Top 5 Git Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Workflow

Becoming a Git power user is on the bucket list of every developer. Here are five Git tips that will help you level up your workflow and bring you one step closer to Git mastery.

Tip #1: Modify the Previous Commit Without Changing the Commit Message

You’ve just committed your changes on your local copy with a detailed and thought-through message, but the moment you hit RETURN, you realize you forgot to add that one change that really belongs there. If only there was a way to update the previous commit instead of creating a new one…

How Do I Implement a Workflow From My Code?

So you’ve configured a Workflow that meets all of your business requirements: you’re scanning all uploads to your website for viruses and malware, making sure the uploads do not contain any NSFW or copyrighted content, and — if the upload is an image — optimizing it for delivery. Now what? How do we invoke this workflow?

There are two places developers need to wire up this workflow: