CI/CD Pipeline: Demystifying The Complexities

Industry leaders consider CI/CD to be an essential part of the app development cycle as enterprises are keen to reduce the time to market. Continuous integration and continuous delivery help in improving and enhancing the quality of the product while reducing the cost of the project. This blog will help you understand the functioning of a CI/CD pipeline, its challenges, and its benefits. Before we get into the details, let’s have a look at the basic terminology.

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers frequently make changes in the code and add it to the central repository after which automated tests are run. CI is the integration stage of the software release process which depends on automation and constant integration. The main goal is to find the bugs and resolve the issue quickly to improve the software quality and reduce the time to market.

4 Advantages to Building Cloud-Native Applications With AWS

The State of Cloud-Native Security Report 2018 states that 62% of enterprises today choose to go for cloud-native applications for more than half of their new applications. And this number is set to grow by 80% over the next three years. This is no surprise given the fact that most organizations are already heavily invested in their chosen cloud platform, and would like to use it up to its full potential.

Cloud-native applications are essentially those created specifically for the cloud and designed to leverage the gamut of resources available on the cloud. Being "cloud-native" means that an application has a vast operational landscape, capable of being available from wherever the cloud is instead of being tied down to a physical location. 

Cloud-Native Everything

What’s in a (Buzz)word?

I often have a love-hate relationship with buzzwords. On the one hand, they are usually so grossly abused and promiscuously thrown around as to almost lose all practical meaning. And yet, paradoxically, they often seem to be the only way to succinctly convey some concept.

Cloud-native is exactly such a buzzword. Lately, everything and anything seems to be labeled cloud-native. Don’t believe me? Google the phrases “cloud-native hardware,” “cloud-native sales specialist,” and "cloud-native accounting firm.” It’s an epidemic.

An ‘Anger Room’ Is the Office Perk We All Need

According to psychotherapist Lucy Beresford, 83 percent of workers have seen a colleague lose it to ‘office rage’ on the job. And 63 percent have done the same themselves.

Whether it’s an inconsiderate colleague (you know that string cheese was not meant for you Jan) or technology that just won’t cooperate (all printers deserve to die), the result is often the same: swift, unadulterated anger.

5 Key Benefits of iPaaS

A real challenge that businesses and IT teams across many organizations face today is establishing an integrated network that matches the flexibility of the on-prem and cloud applications. While you can have several highly functional cloud applications to cover finance, customers, logistics and e-commerce needs respectively, there is no guarantee that these applications will work together. If you can’t share information between these key business areas, what use are these software applications? 

This increasingly critical need has paved the way for purpose-built iPaaS services that help companies handle the integration requirements of today’s business environment, future-proof their integration solutions and increase the value of their IT investments.

The Rise of Full Stack Developers and the Benefits of Becoming One

"Jack of all trades, master of none" is one of the common sayings that is often associated with full-stack developers. However, a full-stack developer shouldn’t be so easily condemned, as these are some of the smartest and resourceful people that are available.

These days, the tech industry has become obsessed with full-stack developers, with rumors of many companies only hiring only full-stack developers to fuel their projects. However, at the rate at which the technological world is expanding, it has become impossible to become a master of all trades. This has resulted in full stacks becoming multiple full stacks. Web development has its own stack, while mobile development comes with its own.