Dare Mighty Things — ASCII


NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover landing was a historic moment. It was the first time we saw those moments of a rover landing on Mars. That event was huge for many people watching this on their screens and it will inspire us for years.

Every single image we saw after this landing contains a new surprise and one of those were talks about hidden message found on the NASA Mars rover parachute.

Collective #489


React as a UI Runtime

An in-depth article by Dan Abramov that will help you understand the React programming model and runtime environment.

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The Unplash for audio: free (do whatever you want) music that you can use in your projects.

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Limiting JavaScript?

An article by Tim Kadlec where he discusses the controversial idea of limiting the amount of JavaScript a website can load.

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From Our Blog

Custom Cursor Effects

A collection of five demos and a tutorial on how to create animated custom cursor effects for interactive elements like navigations, galleries and carousels.

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Collective #489 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #339



An essential guide that lets you discover best practices, stories, and insights from the world’s top design leaders.

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An svg map component built with and for React. It allows the creation of pure React SVG maps using d3-geo and topojson.

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Posterus is a library of promise-like asynchronous primitives (futures) that support true cancellation. By Nelo Mitranim.

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Topography of Dante’s Inferno

“The Topography of Dante’s Inferno (Infernal Topography)” is an alternative learning tool for the Divine Comedy first Cantica, made for aiding visual memory. A fantastic Chrome Experiment developed by Alpaca.

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Magically combine the transparency of a PNG with the compression of a JPEG. By Stephen Shaw.

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AsciiDots is an esoteric programming language based on ASCII art. In this language, dots, represented by periods, travel down ASCII art paths and undergo operations. By Aaron Janse.

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Collective #339 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.