Microservices and Workflow Engines

Automation of business processes enables organizations to better meet critical factors for success across industries today — from increased team agility and faster time-to-market to lower costs and improved customer service. However, many are hindered by the existing dependencies between their software, systems, and teams, making process automation and business efficiency all the more challenging to achieve and maintain.

This Refcard introduces a way to address such challenges using a microservice architectural style and a workflow engine for orchestration. You will learn key techniques in areas such as microservice design, communication, and state management, as well as first steps to take when getting started with business process automation.

Seven Automation Workflows to Increase Productivity for Your Team

Automation is not always about towering robotics! Sometimes, it can be as simple as software applications cutting down repetitive tasks, thereby making time for more significant to-dos. And it’s often referred to as workflow automation. 

According to the World Wide Web, workflow automation is a series of automated actions replacing manual steps to save time and resources in everyday business processes.

Training NLP Engines Without All of the Answers

Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are many benefits when using the technology, and I am surprised at the pushback from technical people when talking about deploying it. I guess there is a difference between learning about technology in academia and the complexity of actually deploying it.

So, how do we get past all the pushback when chatbots are having conversations and intelligent automation promises to be better than old-school EAI and SOA?

DevOps Is Great Till It Stops

Companies using DevOps automation are more agile. They meet business objectives more quickly and efficiently by deploying more frequent changes. They innovate faster with smaller iterations between requirements, commitments, and deployments. They have lower failure rates and disruptions since recovery times are shorter than their peers. Iterating in smaller, more frequent steps also instills a collaborative DevOps culture across feedback loops and information silos.

DevOps frameworks still have too many manual steps. Most of them are people-related.

Traditional iPaaS Doesn’t Work for Software Companies – Here’s Why

It’s no surprise that software integration is a hot topic these days. Or that there’s a growing number of iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) solutions that help companies build integrations between all the different applications they use.

Businesses are using more and more unique applications as part of their day-to-day operations. That presents challenges like siloed data and disjointed workflows, creating a need to easily connect those applications.

How to Extract Data From Tables in Multiple Google Docs and Combine Into One Table in Coda

If your organization creates multiple Google Docs every day and you want a better way to sort, filter, and organize all these Google Docs, this solution may be useful for you. This tutorial walks you through how to extract the important metadata from a table in a Google Doc and sync that data into a table in Coda.

I often see templates for project briefs, meeting notes, or candidate interview as Google Docs at other organizations which are duplicated over and over again. These Google Docs are then stored in Google Drive which can get very unwieldy to manage unless someone is consistently organizing the folders in Google Drive. Another common trait in these Google Docs: a table near the top of the Google Doc summarizing what the doc is about.

Automate Your Development Workflow With Github Actions

Hi everybody. My name is Hacene. I am a software developer and interested in DevOps. Today, I will show you how to automate a development workflow life cycle using Github Actions.

On November 13, 2019, Github engineers revealed some news: GitHub Actions is supporting CI/CD now, and it's free for public repositories! We can manage and automate our development workflows right in our repository using GitHub Actions. The API supports multiple Operating Systems (Linux, Windows, MacOS…) and different languages.

Using N1QL With Couchbase Eventing Functions

"Now, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." — Winston Churchill

Updating data is usually not the end, but usually progress of a workflow. Shipping follows ordering; inventory update follows shipping; adjusting credit follows returning; The next step in the process is required to act to keep the workflow going. The workflows can be simple with few steps or complex with hundreds of steps. Business Process Management (BPM) is an industry by itself.

Couchbase 5.5 introduced Evening service. Developers can write a Javascript function to execute upon a change to the data. We refer to inserts, Updates, Merges, and Deletions together as mutations. Multiple specific use cases have been documented for developing these eventing functions.

Componentized Cloud Management: The Way Ahead For AWS Automation

When something gets complex, our primary approach is to break it down — even cloud management. If you’re a part of a growing company that uses the cloud, you can see your infrastructure becoming more complex as you scale and expand. That means its management does, too. 

Earlier, you could put a few scripts together and use them to perform basic management functions, or you could use an external tool for certain functions, but they’re limited in their offering. It’s only backups, or only scheduling, or only monitoring, all of which are a little too siloed. But now these methods simply don’t scale — and it’s not "basic" cloud management functions anymore; we’ve moved on, we’ve become more sophisticated. 

Automating the Change Request Process

Change how you approach change requests.

Change control processes ensure DevOps projects stay on track, and that scope creep is kept to a minimum. A standardized, reliable change control process helps ensure that change activities are not full of confusion, faults, and disruption.

You may also enjoy:  How Does DevOps Handle Change Management?

When you define and automate the controls and policies involved in project changes, project team members have a reliable way of ensuring deadlines are met and projects stay on course. Standardizing and centralizing the process for receiving, reviewing, and implementing change requests can have an immediate positive impact on project performance and outcomes.

Don’t Confuse Business Process Management with Network Automation

It is not uncommon for enterprises to confuse the role of a Business Process Management (BPM) system with that of a network automation solution. Because there are a lot of similarities between the two, we often see organizations attempt to leverage BPM systems to automate network activities in an effort to leverage their existing investments in these tools. Additionally, the allure of open source BPM options is often mistakenly seen as low-cost alternatives to network automation solutions. While the differences between the two are vast at their core, they are often overlooked or discounted in the planning process due to their common traits and similarities at the surface. Inevitably, their differences always present themselves as major problems during implementation when operators discover they can’t force a network focused automation process into a system not designed with that in mind; it’s just not the right tool for the job and as a result, falls short in automating critical network operations.

When looking at the capabilities of a BPM system as compared to a network automation solution, they both share similar features such as: