WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms: Which is Best?

Are you looking for a comparison between WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms?

These three are the best WordPress form plugins in the market. However, picking the right form builder can be challenging for many website owners.

In this article, we’ll compare WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms and show which is the best.

WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms

Introduction to WordPress Form Plugins

WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms are among the most popular WordPress form plugins that you can use. Each of them offers unique features and allows you to add different forms to your website.

WPForms was launched in 2016 by Syed Balkhi (founder of WPBeginner) and Jared Atchison. Since its launch, over 5 million WordPress sites have been using the plugin. The goal of creating WPForms was to offer an easy and powerful form plugin. It takes the pain out of creating online forms by making the process beginner friendly.

Gravity Forms is created by the team at Rocketgenius. It is a WordPress plugin that lets you add forms to your WordPress site. The plugin also specializes in helping developers build complex form-related solutions.

Formidable Forms is another powerful WordPress form builder created by Steph Wells and Steve Wells. You can use it to create a wide range of forms from simple contact forms to advanced solutions-focused forms like mortgage calculators, directories, listing forms, and more. Formidable Forms is part of WPBeginner Growth Fund companies.

That being said, let’s compare these WordPress form plugins and find out which is the best for your use case. In our research, we tried dozens of WordPress form plugins, and have decided to compare these top 3 form plugins in the following criteria:

Ease of Use

When it comes to picking a WordPress form plugin, it is essential to choose a tool that is easy to use. The form builder should allow users to easily customize their forms without the need to edit code or hire a developer.

Let’s see how the 3 plugins compare to each other for ease of use.

WPForms – Ease of Use

WPForms is a beginner-friendly form plugin for WordPress. It offers a drag-and-drop form builder that is very super simple to use.

You can easily customize any form by adding multiple form fields from the menu on your left. All you have to do is drag the field and drop it onto the form template.

Customize your billing form

WPForms also makes it very easy to add your forms anywhere on the WordPress website. The best part, you can do all this within the form builder. You can click the embed button, and WPForms will show you options for adding your form.

For instance, you can create a new page or select an existing one to embed your forms.

You can also manually add your form to any page or post using the WordPress block. Besides that, the plugin lets you use shortcodes to add a form to your WordPress website.

Add a WPForms block in wordpress

Gravity Forms – Ease of Use

Gravity Forms also offers a drag-and-drop form builder, and it lets you create all types of forms without editing code.

You can quickly rework your form from inside the WordPress dashboard. The form builder offers different form fields that you can add by simply placing them onto the template.

Gravity forms builder

After creating a form, Gravity Forms also lets you easily embed it on your website. Just like WPForms and Formidable Forms, you get an option inside the drag-and-drop builder to add your form.

Gravity Forms also offers a WordPress block to easily embed your forms on any page or post. Plus, you can use shortcodes or add the forms manually anywhere on your site.

Formidable Forms – Ease of Use

Formidable Forms is a user-friendly plugin that to lets you customize your forms using a drag-and-drop form builder, just like WPForms and Gravity Forms.

You can simply drag any form field from the options on your left and place them on the template. The plugin also lets you rearrange the order of the fields by simply moving them up or down or side to side.

Formidable Forms builder

Formidable Forms makes it very easy to embed your forms anywhere on your website. You can use the Formidable Forms block to add the form to any post or page. Or click the embed button in the form builder to embed your forms.

Winner – Tie

When it comes to ease, all 3 plugins perform equally well. Each of them offers a drag-and-drop functionality, which lets you edit and customize forms with editing code easily. Plus, each plugin makes it very easy to embed the forms anywhere on the website.

WPForms has a slight edge because it leans on decisions over options by giving you over 600+ form templates and easy-to-use choices whereas Gravity Forms and Formidable Forms are built more for developers.

Form Templates

Form templates are another important factor to consider when choosing a form plugin for WordPress.

Templates help save time as you don’t have to create a form from scratch. You can quickly edit it according to your requirements or simply use the default template to add a form to your website.

