The Complete Guide to Agile Project Management

Have you ever wondered how tech giants manage to develop and update numerous products in such a short time? The answer lies in Agile. Agile project management focuses on speed, frequent releases, and feedback loops. According to Vitality Chicago, Agile’s failure rate is a meager 8% compared to Waterfall’s 22%. It’s no wonder 71% of companies use Agile approaches, and the interest is stronger than ever.

What is Agile Project Management?

Agile is an iterative approach to project management that prioritizes collaboration, feedback, and response to changes during the project lifecycle. Here, the project is broken down into short developmental cycles or stages called iterations. During each iteration, team members collaborate with stakeholders to adjust and improve processes and the final deliverable.

Agile project management traces its roots back to software development in the 1990s. Software teams, in particular, found traditional project management methods (such as Waterfall) to be too rigid. Software development requires autonomy, adaptability, and flexibility as opposed to more traditional projects (such as manufacturing) with fixed processes and predictable outcomes.

The Agile methodology has since found widespread use outside of software development and can be applied to virtually any project with constantly changing objectives.

4 Tools to Improve Agile Project Management Implementation

The Agile philosophy and principles aside, there are practical tools that you need to implement this methodology successfully. The most critical tools include:

1. Project Management Software

If ever there was a cheat-sheet for implementing Agile project management, you can find it in a software suite. There are project management tools dedicated explicitly to agile software development teams. However, this software tends to target DevOps since Agile is inherently a software development approach.

Instead, we recommend Wrike, a more flexible project management tool adaptable to various industries. Wrike’s features cover all the essential Agile principles and include:

  • Customizable dashboards, request forms, and workflows to suit any team
  • Enhanced collaboration, including files, reports, tasks, and calendar sharing
  • Kanban boards, interactive Gnatt charts, and purpose-built templates
  • Task automation
  • Media integrations
  • Time tracking
  • Advanced analytics
  • And more

Wrike also offers free trials for all its plans. Good project management software comes integrated with the essential tools you need to manage your Agile project from start to finish. Check out our Best Project Management Software post here for the complete picture of your best project management software currently on the market.

2. Agile Project Plan and Workflow Templates

As with all project management methodologies, you’ll need to develop a project plan. The first step is to define a project vision, including documenting the known business and technical requirements. This stage also includes gathering and documenting estimates for scope, time, and budget. Crucially, project planning also involves creating your project team.

Unlike traditional project management methodologies, Agile planning primarily focuses on the first sprint. An agile template helps make the planning easier by using a checklist-style approach not to miss anything. The project plan template also helps visualize the plan and is easily shareable with team members.

The workflow template is different from the project plan template. Depending on the framework you choose (Scrum is the most common for Agile project management), the appropriate template helps to hasten this process. Again, templates are crucial for visualizing your workflow. Also, the workflow for Agile PM focuses on the initial sprint or iteration.

Good PM software comes loaded with these templates, so it’s only a matter of filling out the details. Wrike, for example, easily handles the project planning and workflow stages, so you don’t need additional templates.

3. Work in Progress (WIP) Limit

The Agile PM methodology places a hard cap on the number of tasks that team members can complete at any one time. To stay true to this principle, a WIP tool helps visualize the pieces of work in progress and make the necessary adjustments. For example, Agile recommends a limit of three ongoing tasks at a time. This approach helps to avoid context switching and multitasking.

A Kanban board is a simple yet effective WIP tool. The board uses cards and columns to break down tasks into “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Complete” segments of a workflow.

Most project management software, including Wrike, already comes with integrated Kanban boards. If you want a Kanban-style standalone tool, we recommend Trello.

4. Burndown Charts

A burndown chart helps to visualize the team’s progress from the end user’s perspective. Simply put, this chart reveals how much work is left to do and the amount of time to do it in. A burndown chart includes the following crucial data points:

  • Total work in each iteration
  • Remaining tasks
  • Estimated team speed
  • Actual team speed

There are two main types of burndown charts. The first is the Sprint Burndown, which shows the work remaining in the sprint or iteration. Secondly, the Product Burndown showing the performance for the entire project.

Wrike, like most other project management software adapted to Agile, includes burndown charts.

The Basics of Agile Project Management

There are four distinct values laid out in the Agile Manifesto. These values form the foundation of Agile project management.

Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools

Focusing on processes and tools makes it difficult to accommodate new thinking, new ideas, and unique requirements. This Agile value focuses on team members’ contribution to the project rather than processes and tools driving the project. This approach helps develop an agile team that can quickly adapt to internal and external changes rather than bogged down by bureaucracy and fixed procedures and tools.

In any case, team member’s energy, problem-solving abilities, and innovation are more straightforward to tap into than complex processes and tools. The latter requires plenty of time and money investment to maintain, which can divert focus from the crucial tasks at hand. Central to this human-centric value is communication, teamwork, innovation, and taking personal ownership of the project.

Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation

Traditional project management methodologies are heavy on documentation. From interface design documents, technical prospectus, technical requirements, documentation plans, and the subsequent approvals, it’s no wonder delays in the development process are inevitable.

While Agile doesn’t completely throw out documentation, it streamlines the process to the bare minimum to get the work done.

In Agile, documentation is replaced with User Story. The user story describes the software (or product) features from an end-user perspective. User stories use simple, informal, and natural language and are a simplified version of traditional documentation.

In short, a user story answers the “who,” “what,” and “why” of the products’ requirements to determine the steps in the project lifecycle.

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation

Traditional project management methodologies insist on detailed contracts before and after the project. Frequently, there is a mismatch in the contract terms, the final product, and the customer’s expectations. To bypass this challenge, Agile project management focuses on customer collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.

This approach ensures that the final product meets the customer’s expectations while minimizing wasted time and resources.

Responding to Change over Following a Plan

Agile project management is peculiar for its minimalistic approach to project planning. Traditional PM methodologies outline elaborate plans at the beginning of the project that team members must follow to the tee. This strategy can get in the way of customer satisfaction if the client requests new features or changes the project scope.

Agile proposes an evaluation after each project stage or sprint. Any new feedback or discoveries are then implemented in the next stage. This system allows for flexibility and adaptability and accommodates shifting priorities throughout the project lifecycle.

7 Tricks for Implementing Agile Project Management

Here are seven things you can do to implement the Agile approach to your project management methodology.

1. Choose a Suitable Agile Approach

While there are fixed principles that define Agile project management, Agile is actually an umbrella term encompassing several approaches. Ultimately, all Agile practices have two things in common. They are iterative and incremental processes. The Agile approach you choose largely depends on the project at hand. The specific framework may also change from one project to the next. Examples of Agile frameworks include:


Scrum framework is almost synonymous with Agile and is arguably the most popular framework. Scrum breaks down the project into sections called sprints that are typically two or four weeks long. At the beginning of each sprint, team members prioritize a list of requirements to complete during the specific sprint. The project unfolds one sprint at a time.

Scrum teams consist of a Scrum Master and a Product Owner. The scrum master is the team’s leader and is primarily responsible for ensuring that the team sticks to Agile principles. The Product Owner is the subject matter expert for the project, responsible for ensuring that the project lives up to the stakeholder’s expectations.

The rest of the scrum team comprises cross-disciplinary experts such as designers, architects, engineers, and testers.


The Kanban framework focuses on visualizing the workflow. This way, teams can break down the project into small pieces. Kanban is particularly effective at identifying bottlenecks and reducing waste. Also, this framework lays out explicit process policies and well-defined project limits to maximize efficiency and productivity.

Kanban encourages teams to focus on fewer work items at a time. This strategy helps keep the work items from getting blocked, stuck, or delayed during the different development stages.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme programming is specifically geared toward software development projects. This framework is similar to scrum in that it breaks down the project into sprints. However, XP lays out explicit processes specific to software development.

Also, Extreme Programming is more focused on the quality of software practitioner’s habits, such as adhering to coding standards and frequently checking code against the master code.

Other Agile Frameworks

Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP) are the most common Agile frameworks. Additional frameworks include:

  • Feature-driven Development (FFD)
  • Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
  • Lean
  • Crystal
  • Bimodal
  • Hybrid

2. Set the Scope for the Project

Project planning entails defining the project scope. The best time to do this is during the initial planning meeting. In Agile, you’ll be loosely defining the project’s end goal and how to achieve it. Since Agile projects are inherently flexible and rely heavily on feedback, the work scope should reflect this reality.

An elevator pitch works well for setting the scope for your project.

