How to Add the Ultimate SEO Dashboard in WordPress

Do you want to add an SEO dashboard to your WordPress admin area?

An SEO dashboard acts like your personal command center, giving you a clear view of your website’s SEO health. It allows you to track your SEO progress, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately drive more organic traffic to your site.

Here at WPBeginner, we’re all about making search engine optimization easy for everyone. And we’ve found a fantastic way to add a powerful SEO dashboard to WordPress in just a few minutes.

In this article, we will show you how to add the ultimate SEO dashboard to your WordPress website.

How to Add the Ultimate SEO Dashboard in WordPress

Why Add an SEO Dashboard to Your WordPress Website?

If you run a WordPress website, then you may want to add an SEO dashboard directly to your admin area. This means you don’t need to switch between different platforms, saving you plenty of time.

An SEO dashboard can provide valuable insights into your website’s health. It helps you understand how your website performs in search engine results pages (SERPs) so you can identify areas for improvement and improve visibility.

For eCommerce stores, an SEO dashboard can help you identify which product pages are ranking well and which ones need a boost. You can track keyword rankings for your most important products and optimize content to attract more potential customers.

Similarly, for lead generation, an SEO dashboard allows you to see how well your landing pages are optimized for their target keywords. This ensures they are SEO-friendly, maximizing their potential to bring in qualified leads.

Expert Tip: Prefer to leave your SEO to the experts? Our WPBeginner SEO Service can optimize your content for keywords, do a technical SEO audit, and help you get guest posts published on high-profile websites. That way, you just need to worry about running your business.

With all that in mind, let’s take a look at how to add an SEO dashboard in WordPress.

How to Set Up a WordPress SEO Dashboard With All in One SEO

We’ve experimented with various WordPress SEO tools, including the popular Yoast SEO plugin. But for accessing the ultimate SEO dashboard, our top pick is All in One SEO (AIOSEO).

There are two main reasons for this choice. First, AIOSEO is incredibly beginner-friendly. It is super easy to navigate its features, even for people new to WordPress SEO.

Second, this SEO plugin has comprehensive dashboards. You won’t just get a single snapshot of your website’s health. Instead, you’ll see a detailed breakdown of your links, be able to track your keyword rankings, and even monitor your SEO changes.

On top of that, AIOSEO offers a suite of other valuable SEO settings, including customizable XML sitemaps, schema markup support, 301 redirect setup, and more.

Note: We will be using the premium version of AIOSEO in this guide, as it unlocks all the dashboard features we need. That said, feel free to start with the free version to explore its capabilities before upgrading.

To set up AIOSEO, simply download the plugin from your AIOSEO account page and install it on your WordPress dashboard. You can read our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin for more information.

Then, follow the setup wizard. By the end of it, you will need to activate your license key, which you should receive after purchasing a premium plan.

For a detailed installation walkthrough, you can read our guide on how to set up AIOSEO for WordPress.

Click let's get started AIOSEO setup wizard

With AIOSEO set up, you are ready to move on to the next section and explore the SEO dashboard features. You can use the quick links below to skip to your preferred topic:

Check Your TruSEO and SEO Site Scores

The main AIOSEO dashboard is located at All in One SEO » Dashboard. This is where you’ll find a clear overview of your SEO performance.

This dashboard features two key widgets: ‘AIOSEO Overview’ and ‘SEO Site Score.’

The All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin for WordPress

The AIOSEO Overview showcases your TruSEO scores for all published posts and pages. TruSEO is AIOSEO’s way of providing personalized recommendations to enhance your content’s on-page SEO.

These include things like the existence and length of meta titles and descriptions, content readability, and the use of a focus keyphrase.

The TruSEO scores fall into five categories: Needs Improvement, Okay, Good, and Without a Focus Keyphrase.

Ideally, you want most of your posts, pages, and custom post types to get a ‘Good’ score. You can check the score for each post type by using the ‘Choose a Post Type’ dropdown menu.