Let’s see how WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms stack up in terms of form templates.

WPForms – Form Templates

With WPForms, you get over 600 prebuilt form templates. Whether you’re looking to create a simple contact form, feedback form, request a quote form, payment form, or registration form, WPForms has you covered.

The plugin categorizes form templates into different categories in the form builder. For instance, you can find different templates for business operations, customer service, education, entertainment, event planning, feedback, health and wellness, and more.

WPForms form templates

Even in the free version of WPForms, you get a lot of form templates to get started.

Gravity Forms – Form Templates

Gravity Forms offers limited prebuilt form templates compared to WPForms and Formidable Forms.

You only get 15 form templates in the form builder. Some of these include a simple contact form, advanced contact form, donation form, eCommerce form, event registration form, survey, newsletter signup form, and more.

Gravity Forms templates

Formidable Forms – Form Templates

Formidable Forms offers over 175 WordPress form templates and examples you can use for your website.

What makes it different is that you get templates for advanced forms. For instance, you can create an advanced mortgage calculator form, net promoter score (NPS) survey form, car payment calculator form, life insurance calculator form, doctor visit form, signature forms, and more.

Formidable Forms templates

Besides that, you can find forms for payment collection, health and wellness, customer service, education, donations, event planning, and more.

Winner – WPForms

WPForms is a standout winner compared to Gravity Forms and Formidable Forms. You get the largest form template library in WPForms, with over 600 choices available. There are prebuilt templates for just about any type of form you want to create for your website.

Customization Options

A WordPress form plugin should allow you to edit and customize your form with ease. When selecting the right tool, you should look at the customization options the plugin offers.

Here’s a look at the different features offered by WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms.

WPForms – Customization Options

WPForms offers lots of customization options for your form. For starters, it offers different form fields that you can simply drag and drop from the menu on your left onto the template.

For instance, it offers standard fields like paragraph text, multiple choice, checkboxes, and more. Plus, you can add fancier fields like phone number, address, file upload, date/time, website, and more.

WPForms Will Pre-load the Form Builder with a Simple Order Form

If you click on an existing form field, then you’ll see more options for customization.

You can edit the label of the field, make it a mandatory field, add smart logic, and more. For example, you can choose which payment methods to show in an order form and rearrange their order.

Multiple Choice Field Options

Other than that, WPForms also lets you create conversational forms. This makes your forms more interactive.

Instead of asking multiple questions at once, you can take the one-question-at-a-time approach. It will look like having a conversation face to face with a human, and boost form conversions.

Conversational form preview

Similarly, you can also use the lead forms addon to increase form conversions. It basically allows you to embed conversational forms on any page on your WordPress site.

WPForms offers more customization features like custom form landing pages similar to Google forms. You can create a distraction-free landing page for your form and get more conversions.

The plugin lets you add a title and description for the page, a header logo, and edit the page URL. You also get to change the background color of the page and choose a style to make your forms more appealing.

Form pages settings WPForms

Other customization options offered by WPForms include a save and continue feature. This lets your users save the progress while filling out a form and continue later to complete it. You can allow users to sign your online forms using their mouse or touchscreen.

If you have lengthy forms, then you can use the multi-page feature to split them into different pages. Or you can use conditional logic to show different form fields based on the user’s responses.

Besides that, you can also customize the notification and confirmation settings for your form. In the notification settings, you can edit details like email addresses, subject lines, names, messages, and more.

Similarly, you can also edit the confirmation message a user will see when they submit a form. You can show a thank you message, show a page, or redirect people to a specific URL.

Edit form confirmation settings

Gravity Forms – Customization Options

Gravity Forms offers different form fields to customize your form template.

These include standard fields, advanced fields, post fields, and pricing fields.

Add fields to Gravity Forms template

Just like WPForms and Formidable Forms, you can click on existing form fields to edit them further.

However, you’ll see a slight difference in the customization options. There are general settings for a field where you can change its label and add a description.

Other than that, you can edit the appearance of the field, change advanced settings like enabling field autocomplete, and add conditional logic.

