Leveraging Azure Cloud and Docker for ASP.NET Core Projects: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

Businesses are constantly seeking robust, scalable, and efficient solutions to develop, deploy, and manage their applications. Microsoft's Azure Cloud services, along with Docker support for ASP.NET Core, present a compelling proposition for those aiming to enhance their project development lifecycle. This guide explores the integration of Azure Cloud and Docker for ASP.NET Core projects and elucidates why businesses should consider this powerful combination for their ventures.

Introduction to ASP.NET Core, Azure Cloud, and Docker

ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft for building modern, cloud-based, internet-connected applications. It's renowned for its high performance, versatility, and modular architecture, making it suitable for developing web applications, IoT apps, and mobile backends.

Revolutionizing API Development: A Journey Through Clean Architecture With Adapter Pattern in ASP.NET Core

In the realm of software development, design patterns play a pivotal role in ensuring the maintainability, scalability, and flexibility of the codebase. One such pattern is the Adapter Design Pattern, which allows the interface of an existing class to be used as another interface, facilitating the integration of disparate systems. 

In this article, we'll explore how to implement the Adapter Design Pattern in an ASP.NET Core Web API using Clean Architecture. We'll use a model named DZoneArticles with properties, and we'll cover the complete CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations along with the implementation of business logic in all methods. 

Building a Microservices API Gateway With YARP in ASP.NET Core Web API

Let's walk through a more detailed step-by-step process with code for a more comprehensive API Gateway using YARP in ASP.NET Core. We'll consider a simplified scenario with two microservices: UserService and ProductService. The API Gateway will route requests to these services based on the path.

Step 1: Create Microservices

Create two separate ASP.NET Core Web API projects for UserService and ProductService. Use the following commands:

Why Angular and ASP.NET Core Make a Winning Team

The seamless functioning of an application requires a robust build and flawless coordination between its front-end and back-end technologies. The front end is responsible for defining the UI and UX of an app, while the back end powers its features and handles logic.

That’s why it is imperative that developers come up with a combination of technologies that ensures maximum feasibility between both ends, thereby empowering the creation of a robust, functional application.

PHP or ASP.NET: Which Powerhouse Platform Prevails for Your Next Project?

When it comes to web development, choosing the right platform is crucial. PHP and ASP.NET are two of the most popular options, but which one is the best fit for your project? In this article, we'll explore the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms to help you make an informed decision.  

But before we dive into the details, let's start with a brief introduction. PHP is an open-source scripting language that is widely used for web development. It's known for its flexibility, ease of use, and extensive community support. On the other hand, ASP.NET is a web application framework developed by Microsoft. It's based on the .NET framework and supports multiple programming languages, including C# and Visual Basic.  

How To Develop and Customize a Shopping Cart Based on ASP.NET

An essential component of the online store is the shopping cart. It might also be among the hardest components to create for an eCommerce website. Customers can choose things, evaluate their choices, edit them, add more items if necessary, and then buy the items using a shopping cart. During checkout, the program normally produces an order total that takes into account postage, packing, and handling fees, as well as taxes, if applicable.

In some website builders, a shopping cart, as well as a wishlist, can be built-in. If enabled in the admin area, each product can be put into the shopping cart or wishlist. Usually, a shopping cart and wishlist can be disabled, and the access control list page can be used to configure it.

The Architecture and MVC Pattern of an ASP.NET E-Commerce Platform

An open-source project based on .NET technologies with understandable architecture can help many developers to build e-commerce solutions for their customers or employer. It can be easily customizable and pluggable that enables the development and integration of any features, extensions, and themes. Every .NET developer may download the source code and start creating any e-commerce project. 

To help developers create high-performance and scalable e-commerce solutions, this article explains how to build an architecture and source code, as well as how to use an MVC pattern.

Top 4 ASP.NET and .NET Open-Source Projects

If you are a web developer, open-source projects can help not only expand your practical knowledge but build solutions and services for yourself and your clients. This software provides hands-on opportunities to implement existing approaches, patterns, and software engineering techniques that can be applied to projects further down the road.

Since it is vital to securely create solutions that may be easily scaled, we will consider projects that are built on ASP.NET technology. It is a framework for building innovative cloud-based web applications using .NET that can be used for development and deployment on various operating systems.

Why my ASP controller is returning a null Model

Good morning everyone, I have an MVC projet in ASP.NET and I got a little problem with the project, when I run the main program.cs script it breaks and says that the Model is null. I have followed every required step when implementing an entity relationship framework in ASP.NET. I suspect my problem is in the AlienController.cs file. Here is how am building the app

namespace L06HandsOn.Models
   //alien model
    public class Alien

        public int? arms {get;set;}
        public int? legs { get; set; }
        public int? heads { get; set; } 
        public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; }
        public Planet PlanetOrigin { get; set; }    

    public enum Planet
        Mercury,Venus, Earth, WhatOnceWas,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune,TheUnappreciatedPluto

and below is my datacontext file

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace L06HandsOn.Models
    public class AliensContext:DbContext
        public AliensContext(DbContextOptions<AliensContext> options) : base(options)

        public DbSet<Alien> Aliens { get; set; }

and below is my aliencontroller.cs file

using L06HandsOn.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace L06HandsOn.Controllers
    public class AlienController:Controller
        private readonly AliensContext _context;

        //require the parameter on constructor 
        public AlienController(AliensContext cont)
            _context =cont; 
        //get the aliens
        public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
            return View(await _context.Aliens.ToListAsync());
        public async Task<IActionResult> Details(int? id)
            if (id == null)
                return NotFound();
            var alien=await _context.Aliens.SingleOrDefaultAsync(); 
            if(alien== null)
                return NotFound();
            return View(alien);

and finally here is how am registering the database context in the main of the program

using L06HandsOn.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.

var connectionString = "Data Source=AliensEntityFramework.db";

var app = builder.Build();

// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (!app.Environment.IsDevelopment())
    // The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see https://aka.ms/aspnetcore-hsts.




    name: "default",
    pattern: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");


Why is my ASP.NET app returning a null for the Model please help

Creating 5,000 background threads in my ASP.NET Web app

I once saw a guy speaking about multi threaded programming, and he asked his audience how many of the people amongst had audience had created multiple threads, at which point half the room lifted their arms. Then he asked how many had used dozens of threads running simultaneously, at which point 25% of the room kept their arms up. When he reached the question "how many have created millions of concurrently executed threads" the speaker was the only person left with his arm raised. The reasons for this of course, is because the idea of creating millions of concurrently executed background threads is simply ridiculous to even imagine.

However with Hyperlambda, at least in theory, this is actually quite easily achieved. To understand how this is possible, realise that multi threading is just a state machine, allowing you to perform context switches, at the CPU level, with an interrupt scheduling work for each individual thread.

ASP.NET Web API: Benefits and Why to Choose It

In the modern technology world, web-based applications are not sufficient to reach a larger audience. People are now using several smart devices, including smartphones, tablets, etc., in their day-to-day life. Such devices have a multitude of apps that makes life easier. Now everyone is shifting from the web to a world full of applications.

If you want to expose the data to apps and browsers faster and more securely, you need a compatible API or application programming interface. Several popular web APIs like ASP.NET effectively collect, change, or update the data. The Web API is quite helpful in ASP.NET development for creating RESTful apps.

In-memory Automated UI Testing ASP.NET Core


In this article, we look at how to run in-memory automated UI tests for an ASP.NET Core web app using Playwright and NUnit. The article provides demo code and solutions to issues found along the way.

Automated UI Testing

Automated testing of any web application is essential to ensure it functions correctly.  On the top of the “testing pyramid” proudly sits UI testing or end-to-end testing, above integration and unit testing.  Automated UI testing involves launching and controlling a browser to drive through a set of interactions that a user would perform.  Assertions are made to see if the web app and browser behave as expected.  Browsers are controlled by testing tools such as Selenium,  Puppeteer, or the new kid on the block, Playwright.

Deploy an ASP.NET Core Application in the IBM Cloud Code Engine

While there are many use cases to explore, in this blog we are going to explore how can you deploy a dot net core application from scratch into the IBM Cloud code engine. I would also suggest looking into this article for understanding when to use an application or a job.

What You’ll Learn in This Tutorial

Upon completion of this tutorial, you will know how to:

Distributed Tracing in ASP.NET Core With Jaeger and Tye, Part 2: Project Tye

In This Series:

  1. Distributed Tracing With Jaeger
  2. Simplifying the Setup With Tye (this article)

Tye is an experimental dotnet tool from Microsoft that aims to make developing, testing, and deploying microservices easier. Tye's opinionated nature greatly simplifies the lifecycle of development and deployment of .NET Core microservices.

To understand the benefits of Tye, let's enumerate the steps involved in the development and deployment of the DCalculator application to Kubernetes:

Distributed Tracing in ASP.NET Core With Jaeger and Tye Part 1: Distributed Tracing

In This Series:

  1. Distributed Tracing With Jaeger (this article)
  2. Simplifying the Setup With Tye (coming soon)

Modern microservices applications consist of many services deployed on various hosts such as Kubernetes, AWS ECS, and Azure App Services or serverless compute services such as AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. One of the key challenges of microservices is the reduced visibility of requests that span multiple services. In distributed systems that perform various operations such as database queries, publish and consume messages, and trigger jobs, how would you quickly find issues and monitor the behavior of services? The answer to the perplexing problem is Distributed Tracing.

Distributed Tracing, Open Tracing, and Jaeger

Distributed Tracing is the capability of a tracing solution that you can use to track a request across multiple services. The tracing solutions use one or more correlation IDs to collate the request traces and store the traces, which are structured log events across different services, in a central database.

Working With dotConnect for Oracle in ASP.NET Core


dotConnect for Oracle is a fast ORM for Oracle from Devart that is built on top of ADO.NET and provides you an opportunity to connect to and work with Oracle databases from your .NET or .NET Core applications. It is a fast, scalable data access framework that can be used in WinForms, ASP.NET, etc.

The article discusses the striking features of dotConnect for Oracle and shows how to work with it in ASP.NET Core.