How to Display Different Sidebar for Each Post and Page in WordPress

Do you want to display different sidebars for certain posts and pages on your WordPress site?

A lot of the time, you will want to show the same sidebar across your entire website or blog. However, sometimes you may need to show different sidebar content on some of your posts and pages.

In this article, we will show you how to create and display different sidebars for each post and page in WordPress.

How to Display Different Sidebar for Each Post and Page in WordPress

When Would You Need Different Sidebars in WordPress?

Many WordPress themes have a sidebar where you can add useful widgets and content. For example, many sites add a search bar to the sidebar or show a list of recent posts.

If your WordPress theme has a sidebar, then by default, it will look the same on all your posts, pages, categories, and archive pages.

However, you may want to display different sidebar widgets on certain posts and pages.

For example, you might show different content in the sidebar of your most popular posts or display ads that are more relevant to a particular page.

You could even use different contact forms depending on the page’s content.

Having said that, let’s see how to create and display a different sidebar for each post and page in WordPress. Simply use the quick links below to jump straight to the method you want to use:

Method 1: Displaying Different Sidebars for Each Post and Page in WordPress (Easy)

If your theme supports sidebar widgets, then you can easily create multiple sidebars using Lightweight Sidebar Manager. This plugin lets you build as many custom sidebars as you want and then assign them to different posts and pages. You can also add them to custom post types or assign a sidebar to all the pages or posts that have a specific category.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Lightweight Sidebar Manager plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to go to Appearance » Sidebars. To create the first sidebar, click on the ‘Add New’ button.

Adding custom sidebars to your WordPress website

You can now type in a title for the sidebar. This is just for your reference, so you can use anything you want.

With that done, open the ‘Sidebar To Replace’ dropdown menu and choose the location where you want to show the sidebar. The options you see may vary depending on your WordPress theme

Replacing the built-in sidebar provided by your WordPress theme

Now, you can control where the sidebar appears by creating inclusion or exclusion rules. 

To create an inclusion rule, just open the ‘Display On’ dropdown and choose the pages, posts, custom post types, or categories where you want to use the sidebar. 

For example, you might add the sidebar to a specific page, such as your 404 error page or the author archive.

Adding a custom sidebar to the WordPress 404 page

Another option is using the sidebar for a particular page, post, or category by selecting ‘Specific Pages/Posts/Taxonomies.’

This adds a box where you can type in the page, post, or category.

Creating a custom sidebar for WordPress categories

To create more inclusion rules, simply click on the ‘Add Display’ Rule button.

This adds a section where you can create the new inclusion rule.

Adding display rules for custom sidebars in WordPress

If you prefer, then you can create exclusion rules instead. For example, you may want to show the sidebar on every page except the homepage. 

You can also combine inclusion and exclusion rules to control exactly where the sidebar appears on your WordPress website.

To create an exclusion rule, just click on the ‘Add Exclusion Rule’ button.

Displaying different sidebars for pages and posts in WordPress

In the new ‘Do Not Display On’ section, open the dropdown menu and select the page or post that shouldn’t use this sidebar. 

You can also exclude the sidebar from pages that have a specific category by following the same process described above.

Displaying different sidebar for each page and post in WordPress

After deciding where the sidebar will appear on your WordPress blog, you may want to show different content to different users.

For example, if you have a membership site, then you might use a different sidebar for visitors compared to logged-in members. 

To do this, open the ‘User’ dropdown and choose a role from the dropdown menu. Now, only people with this specific user role will see the sidebar. 

Displaying different sidebar widgets on each WordPress page or post

Finally, you may want to type in an optional description. This will only appear in the WordPress dashboard, so it’s a good way to share information with other admins or users on a multi-author WordPress blog

If you are going to create lots of sidebars, then you can also use this field to leave yourself notes and helpful reminders.

Adding a helpful description to a custom sidebar in WordPress

When you are happy with the information you have entered, simply click on ‘Publish.’