Edit existing fields in gravity forms

Other than that, you also get control over different form settings. For example, you can edit the notifications and confirmations settings in the form builder.

You can also configure ‘Personal Data’ settings similar to WPForms. These allow you to prevent the storage of IP addresses during form submission. Plus, you can enable integration with other tools for exporting and erasing personal data, which is helpful in complying with data regulations like GDPR.

Personal data settings Gravity Forms

Formidable Forms – Customization Options

With the Formidable Forms drag-and-drop builder, you can easily customize your form with options such as prebuilt form fields that you add to your template.

What makes the plugin different from others is that it offers multiple form fields that will help you create advanced forms. For instance, you can add a user ID field, captcha, hidden field, appointments, lookup field, and more.

Advanced form fields

Besides that, you can easily edit each existing field in the template.

There are general options to change the label, add a CSS class, and more. Or you can view the advanced options to add a placeholder text, and description, edit the field size and allow maximum characters.

Edit existing fields in Formidable Forms

What’s different about Formidable Forms compared to WPForms and Gravity Forms is that it also offers different styles for your forms.

You can use the default style or choose from various options. This way, you can change the appearance of your forms without having to enter CSS code.

Edit the form style

Other than that, you can also customize the form settings. For instance, the plugin lets you change the notification settings, and form permissions, and also allows form scheduling.

Winner – WPForms

After comparing all 3 plugins, we found WPForms to be the clear winner. It offers more customization features compared to Formidable Forms and Gravity Forms.

You can add different form fields, change their settings, rearrange them, and more using the drag-and-drop builder. Besides that, WPForms offers tons of features to make your form more appealing and boost conversions.

Additional Features and Integrations

Now that we’ve covered ease of use, templates, and customization options, let’s see how WPForms, Formidable Forms, and Gravity Forms compare in terms of additional features and integrations.

As a website owner, you’d want a WordPress plugin that easily works with third-party tools, payment services, and email marketing services. Here’s what each plugin has to offer.

WPForms – Additional Features and Integrations

WPForms offers lots of premium addons and integrations that extend its functionality and benefits.

For instance, you can accept file uploads with its post-submission addon. This way, users can easily submit content on the front end of your site without requiring access to the WordPress dashboard.

Similarly, you get addons for geolocation data and see where your form users are from. The user journey addon can show you the pages and posts people visited before submitting a form.

WPForms addons

The plugin also offers a form abandonment addon that captures partial entries for a form. You can then recover those entries and encourage users to complete a form.

Aside from this, WPForms provides more addons for creating custom Captcha, allowing digital signatures, locking WordPress forms, creating interactive form layouts, and more.

Another advantage of using WPForms compared to other plugins is that it easily integrates with different tools and plugins. For example, you can use it with popular email marketing tools like Drip, Mailchimp, and Constant Contact.

WPForms integrations

The plugin also supports payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, Square, and Authorize.Net. You can also integrate WPForms with CRMs such as Salesforce and HubSpot.

Gravity Forms – Additional Features and Integrations

Gravity Forms also offers different addons that can help you get the most out of the plugin. However, the list is not as expansive as WPForms, and you’d have to pay extra to use third-party extensions.

You get additional features for setting up user registrations, creating surveys and polls, tracking users’ geolocation, collecting partial form entries, allowing signatures, and more.

Feature enhancement addons

Besides that, Gravity Forms also offers integrations with different tools and plugins.

You can easily integrate email marketing tools like AWeber, Constant Contact, Mailgun, and more. Plus, you can add anti-spam solutions like Akismet and reCAPTCHA.

Other integrations include Google Analytics, Dropbox, Zapier, Trello, ActiveCampaign, HelpScout, PayPal Checkout, 2Checkout, and Stripe.

Formidable Forms – Additional Features and Integrations

Formidable Forms offers different addons and integration features. Most of the additional features are similar to WPForms and Gravity Forms.

However, what makes Formidable Forms different is that you get several powerful features to create advanced forms, set up web applications, show stats on the front end, and more.

