How to Find Which WordPress Theme a Site is Using

Have you ever come across a great-looking WordPress site and wished you could get the exact same theme?

Often we hear from readers asking us for help finding the name of a theme that they love on someone else’s website.

Luckily, it’s easy and free to check a site’s theme. In this article, we’ll show you how to find which WordPress theme a site is using.

Finding out which WordPress theme a website is using

When you’re creating a website, one of the biggest decisions you’ll face is choosing your theme.

There’s a lot to think about when selecting the perfect WordPress theme for your site. If you come across a site with a layout and features that you love, then that could be a great shortcut to finding the right theme for you.

Some websites use custom themes, which you probably won’t be able to use yourself. However, in many cases, you’ll find that sites are using one of the best free WordPress themes or a popular premium theme.

If so, you can find out the name of the theme and download or buy it yourself.

It’s really easy to find out which WordPress theme a website is using. We’re going to walk you through three different methods.

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Method 1. Use WPBeginner’s WordPress Theme Detector Tool

The easiest way to find which theme any WordPress website is using is by using our WordPress theme detector tool.

It’s completely free to use. All you need to do is enter the website URL and then click the “Analyze Website” button.

Type in the name of the website you want to analyze

Our theme detector will look through the website’s source code and show you the name of the WordPress theme they’re using.

For example, if a website is using the popular Divi theme, then our theme detector will show something like this:

The WordPress Theme Detector in action, detecting the Divi theme

However if it’s a less popular theme or a custom theme, then our tool will show you the name of the theme without the screenshot.

All you have to do then is to copy / paste that theme name in Google search to see if you can find the download link.

If it’s a custom theme, then you will not find it. However if it’s one of the thousands of free / premium WordPress theme, then you’ll be able to download and use it.

Method 2. Use IsItWP to Detect the Site’s WordPress Theme

Another easy way to detect the WordPress theme used by a website is with IsItWP, a website theme detector.

IsItWP is a free online tool that tells you the theme and plugins used by a WordPress website.

Just open up the IsItWP website and enter the URL of the site you want to check.

Checking a website's theme and plugins using IsItWP

IsItWP will first check if the website is using WordPress. If so, IsItWP will detect which WordPress theme the site is using and show you the results:

IsItWP showing details of the theme detected

It’ll also try to detect the WordPress hosting provider and WordPress plugins used by the website. You’ll see a list of these with download links plus links to IsItWP’s reviews of the plugins:

IsItWP's details of plugins being used by the site being examined

Sometimes, you’ll see a result like this for the site’s theme:

IsItWP will give the name of a custom or child theme

IsItWP may not be able to give you details about a custom WordPress theme or a child theme.

It will display the name of the theme, though, so you can search for it online and see if it’s available to download or buy.

Method 3. Manually Detect WordPress Theme Used by a Website

Sometimes website owners change their WordPress theme’s name. This stops tools like our WordPress theme detector or IsItWP from detecting which WordPress theme they are using.

However, you can often use the website’s code to find out which theme it’s using.

Let’s get started.

Every WordPress theme has a style.css file. This file contains a theme header which tells WordPress the name of the theme, theme author, URI, version, and more. It also contains the CSS styles used by the theme.

To find this file, go to the website that you want to examine. Right click anywhere on the screen and select ‘View Page Source’ from the menu.

View page source of a WordPress website

This will open the source code of the page in a new browser tab. Now you need to find a line in the source code that looks something like this:

<link rel='stylesheet' id='themename_style-css'  href='' type='text/css' media='all' />

You can click on the URL in this line to open the style.css file.

Tip: There will normally be several style.css files linked to from the page source. You need to find the one with /wp-content/themes in the URL.

At the top of the style.css file, you will see the theme header block which contains information about the theme used by the WordPress blog. Typically, it would look something like this:

Theme Name:     Theme Name 
Theme URI:
Author:         ThemeAuthorName
Author URI:
Description:    My Theme is a flexible WordPress theme designed for portfolio websites
Version:        1.1.47
License:        GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Text Domain:    hestia
Tags: blog, custom-logo, portfolio, e-commerce, rtl-language-support, post-formats, grid-layout, one-column, two-columns, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready

You may be able to find the Theme’s URL or Theme Author’s URL here which will lead you to the theme used by the website.

Finding The Parent Theme

Many WordPress sites use child themes to customize their websites. In that case, their theme header will contain information about the parent theme they are using.

Theme Name:   My Child Theme
Description:  Just a child theme
Author:       Peter Smith
Author URL:   Write here the author's blog or website url
Template:     hestia
Version:      1.0
License:      GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Text Domain:  my-child-theme

In the above example, this header block has an extra ‘Template’ parameter in the theme header block. This template is the parent theme used by this website.

You can also find out the parent theme by looking at the website’s source code. You’ll find that there’s another style.css file loaded from another theme.

This other style.css file is the parent theme’s stylesheet and clicking on it will tell you which parent theme a site is using.