The AIOSEO Overview score

Moving on, the SEO Site Score provides a broader picture of your website’s performance, not just individual pages and posts.

This score takes into account various technical aspects, including site speed, sitemaps, and the use of HTTPS. AIOSEO recommends aiming for a score of 70 or above.

The AIOSEO Site Score

The widget breaks down the scoring into three parts: Important Issues (critical problems requiring immediate attention), Recommended Improvements (areas for enhancement), and Good Results (areas performing well).

If you click on ‘Complete Site Audit Checklist,’ you will get a more detailed breakdown, which we’ll explore in a later section.

Check Your Website’s Ranking Stats

Staying on top of your website’s rankings in search engines is super important for any SEO strategy. Understanding how your content is performing in search results can help you find areas to improve your keyword research and drive more organic traffic.

AIOSEO provides an easy way to check your website’s ranking stats directly within your WordPress dashboard. What you need to do is head over to All in One SEO » Search Statistics in your admin sidebar.

Here, we will focus on the ‘Dashboard’ tab. To see data in this section, you’ll need to connect your website with Google Search Console.

For step-by-step instructions, check out our guide on how to add your WordPress website to Google Search Console.

AIOSEO search statistics dashboard

The Dashboard tab offers a quick overview of how your website is performing for rankings and click-through rates (CTRs).

At the top, you can conveniently set the timeframe for the data you want to see (Last 7 days, Last 28 days, Last 3 months, or custom).

Changing the dates in the Search Statistics dashboard in AIOSEO

The Dashboard has 5 key areas.

First is SEO Statistics. This section provides graphs to help you visualize your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and the number of people who clicked through to it.

The SEO Statistics graph in AIOSEO

It includes:

  • Search Impressions: The total number of times your website appeared in search results within the selected timeframe.
  • Total Clicks: The total number of clicks your website received from search results during that period.
  • Average CTR: The average click-through rate of your content in search results.
  • Average Position: This graph shows the average keyword position of your content in search results for the selected timeframe.

Additionally, hovering over each graph allows you to see specific numbers for any date within the timeframe.

For example, in the screenshot below, hovering over the ‘Total Clicks’ graph on May 7, 2024, shows that our demo website received 1.1k clicks that day.

Seeing how many clicks a website has gotten on a particular date in AIOSEO

You can also hover over the number that shows an increase or decrease to see more details about what happened to the data compared to the previous period.

Like so:

Hovering over the search impressions graph in AIOSEO

You can click on the ‘Open Report’ button for a more detailed breakdown of this data.

Next is ‘Keyword Positions.’ This section uses a line graph to illustrate how your keyword positions fluctuate over time using color codes.

Here’s how to interpret the data:

  • Blue: Shows how much of your content ranks in the top 3 positions.
  • Green: Content ranking between positions 4-10.
  • Yellow: Content ranking between positions 11-50.
  • Red: Content ranking between positions 50-100.

In the screenshot below, the graph shows a high concentration in the yellow zone.

This indicates most of our content falls within the 11-50 keyword position range. You can also hover over the graph to see the exact dates when your keyword positions decreased or increased.

Checking pages' keyword positions in AIOSEO

Scrolling down, you will see ‘Keyword Rankings’ and ‘Post Optimizations.’

Similar to the AIOSEO Overview tab in the main dashboard, the ‘Post Optimizations’ section shows your TruSEO scores for all published posts and pages.

keywords overview

On the other hand, the ‘Keyword Rankings’ widget shows what keyphrases your content is ranking for and how they are performing.

There are two tabs here. The ‘Top Keywords’ tab lists your highest-ranking keywords and the clicks you have received from them.

On the other hand, the ‘Winning/Losing’ tab highlights keywords gaining or losing ranking positions.

If you hover over any of the keywords in this tab, then you can get information on how much your rankings have increased or decreased compared to the previous period.

