Should I Update WordPress or Plugins First? (Proper Update Order)

Not sure about whether to update WordPress core, or your plugins first?

Often beginners don’t install updates because they are afraid of breaking their site. Updating your WordPress site in the correct order will help you prevent common errors and troubleshoot more easily.

In this article, we’ll show you the proper order for updating WordPress core, plugins, and themes.

Should You Update WordPress or Plugins First? Proper Update Order

Why Keep WordPress Up to Date?

It’s important to always use the latest version of WordPress. This will make sure your website has the latest security patches, newest features, and the best speed and performance.

Unfortunately, on rare occasions, updating WordPress or a plugin can break your website. This can happen if there’s a bug in the code or if the update introduces some kind of conflict with a theme or plugin.

That’s why we always recommend that you create a complete WordPress backup before performing any updates. You can also create a staging site where you can test the updates and catch any errors without risking your live website.

It’s also helpful to use the proper WordPress update order. You may be wondering whether it’s best to update WordPress core or your plugins first.

Our expert team recommends updating WordPress in this order:

  1. First, update WordPress core
  2. Then update your plugins
  3. Finally, update your theme last

Let’s take a look at the best order to update your WordPress website.

Before You Start, Make a Complete WordPress Backup

Before you update anything, it’s important to perform a full backup of your WordPress website. You should store the backup on your computer or in cloud storage, not just on your hosting server.

That’s because there is always some risk that an update may break your site, no matter how careful you are or which order you perform the updates.

A complete WordPress backup includes everything:

  • Your WordPress database
  • All your images and media uploads
  • Your WordPress plugins and themes
  • Core WordPress files

UpdraftPlus is the best WordPress backup plugin and is used by more than 3 million websites. You can use it to create a complete backup of your WordPress site and store it on the cloud or download it to your computer.

Back Up Your Website With UpdraftPlus

You can learn the best way to use UpdraftPlus to back up your website step by step by visiting our guide on how to back up and restore your WordPress site.

First, Update WordPress Core

If a new version of WordPress core is available, then you should update that first. This follows the update order as it is listed on the Dashboard » Updates page and helps minimize the risk to your site.

Because plugin and theme updates are tested to work with the latest WordPress version, you are less likely to have conflicts by updating your plugins and themes after the latest version of WordPress is installed.

The simplest way to update WordPress core is to navigate to the Dashboard » Updates page and then click the ‘Update Now’ button.

Updating WordPress Core From the Dashboard

When you press ‘Update Now,’ WordPress will automatically put your site in maintenance mode, then fetch the latest version of the software and install it for you. You will see the update progress on your screen.

Advanced users can also update WordPress manually by downloading the latest version from the WordPress download page, and then logging into their WordPress hosting account and using FTP to upload the new WordPress files.

To learn how to update WordPress core using either of these methods, see our beginner’s guide and infographic on how to safely update WordPress.

WordPress Update Flowchart

Troubleshooting a WordPress Core Update

Before you move on to update your plugins, you should first make sure that there are no problems with your website now that it is running the latest version of WordPress.

Simply visit your website in a new browser window to see if anything isn’t working or looks out of place. You should also review the settings in your WordPress admin area.

If you come across any issues, then take a look at our list of common WordPress errors and how to fix them.

If the problem you are facing is not listed there, then you should follow the steps in our WordPress troubleshooting guide to figure out the problem and apply a solution.

After That, Update Your Plugins

Once you have upgraded WordPress on your website, then you can update your plugins.

An easy way to do that is to scroll further down the Dashboard » Updates page to the ‘Plugins’ section.

Simply select the specific plugins you wish to update and click the ‘Update Plugins’ button. You can select all of the plugins listed by checking the ‘Select All’ box at the top of the list.

Updating WordPress Plugins From the Updates Page

You may also notice a red number beside Plugins in the admin dashboard. Clicking inside will show you a yellow notice under each plugin that needs to be updated.

Then, all you have to do is click the ‘Update now’ link under any plugin you want to update without having to leave the page.

How to update plugins in WordPress

For more detailed information, see our step-by-step guide on how to properly update WordPress plugins.

Troubleshooting a Plugin Update

As you did after updating WordPress core, you should visit your website in a new browser window to see if you encounter any error messages or other problems.

You may sometimes discover that one of your plugins is not compatible with the latest WordPress version.

When that happens, you should follow the steps in our WordPress troubleshooting guide to see if you can find a solution to the problem.

If you can’t, then reach out to the developer and see if they plan to release an update. If the plugin is from the WordPress Plugin Directory, then you can contact the developer using the site’s support forum. Otherwise, check the official website for support information.