3. Train Your Team Members

While simple on the surface, Agile can be complicated to implement. For this reason, it’s a good idea to train the critical team members on Agile principles. The Agile Manifesto is a great launching pad, but your team may need more comprehensive training.

If you’re implementing Agile for the first time, it’s a good idea to start with a small non-crucial project. This strategy gives your team a low-pressure scenario to practice its Agile knowledge and expertise. Similarly, you can evaluate these small projects and determine areas of improvement before moving on to larger and more critical projects.

4. Implement Daily Standups

The daily standup is Agile speak for daily meetings. These meetings are crucial given the fast-paced nature of Agile project management. These meetings are typically 10-15 minutes and discuss three crucial aspects:

  • What did we complete yesterday?
  • What are we working on today?
  • Are there any obstacles in the way?

Agile being a team-centric methodology, these daily meetings ensure that your team can identify and resolve problems as soon as they occur.

5. Stay Focused on Flow Efficiency

Traditional project management methodologies focus on optimum capacity utilization. However, in Agile, the main focus should be flow. By following the mantra “manage the work, not the workers,” you can create an environment where team members lean towards value-adding activities, collaboration, and knowledge sharing.

To this end, it’s helpful to identify specific value-adding activities and those activities that don’t add value. The former goes on the Kanban board, where it’s then easy to map the workflow from start to finish.

Swarming is also a valuable strategy for optimizing flow. When a team member finishes their assigned work items, they help other members with their tasks rather than starting new work. Swarming helps to foster teamwork and collaboration and is an effective tool for removing bottlenecks from the workflow.

6. Conduct Sprint Reviews

A large chunk of incremental improvement comes from sprint reviews. Ideally, you should have a functional piece of software (or product) shipped at the end of each sprint cycle. This is an excellent opportunity to review what the team did right and what could be improved during the next sprint.

Include everyone working on the project and the critical stakeholders in the sprint review. An effective sprint review should take an hour or two. This isn’t the time for lengthy PowerPoint presentations and feature dissertations. Instead, focus on the practical aspects of the sprint and how these can be improved.

7. Manage the Queue Size

Traditional project management places great emphasis on timelines. While this take is critical in delivering products on time, it can put undue pressure on the team. Agile project management takes a slightly different approach in this regard. Rather than managing deadlines, Agile focuses more on managing the queue size.

Managing the queue size naturally increases efficiency and reduces the cycle time. Visualizing the work queue with a Kanban board helps draw attention to areas where tasks tend to pile up. Next, you can take action steps to remove the bottlenecks, such as reducing the work items’ batch size.

The Complete Guide to Project Management Methodologies

Choosing the right project management methodology is crucial to the success of any organization. Whether you’re managing a single team of a few individuals or overseeing an extensive portfolio of projects across an entire department, narrowing down the methodology is the first step.

With so many variables to consider for each project, the methodology represents the core foundation of how teams will approach each task and process throughout the project lifecycle.

Ultimately, implementing the right project management methodology helps managers improve efficiencies and reduce bottlenecks in the workflow.

Once deployed, project management methodologies can be repeated from project to project, creating total consistency for your team at scale.

What is a Project Management Methodology?

Simply put, project management methodologies define the infrastructure for completing projects. Each method has its own unique blueprint for how tasks and projects are executed from start to finish.

Factors like workflow, team roles, checks and balances, deadlines, expectations, and more will vary from one methodology to another.

As a project manager, it’s essential to take a big-picture approach to project management to ensure that goals are reached on-time without going over budget. The total project scope must be considered before you can deploy a project management methodology that makes sense for your team.

4 Tools to Improve Project Management Methodologies

Modern technology has made it much easier to apply different management styles to various project types. In addition to the four tools listed below, check out our complete guide of the best project management software on the market today.

#1 — Trello

Trusted by over one million teams across the globe, Trello is one of the most popular project management solutions on the market today. Big names like Google, Costco, Squarespace, and Fender all rely on Trello. One of the reasons why this tool ranks so high on my list is its versatility. It’s a viable option for teams of all sizes across every industry, and it supports multiple project management methodologies. Trello uses Kanban-style boards to manage tasks. If you’re working with beginners and teams without a ton of experience using project management software, Trello has virtually no learning curve.

