Can Software Developers Really Have Work Life Balance?

Even though this developer is working at home in the evening, who's to say he isn't happy with his work life balance? I mean, he looks pretty happy.

I have a rich annual tradition that I only just became aware of this year.

Every year, around this time, Apple has some kind of conference or announcement or something. It's the time of year when, for a day or two, an iThing getting smaller or losing a USB port makes everyone absolutely lose it and flood my news feed with opinions for a few days.

Programmers Are Fu@%ing Lazy

While these developers may look dead, I assure you they're just resting. Because of course they are.

With the possible exception of philosophers, programmers are the laziest bunch of people I know. It seems like everyone else I speak to has some sort of labor intensive profession.

Think about it, biologists do all those experiments … giving a drug to hundreds of mice is can’t be automated. Doctors have to physically inspect their patients, professors have to give the same lectures year after year, architects draw their plans in all perspectives manually and until recently did hatching by hand.