How to get WordPress support in the official support forums

If no further development is planned, then you will need to look for a different plugin that performs the same task. You might like to take a look at our beginner’s guide on how to choose the best WordPress plugin.

If you’re not ready to move on to a different plugin, or if there are other issues with the update that you can’t resolve, then you may need to restore your WordPress site from the backup you made before you began the update process.

Alternatively, you can roll back WordPress to the previous version.

Finally, Update Your Theme

After you have updated WordPress core and your plugins, and you have checked that your website is working, you can update your theme, if an update is available.

However, when you update a theme, you will overwrite the existing theme files with new ones and lose any changes you made. If you added any code to your theme, then you should carefully check our guide on how to update a WordPress theme without losing customization.

Once you are ready to update your theme, you can simply scroll to the ‘Themes’ section at the bottom of the Dashboard » Updates page.

Once there, you can select the themes you want to update, then click the ‘Update Themes’ button. The ‘Select All’ checkbox will automatically select all available theme updates.

Updating Themes From the Dashboard » Updates Page

Alternatively, you can navigate to Appearance » Themes in your admin area. If any updates are available, you will notice a red number next to ‘Themes’ in the admin sidebar.

Updating Themes From the Appearance » Themes Page

Simply click the ‘Update now’ link above any theme you wish to update.

Troubleshooting Your Theme Update

Troubleshooting a theme update is similar to troubleshooting a plugin update. You should start by visiting your website in a new browser window to see if there are error messages or other problems.

If there are, you can follow our WordPress troubleshooting guide to find a solution, or reach out to the developer for help.

If the theme is from the WordPress Theme Directory, then you can contact the developer using the support forum for that theme. Otherwise, check the official website for support information.

What Is the Proper WordPress Update Order?

In conclusion, let’s summarize the proper order to update your WordPress website:

  • First, you should back up your website
  • Then, update the core WordPress files
  • Next, update your plugins
  • Finally, update your theme

Always make sure your website is working properly before moving on to the next step.

Of course, if there is no update for WordPress core, then you can update your plugins or theme whenever new versions become available.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn the correct order to use when updating WordPress core and plugins. You may also want to learn how to properly install Google analytics in WordPress, or check out our list of must-have WordPress plugins to grow your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Should I Update WordPress or Plugins First? (Proper Update Order) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Fix a Slow Loading WordPress Dashboard (Step by Step)

Is your WordPress dashboard loading too slow?

Having a slow loading WordPress dashboard is annoying, and it hurts overall productivity when it comes to creating content and managing your website. Also the underlying cause of a slow WordPress dashboard can also impact your website conversions.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily fix a slow loading WordPress dashboard, step by step.

Fixing a slow loading WordPress admin area

What Causes a Slow Loading WordPress Dashboard?

A slow loading WordPress dashboard can be caused by a number of reasons, but the most common one is limited server resources.

Most WordPress hosting providers offer a set number of resources for each hosting plan. These resources are enough to run most websites.

However, as your WordPress website grows, you may notice slight performance degradation or slower loading across the board. That’s because more people are now accessing your website and consuming server resources.

For the front end section of your website which is what your visitors likely see, you can easily install a WordPress caching plugin to overcome WordPress speed and performance issues.

However, the WordPress admin area is uncached, so it requires more resources to run at the optimal level.

If your WordPress dashboard has become annoyingly slow, then this means a WordPress plugin, a default setting, or something else on the site is consuming too many resources.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to troubleshoot and fix the slow loading WordPress admin dashboard.

Here is an overview of the steps we’ll cover in this article.

1. How to Test Performance of WordPress admin area

Before making any changes, it’s important to measure the speed of your WordPress admin area, so you can get an objective measurement of any improvement.

Normally, you can use website speed test tools to check your website’s speed and performance.

However, the WordPress admin area is behind a login screen, so you cannot use the same tools to test it.

Luckily, many modern desktop browsers come with built-in tools to test the performance of any web page you want.

For example, if you’re using Google Chrome, then you can simply go to the WordPress dashboard and open the Inspect tool by right-clicking anywhere on the page.

Lighthouse to test performance

This will split your browser screen and you will see the Inspect area in the other window either at the bottom or side of your browser window.

Inside the Inspect tool, switch to the Lighthouse tab and click on the Generate Report button.

This will generate a report similar to the Web Vitals report generated by Page Speed Insights.

Performance results

From here, you can see what’s slowing down your WordPress admin area. For instance, you can see which JavaScript files are taking up more resources and affecting your server’s initial response time.

