How to Start an LLC in New York

Want to get started right away? Click here to sign up for ZenBusiness and start your LLC today

Forming an LLC in New York can be a daunting experience for entrepreneurs, new and old alike. 

This isn’t always due to inexperience. Entrepreneurs and business owners have a ton of things to think about and the legal formalities of forming an LLC can take up much of their time.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to work with an online LLC service provider to do the job for you.

The best LLC service providers have a solid grasp of local laws and provide top-notch support to help you complete your LLC filing within your specified timeline and budget.

Let’s look at the various steps and requirements to create an LLC in New York.

The Top-Rated LLC Services to Form a Business in New York

When it comes to finding the right LLC service for your needs, there’s no shortage of options to choose from. To give you a head start on your search, we have shortlisted some of the best LLC services you can rely on. Ultimately, the right service for you would depend on your specific goals, budget, timelines, and the features and benefits you’re looking for. The services we recommend are:

You can read our full reviews of each LLC service here.

8 Steps to Starting an LLC in New York

Forming an LLC in the state of New York is an eight-step process. The formalities for LLC creation vary from state to state, so even if you have created LLCs in other states, you’d want to pay attention here to follow the specific guidelines for New York.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Pick a name for your LLC
  2. Provide a business address for official communication
  3. Choose a registered agent
  4. File Articles of Organization
  5. Publish the notice of LLC formation in two newspapers
  6. Create an LLC operating agreement
  7. Receive certification for LLC formation
  8. Obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

The Easy Parts of  Starting an LLC in New York

A plethora of online resources makes it relatively easy to find all the answers you need to set up your LLC. This means you no longer have to spend time and money on accountants and lawyers to file your Articles of Organizations and other documentation.

The United States is overall a business-friendly country. Within the US, the state of New York was rated the 22nd most business-friendly state in the country by CNBC. This puts it in the top 50% of the national ranking.

Anyone aged 18 years or older can start an LLC in New York. For LLC members, there are no age or residence limitations. They don’t even have to be listed in the Articles of Organization.

It’s a common misconception that setting up an LLC will require a lot of official paperwork, physical presence at various government offices, and a ton of other formalities. However, you can now form an LLC within a day with the help of a trusted LLC Service.

ZenBusiness page to create your LLC in minutes

ZenBusiness is a relatively new entrant in the ranks of prominent LLC Services and has made a name for itself right from the start. The service makes a solid first impression with its well-designed website that seamlessly guides visitors through all the steps they need to follow to set up an LLC.

ZenBusiness offers a variety of paid plans to suit the needs of different customers:

  • Starter at $49 per year
  • Pro at $129 per year
  • Premium at $299 per year

Regardless of the plan you choose, you’ll get help with LLC documentation, name search, and other formalities.

The Difficult Parts of Starting an LLC in New York

There are a number of challenges involved when starting an LLC in New York.

First off, you need to keep a close eye on the costs of LLC formation. Overall, it can be an expensive undertaking with state filing fees, franchise tax, legal fees, and various other government fees.

Then, there’s the hassle of documentation. If you’re an entrepreneur who has taken on the responsibility of completing all the documentation by yourself, you may find this part of the process time-consuming and confusing. This is why hiring an LLC Service with expertise in these areas is highly recommended.

When you’re starting an LLC, you also need to remember that LLCs are not allowed to issue any stock. Since this is often an easy way to raise capital, this is a major drawback for LLC owners.

Taxation is another important factor to consider. Unfortunately, New York has one of the most complicated business tax schemes in the country. Depending on how your LLC is set up, it may also be subject to a franchise tax.

Step 1: Pick a Name for Your LLC

The first step in setting up your LLC is to choose a suitable name. That sounds simple but make sure to do your research on New York’s LLC naming conventions. The name selection has to comply with these rules. The guidelines for naming are easily available online.

Follow New York’s Naming Conventions

Here are some of the most important rules for naming LLCs in New York:

  • Your LLC name should include the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviation LLC or L.L.C.
  • The name should be easily distinguishable from the names of other LLCs, corporations, or limited partnerships listed with the New York State Department.
  • The name should not contain any prohibited words as listed under section 204 of the Limited Liability Company Law.
  • Certain words require the permission of additional state agencies before the filing of the Articles of Organization. For example, the words acceptance, bank, finance, investment, loan, mortgage, savings, trust, and guarantee require the approval of the Banking and Insurance Departments.