With that done, go to Appearance » Widgets. You will now see all the widget-ready areas that your theme supports by default, plus the new sidebar you created in the previous step.

Adding content to a sidebar or similar widget-ready area

You can now go ahead and add widgets to the sidebar, just like any other widget-ready area. 

For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to add and use widgets

Adding content to a custom WordPress sidebar

When you are happy with how the sidebar is set up, click on ‘Update.’

Now, if you visit your WordPress blog, you will see the new sidebar live.

An example of a custom WordPress sidebar, created using a plugin

To create more custom sidebars, simply keep repeating these steps. 

Method 2: Creating a Different Sidebar With a Page Builder Plugin (Works With Any WordPress Theme)

If your theme doesn’t support sidebars, then you can still create different sidebars using a drag and drop page builder plugin.

SeedProd is the best landing page builder plugin for WordPress. With this plugin, you can create any type of custom page without writing any code. It also has dozens of professional site kits and templates that you can easily edit and fine-tune using the drag-and-drop builder.

When designing a custom page, you can choose a layout that has a sidebar.

Choose a Layout with a Sidebar

You then simply find the blocks you want to show in that sidebar and add them using drag and drop.

SeedProd has all the blocks and features you’d expect from a powerful page builder, such as optin forms, social profiles, countdown timers, contact forms, buttons, various content blocks, and more. This makes it easy to create powerful and unique sidebars for your WordPress blog.

Drag the Blocks You Wish to Use Right onto the Sidebar

To learn how to use the SeedProd page builder plugin on your website, you can see our guide on how to create a custom page in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add different sidebars to each post or page in WordPress. You may also want to learn how to create a custom Instagram feed in WordPress or see our expert picks for the best block themes for full site editing.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Display Different Sidebar for Each Post and Page in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Remove the Sidebar in WordPress

Do you want to remove the sidebar from your WordPress site?

The sidebar is a widget-ready area in your WordPress theme where you can show information that isn’t part of the main page content. However, sidebars can be distracting and take up valuable space.

In this article, we will show you how to easily remove the sidebar in WordPress.

How to remove the sidebar in WordPress

Why Remove the Sidebar in WordPress?

Most free and paid WordPress themes come with multiple sidebars or widget-ready areas.

You can use sidebars to show a list of your recent posts, adverts, email list signup forms, or any other content that isn’t part of the main page or post.

At WPBeginner, we use a sidebar to promote our social media pages and display our most popular posts.

An example of a WordPress sidebar

You can easily add items to a theme’s sidebar using WordPress widgets.

In most WordPress themes, the sidebar looks different depending on whether the visitor is seeing your site on a desktop or mobile device. Since smartphones and tablets have smaller screens, WordPress typically moves the sidebars to the bottom of the screen.

Depending on how your site is set up, this may look strange. Visitors will also need to scroll to the very bottom of the screen to see the sidebar content, which may affect the user experience and your conversion rates.

For more information, please see our guide on how to view the mobile version of WordPress sites from desktop.

Even on a desktop, there’s a chance that the sidebar may clash with your design or distract from the most important content, such as the page’s call to action.

With that being said, let’s see how you can remove the sidebar in WordPress. We’ll show you how to delete the sidebar from your entire site, and how to hide the sidebar on a specific page or post only.

Video Tutorial

If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading. If you prefer to jump straight to a particular method, then you can use the links below.

Method 1. Removing Sidebars Using Your WordPress Theme Settings

Many of the best WordPress themes come with built-in settings to remove sidebars. Depending on your theme, you can remove them site-wide, or simply remove them from individual posts or pages.

The easiest way to check whether your theme has these settings is to launch the theme customizer. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance » Customize.

Launching the WordPress Customizer

In the left-hand menu, look for a ‘Sidebar’ or similar setting.

In the following image, you can see the options for the popular Astra WordPress theme.

The theme settings for the Astra theme

If you do see a ‘Sidebar’ option, then click on it and then look for any settings that will remove the sidebar.

This might be a dropdown menu, thumbnails showing the different sidebar layouts, or some other setting.