2. Install WordPress Updates

The core WordPress team works hard on improving performance with each WordPress release.

For instance, the block editor team tests and improves performance in each release. The performance team works on improving speed and performance across the board.

If you are not installing WordPress updates, then you are missing out on these performance improvements.

Similarly, all top WordPress themes and plugins release updates that not only fix bugs but also address performance issues.

To install updates, simply go to Dashboard » Updates page to install any available updates.

WordPress updates

For more details, see our guide on how to properly update WordPress (infographic).

3. Update the PHP Version Used by Your Hosting Company

WordPress is developed using an open-source programming language called PHP. At the time of writing this article, WordPress requires at least PHP version 7.4 or greater. The current stable version available for PHP is 8.1.6.

Most WordPress hosting companies maintain the minimum requirements to run WordPress, which means they may not be using the latest PHP version out of the box.

Now, just like WordPress, PHP also releases new versions with significant performance improvements. By using an older version, you are missing that performance boost.

You can view which PHP version is used by your hosting provider by visiting the Tools » Site Health page from your WordPress dashboard and switching to the ‘Info’ tab.

Check PHP version

Luckily, all reliable WordPress hosting providers offer an easy way for customers to upgrade their PHP version.

For instance, if you are on Bluehost, then you can simply login to your hosting control panel and click on the Advanced tab in the left column.

Multi PHP in Bluehost

From here, you need to click on the MultiPHP Manager icon under the Software section.

On the next page, you need to select your WordPress blog and then select the PHP version that you want to use.

Change PHP version

For other hosting companies, see our complete guide on how to update your PHP version in WordPress.

4. Increase PHP Memory Limit

Your web hosting server is like any other computer. It needs memory to efficiently run multiple applications at the same time.

If there is not enough memory available for PHP on your server, then it would slow down your website and may even cause it to crash.

You can check the PHP memory limit by visiting Tools » Site Health page and switching to the Info tab.

Check PHP memory limit

You’ll find PHP memory limit under the Server section. If it is less than 500M, then you need to increase it.

You can increase PHP memory limit by simply entering the following line in your wp-config.php file.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

For more details, see our article on increasing the PHP memory limit in WordPress.

5. Monitor WordPress Plugins for Performance

Some WordPress plugins may run inside the WordPress admin area. If plugin authors are not careful, their plugins can easily consume too many resources and slow down your WordPress admin area.

One way to find out about such plugins is by installing and activating the Query Monitor plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will add a new menu item to your WordPress toolbar.

Query Monitor tab

Clicking on it will show performance results for the page you are currently viewing on your website.

This will bring up the Query Monitor console.

Here you need to switch to ‘Queries by Component’ tab on the left side. From here, you can see the performance impact of plugins and find out which one is taking up too many resources.

Query Monitor results

You can now temporarily disable the slow plugins and see if that improves performance.

If it does, then you can reach out to plugin author and seek support or find an alternative plugin.

6. Install a WordPress Caching Plugin

WordPress caching plugins not only improve your website speed, but they can also help you fix a slow loading admin dashboard.

A good WordPress caching plugin helps you optimize page load speed, CSS and JavaScript delivery, your WordPress database, and more.

This frees up resources on your WordPress hosting server that your WordPress admin area can utilize for improved performance.

We recommend using WP Rocket. It is the best WordPress caching plugin on the market. It works out of the box and makes it super easy to optimize your WordPress performance.

WP Rocket dashboard

For more details, see our guide on how to properly install and setup WP Rocket in WordPress.

7. Tweak Admin Screens & Disable WordPress Dashboard Widgets

WordPress automatically loads some widgets on the dashboard screen. This includes Quick Draft, Events and News, Site Health, and more.

Some WordPress plugins add their own widgets to the dashboard screen as well. If you have a lot of these widgets loading on your dashboard, it could slow things down.

You can turn off these widgets by simply clicking on the Screen Options button and unchecking the box next to the widgets.

Screen Options to remove unnecessary widgets

Similarly, you can use the Screen Options menu to show and hide sections on different admin screens.

For instance, you can choose the columns you want to see on the posts screen.

Clean up posts screen

8. Fix Slow WooCommerce Admin Dashboard

If you run an online store using WooCommerce, then there are some specific WooCommerce features that can affect the performance of your WordPress admin area.

For instance, you can turn off the WooCommerce dashboard widget by clicking on the Screen Options menu.

Similarly, you can change the information displayed on the Products page.

Products page

After a while, your WooCommerce store may add unnecessary data to your WordPress database.

If you are already using WP Rocket, then you can simply switch to the Database tab under plugin settings. From here, you can delete transients and optimize your WordPress database with a click.

Database optimize

9. Lock WordPress Admin Area and Login Pages

Random hackers and DDoS attacks are common internet nuisances that can affect WordPress websites.

These automated scripts access WordPress login pages and attempt to login hundreds of times in a short amount of time.

They may not be able to gain access to your WordPress website, but they would still be able to slow it down.

One easy way to block these scripts is by locking your WordPress admin directory and login pages.

If you are on Bluehost, then you can simply go to your hosting control panel and switch to the Advanced Tab. From here, you need to click on the Directory Privacy icon.

Directory Privacy

Next, you need to locate wp-admin directory (usually found inside public_html folder).

Then simply click on the Edit button next to it.

WordPress admin folder

Next, you will be asked to provide a name for your protected directory.

Name folder

Click on the Save button to continue. The control panel will save your options and you’ll need to click on the Go Back button to continue.

After that, you will need to create username and password for the protected folder.

Create username and password

Now, when you visit your WordPress admin area, you will be prompted to enter username and password.

Login prompt

For more details, see our tutorial on how to password protect the WordPress admin directory.

Password Protect WordPress Login Page

Next, you would want to block access to WordPress login page. For this, you’ll need to manually edit .htaccess file on your website and generate a password file.

First, connect to your WordPress website using an FTP client or the File Manager app inside your hosting control panel.

After that, go to the root folder of your website (the root folder is where you can see the wp-admin, wp-includes, and wp-content folders).

Here you need to create a new file and name it .htpasswd.

Create htpasswd file

Next, you need to visit this online tool to generate a .htpasswd string.

You need to use the same username and password that you used for the WordPress admin directory.

Then click on the Generate button.

Generate password

The tool will generate a username and password string under the output box.

You need to copy and paste this string inside the .htpasswd file you created earlier.

Next, you need to edit the .htaccess file and copy and paste the following code inside it.

<Files wp-login.php>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Protected Folder"
AuthUserFile /home/username/public_html/yourwebsite/.htpasswd
Require user jsmith
Satisfy All

Don’t forget to replace jsmith with your own username and change AuthUserFile value with the path to your .htpasswd file. You can find it inside the File Manager app.

You can now visit your WordPress login page to see the password protection in action.

10. Manage WordPress Autosave Intervals

The WordPress block editor comes with built-in autosave feature. It allows you to easily restore your content in case you close the editor without saving your changes.

However, if multiple users are working on your website during peak traffic, then all those autosave requests will slow down WordPress admin area.

Now autosave is a crucial feature and we don’t recommend turning it off. However, you can slow it down to reduce the performance impact.

Simply add the following line to your wp-config.php file.

define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 120 )

This line simply tells WordPress to run autosave once every 2 minutes (120 seconds) instead of 1.

Reduce Heartbeat API Calls

WordPress uses something called the heartbeat API to send Ajax calls to a server without reloading a page. This allows WordPress to show other authors that a post is being edited by another user, and it enables plugin developers to show you notifications in real-time.

By default, the API pings back every 60 seconds. If multiple authors are working on your website at the same time, then these server calls can become resource-intensive.

If you are already using WP Rocket, then it will automatically reduce heartbeat API activity to pingback every 120 seconds.

Reduce Heartbeat API activity using WP Rocket

Alternately, you can also use their standalone plugin called Heartbeat Control to reduce Heartbeat API calls.

We recommend reducing them to at least 120 seconds or more.

Heartbeat API calls

11. Upgrade or Switch to Better WordPress Hosting

All WordPress performance issues depend on the infrastructure provided by your WordPress hosting providers.

This limits your ability to improve performance to the resources offered by your hosting provider.

The above tips will certainly help you reduce load on your WordPress server, but it may not be enough for your hosting environment.

To improve performance even more, you can move your WordPress site to a new host and sign up with a different hosting provider.

We recommend using Bluehost, as one of the top WordPress hosting companies. Their shared hosting plans come with built-in caching which improves WordPress performance.

Bluehost Coupon Code

However, as your website grows you may need to upgrade your hosting plan.

High traffic sites would benefit from moving to a managed WordPress hosting platform like WP Engine or SiteGround.

At WPBeginner, we use SiteGround to host our website.

We hope this article helped you learn how to fix a slow loading WordPress dashboard. You may also want to see our complete WordPress security handbook or see our pick of the best WordPress plugins to grow your business.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Fix a Slow Loading WordPress Dashboard (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Find and Access WordPress Error Logs (Step by Step)

Do you need to access the WordPress error logs to troubleshoot a problem on your site?