The Keyword Rankings list in AIOSEO

Finally, there is ‘Content Performance.’

This section focuses on which individual posts and pages perform the best.

AIOSEO's Content Performance feature

The performance is based on a combination of factors:

  • TruSEO score
  • Indexed status (whether Google has indexed the page)
  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Position
  • Differences in ranking over time

There are three tabs here:

  • Top Pages: Shows your best-performing pages.
  • Top Losing: Highlights pages that are losing ranking positions.
  • Top Winning: Identifies pages gaining ranking positions.

All in all, the Search Statistics tab is a pretty powerful AIOSEO feature. Check out these articles to see how you can make the most of it:

Look For On-Page SEO Audit Opportunities

Next, head over to All in One SEO » SEO Analysis and navigate to the ‘SEO Audit Checklist’ tab. This section offers an in-depth look at your overall SEO health.

At the top, you’ll see your SEO Site Score, just like before.

Here, a very good score falls between 50 and 75, but ideally, you should aim for 70 or above. This score is based on various criteria, which will be shown as you scroll down the ‘Complete SEO Checklist’ section.

The SEO Audit Checklist dashboard in AIOSEO

The Complete SEO Checklist is divided into four categories: Basic SEO, Advanced SEO, Performance, and Security.

Basic SEO tackles fundamental on-page SEO elements and checks if they’re already implemented on your website. These include SEO page titles, meta descriptions, heading tags, image alt text, and internal links.

The Basic SEO analysis in AIOSEO

If an element is missing, simply click the arrow button next to it. A button will appear, allowing you to address the issue immediately.

For example, a missing meta description can be fixed by clicking the ‘Edit Meta Description’ button. This will take you directly to the block editor for your homepage, where you can add one.

Adding a missing meta description in AIOSEO

The Advanced SEO report dives deeper into technical SEO. Here, AIOSEO checks things like:

Here’s what it looks like:

The Advanced SEO analysis in AIOSEO

Similar to Basic SEO, if an element is missing, you can click the arrow button next to the issue for more information.

A button will be available to help you address the problem.

Adding missing Open Graph tags in AIOSEO

‘Performance’ focuses on website speed. AIOSEO will identify any speed issues or areas where your website excels.

In our case, AIOSEO found that the page size is small enough to load quickly, generates few requests, and boasts a response time under 0.2 seconds. However, unminified JavaScript and CSS files are slowing things down.

Performance analysis in AIOSEO

AIOSEO isn’t a dedicated speed optimization plugin, so it can’t help you address these problems.

However, clicking the arrow next to the issue will provide information on how to tackle it.

You can also check out our ultimate guide to boost WordPress speed and performance for more information.

Performance issue found by AIOSEO

Pro Tip: Want to speed up your website with no effort? Our WPBeginner Pro Services offer a site speed optimization service that takes care of all the technical details.

Let our team of experts analyze and speed up your website so you can sit back and focus on growing your business.

WordPress security is all about safety and user experience, such as checking your website for malware and verifying whether it uses HTTPS encryption.

Security analysis by AIOSEO

If you go to the top of the Complete SEO Checklist section, then you can click on ‘Important Issues’ to view only the most urgent problems you need to address.

On the other hand, ‘Recommended Improvements’ are issues that are not as urgent but should be considered.

Once you have made improvements to your website, you can click the ‘Refresh Results’ button to see if AIOSEO can detect those changes.

The Complete SEO Checklist tabs in AIOSEO

Monitor Your External and Internal Linking

The next dashboard we will check out is at All in One SEO » Link Assistant. The dashboard is in the ‘Overview’ tab, which shows information about the links on your site.

The Link Assistant dashboard in AIOSEO

Search engines discover new content by following links. Broken or poorly structured links can prevent search engine crawlers from efficiently indexing your website, which can hurt your rankings.

