 (not scrolling) to 0.9 (scrolling at a speed of maxscroll).
const maxscroll = 10;
const uniformValuesRange = [0,0.9];
// Using requestAnimationFrame + linear interpolation for the effect.
const render = () => {
  // Current scroll position
  const newScroll = window.pageYOffset;
  // How much was scrolled from the last repaint.
  const scrolled = Math.abs(newScroll - currentScroll);
  // Get the new value of volatility.
  volatility =  MathUtils.lerp(volatility, Math.min(MathUtils.lineEq(uniformValuesRange[1], uniformValuesRange[0], maxscroll, 0, scrolled), 0.9), 0.05);
  // Set the volatility.
  material.uniforms.uVolatility.value = volatility;
  // Update the current scroll.
  currentScroll = newScroll;
  // Repeat.

In the first demo the scroll speed determines the distortion amount:

TextDistortionEffect1.2019-02-05 23_54_17

And in the second demo, the speed of the mouse movement controls the intensity of the effect:

TextDistortionEffect.2019-02-05 23_51_13

We hope you like this experiment and find it useful!

References and Credits

Text Distortion Effects using Blotter.js was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Layer Motion Slideshow

Today we’d like to share yet another CSS Grid-powered slideshow with you. The idea is to show and hide images with a reveal effect and add a parallax like effect to the main image and the title. For the title we’ve added two copied layers with an outline style which creates an interesting motion effect. For the animations we use TweenMax.

Attention: Note that we use modern CSS properties that might not be supported in older browsers.

The initial view of the slideshow looks as follows:


For each slide we have a custom grid layout with one main image that spans the full height of the page. When we go next, the images will be hidden with a sliding motion and the title letters disappear randomly. The new slide will reveal its images and the title in a similar fashion.

When moving the mouse, we move copied layers of the main image and the title to create a trail-like effect.

Once the plus after the excerpt is clicked, we show the content of the slide and change the background color:


We hope you like this slideshow and find it useful!

References and Credits

Layer Motion Slideshow was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.

Motion Transition Effect

Today we’d like to share a little speedy motion effect with you. The idea is based on the Dribbble shot Ping Pong Slow Motion by Gal Shir where you can see a ping pong ball being shot from one racket to the other. The motion in the animation is enhanced by squeezing the ball and making some background stripes’ height pulsate. This is exactly what we want to do in a slideshow transition: we’ll squeeze the image and add some background effect. Additionally, we’ll make the letters of the title fly away consecutively.

The animations are powered by TweenMax.

The grain texture for the background was generated using Grained by Sarath Saleem.

Attention: Note that we use modern CSS properties like CSS Grid and CSS Custom Properties that are not supported in older browsers.

The slideshow shows a image in the center of the page:


When clicking on “next” or “previous”, the image will move away, being squeezed to create the illusion of a fast acceleration. The letters will fly away and the background shapes will start “pulsating”.


We hope you enjoy this little effect and find it useful!

References and Credits

Motion Transition Effect was written by Mary Lou and published on Codrops.