For instance, the plugin offers a form action automation feature to schedule email notifications, SMS messages, and other actions. It also offers API webhooks that let you send submissions to REST APIs.

Formidable forms addons

It also offers a visual views addon that lets you display data from form entries on the front end of your website. You can create web apps to display form submissions in tables, grids, calendars, and other views.

This is great for showing testimonials and product reviews, adding a user-submitted events calendar, and displaying useful statistics.

Create view calendar in Formidable

Besides that, Formidable Forms also lets you create applications for your website. It offers prebuilt templates that include different forms, views, and pages for your application. Simply select a template, and the plugin will take care of the rest.

You can create different applications, such as product reviews, real estate listings, testimonials, restaurant menus, certificates, and more.

For example, you can offer professional certificates in just a few clicks. Simply choose the certificate application template, and Formidable Forms will automatically add a form with a certificate generator on your website.

It will also add views for the certificate and certificate of completion, which users can see on the front end.

Application templates

Other advanced features offered by Formidable Forms include converting WordPress forms to PDF, mapping form fields to PDF form fields, quizzes, repeater fields, SMS voting, front-end editing, and more.

Other than that, you can also integrate Formidable Forms with different payment services, email marketing tools, CRMs, and third-party plugins. It even works with Uncanny Automator and Zapier, so you can connect Formidable Forms to services like Asana, Slack, and Dropbox.

The best part about using Formidable Forms is that you get all the advanced features in one place, with everything included in a single pricing plan. If you were to use Gravity Forms, then you’d need to subscribe to multiple third-party addons.

For example, you’d need the basic Gravity Forms plan along with other extensions like Gravity PDF, File Upload Pro, Gravity View, Gravity Math, and so on. This can add to your overall cost and make it very expensive to use Gravity Forms.

Winner – Formidable Forms

While each plugin offers multiple additional features and integrations, Formidable Forms is the standout winner. It offers more advanced features that you can use to display form results on the front end, create complex forms, convert forms to PDF, create web applications, and use various addons to help users create form solutions for any scenario.

WPForms gets an honorary mention for marketing-related features, like form abandonment and digital signatures. It also integrates with popular email services, CRM software, tracking tools, payment gateways, and other plugins.

Pricing Plans

The next parameter we will compare WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms is that of pricing. Let’s see which plugin offers the most value for money.

WPForms – Pricing

WPForms offers 4 different pricing plans suitable for all types of businesses. These include a Basic plan, which costs $49.50 per year, and you can use it for 1 website. It also offers all the essential features like premium templates, entry management, and file uploads.

If you want to use the plugin on more websites and require marketing integrations, then WPForms offers a Plus plan for $99.50 per year.

WPForms pricing plans

On the other hand, there is a Pro plan that includes everything from the Basic and Plus plans. It includes payment addons, conversion tools, and other advanced form features. This will close you $199.50 per year.

Lastly, there is an Elite plan for $299.50 per year, which has everything. You get to use it on unlimited websites and get all the features and integrations WPForms has to offer. Each premium plan comes with 14-day money back guarantee.

The best part, there is also a WPForms Lite version you can use for free. You get multiple form templates, standard fields for customization, spam protection, and other features.

Gravity Forms – Pricing Plans

Gravity Forms offer 3 premium plans, which include the Basic License, Pro License, and Elite License.

With the Basic License plan, you can use the plugin on 1 website. You also get addons for email marketing tools and spam protection services. This plan will cost you $59 per year.

Gravity Forms pricing plans

Next, there is a Pro License plan that offers more addons. For instance, you get to integrate more email marketing services, CRMs, payment gateways, and third-party services. This plan will cost $159 per year.

Lastly, Gravity Forms offers an Elite License plan that includes all the features from the Basic and Pro plans. In addition to that, Elite plan users also get access to features like polls, quizzes, digital signatures, surveys, geolocation, and more. The Elite plan is available for $259 per year.

That said, Gravity Forms doesn’t offer a free version, like WPForms or Formidable Forms. You’d also need to pay extra to use different third-party addons and extensions.