Make Sure the Domain Name is Available

When naming your LLC, you have to think strategically. Making sure the right domain is available for the name you want is a very important step in the process. We highly recommend running a quick search on domain websites and acquiring your desired domain as soon as you can before it’s taken by someone else.

Conducting Business Under an Assumed Name

If you want, you can conduct business under an informal or assumed name. Several entrepreneurs do this for various reasons, such as to have a different name for different geographic locations or to avoid negative publicity.

To make this happen, your LLC would require a Certificate of Assumed Name, also known as a DBA Certificate, where DBA stands for Doing Business As. The certificate has to be filed with the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS).

Once you have chosen a name for your LLC and have secured a domain name, the next step is to choose an LLC Service to complete the remaining formalities for you. For this task, we recommend ZenBusiness for top-notch business formation expertise and services.

Step 2: Provide a Business Address for Official Communication

The next step is to provide a physical address for your LLC. This is where all official communication is sent. For example, if your LLC gets sued, this is where the legal notice would arrive. 

Virtual Mailbox

If you’re unable to secure a physical address, you can opt for a virtual mailbox. Many online services offer this valuable feature for a modest fee. Once activated, you can use the service to view your mail online.

Get an Address From an LLC Service

You also have the option to register with an LLC service provider that would give you a mailing address and receive your mail on your behalf. This is especially beneficial for small businesses that run from private locations they don’t want to disclose.

Step 3: Choose a Registered Agent

A registered agent acts as your representative in case of legal or tax issues and provides a street address for postal communication.

Default Registered Agent

By default, all New York LLCs have the New York State Department of State as their registered agent. This means all your mail and legal notices are handled and forwarded to your registered address by the NYSDOS.

Additional Registered Agent

You can choose to appoint a registered agent as an additional agent. This could be your LLC service provider as well. 

The additional registered agent you appoint should be someone who can be available at a New York-based physical address during business hours to receive legal and tax documentation on your behalf.

They must be fully aware of the obligations and the responsibilities of the position.

Step 4: File Articles of Organization

The next step is to legally establish your LLC and inform the relevant authorities about its structure, stakeholders, and other useful information. This requires the filing of the Articles of Organization with the relevant state authority.

Filing the Articles of Organization in New York

The Articles of Organization is a legal document that lays out the basic information about your organization and legally establishes your LLC. For New York-based LLCs, the relevant form for this is the DOS 1336 that interested individuals can file with the New York State Division of Corporations.

Even though it sounds complicated, the process only involves filling out a simple form and submitting it online or via post.

Information Required to Complete the Articles of Organization

Before your start filling out the DOS 1336 form, have the following information handy:

  • The name of your LLC
  • The name of the New York county where the LLC would be based
  • A New York mailing address where the Secretary of State could mail legal documents to the LLC
  • The LLC organizer’s signature
  • The person setting up the LLC is required to sign the Articles and include their address

The filing process should cost you around $125.

Step 5: Publish the Notice of LLC Formation in Two Newspapers

Once the Articles of Organization have been filed, evidence has to be submitted that the formation of the LLC has been announced publicly.

Publishing the Notice

The LLC must publish a copy of the Articles of Organization or a notice about the formation of the LLC in two newspapers within 120 days of the formation of the company. However, these can’t be just any newspapers. The publications are designated by the county clerk where the LLC is based.

Certificate of Publication

Once the notice is published, the newspaper will provide an affidavit of publication. To complete the process, the Certificate of Publication, along with the affidavits of publication, need to be filed with the New York State Department of State.

Step 6: Create an LLC Operating Agreement

In the next step, you need to inform the government of how the LLC would be operating. The LLC uses the Operating Agreement to outline the financial arrangements between the members, how disputes between the members would be resolved, and other rules of business in the day-to-day operation of the LLC.

The Importance of an Operating Agreement

The state of New York requires LLC members to submit an Operating Agreement within 90 days of filing the Articles of Organization. Submitting an Operating Agreement isn’t compulsory by law, but is highly recommended in case legal disputes arise between the LLC members in the future.

In such a scenario, the Operating Agreement can make it easy to arrive at a swift resolution instead of the court making decisions based on state law, which may not be the ideal scenario for the LLC and its members.

What Does an Operating Agreement Include?

