Lessons Learned Moving From On-Prem to Cloud Native

Recently, I came across a sample e-commerce application that demonstrates how to use Next.js, GraphQL engine, Postgres, and a few other frameworks to build a modern web application. The application supports basic e-commerce capabilities such as product inventory and order management, recommendation system, and checkout function. This made me curious as to how much effort it would take to turn this application from an on-prem to a cloud-native solution.

The original architecture for this sample app looked like the below diagram. You can start the whole setup in a few minutes following this guide.

Monitoring YugabyteDB in Kubernetes

monitoring YugabyteDB

Using the Prometheus Operator has become a common choice when it comes to running Prometheus in a Kubernetes cluster. It can manage Prometheus and Alertmanager for us with the help of CRDs in Kubernetes. The Kube-Prometheus-stack Helm chart (formerly known as Prometheus-operator) comes with Grafana, node_exporter, and more out of the box.

In a previous blog post about Prometheus, we took a look at setting up Prometheus and Grafana using manifest files. We also explored a few of the metrics exposed by YugabyteDB. In this post, we will be setting up Prometheus and Grafana using the Kube-Prometheus-stack chart. And we will configure Prometheus to scrape YugabyteDB pods. In the end, we will take a look at the YugabyteDB Grafana dashboard that can be used to visualize all the collected metrics.

Getting Started With IntelliJ IDEA and Distributed SQL

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) written in Java for developing software. It is developed by JetBrains and is available as an Apache 2 licensed community edition and in a proprietary commercial edition. IntelliJ supports a variety of datasources within their IDE. Because YugabyteDB is PostgreSQL compatible, most third-party tools and apps will work “out of the box.” IntelliJ is no exception here.

In this blog post we’ll walk you though the following steps:

Getting Started With Longhorn Distributed Block Storage and Cloud Native Distributed SQL

Longhorn is cloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes that is easy to deploy and upgrade, 100 percent open source, and persistent.  Longhorn’s built-in incremental snapshot and backup features keep volume data safe, while its intuitive UI makes scheduling backups of persistent volumes easy to manage. Using Longhorn, you get maximum granularity and control, and can easily create a disaster recovery volume in another Kubernetes cluster and fail over to it in the event of an emergency.

Cloud Native Infrastructure Stack: Computing, deployment, administration, storage and database.

Distributed SQL Change Management With Liquibase and YugabyteDB on GKE

Liquibase is an open source and extensible change management project that supports a variety of databases including Snowflake, MySQL, and PostgreSQL via JDBC. Liquibase allows users to easily define changes in SQL, XML, JSON, and YAML. These changes are then managed in a version control system so the changes can be documented, ordered, and standardized. For more information on the features and benefits of Liquibase, check out their documentation site.

In this blog post we’ll show you how to:

TechTalks With Tom Smith: Distributed SQL Databases for Cloud-Native Environments

TechTalks With Tom Smith

I had the opportunity to meet with Karthik Ranganathan, Founder & CTO, Yugabyte during the Distributed SQL Summit in San Jose. Earlier in the week, they announced the general availability of Yugabyte DB 2.0, the 100% open-source, high-performance distributed SQL database for global, internet-scale applications.

Updates include PostgreSQL syntax and wire-protocol compatibility, high-performance benchmarks, Jepsen-tested correctness, and Oracle-to-Yugabyte migration utilities. With Yugabyte DB’s SQL API (YSQL) ready for production, organizations are able to move away from monolithic SQL systems like Oracle to a distributed SQL database that is both open source and cloud-native.