Formidable Forms – Pricing Plans

Formidable Forms lets you choose from 4 pricing plans. It starts with a Basic plan, costing $39.50 per year. You get 50+ form templates and basic features like conditional logic and file uploads.

Besides that, there is a Plus plan for $99.50 per year, and it offers more form templates and features. For instance, you get the Formidable Views feature, landing pages, and integration with Mailchimp, MailPoet Newsletters, and AWeber.

Formidable Forms pricing plans

Next, it offers a Business plan that includes over 150 form templates, premium addons, more integrations, and additional features. This plan will cost you $199.50 per year.

Lastly, there is an Elite plan for $299.50 per year, and it includes all the features and integrations. You get all the templates and support for third-party tools like Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, and HubSpot.

Formidable Forms also offers a free version. You can get started for free and get features like drag and drop form builder, basic form templates, and standard form fields for customization.

Winner – WPForms and Formidable Forms

When it comes to offering the most value for money, both WPForms and Formidable Forms clearly stand out when compared to Gravity Forms.

Both of them offer 4 different pricing plans for businesses of all sizes. Plus, you get a free version, which helps small website owners, bloggers, and others to create WordPress forms without a considerable investment. You also don’t have to pay more to use multiple addons and advanced features.

Which is the Best WordPress Form Plugin?

WPForms, Gravity Forms, and Formidable Forms are some of the best WordPress form plugins you can get your hands on today.

However, we believe that WPForms is the best plugin for creating forms for your WordPress website. It is super easy to use and offers tons of features.

You get over 600 form templates, a drag-and-drop form builder, multiple form fields for customization, and additional settings to edit your form. Plus, there are different premium addons that allow you to expand the functionality of WPForms.

Not to mention, there is a WPForms Lite version available for free. It also includes lots of form templates and customization features. You can quickly create forms for your website using the free plugin.

On the other hand, if you’re a developer looking to save time on developing complex and advanced WordPress forms, then Formidable Forms is the perfect solution. You can create calculators and web applications, convert forms to PDF, and much more without editing code.

We hope the comparison between WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms helped you pick the right form plugin for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of best WordPress SEO plugins and tools, and how to get a free email domain.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post WPForms vs Gravity Forms vs Formidable Forms: Which is Best? first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Limit the Number of WordPress Form Entries

Do you want to limit the number of form entries on your WordPress website?

Limiting form entries is useful if you’re running a contest or event that have a cap on the number of participants, want form entries from a specific region, or can’t accept more forms after a particular date.

In this article, we’ll show you how to limit the number of WordPress form entries.

How to limit the number of WordPress form entries

When Should You Limit WordPress Form Entries?

There are many situations where limiting the number of form entries on your WordPress site can be beneficial.

Whether you need to create an event RSVP form with limited seats, to restricting feedback form for registered members only, WordPress forms have the flexibility to limit form entries based on your needs.

Here are few ways that you can restrict WordPress form entries:

  • Limit total number of form entries allowed – great for RSVP forms or contests / giveaways.
  • Restrict form submissions by a deadline date – great for scholarship forms, event RSVPs, job application forms, and more.
  • Restrict form entries to logged-in users only – great for those who have a membership sites or online store.
  • Limit one WordPress form entry per person – really helpful when creating a feedback form to ensure double feedback aren’t submitted.
  • Limit WordPress form entries by age verification – really helpful when you need to be in compliance with local laws.
  • Restrict WordPress form entries by user location or IP address – great for blocking out specific regions or preventing spam.

Depending on your needs, WordPress form plugins give you the flexibility to customize your workflows to save you time.

That said, let’s look at how you can limit form entries in WordPress.

Limiting the Number of WordPress Form Entries

The best way to limit form entries is by using WPForms. It’s the best WordPress contact form plugin, and over 5 million websites use it to create smarter forms.

WPForms offers a Form Locker addon that allows you to manage permissions and control who can access your forms. Plus, it lets you set up different types of form entry limits on your website.