Plus, well-maintained links ensure a smooth user experience for your visitors. Broken links lead to dead ends, frustrating users and potentially damaging your website’s credibility.

Let’s go through each section of this dashboard one by one. On top is a bar that shows the numbers for your Posts Crawled, Orphaned Posts, External Links, Internal Links, and Affiliate Links.

‘Posts Crawled’ indicates how many posts and pages Link Assistant has scanned so far.

Depending on the number of links, you may see a percentage indicator at the top right corner that tells you how many links have been scanned.

If all links have been scanned, then you won’t see the percentage indicator.

The Posts Crawled information graph in AIOSEO

Next up is ‘Orphaned Posts,’ which are posts or pages lacking internal links from other parts of your website. By finding and addressing orphaned content, you can help search engines properly discover and index all your pages.

External Links are links directing visitors to websites other than yours. Including external links to relevant and authoritative sources can enhance your content’s credibility and user experience.

On the other hand, Internal Links connect your website’s different pages and posts. They help search engines understand your website’s structure and improve user navigation.

You can use internal linking plugins to improve your linking strategy.

If you participate in affiliate marketing programs, then the Overview displays the number of Affiliate Links on your website.

Right below this bar, you will see a graph called Internal vs External vs Affiliate Links.

This visual representation helps you maintain a healthy balance of link types on your website. Too many external links can send visitors away from your content, while a lack of internal linking can hurt navigation and SEO.

You can check out the entire report by clicking on the ‘See a Full Links Report’ button.

The Internal vs External vs Affiliate Links graph in AIOSEO

Additionally, you’ll see a chart that shows your Most Linked to Domains. This information is handy if you want to review your outbound linking strategy.

For instance, are you linking to relevant and authoritative websites? Are there any competitors you’re linking to excessively?

For a more detailed look at this, you can click the ‘See a Full Domains Report’ button.

The Most Linked To Domains graph in AIOSEO

Finally, you will find the Linking Opportunities graph. It has two tabs: Inbound Suggestions and Outbound Suggestions.

The first tab highlights pages or posts that could benefit from having more internal links pointing to them. Meanwhile, the second points out pages or posts that should include more internal links to other relevant pages.

The ‘Count’ column shows how many inbound or outbound links you can add.

To see the full list, you can click on the ‘See All Linking Opportunities’ button.

You can also read our ultimate guide on internal linking for SEO for more information.

The Linking Opportunities list in AIOSEO

Bonus Tip: Add a Google Analytics Dashboard to WordPress

AIOSEO gives you a great SEO dashboard inside WordPress, but you can take things a step further with Google Analytics and MonsterInsights.

MonsterInsights makes it super easy to connect your WordPress site to Google Analytics in just a few clicks. This unlocks a ton of info and metrics about your website, like how many people visit and which pages are the most popular.

Dashboard widget stats

Plus, you can add notes directly to these reports to remind yourself about any changes you make to your website.

For example, if you give your site a makeover, then you can jot down a note and then see if it affects the number of visitors in the following weeks.

View your site notes under the report

Ever wonder if more people find your site through social media, search engines, or maybe even ads?

The MonsterInsights Traffic reports show you exactly where your visitors come from. This helps you figure out where to put most of your effort to get even more blog traffic.

Traffic details report

MonsterInsights also has a Site Speed report. While this doesn’t directly affect the number of people who visit your site, it’s still important for optimizing Core Web Vitals and keeping your visitors happy.

Faster loading times mean people are more likely to stick around and explore what you have to offer.

Site Speed in MonsterInsights

If you want to learn more, you can read our tutorial on how to add a stats dashboard in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you learn how to add the ultimate SEO dashboard in WordPress. You may also want to check out our ultimate guide to WooCommerce SEO and our expert pick of the best SEO rank tracker tools.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add the Ultimate SEO Dashboard in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

The Ultimate WordPress SEO Migration Checklist (For Beginners)

Many of our readers are worried that moving a WordPress website or switching to a different SEO plugin will affect their website search rankings.

