Experiment With OpenTelemetry: Play With the Future Cloud Native Metrics Framework, Now

Everyone loves hooking up 42 different types of observability tooling to all of their infrastructure and apps, right? No? Me neither, and this is why I’m so excited about OpenTelemetry. Not only is OpenTelemetry a specification that all of the observability/monitoring/APM vendors appear to be rallying around, but it’s also a framework of standardized tools, APIs, and SDKs. This truly has the potential to be the one observability standard to rule them all!

Accordingly, we are excited to announce an OpenTelemetry integration in the K8s Initializer project to enable observable application-ready Kubernetes playgrounds. Although the OpenTelemetry observability framework has not yet been given the generally available (GA) label, it’s anticipated exit of beta is just around the corner. We were keen to play around with this tech and figured you would be too.

What Does Your APM Look Like? [Survey]

Monitoring application performance has always been a major challenge. Today, with the rise of distributed environments, microservices, and containers, monitoring application performance has become even harder. In recent years, new application performance monitoring (APM) tools and capabilities have emerged to help, but how much are IT teams truly leveraging them? If you are involved in application performance monitoring at your organization, we want to hear from you! Please take this 3-4 minute survey and help us better understand your experience. 

Over the next few weeks, we plan to survey hundreds of developers about their experiences with APM tools. The key findings from the survey will be found in our Application Performance Monitoring Trend Report to be released in May. It is our hope that we can identify some of the key trends in APM, and the leading challenges developers are experiencing so we can create content that helps the DZone community stay ahead of the curve. Thank you so much in advance for your help, we truly appreciate your contributions to this amazing community.

What Is Application Performance Monitoring?

Over recent years, the term APM has become increasingly used by lots of vendors and tools. Some refer to it as Application Performance Monitoring and some as Application Performance Management. But what is the difference? As the founder of a company that creates these types of tools, I definitely have some opinions on Application Performance Monitoring vs Application Performance Management. It’s important to know the difference if you are planning to use an APM tool to troubleshoot app issues and need more visibility into performance bottlenecks.

You may also like: APM Tools Comparions: Which One Should You Choose?

How Can APMs Help Software Teams Create Better User Experiences?

If a whole server becomes unresponsive, you need to know what kind of web activity caused it, and quickly. Application Performance Management, or APM, gives you this visibility, and more.

APM tools monitor and manage user experiences in software applications. Unlike crash reporting, which manages the detailed information on errors, APM tools surface problems on the server-side of your app.