Collective #624


A great real-time website privacy inspector that will reveal the specific user-tracking technologies on any given website.

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Buttons that Spark Joy

The web certainly can’t have enough of these: Aaron Iker’s buttons that are mini celebrations. In this article you’ll learn how they are made.

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3D Room

Amazing CSS work by Ricardo Oliva Alonso: a 3D room with great lightning.

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Content delivery networks (CDNs)

This article provides a comprehensive overview of content delivery networks (CDNs). In addition, it explains how to choose, configure, and optimize a CDN setup.

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Mono Icons

A simple, consistent open-source icon set designed to be used in a wide variety of digital products. Read more about it in this article.

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The post Collective #624 appeared first on Codrops.

Collective #548


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The Ultimate WordPress Page Builder

You’ve never built a WordPress website like this before. Divi is more than just a WordPress theme, it’s a completely new website building platform that replaces the standard WordPress post editor with a vastly superior visual editor.

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Simplicity (II)

Bastian Allgeier on the lessons learned while working on very old projects and how the post-build-process era brought dependency hell.

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Can I email

A very useful site that offers support info on more than 50 HTML and CSS features tested across 25 email clients.

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A generative art tool that lets you play with light in a way you never have before. By Jared Forsyth.

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Add depth using a 3D camera view to your web page with CSS3 3D transforms. By Mingyu Kim.

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In case you didn’t know about it: Cables is a tool for creating beautiful interactive content. With an easy to navigate interface and real time visuals, it allows for rapid prototyping and fast adjustments. Currently in public beta.

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End-to-end machine learning project showing key aspects of developing and deploying real life ML driven application.

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Collective #548 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.

Collective #491



IVID is an interactive video player for modern browsers that is easy to setup and use.

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Make it Boring

Jeremy Wagner explains why “boring” can be preferable to “exciting” when it comes to front-end development.

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Lightweight and without any external dependencies, qoa enables you to receive various types of user input through a set of intuitive, interactive and verbose command-line prompts.

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Third Party Web

A summary of which third party scripts are most responsible for excessive JavaScript execution on the web.

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Collective #491 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops.