Angular Components and Display: Understanding the Non-Block Default

Angular, a powerful framework for building dynamic web applications, is known for its component-based architecture. However, one aspect that often puzzles new developers is the fact that Angular components do not have a display: block style by default. This article explores the implications of this design choice, its impact on web development, and how developers can effectively work with it.

The world of front-end development is replete with frameworks that aim to provide developers with robust tools to build interactive and dynamic web applications.

Managing Component State in NativeScript ListView

This article originally appeared on Medium.

A while ago I blogged about using Multiple Items Templates in a NativeScript ListView and briefly touched on the topics of UI Virtualization and View/Component Recycling. Looks like there are some hidden traps you can hit while developing apps with ListView related to this, especially if you are using Angular Components as items in your ListView and keep some state in the components.