Search is the primary traffic source for most websites, so you want to be extremely careful when migrating.

In this tutorial, we will share the ultimate WordPress SEO migration checklist. It will ensure that all your SEO settings are preserved during the migration without hurting any of your search rankings.

A handy checklist to assist you during WordPress SEO migration

Here is a list of topics we will cover in this guide:

What Is SEO Migration?

SEO migration is a set of best practices for maintaining search rankings and SEO settings while moving or making major changes to a website.

Search is the #1 source of traffic for most websites. It would be bad to lose some or all of that traffic during a migration.

Here are some common scenarios when you will need SEO migration:

  • Moving a WordPress website to a new domain name
  • Moving your website to a new WordPress hosting provider
  • Switching to a better WordPress SEO plugin

You need to ensure that you take proper precautions to preserve all your website data and SEO.

Following this step-by-step checklist will allow you to do proper WordPress SEO migration without losing rankings and traffic.

Preparing Your Website for Migration

First, you need to prepare your WordPress website for migration. You will do that by setting up proper SEO tracking and making a complete website backup.

Step 1: Track Your SEO Performance

First, you want to make sure that you can properly understand how your website is doing in search before you begin the migration.

This will help you compare your search performance after the migration and determine if the migration had any negative or positive impact on your traffic.

You’ll need two tools to track this data.

1. Set Up Google Analytics

The easiest way to track and monitor your website traffic is by using MonsterInsights. It helps you easily install Google Analytics on your website, which monitors your website traffic and shows you where your users are coming from.


For more details, see our tutorial on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

Note: If you haven’t used Google Analytics before, then it will take some time before it starts showing any data.

Once you have set up MonsterInsights, you will be able to see your website traffic performance by visiting the Insights » Reports page.


For more details, see our guide on how to track website visitors in WordPress.

2. Set Up Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps website owners track their performance in Google search results.

First, you will need to sign up and add your website to Google Search Console.

After that, you will be asked to verify ownership of your website. You can do that by adding a code snippet to your site’s header.

We recommend using All in One SEO for WordPress to verify your site’s ownership. It makes it easy to add a Google Search Console verification code.

All in One SEO - Google Search Console verification

More importantly, All in One SEO has the most powerful XML sitemaps, which you can then add to your Google Search Console account to improve how Google crawls your website.

Once your website is verified, you will be able to access a treasure trove of data. You can see it in your Google Search Console dashboard under the Performance tab.

Google Search Console performance

It will show you how often your site appears in search results, how many clicks you get, which keywords you are ranking for, and search ranking positions.

For more details, see our tutorial on how to add your WordPress website to Google Search Console.

3. Download XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap lists all your website content in XML format so search engines like Google can easily discover and index it.

WordPress generates a basic XML sitemap by default. However, this sitemap is quite basic and not customizable.

For better XML sitemaps, we recommend using All in One SEO For WordPress. It generates comprehensive sitemaps that you can customize manually.

For details, see our tutorial on creating an XML sitemap in WordPress.

XML sitemaps

Once you have created XML sitemaps, you need to download them to your computer.

Simply open an XML sitemap and select ‘Save as’ from the right-click menu.

Save sitemaps

Repeat the process to download all sitemap XML files.

3. Download URLs Using Screaming Frog SEO Spider (Paid)

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is an app for SEO professionals. It allows you to crawl any website, like search engines, and collect important data for SEO.

It crawls all your website URLs, external links, image URLs, JavaScript and CSS files, and more.

Open the app on your computer, go to File » Settings, and change the ‘Storage Mode’ to ‘Database Storage’.

Switch Screaming Frog Storage Mode

After that, you need to enter your website URL in the top bar and click on the ‘Start’ button.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider will start crawling your website. Wait for it to finish the crawl, which may take some time, depending on your website’s size.