The common elements of an Operating Agreement are:

  • LLC’s name and principal address
  • Duration of the LLC
  • Name and address of the registered agent
  • Information about the Articles of Organization
  • Purpose of the business
  • Members and their contribution
  • The way profits and losses will be divided
  • Procedure for admitting new members, as well as outgoing members
  • Management of the LLC
  • Indemnification and liability clauses

Step 7: Receive a Certificate for LLC Formation

Once the LLC’s formation documents are submitted and approved, the state issues a certificate to confirm the legal formation of the LLC. The issuance of the certificate may take as long as seven weeks.

Upon receiving the certificate, the LLC can open up a bank account, receive an Employer Identification Number (EIN), and obtain business licenses.

Step 8: Obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN)

Now that your LLC is set to conduct business, the last formality is to have it registered with the IRS as a tax-paying corporate entity. That’s where the Employer Identification Number (EIN) comes in.

What is an Employer Identification Number (EIN)?

The Employer Identification Number is a nine-digit number assigned to your LLC by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify and track it for taxation. It’s easy to obtain an EIN online or via post.

Purpose of the Employer Identification Number (EIN)

The EIN has three main purposes:

  • File taxes for your LLC at the state and federal levels
  • Open a business bank account
  • Hire employees

How Redux Reducers Work

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn the concept of reducers and how they work, specifically in React applications. In order to understand and better use Redux, a solid understanding of reducers is essential. Reducers provide a way to update an application’s state using an action. It is an integral part of the Redux library.

This tutorial is for developers who want to learn more about Redux Reducers. An understanding of React and Redux would be beneficial. At the end of the tutorial, you should have a better understanding of the role Reducers play in Redux. We’ll be writing code demos and an application to better understand Reducers and how it affects the state in an application.

What Is A Reducer

A Reducer is a pure function that takes the state of an application and action as arguments and returns a new state. For example, an authentication reducer can take an initial state of an application in form of an empty object and an action that tells it that a user has logged in and returned a new application state with a logged-in user.

Pure functions are functions that do not have any side effects and will return the same results if the same arguments are passed in.

Below is an example of a pure function:

const add = (x, y) => x + y;

add(2, 5);

The example above returns a value based on the inputs, if you pass 2 and 5 then you’d always get 10, as long as it's the same input nothing else affects the output you get, that’s an example of a pure function.

Below is an example of a reducer function that takes in a state and an action.

const initialState = {};
const cartReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  // Do something here

Let’s define the two parameters that a reducer takes in, state and action.


A state is the data that your component(s) is working with — it holds the data that a component requires and it dictates what a component renders. Once a state object changes, the component re-renders. If an application state is managed by Redux, then the reducer is where state changes happen.


An action, is an object that contains the payload of information. They are the only source of information for the Redux store to be updated. Reducers update store based on the value of the action.type. Here we will define the action.type as ADD_TO_CART.

According to the official Redux documentation, actions are the only things that trigger changes in a Redux application, they contain the payload for changes to an application store. Actions are JavaScript objects that tell Redux the type of action to be performed, usually they’re defined as functions like the one below:

const action = {
  type: 'ADD_TO_CART',
  payload: {
    product: 'margarine',
    quantity: 4

The code above is a typical payload value that contains what a user is sending and it will be used to update the state of the application. As you can see from above, the action object contains the type of action and a payload object that would be necessary for this particular action to be performed.

Updating State Using Reducers

To show how reducers work, let’s look at the number counter below:

const increaseAction = {
  type: 'INCREASE',

const decreaseAction = {
  type: 'DECREASE'

const countReducer = (state = 0, action) => {
  case INCREASE: 
    return state + 1;

  case DECREASE : 
    return state -1;

 return state;


In the code above, increaseAction and decreaseAction are actions used in the reducer to determine what the state is updated to. Next, we have a reducer function called countReducer, which takes in an action and an initial state whose value is 0. If the value of action.type is INCREASE, we return a new state that is incremented by 1, else if it is DECREASE a new state that is decremented by 1 is returned. In cases where none of those conditions are meant, we return state.