Every Trello plan comes with unlimited cards and built-in automation. The automated tools are perfect for managers who want to reduce the number of tedious clicks and tasks they make daily. Instead of worrying about mundane housekeeping work, you’ll have the ability to focus on big-picture management goals. Trello has an entry-level plan that’s free forever. Upgrade to a paid plan if you want more than just a Kanban board. These come with dashboard views, timeline views, team table views, calendar views, map views, and more. I personally use Trello daily to manage projects for multiple teams, so it’s definitely a tool that I can recommend with confidence.

#2 — Wrike

Wrike is another well-known and trusted name in the project management software space. It’s used by more than 20,000 organizations like Dell, Airbnb, Siemens, and more. The software is a bit unique compared to some of the other project management tools on the market today. Wrike is built to accommodate the needs of marketers and creative teams. The tool makes it easy to manage creative briefs, incoming requests, and automating workflows. Wrike even has ready-made templates for things like proofing and approvals.

In addition to marketing, Wrike has solutions for professional services organizations and product development teams as well. It’s used for enterprise project management, agency project management, agile project management, project portfolio management, resource management, remote work, and more. But at its core, Wrike really stands out from the crowd with its marketing templates for things like content creation, event management, marketing operations, campaign management, and go-to-market planning. It comes with visual workload management tools, team collaboration features, over 400 integrations, Gantt charts, and so much more. The software is free for up to five users. Paid plans start as low as $9.80 per month. Try it for free with a 14-day trial.

#3 — Zoho Projects

Zoho is one of the most well-recognized names in the world of cloud software and SaaS applications for business. So it should come as no surprise to see Zoho Projects rank so high on our list. The software is extremely versatile and can accommodate a wide range of teams, industries, and project management methodologies. Zoho Projects allows team members and project managers alike to see the big-picture view of projects and tasks with Gantt chart views. The software has an intuitive user interface and integrates with other business apps like Google Drive, Microsoft Teams, Basecamp, Slack, Zapier, and more.

Zoho Projects is used for project teams in categories like construction, education, marketing, software development, real estate, consulting, quality assurance testing, and more. Another unique standout of Zoho Projects is its time tracking capabilities. Your entire team can track how much time they spend on particular tasks. As a manager, this gives you crucial insights required to identify potential bottlenecks in your process. It’s also a useful feature to manage client billing. For small teams of up to three users, Zoho Projects is free forever. But the free plan only supports two projects, so it’s not really a viable business option at scale. Paid plans start at just $5 per month and support unlimited projects. Try Zoho Projects for free with a 10-day trial.

#4 — Jira Software

Jira Software has the same parent company as Trello, a tool mentioned earlier on our list. Even though Jira and Trello are both offered by Atlassian, the two are very different. While Trello is a simple project management solution that’s easy for beginners and a wide range of potential use cases, Jira is a bit more complex and use-case specific. This project management tool is built specifically for software development teams using agile project management methodologies.

Developers have unique needs. Jira recognizes this and offers features within the platform to accommodate projects in the software development category. You can use it to plan sprints, create user stories, and assign tasks to your entire software team. You’ll be able to prioritize tasks and see everything within the full context of your goal. Jira supports continuous integration and deployment, and you can use it to track and manage different software releases. Jira also offers real-time visual reporting information that you can use to assess your team’s performance. If you’re managing an agile software development team, Jira should be at the top of your list. It’s free for up to ten users, and paid plans start at $7. Sign up for a free trial to try a premium Jira version at no cost for seven days.

The Basics of Project Management Methodologies

When you factor in hybrid methodologies and variations, there are dozens of different project management methodologies to choose from. But I’ve identified and explained the most popular ones below.

Waterfall Project Management

The waterfall methodology is arguably the simplest way to manage projects. This methodology follows a linear approach in which each task is completed in a pre-defined sequential order.

Task B isn’t started until Task A is complete. Once Task B is finished, you move on to Task C, and so forth.

This methodology works well for projects with clearly defined outcomes. But it’s not suitable for real-time changes and adaptability throughout the project lifecycle. It also doesn’t work well if clients and stakeholders have a heavy involvement throughout the process.

Agile Project Management

As the name implies, agile project management is much more dynamic than traditional methodologies. Instead of following a linear approach, the agile process is adaptive and built to accommodate changes throughout the process.

Agile principles support contract changes and client collaboration throughout the process. It’s designed for projects that could change at a moment’s notice. If your project starts without a clearly defined end goal, then an agile methodology will likely be the best option for you.