That’s all for now, we hope this article helped you learn how to find which WordPress theme a site is using. You may also want to see comparison of the best WordPress page builder plugins to create custom layouts, and our step by step guide on how to create an email newsletter to grow your website traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Find Which WordPress Theme a Site is Using appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Find Out Who is Hosting a Certain Website (2 Ways)

Have you ever wanted to know which web hosting service any website is using?

Recently, a user asked us how to find who is hosting their website. It is a common question asked by beginners who hired someone to set up their website initially.

You might also want to find out who is hosting your competitor’s website. In this article, we’re going to show you how to find out who is hosting a certain website (using two methods).

Finding out who is hosting a certain website

Why Find Out Who is Hosting a Website?

All websites on the internet need web hosting. This is where all the files for a website are stored.

Website hosting is different than a domain name. A domain name is the address of a website, e.g.

Finding out who is hosting a website is not that difficult because this information is publicly available.

There are several scenarios when you may need to find out the website hosting service behind a website.

  • A WordPress developer built a website for you. They forgot to tell you who the web host is, or you lost the details.
  • You set up your WordPress website a long time ago. You can’t remember who is hosting it.
  • You’ve seen a website that is fast and performs well. You want to know who the host is so you can use their services too.
  • Another website is stealing your content, and you want to send a DMCA takedown notice to their host.

There are multiple ways to find out who is hosting a website. We’ll show you the two easiest ways to quickly find out which hosting company is used by a website.

Method 1. Use the WPBeginner Theme Detector Tool

Our WordPress Theme Detector tool is a great way to detect what WordPress theme a site is using. It also tells you who is hosting a website.

To use it, simply go to the WordPress Theme Detector Tool page and type in the URL (domain name) of the site:

Type in the name of the website you want to analyze

Click on the ‘Analyze Website’ button to continue.

In just a couple of seconds, you will see details about the website. This includes the name of the hosting provider:

The theme detector results, showing the web host for a website

Here are some names you may see coming up:

  • Unified Layer: EIG (Endurance International Group) hosts these sites. EIG is the company behind Bluehost and HostGator. They also own several other smaller web hosting brands.
  • New Dream Network, LLC: DreamHost
  • Media Temple: Media Temple is a web hosting company owned by GoDaddy

In some cases, the theme detector may not be able to tell you the host. For instance, when a website is using a CDN service or a website firewall.

These services route all website traffic through their own servers which means all hosting detector tools will show them as the hosting provider.

One popular CDN service is Cloudflare. They offer a free CDN service which is used by many websites.

You may also see Sucuri, which is a website security and firewall service with their own CDN servers.

For instance, If you look up using the theme detector tool, then it will show Sucuri as the hosting provider.

The theme detector tool lists Sucuri as the host for WPBeginner

We do use Sucuri for our firewall, but WPBeginner is hosted by SiteGround.

If the theme detector isn’t giving you a clear answer, then the second method in this guide can help. It will show you how to dig deeper to find the real hosting company behind a website.

Method #2: Using WHOIS Tools to Find Who is Hosting a Website

Another way to find out a website’s host is to look at their WHOIS information. WHOIS is like a public directory. It lets you look up ‘who is’ responsible for a website.

What is Whois Information?

Most domain names on the internet are managed by a global organization called ICANN. They keep a public directory of all website data which also includes information about where a website may be hosted.

This is publicly available information, and there are many tools you can use to lookup whois information on any website on the internet.

First, you need to go to Then, simply type in the URL of the website to look it up. You will see a list of information, starting with the domain name:

Looking up website details on

You just need to look for a ‘Name Server’ entry. This lets you know who is hosting the site:

Examining the nameservers listed in the data

In this case, the host is Dreamhost. To find out what web host the nameserver relates to, simply search for the nameserver on Google.

Again, you may not always be able to find out the host information. The nameservers may be set for a CDN instead, such as Cloudflare.

Other Ways to Find a Website’s Host

These methods are a little more time-consuming. However, they are worth trying if you are unable to find the host using the above quick methods.

For your own website, you could check your billing records. You have likely been billed for the hosting.

You could also contact whoever set up your website. If you aren’t able to contact them, then check through any information they have sent you in the past.

Finding out who hosts someone else’s website can be harder.

First, you could search the website for information about the web host. This might be on the About page or in the footer. For instance, the WPBeginner footer shows that our site is hosted by SiteGround:

WPBeginner hosting details shown in the footer

If you still can’t find any information, then you could contact the website owner or editor.

You will normally find a contact form on most websites that you can use to reach out. Explain that you like their website and that you wondered who is hosting it.

We hope this article helped you learn how to find out who is hosting a certain website. If you need help finding a great hosting service, then check out our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting service, and our comparison of the best WooCommerce hosting companies.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Find Out Who is Hosting a Certain Website (2 Ways) appeared first on WPBeginner.