Perform crawl to collect your website URLs

Once finished, your crawl data will be stored in the app’s database.

After the migration, you can crawl your website again and then compare the data to find missing URLs, broken links, images, and other files.

Note: A free version of Screaming Frog software is available for download. However, it is limited to 500 URLs, and most other features are locked. You will need the paid version to perform a full crawl and unlock all features.

4. Compare with Semrush Site Audit (Paid)

Semrush is one of the best SEO platforms used by marketers and SEO professionals.

You can perform a complete site audit before and after the migration, which will highlight the changes in your SEO performance.

Semrush site audit

Semrush will also let you catch missing files, broken links, URLs that are not indexable, 404 errors, and other SEO warnings.

Note: Semrush has a free version, but it is limited. For a comprehensive SEO site audit, you’ll need a paid plan.

Step 2: Back Up Your Website

A backup is one of the most important tools in your arsenal for securing all your data.

Generally, you should set up automatic backups on your website so that a complete, fresh copy of your site is always safely stored. This is handy if something bad happens to your website and you need to restore it quickly.

You must also create a complete WordPress backup before initiating major site changes, such as a migration.

There are several WordPress backup plugins that you can use.

We recommend using Duplicator because it is a complete backup and migration plugin for WordPress.


Making a backup using Duplicator is super easy.

First, you need to install and activate the Duplicator plugin. For more details, see our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go to the Duplicator » Packages page and click the ‘Create New’ button.

Creating a new package in Duplicator

Duplicator will start the new package wizard. Simply follow the on-screen instructions to create the package.

Once you have created a package, you can download it to your computer.

Duplicator download package and installer files

If you are migrating your WordPress website to a new server or domain name, then you can also download the package and installer files to your computer.

Step 3: Migrating Your WordPress Website (Optional)

If you are not migrating your WordPress website to a new host or to a new domain name, then you can skip this step.

Now that you have downloaded Duplicator packages to your computer, you can migrate your WordPress website.

Migrating WordPress to a New Host

If you haven’t already done so, you first need to sign up for a new host.

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

They offer WPBeginner users a generous discount on hosting and a free domain name. You can get started for $1.99 per month.

You are ready to migrate your website once you have set up your new hosting account.

Follow the instructions in our step-by-step tutorial on how to move WordPress to a new host.

Migrating WordPress to a New Domain

This section is for users migrating WordPress to a new domain name.

Please keep the following points in mind before migrating a website to a new domain name.

  • Switching to a new domain may temporarily impact your search rankings as Google and other search engines adjust to the changes.
  • Switching to a new domain may also temporarily reduce your search traffic. This is normal when switching domain names.

However, you can reduce the impact and quickly recover by properly switching the domain name and following this SEO migration guide.

Continue with our step-by-step tutorial on moving WordPress to a new domain name.

Once you are done, return to this guide and follow the remaining steps.

Post Migration SEO Checklist

After moving your WordPress website (either to a new host or a new domain), it is time to perform the post-migration SEO checks.

These steps will prevent any negative SEO impact of the migration and fix potential issues before they become a problem.

Step 4. Setting Up Redirects

If you have migrated your WordPress site to a new domain name, you must redirect users from the old domain name to the new one.

This step is crucial for a successful SEO migration.

These redirects properly send users from your old domain to the new one, and they also let search engines know that your website has moved to this new location.

There are two easy ways to do this in WordPress. We’ll show you both.

Method 1. Set Up Full Site Redirect Using All in One SEO for WordPress

For this method, you’ll need the All in One SEO for WordPress. It is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market and allows you to optimize your WordPress website for SEO.

First, you need to install and activate the All in One SEO for WordPress plugin on your old domain. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: You’ll need at least the Pro version of the plugin to access the redirect manager addon.

Upon activation on your old domain, you need to visit the All in One SEO » Redirects page and click on the ‘Activate Redirects’ button.