While popular, this methodology isn’t perfect. The lack of structure and too much collaboration can sometimes cause delays in the project. But it’s the best option if your client will be providing feedback and making recommendations in real-time throughout the process.

Scrum Project Management

The scrum project management methodology is popular amongst software development teams. This framework takes a larger project and breaks the tasks up into sprints. Usually, scrum managers will hold a quick 15-minute meeting every day so each team member can share their progress and plan for upcoming tasks.

For scrum to work at the highest level, it requires teams to work autonomously. Even though there are daily check-ins, it’s up to each person to complete the necessary tasks in a given sprint. There won’t be as much micro-management, and teams have the freedom to make certain decisions on their own.

Scrum is built for speed. The methodology is highly adaptable, which is better for projects that don’t have strict timelines. For something like mobile app development or another similar software project, change is expected throughout the process.

Kaban Project Management

This project management methodology is focused on a Kanban board, which tracks tasks within a project. By default, tasks typically fall within three default columns—to-do, in progress, and done. But most project managers expand those columns to account for other steps in the workflow.

Each time a task is completed, it moves to the next column of the Kanban board. It’s common for teams to pass responsibilities off to another person as the task moves throughout the board.

Kanban project management is easy to deploy and doesn’t require a ton of project management experience for the team. It’s ideal for simple tasks and ongoing projects without a clearly defined end date. The best part about Kanban project management is that it’s easy for managers and team members to see the progress at a visual level. So it’s easy to track progress and identify potential bottlenecks. Kanban project management is great for team collaboration as well.

Lean Project Management

The lean methodology dates back to product manufacturing teams. It’s designed to eliminate waste within a project while maximizing customer value. In a nutshell, the goal for lean projects is to improve efficiencies and get more accomplished faster while using fewer resources.

Project managers use a lean approach to identify inefficiencies in the workflow. These managers may ultimately decide to eliminate certain tasks or steps within a process.

Lean projects focus on the bare essentials required to add measurable value to a project. This methodology is perfect for scenarios where organizations must adapt to changing client needs and standards.

3 Tricks For Project Management Methodologies

As an experienced project manager who has used several different methodologies throughout my career, I’ve identified a few quick tricks and simple hacks that you can use to improve your process.

Trick #1: Assess Your Team

The methodology you choose is useless if your team isn’t capable of applying those principles. Except for a startup, most teams are already in place when a new project manager takes over and implements a management methodology.

What methodology has your team used in the past? How large is your team? Will you be working in-person or collaborating remotely?

These are the types of questions you need to ask yourself before you commit to a methodology. In some cases, your favorite methods may not be appropriate for the team in question.

Trick #2: Follow Industry Standards

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel here. There’s a reason why so many project managers within specific industries all use the same methodology.

For example, agile and scrum methodologies are commonly used for software development. That’s because they fit well within the nature of any given software project, regardless of what the final product is supposed to look like. Kanban is better suited for things like construction, marketing, and professional services projects.

If you’re stuck, do some research on what other managers within your industry are using. There’s a good chance you can apply that same methodology to your team.

Trick #3: Think About Scale

The best project managers understand the big-picture. You don’t want to deploy a different methodology for each project. That’s a quick way to confuse your team and fall behind schedule.

Instead, you need to figure out which methodology can easily be repeated across your entire portfolio of projects. This is crucial for agencies that work with a wide range of clients doing different types of projects. If your process is easily repeatable, you can deploy it at scale regardless of other factors.

That’s another reason why it’s so important to have the right project management software. All of your projects can be managed the same way, at scale, within a single source of truth.

Agile Project Management for Distributed Teams

Distribution is a challenging idea.

Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering requirements throughout the project life cycle. Likewise, we live in a world where the whole organizational approach to remote teams is finally changing. As a result, a great number of companies are encouraging remote workforces to a lenient extent. The distributed team concept is getting so endorsed that 50% of all of the US Workforce will be completely remote by the year 2020.

Waterfall vs Agile Project Management: 7 Major Differences (And One Clear Winner)

In the battle between waterfall and agile project management, there can be only one winner. (I would have used an image from the film 'Highlander' if it weren't copyrighted.)

Everything changes over time. From music to clothes to cars, the list is endless.

Software development has followed the same evolution.For most of its history, software development was dominated by the Waterfall methodology. There just wasn’t a better alternative.