Note: you’ll need WPForms Pro because it includes the Form Locker addon. There’s also a WPForms Lite version that you can try for free.

First, you’ll need to download and install the WPForms plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll need to go to WPForms » Settings from your WordPress admin panel and then enter the license key. You can easily find the key in your WPForms account area.

Visit the WPForms » Settings Page to Enter Your License Key

Next, you need to activate the Form Locker addon in WPForms.

Simply head to WPForms » Addons and navigate to the ‘Form Locker Addon.’ Then click the ‘Install Addon’ button.

Enable the form locker addon in WPForms

After that, you’ll need to create a WordPress form.

Simply head over to WPForms » Add New from the WordPress dashboard.

Add a new form in WPForms

On the next screen, you’ll see the WPForms form builder. Go ahead and enter a name for your form at the top.

Next, you can select from pre-built form templates to get started quickly or use a blank template to start from scratch. For this tutorial, we’ll use the ‘Contest Registration Form’ template.

Select form template

After that, you can edit your form using the drag and drop form builder.

The form template will have default form fields already in place. However, you can add more fields by simply dragging them from the menu on your left and dropping them onto the template. There are plenty of fields available, including checkboxes, dropdowns, address, phone number, and much more.

Edit form template

You can further edit any form field and set up form entry limits.

For example, let’s say you don’t want the same user to submit multiple forms on your WordPress blog. To create this form limit, simply click the Email field in the form template.

After that, you can click the ‘Advanced’ tab from the menu panel on your left and enable the ‘Require unique answer’ option.

Make a form field require unique answer

You can do the same for other form fields like name and username. This way, people will be limited to one entry and cannot use the same email or name to submit a form.

Next, go to the ‘Setting’ tab in the form builder and select the ‘Form Locker’ settings.

Go to form locker settings

You’ll see different settings under Form Locker that you can use to limit the number of form entries.

You can enable all of the options if you want. However, we’d recommend enabling 1 or 2 options to limit form entries so it doesn’t hurt the user experience and improves engagement.

Let’s see each of these settings in detail.

1. Limit WordPress Form Entries through Verification

If you enable the ‘Form Verification’ option in the Form Locker settings, you’ll see more options appear.

You can limit form entries by requiring users to enter a password, email, or age. Simply click the Type dropdown menu and select an option.

Limit form entries based on verification

For example, if you select ‘Age,’ then you can specify how old a user has to be to access the form.

You can set a minimum, maximum, or an exact age verification for your form entries.

Set age based form entry limits

2. Add a Start and End Time and Date for Form Entries

Next, you can enable the ‘Form Scheduling’ option.

This will let you add a start time and date along with an end time and date for your form entries.

It’s really helpful if you’re running a time-sensitive campaign.

Enable form scheduling

You can also add a Closed Message that will appear when someone tries to submit a form after the end date and time.

3. Only Allow Logged-In Users to Submit Forms

WPForms also lets you limit form entries to only logged-in users.

Simply enable the ‘Logged in users only’ option. Then add a message that will appear for logged-out users that try to submit the form.

Only allow logged in users

4. Set Total Form Entry Limits and Restrictions

You can limit the total number of forms that can be submitted by enabling the ‘Enable total entry limit’ option.

For example, let’s say you have an order form for your online store and only have 1,000 of an item in stock. Simply enter the number in the Limit field and add a message when the form closes.

Set form entry limits

Similarly, you can also set up restrictions on your form entries by clicking the ‘Enable user entry limit’ option.

WPForms lets you restrict form entries based on IP address and email address. To set it up, go ahead and click the checkbox for ‘Restrict by IP address’ and ‘Restrict by email address’ options.

Then select an option from the dropdown menu and enter the number of form entries you want to limit.

Set up form entry restrictions

In our example, we’ve set the limit to 1 per day. You can change this to per week, month, or year.

After you’ve enabled the options you want to use to limit the number of form entries in WordPress, simply click the ‘Save’ button at the top.