Updating State Using Reducers: The Spread Operator

State can’t be directly changed, to create or update state, we can use the JavaScript spread operator to make sure we don’t change the value of the state directly but instead to return a new object that contains a state passed to it and the payload of the user.

const contactAction = {
  type: 'GET_CONTACT',
  payload: ['0801234567', '0901234567']

const initialState = {
  contacts: [],
  contact: {},

export default function (state = initialState, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case GET_CONTACTS: 
      return {
        contacts: action.payload,
    return state;

In the code above, we are using a spread operator to make sure we don’t change the state value directly, this way we can return a new object that is filled with the state that is passed to it and the payload that’s sent by the user. By using a spread operator, we can make sure that the state stays the same as we add all new items to it and also replace the contacts field in the state if it was present before.

Redux Reducers In Action — A Demo

To better understand Redux Reducers and how they work, we will be implementing a simple Movie details finder app, the code and working version can be found here on Codesandbox. To get started, go to your terminal and initialize a react app using the command below:

create-react-app movie-detail-finder

Once our project initialized, next let’s install the packages we’d need for our application.

npm i axios reactstrap react-redux redux redux-thunk

Once, the packages are installed, let’s start our development server using the command:

npm start

The above command should start our project development server in our browser. Next let’s open our project in our text editor of choice, inside our project src folder, delete the following files: App.css, App.test.js, serviceWorker.js and setupTests.js. Next, let’s delete all code that references the deleted files on our App.js.

For this project, we will be using Open Movie Database API to get our movie information, content and images for our application, here is a link to the API, you’d need to register and get access keys in order to use it for this application, Once you’re done, let’s proceed with our application by building components.

Building App Components

First, inside of our src folder in our project directory, create a folder called components and inside the folder, let’s create two folders called Movie and Searchbar, our component should look like the image below:

Building Movie Component

Let’s build the Movies component, which will outline the structure of the movie details we will be getting from our API. To do this, inside the Movies folder of our component, create a new file Movie.js, next create a class based component for the API results, let’s do that below.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Card, CardImg, CardText, CardBody, ListGroup, ListGroupItem, Badge } from 'reactstrap';
import styles from './Movie.module.css';

class Movie extends Component{
            return (
                <div className={styles.Movie}>
                    <h3 className="text-center my-4">
                      Movie Name: {}
                    <Card className="text-primary bg-dark">
                        <CardImg className={styles.Img}
                          top src={} 
                            <ListGroup className="bg-dark">
                                <Badge color="primary">Actors:</Badge>
                            <Badge color="primary">Genre:</Badge>
                            <Badge color="primary">Year:</Badge>
                            <Badge color="primary">Writer(s):</Badge> 
                          <Badge color="primary">IMDB Rating:</Badge> 
                      <CardText className="mt-3 text-white">
                        <Badge color="secondary">Plot:</Badge>
        return null
export default Movie;

In the code above, Using components from the package reactstrap, you can check out the documentation here. We built a Card component that includes the movie name, Image, genre, actor, year, movie writer, rating, and plot. To make it easier to pass data from this component, we built data to be as props to other components. Next, let’s build our Searchbar component.

Building Our Searchbar Component

Our Searchbar component will feature a search bar and a button component for searching movie components, let’s do this below:

import React from 'react';
import styles from './Searchbar.module.css';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchMovie } from '../../actions';
import Movie from '../Movie/Movie';

class Searchbar extends React.Component{
            <div className={styles.Form}>
                    <form onSubmit={this.formHandler}>
                            placeholder="Movie Title" 
                            onChange={e => this.setState({title:})}
                        <button type="submit">Search</button>
                <Movie movie={}/>

In the code above, we are importing connect from react-redux which is used to connect a React component to the Redux store, provides the component with information from the store and also provides functions used to dispatch actions to the store. Next, we imported the Movie component and a function fetchMovie from actions.

Next, we have a form tag with an input box for entering our movie titles, using the setState hook from React, we added an onChange event and value that will set the state of title to the value entered in the input box. We have a button tag to search for movie titles and using the Movie component that we imported, we passed the properties of the component as props to the result of the search.

Next for us is to write a function to submit our movie title to the API in order to send results to us, we also need to set the initial state of the application. let’s do that below.

class Searchbar extends React.Component{

    state = {
        title: ''
    formHandler = (event) => {
        this.setState({title: ''});

Here, we set the initial state of the application to empty strings, we created a function formHandler that takes in an event parameter and passes the fetchMovie function from action and setting the title as the new state of the application. To complete our application, let’s export this component using the connect property from react-redux, to do this we’d use the react redux mapToStateProps property to select the part of the data our component would need, you can learn more about mapToStateProps here.

