XPath: Axis Steps, Node Tests, Unabbreviated Syntax

A lot of literature presents XPath as though using it is rather like navigating a filesystem: the tags' identifiers are completely taken for granted, and shorthand like ., .., or // often is introduced early on. This article demonstrates exactly how to use XPath to the exclusion of shorthand: which is to say, solely by means of axis specifiers and node tests, and with the use of identifiers confined to predicates.

The XML we'll work on is simple on its face. As a former bookseller, I've made it personal:

10 of the Best Chrome Extensions to Find XPath in Selenium

Are you facing problems while trying to find XPath in Selenium? Well, you are not alone! This is among the most common challenges most developers face while using Selenium for web testing. But not anymore, as we have picked 10 of the best Chrome extensions to make it easier for you to find XPath in Selenium.

Before we begin, we think it’s a good idea to point out what XPath in Selenium is.