Save your form settings

Adding Your Form to Your WordPress Website

Now that you’ve created a form, the next step is to add the form to your WordPress website.

The easiest way to do that is to click the ‘Embed’ button in the WPForms form builder. You can also add the form using a shortcode or the WPForms block.

Once you click the button, a popup window will appear asking you to select an existing page or create a new one.

Embed your form in WordPress

For this tutorial, we’ll click on the ‘Create New Page’ option.

Next, you’ll need to enter a name for your page and click the ‘Let’s Go!’ button.

Enter name for your new page

Next, you’ll see the form in the WordPress content editor, and you can make any final changes you’d like to your form.

After that, preview your page and publish it.

Preview your form and publish

You can also test the WordPress form entry limits you’ve set.

For example, if you’ve set an age restriction on your form and someone doesn’t meet the age limit, then they won’t be able to submit the form.

Set age limit example

On the other hand, let’s say you get the total number of form entries that are needed, or it’s past the end date and time for filling out the form.

In such situations, a user will be shown a message when they visit the form landing page.

Contest is closed message

WPForms allows you to have full control over your form workflows. You can add conditional logic, choose to send form entries to multiple recipients, or even connect your form with your favorite email marketing services.

This is the form builder plugin that we use on WPBeginner, and there’s a reason why over 5 million websites use it to build smarter forms.

We hope this article helped you learn how to limit the number of WordPress form entries. You can also see our guide on how to start your own podcast and our ultimate WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Limit the Number of WordPress Form Entries first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Create a Job Application Form in WordPress (Easily)

Do you want to add a job application form to the careers page on your WordPress website?

Often small businesses do not have a system in place for receiving job applications. This can quickly lead to a huge number of resumes in your email inbox, without an easy way to sort through them.

The good news is that you can easily solve this. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a job application form in WordPress that makes it easy for people to apply online while also making it easy for you to manage applications in one place.

Creating a job application form in WordPress

Creating Your Job Application Form in WordPress

If you run a small business website, then adding a ‘Careers’ or ‘Jobs’ page on your website allows you to attract talented people to join your team.

To attract the best people, you also need to make it easier for interested candidates to apply for a job by adding a job application form on that page.

Let’s take a look at how WordPress makes it easy to add a job application form.

First, you need to install and activate the WPForms plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

WPForms is the best WordPress forms plugin on the market. It’s designed to be very beginner-friendly and it lets you create lots of different forms for your small business.

After activating the plugin, you need to visit the WPForms » Settings page in your WordPress dashboard to enter your license key. You can find your license under your account on the WPForms website.

Entering your license key for WPForms

Next, visit the WPForms » Addons page to install the Form Templates Pack Addon. This pack includes the job application form template.

Adding the form templates pack addon to WPForms

Tip: The Form Templates Pack is only available if you have the Pro plan for WPForms or higher. However, you can still create a job application form by using the Simple Contact Form template in the free version of the plugin.

Now, it’s time to create your form. To start, you need to visit WPForms » Add New in your WordPress admin area.

On this page, you will then be prompted to name your form and choose a template. After that, scroll down to the Job Application Upload Form template or search for it using the search bar.

Select the Job Application Upload Form template

Once you’ve clicked on your chosen template, you will be taken to the WPForms form builder.

You will see the default job application upload form template here. You can use it just as it is, or edit it using the drag & drop interface.

The default job application upload form template in WPForms

If you’re happy with the form as is, then simply save it and click the X button to leave the WPForms builder.

Saving and exiting the form

Next, you need to put the form on your website. You can embed it in a post or page, or you could even add it to your sidebar. We’re going to create a new page by going to Pages » Add New in the WordPress dashboard.

On the page edit screen, simply click on the (+) to add a new block and then look for WPForms block. You can find it in the ‘Widgets’ section of blocks or you can use the search bar.

Adding a new WPForms block to a page in WordPress

Once you’ve added that block, click and select your job application form from the dropdown list.

Selecting your form from the WPForms dropdown list

WPForms will load a preview of your form in the content editor. You can now go ahead and save or publish your page.