WordPress comes with a debugging system that can log any error messages displayed on your site. This can help you discover and fix problems on your website.

In this article, we’ll show you how to find and access your WordPress error logs.

How to Find and Access WordPress Error Logs

How and When Can WordPress Error Logs Help?

Are you having problems with your WordPress website? Checking your WordPress error logs can help you find the source of problems such as slow website performance, plugins that aren’t working properly, and website crashes.

What is an Error Log?

An error log is a list of error messages generated by your website and the dates and times they occurred. Once WordPress debug mode is turned on, these messages are collected in a file, so that you can review them later.

Your WordPress error log is a troubleshooting tool that can help you identify the plugins, themes, or code that are causing problems. You can then go ahead and find a fix for those WordPress errors.

For example, checking the error logs can help troubleshoot errors like the WordPress white screen of death, PHP errors, the invalid JSON error, and the “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page” error.

That being said, let’s have a look at how to find and access your WordPress error logs. The first step is to enable WordPress debug mode, which you can do using either a plugin or code.

Enabling WordPress Debug Mode With a Plugin

WordPress debugging is turned off by default, so WordPress will not be logging any errors. If you can still log into your WordPress site, then you can enable debug mode using a plugin.

The first thing you need to do is install the WP Debugging plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

WP Debugging plugin

Upon activation, the plugin automatically activates WordPress debug mode, and error messages on your site will now be logged.

Enabling WordPress Debug Mode Using Code

You can also turn on WordPress debug mode using code. This is suitable for more advanced users, or if you can’t log in to your WordPress admin area.

You will need to edit your wp-config.php file using an FTP client or the file manager option in your WordPress hosting control panel.

Edit Your Website's wp-config.php File

Once you have the file open, you need to find the text where it says ‘That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging.’

Just before this line, go ahead and add the following code:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

For step by step instructions, see our guide on how to set up WordPress error logs in wp-config with code.

How to Find and Access WordPress Error Logs

Now that you have enabled WordPress debug mode, any future error messages on your website will be stored in the WordPress error logs.

That means that your logs will be empty at first. You will need to try to recreate the problem on your site, so the error messages can be saved to the log file. For example, you should revisit any posts or pages that are causing an error.

Next, you need to connect to your website using an FTP client or the file manager option in your WordPress hosting control panel. If you haven’t used FTP before, then you may want to see our guide on how to use FTP to upload files to WordPress.

Once connected, you should navigate to the /wp-content/ folder. Inside the folder, you will find a file called debug.log. This file contains every WordPress error message, warning, and notice that has been logged.

Download, View, or Edit the debug.log File

To see the contents of this file you will need to download, view, or edit it. You can then inspect the error messages along with the date and time they occurred. This information can help you find a solution to the problems you are encountering on your website.

Debug.log Contains Error Messages and Time Stamps

How to Fix Issues Found in WordPress Error Logs

Once you’ve accessed your WordPress error logs, you can find the error message that was logged at the time the problem on your website occurred. Keep in mind that the times displayed are UTC, not your own local time.

While most users won’t understand what the error messages mean, they’re a good place to start troubleshooting. Once you note the error message and code, you may find a solution to your problem in our guide on the 50 most common WordPress errors and how to fix them.

If you can’t find the solution on your own, then you can reach out for help on our free WPBeginner Engage Facebook Group where you can get help from our WordPress experts and over 80,000 users. Make sure you quote the error code or message you found in the WordPress error logs.

Other places you can turn for help are the official WordPress forums, your WordPress web hosting company’s support team, or the designated support area for the plugin or theme you are having trouble with.

When asking for support, check our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it to learn the right way to ask questions and the best places to find support.

Disabling WordPress Debug Mode

Once you have fixed the issue on your WordPress site, we recommend you disable debug mode.  Leaving it on may slow down your website and can potentially leak unwanted information which is a security risk.

If you enabled debug mode with a plugin, then simply navigate to Plugins » Installed Plugins and deactivate the WP Debugging plugin.

Deactivate the WP Debugging Plugin

If you enabled debug mode with code, then simply edit the wp-config file as you did before.

You need to change the WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG lines to ‘false’.

Deactivate WordPress Debug Mode

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to find and access your WordPress error logs. You may also want to learn how to get a free SSL certificate for your website, or check out our tips on how to speed up WordPress performance.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Find and Access WordPress Error Logs (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.