Removing the sidebar using the WordPress Customizer

If your theme doesn’t have a ‘Sidebar’ option, then you may be able to remove the sidebar by selecting the ‘Page’ or similar section.

As you can see in the following image, Astra also has a ‘Page’ setting.

Changing the page layout in the WordPress customizer

Inside this setting, you’ll see different layouts including several that remove the sidebar such as ‘No sidebar’ and ‘Full Width / Stretched.’

Simply click on the different thumbnails to apply these layouts to your site.

Deleting the sidebar using the WordPress Customizer

No matter how you remove the sidebar, don’t forget to click on ‘Publish.’

Some WordPress themes also have settings that allow you to remove the sidebar from individual posts and pages. This can be useful when designing custom pages, such as a landing page.

To see whether your theme comes with these settings, simply edit any page or post where you want to hide the sidebar. In the right-hand menu, select either ‘Post’ or ‘Page’ and then look for a ‘Post Settings’ or ‘Page Settings’ option.

The page settings for the Hestia theme

If your theme has this section, then click to expand. You can now look for any settings that allow you to remove the sidebar.

In the following image, you can see the post settings for the popular ThemeIsle Hestia theme.

The Post Settings section

Keep in mind that some WordPress themes may not allow you to easily remove the sidebar using the customizer or page editor. If this is the case, then carry on reading and we’ll show you other ways to remove the sidebar in WordPress.

Method 2. Removing the Sidebar Using the Full Site Editor

If you’re using a block theme, then you can remove the sidebar using Full Site Editing (FSE) and the block editor.

This method is a quick and easy way to remove the sidebar across your entire site, although it won’t work with all themes.

To launch the editor, go to Appearance » Editor.

How to launch the FSE

You can now click to select the sidebar.

In the small toolbar that appears, click on the dotted icon.

Customize the sidebar using the full site editor

You can now delete the sidebar by clicking on the ‘Remove Column’ or similar setting.

Once you’ve done that, you can go ahead and click on the ‘Save’ button.

Removing the sidebar using the full site editor

Now, if you visit the front end of your WordPress website, you’ll see that the toolbar has disappeared.

Method 3. Removing the WordPress Sidebar Using Code

This method allows you to simply remove sidebars from every page and post on your WordPress site.

You will need to edit your theme files, so it’s not the most beginner-friendly option. However, this method should work for most WordPress themes, including themes that don’t have a built-in way to hide the sidebar.

Keep in mind that if you edit your WordPress theme files directly, then those changes will disappear when you update the theme.

With that being said, we recommend creating a child theme as this allows you to update your WordPress theme without losing customization.

First, you need to connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client such as FileZilla, or you can use the file manager of your WordPress hosting cPanel. Or if you’re a SiteGround user, your Site Tools dashboard.

If this is your first time using FTP, then you can see our complete guide on how to connect to your site using FTP

Once you’re connected, go to /wp-content/themes/ and open the folder for your current WordPress theme.

The FileZilla FTP client

WordPress themes are made up of different templates, so you will need to edit all the templates that include a sidebar. To work out what files you need to edit, see our guide to WordPress template hierarchy.

For example, you may need to edit index.php, page.php, single.php, archive.php, home.php, and so on.

To edit a file, open it in a text editor such as Notepad. Then, find the line that looks like this:

<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

If your theme has multiple sidebars, then the code will look slightly different and there may be multiple pieces of sidebar code. Typically, this code will have a sidebar name inside the function, for example:

<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">
<?php get_sidebar('footer-widget-area'); ?>

You can simply delete the line for the sidebar that you want to remove.

Now, save and upload the file back to your WordPress hosting account. Simply repeat the process described above for all the template files that include a sidebar.

When you’re finished, you can visit your WordPress blog to see the change in action.

You may notice that although the sidebars are gone, your content area is still the same width, which leaves the sidebar area empty.