After that, don’t forget to visit your website to see the live form in action. On our page, we have a title, a short description, an image, and then the job application form:

The job application form on the website

Note: If you’re using the old classic WordPress editor, then you can click the ‘Add Form’ button to add a form to your page:

Adding a form to the page using the classic WordPress editor

Editing Your Job Application Form

You can edit your job application form at any time to add more fields, notifications, and descriptions.

To do this, simply go to the WPForms » All Forms page and click on the title of your form to open it up for editing:

Opening up your job application form to edit it

You can change the existing fields (parts of the form), move them up or down, delete fields, and add new ones.

First, we’re going to edit the ‘How did you find out about this position?’ question on our job application form. To edit a field, click on it. You will see the options for the field open up in the left-hand editing pane.

We’re going to delete the ‘Newspaper Ad’ and ‘Radio/TV Ad’ options. Simply click the (-) button next to the option to remove it.

Editing the 'How did you find out about this position?' field

Next, we’re going to remove the ‘If other’ field immediately below this. To delete a field, simply bring your mouse cursor over the field and then click the red trash can icon that appears:

Deleting the text field for 'If Other' in WPForms

We’re also going to add a field just before the resume upload. This is where our prospective content writers can share links to their previously published work.

First, click the ‘Add Fields’ tab on the left-hand side if it’s not already selected. Then, simply drag and drop your chosen field into place on the form. We’re going to use the Paragraph Text field.

Dragging and dropping a new paragraph field onto the job application form

Once the field is in place on the form, just click on it to change its label and provide a description.

Editing the label for a field in WPForms

You can make as many changes and additions as you want to the form. Make sure you click the ‘Save’ button after doing so.

Editing Notifications and Confirmation Messages for Your Job Application Form

By default, all job applications will be sent to the administrator email of your WordPress site. However, in some cases the person responsible for managing these job applications may not be an administrator on your website.

This is why WPForms makes it easy to send form submissions via email to anyone without giving them access to WordPress admin area. You can also view all applications right inside WordPress (more on this later).

To edit the notification settings, simply edit your job application form and then switch to the Settings » Notifications tab.

Changing the email address that the job application form is sent to

In the ‘Send To Email Address’ box, type in the email addresses that you want forms to be sent to.

You can also change other aspects of the notification, such as the email subject line.

If you want to send the applicant an email to let them know that their application has been received, that’s possible, too. Simply follow our instructions on creating a form with multiple recipients.

You may also want to change the default confirmation message that the applicant sees after submitting the form. You can edit this under Settings » Confirmations tab. Simply type the message you want into the box:

Changing the confirmation message that's shown on the screen after the form is submitted

Viewing Submitted Applications inside WordPress

Each job application will come to the admin email address of your WordPress site or the addresses you entered under the notifications tab.

The email will include all the details submitted, plus a link to download the resume or any other files uploaded:

The job application email notification with resume link in place

Tip: Make sure you test email notifications by submitting your forms. If you don’t receive notifications, then see our guide on how to fix WordPress not sending email issue.

WPForms also saves all applications within WordPress itself. This makes it easy for other team members to review and even comment on applications.

To see the submitted job applications, go to WPForms » Entries in your WordPress dashboard. Scroll down to below the graph and click on the name of your form.

Click on the name of a form to view the entries for it

Now, simply click the ‘View’ link next to any application to see the details of it.

Click the 'View' link to see the details of a completed application

You will then be able to see the application form. You can download the candidate’s resume here. You can use the Star feature in WPForms to highlight your favorite candidates.

It’s also easy to add a note by clicking the ‘Add Note’ button. This is a very useful feature if several people will be viewing and commenting on applications:

Adding a note to a job application in WPForms

That’s it. You have successfully created a job application form on your WordPress site that lets you easily gather and sort through applications.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to create a job application form in WordPress. You might also like our articles on the how to create a professional business email address for your team members, and the best VOIP phone services for small businesses that you can use to give each new team member a virtual phone number.

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