Overview of AWS Security Tools and Processes

Here are some of the tools in AWS's security infrastructure.

Any time a company moves/transmits confidential or proprietary information or data, there is always that nagging concern about security. Internal IT specialists do their best to secure the premises. Employees are trained and often barred from using company devices for personal purposes. Third-party contractors are scrutinized for their security measures. Still, data breaches occur – big ones sometimes.

Optimizing AWS Control Tower For Multiple AWS Accounts And Teams

You can see everything from up here!

One of the major benefits of optimizing Amazon Web Service is that it comes with an extensive set of tools for managing deployments and user identities. Most organizations can meticulously manage how their cloud environment is set up and how users can access different parts of that environment through AWS IAM.

However, there are times when even the most extensive IAM and other management tools just aren’t enough. For larger corporations or businesses who are scaling their cloud deployment on a higher level, setting up multiple AWS accounts—run by different teams—is often the solution.

Kubernetes on AWS: How to Connect to RDS

Hey there! It’s time to write a new blog post about something really hot — Kubernetes. In order to make this article even spicier, I want to talk about Kubernetes in terms of AWS and access to a database. So basically this post is for those of you who want to set up a Kubernetes application on Amazon Cloud and configure access to RDS (Postgres/MySQL) from the application. Let’s get started!

A long time ago, the software development world was taken by storm with the concept of containerization. Since that time, every backend developer should know what is Docker and how to use it. That was only the beginning of something bigger. Today, I can definitely say that containers without proper orchestration and service discovery mechanism are pretty useless. Here is where Kubernetes comes in.