An empty space where the sidebar should be

This happens when the theme has a defined width for the content area. After removing the sidebar, you need to adjust the width of the content area by adding custom CSS to your WordPress theme.

To do this, go to Theme » Customize. In the left-hand menu, click on Additional CSS.

Adding CSS with the WordPress customizer

You can now go ahead and paste the following code into the little code editor:

<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">
.content-area {
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0px;
    border: 0px;
    padding: 0px;

.content-area .site {

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Publish’ button. Now, if you visit your site you’ll see that the content area now takes up 100% of the available space.

Method 4. Removing Sidebars From Individual Pages in WordPress

You may only want to remove the sidebar on certain pages while showing the sidebar on other areas of your site. For example, many websites don’t show the sidebar on their sales pages, as this can distract from the page’s call to action.

If you just want to remove the sidebar from a specific page, then we recommend using a page builder plugin like SeedProd.

SeedProd lets you design any kind of page using a simple drag-and-drop editor. This makes it easy to add and remove the sidebar from any page.

In the SeedProd editor, simply click to select the sidebar you want to remove. Then, go ahead and click on the trash can icon.

Removing a sidebar using SeedProd

If you want to remove the sidebar from your entire site, then you can also use SeedProd to easily create a custom theme that doesn’t have any sidebars.

Method 5. Removing Sidebars from a Static Page in WordPress

Some WordPress themes come with multiple templates, including full-width page templates that don’t show the sidebar on either side of the content. You can use these templates to remove the sidebar from any page.

To see whether your theme has a full-width template, simply open any page. In the right-hand menu, select the ‘Page’ tab and look for a ‘Template’ section.

Changing the WordPress page template

If you find this section, then click on it to see all the options available.

You can now open the dropdown menu and look for a full-width template.

How to remove the sidebar with a full width template

If your theme doesn’t have a full-width template, then you can create one manually.

Open a plain text editor like Notepad and paste the following code in a blank file:

<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">
Template Name: Full-Width
get_header(); ?>

You can now save this file with the name full-width.php.

After that, connect to your site using an FTP client or the file manager supplied by your WordPress hosting provider.

Then, go to /wp-content/themes/ and open the folder for your current theme. Inside this folder, find the page.php file and open it in any text editor.

The FileZilla FTP client

Now, copy everything that appears after the <?php get_header(); ?> line and paste it into your full-width.php file.

Once you’ve done that, find and delete the line that looks like this:

<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

You can now save your changes and upload the full-width.php file to your theme folder.

You can now use this template with any page. Simply open the ‘Template’ dropdown in the right-hand menu and select your full-width template.

A full-width template

Note: If you have a page open in the content editor while creating the full-width.php file, you will have to refresh the editor for the new template to appear in the dropdown menu.

For more details, see our guide on how to create a full width page template in WordPress.

Method 6. Remove the Sidebar from a Single Post in WordPress

Just like pages, WordPress also comes with built-in support for post templates.

If you want to remove the sidebar from certain single posts, then you can create a custom single-post template. It is similar to creating a full-width page template.

First, you’ll need to create a new template file using a text editor like Notepad. Once you’ve done that, you can copy and paste the following code in that file:

<pre class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code">
 * Template Name: Featured Article
 * Template Post Type: post, page, product

 get_header();  ?>

This code creates a new template called ‘Featured Article’ and makes it available for any page or post, plus any product post types in your online store.

In your custom single post template, you simply need to remove the sidebar part of the code. For more information, you can follow the steps outlined in our guide on how to create custom single post templates in WordPress.

When you’re done, save this file as full-width.php.

Next, you need to upload the file to your current WordPress theme folder using an FTP client or file manager.

Once you’ve done that, you can apply this template to any post. In the right-hand menu, simply click to expand the ‘Templates’ section and then select the full-width template.

How to create a full-width template in WordPress

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily remove the sidebar in your WordPress theme. You may also want to see our step-by-step guide on how to boost WordPress speed and performance, and our comparison of the best email marketing services to grow your traffic & sales.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Remove the Sidebar in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.