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
    return { movie: }
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { fetchMovie })(Searchbar)

Let’s add styles to our form by creating a file Searchbar.module.css and adding the styles below:

  margin: 3rem auto;
  width: 80%;
  height: 100%;
  display: block;
  height: 45px;
  border: none;
  width: 100%;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;
  outline: none;
  padding: 0 1rem;
input:focus, select:focus{
  border: 2px rgb(16, 204, 179) solid;

.Form button{
  display: block;
  background: rgb(16, 204, 179);
  padding: 0.7rem;
  border-radius: 0.5rem;
  width: 20%;
  margin-top: 0.7rem;
  color: #FFF;
  border: none;
  text-decoration: none;
  transition: all 0.5s;
  opacity: 0.6;
@media(max-width: 700px){
      height: 40px;
      padding: 0 1rem;
  .Form button{
      width: 40%;
      padding: 0.6rem;

Once we’ve done the above, our search bar component should look similar to the image below:

Creating Actions For Application

In this component, we will be setting up Redux actions for our application, First, inside the src directory, create a folder named actions and inside the folder, we’d create an index.js file. Here we’d create a function fetchMovie that takes in a title parameter, and fetches movie from the API using Axios. Let’s do this below:

import axios from 'axios';

export const fetchMovie = (title) =>
    async (dispatch) => {
        const response = await 
            type: 'FETCH_MOVIE',

In the code above, we imported axios and created a function called fetchMovie which takes in a title parameter by using async/await so that we can make a request to the API server. We have a dispatch function that dispatches to the Redux the action object that is passed to it. From what we have above, we’re dispatching an action with the type FETCH_MOVIE and the payload that contains the response we got from the API.

NOTE: The apikey in the request will be replaced with your own apikey after registering at OmdbAPI.

Creating App Reducers

In this section, we are going to create reducers for our application.

const fetchMovieReducer = (state = null, action) => {
        case 'FETCH_MOVIE':
            return action.payload;
            return state;
const rootReducer = (state, action) => {
    return { 
        movie: fetchMovieReducer(state, action)
export default rootReducer;

In the code above, we created a fetchMovieReducer that takes in a default state of null and an action parameter, using a switch operator, for case FETCH_MOVIE we will return the value of the action.payload which is the movie we got from the API. If the action we tried performing isn’t in the reducer, then we return our default state.

Next, we created a rootReducer function that will accept the current state and an action as input and returns the fetchMovieReducer.

Putting It Together

In this section, we’d finish our app by creating our redux store in the index.js, let’s do that below:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import App from './App';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
import './index.css';
import reducers from './reducers';

const store = createStore(reducers, applyMiddleware(thunk))
    <Provider store={store}>

In the code above, we created the application store using the createStore method by passing the reducer we created and a middleware. Middlewares are addons that allow us to enhance the functionalities of Redux. Here we are making use of the Redux Thunk middleware using applyMiddleware. The Redux Thunk middleware is necessary for our store to do asynchronous updates. This is needed because by default, Redux updates the store synchronously.

To make sure our application knows the exact store to use, we wrapped our application in a Provider component and passed the store as a prop, by doing this, other components in our application can connect and share information with the store.

Let’s add a bit of style to our index.css file.

  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  background: rgb(15, 10, 34);
  color: #FFF;
  height: 100vh;
  max-width: 100%;

Rendering And Testing A Movie Detail Finder

In this section, we are going to conclude our application by rendering our application in our App.js, to do this, let’s create a class-based component named App and initialize our Searchbar and input field.

import React from 'react';
import Searchbar from './components/Searchbar/Searchbar';
import styles from './App.module.css';
class App extends React.Component{

            <div className={styles.App}>
                <h1 className={styles.Title}>Movies Search App</h1>

export default App;

Here, we created an App class based component with a h1 that says Movie Search App and added our Searchbar component. Our application should look like the image below:

A working demo is available on Codesandbox.


Reducers are an important part of Redux state management, with reducers we can write pure functions to update specific areas of our Redux applications without side effects. We’ve learned the basics of Redux reducers, their uses, and the core concept of reducers, state, and arguments.

You can take this further by seeing the documentation on Redux reducers here. You can take this further and build more on Redux reducers, let me know what you build.