Activate AIOSEO Redirects

Next, you need to switch to the ‘Full Site Redirect’ tab and turn on the ‘Relocate Site’ toggle.

After that, you need to enter your new domain name next to the ‘Relocate to domain’ option.

All in One SEO full site redirect

Don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

Method 2. Set up Redirects Using Redirection

You can use this method if you are not using All in One SEO for WordPress.

First, install and activate the Redirection plugin on your old domain name. For more details, see our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, go to the Tools » Redirection page and switch to the Site tab.

Redirection full site redirect

Under the Relocate Site section, add your new domain name and click the Update button to save your settings.

The Redirection plugin will now redirect users and search engines to your domain name.

Step 5. Compare URLS

Next, you need to perform a comprehensive website crawl to compare all URLs on the new website with the old data.

This is the data you collected in the first step to benchmark your SEO performance before the migration.

1. Compare URLs Using XML Sitemaps

Set up XML sitemaps on your new website using All in One SEO. After that, download the XML Sitemaps to your computer.

Simply compare the new sitemap URLs with the old sitemaps you downloaded earlier.

2. Compare URLs Using Screaming Frog SEO Spider

If you have a paid subscription to Screaming Frog SEO Spider, then you can compare the two crawls.

Open the App and perform a full crawl of your new website. After that, switch to the Mode » Compare tab and select the current and previous crawl.

Compare crawls

You can also perform more comprehensive analyses by examining both crawls in different Modes, such as List and Spider mode.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider website has a detailed tutorial on comparing crawls.

3. Compare URLs Using Semrush

Another easy way to compare URLs is with Semrush using the Site Audit tool.

If you have set up Semrush before migration using a paid subscription plan, then you can compare it with the new craw post-migration.

Semrush crawl issues

Semrush will automatically report any issues it finds under the Issues tab.

You can also compare before and after crawls automatically.

Compare crawls in Semrush

All you have to do is switch to the ‘Compare Crawls’ tab to compare a past crawl with the latest crawl.

Step 6. Fixing Crawl Issues and URLs

When comparing URLs, you may come across some issues. The most common problems are:

  • Missing URLs – A post or page on your old site is unavailable on your new site. To fix this, you may need to create a new post or page or create a redirect (see Step 4 for redirect tools).
  • Missing Media – An image, audio, or video file failed to import. To fix this, try to manually import the missing media file or set up a redirect.

Go through any issues you find and fix them manually if needed.

Step 7. Migrating WordPress SEO Data

WordPress SEO plugins save important SEO data in your WordPress database. This includes plugin settings, SEO metadata, redirects, focus keyphrases, and more.

However, since you backed up your entire WordPress website during the migration, your SEO plugin and all its SEO data should start working out of the box.

This step is for users who want to switch their WordPress SEO plugin and want to migrate SEO data from one plugin to another.

For example, a while ago, we switched from Yoast to All in One SEO, and preserving all our SEO data was crucial during the switch.

Luckily, all good WordPress SEO plugins come with built-in SEO data importers.

For instance, All in One SEO will automatically detect other WordPress SEO plugins and will give you an option to import SEO during the setup wizard.

All in One SEO prompting to import SEO data from Yoast SEO

You can also manually import SEO data in the plugin settings.

Simply head over to the All in One SEO » Tools page and switch to the ‘Import / Export’ tab.

All in One SEO import SEO data

Under the ‘Import Settings From Other Plugins’ section, choose your older SEO plugin and then check ‘All Settings’.

Click ‘Import’ to continue, and All in One SEO will import all your SEO data from your previous SEO plugin.

Other WordPress SEO plugins like Rank Math and Yoast SEO also have built-in SEO data importers and exporters that you can use.

Step 8. Monitor SEO Performance Post Migration

Now that you have completely migrated WordPress while preserving SEO, you need to ensure that you are tracking important marketing data, including analytics and Google Search Console.

If you didn’t change your domain name, then your older Google Analytics and Google Search Console integrations will continue working.

Keep an eye on those reports to monitor your website for any post-migration traffic loss or drop in search rankings.

On the other hand, if you migrated WordPress to a new domain name, you will need to reconfigure Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Reconfigure Google Analytics

Those using MonsterInsights can go to the Insights » Settings page and scroll down to the Google Authentication section.

MonsterInsights reconnect Google Analytics

Click the downward arrow to expand the Website Profile section, and then click the ‘Reconnect MonsterInsights’ button.

MonsterInsights will then reauthenticate your website to Google Analytics and automatically add a new data stream configured with your new domain name.

Users who have manually installed Google Analytics in WordPress will need to add their new Domain Name as a Data Stream in Google Analytics.

Login to your Google Analytics account and click the gear icon at the bottom left corner to switch to the admin view.

Google Analytics data streams

Next, go to the Data collection and modifications » Data streams and then click on the ‘Add stream’ button.

Select Web as your stream type, and then add your new domain and website title.

Add new domain stream

Click the ‘Create stream’ button to save your settings.

Google Analytics will now start tracking data from your new domain name.

Reconfigure Google Search Console

Next, you need to reconfigure Google Search Console and inform Google about the change of address.

Note: This step is important because otherwise, Google may consider your new site a mirror or duplicate, which will make it much longer to rank for your new domain name.

First, add your new domain name as a new property in Google Search Console. Simply follow the instructions in our guide on how to add your site to Google Search Console.

Important: Ensure you use the same Google account you used for your old domain name.

After adding your new domain to Google Search Console, switch to your old domain name profile in Google Search Console.

Google Search Console Change of Address tool

On the next screen, you will be asked to set up 301 redirects from your old domain to your new site address. You have already done that earlier, so you can move on to the next step. If you missed that step, we suggest going back and doing it now.

Below that, select your new domain name from the drop-down menu and click on the ‘Validate & Update’ button.

Adding new domain to Google Search Console

That’s all. You have now informed Google about the change of address.

This may take a while, but gradually, your new domain will start appearing in search results instead of your old domain name. During this time, you won’t lose any traffic due to the 301 redirects you set up.

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress SEO Migration

Following are some of the most commonly asked questions about SEO migration for WordPress websites.

1. How do you do an SEO migration?

First, back up your website and track performance with Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Then, move your website data, including SEO data.

If you are migrating to a new domain name, ensure that you set up 301 redirects. Finally, use the Change of Address tool in Google Search Console to notify Google about the new URL.

2. How can I migrate my website without losing SEO?

By setting up proper redirects and using the Google search console, you can migrate your website easily without losing SEO.

3. Will domain migration increase SEO traffic?

Depending on the domain you use for migration, it may cause an increase in SEO traffic. For instance, if your new domain is more relevant to your website topics or you are using a country domain to reach a more targeted audience.

We hope this WordPress SEO migration checklist is helpful in migrating your websites. You may also want to take a look at our complete WordPress SEO guide for a more detailed SEO walkthrough and our expert picks of the best domain name registrars if you are looking to switch to a new domain name.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post The Ultimate WordPress SEO Migration Checklist (For Beginners) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Double Your SEO Traffic in 6 Months (With Case Studies)

Do you want to increase your website traffic?

Who doesn’t?

Over the years, I have seen a lot of websites driving tons of additional traffic to their content with the right SEO plan.

I’ve also seen other websites struggling to drive traffic while wondering what they did wrong.

In this article, I will share some successful SEO case studies with you and explain how having the right SEO approach can make a big impact in driving organic traffic.

Note: This is a guest post by Benjamin Rojas, the president of All in One SEO, the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market. This is an expert column that we publish every other Thursday, where we invite a WordPress expert to share their experiences with our readers.

Practical tips to grow your SEO traffic and double it in 6 months

I will cover quite a few topics in this post. Here’s a handy list so you can jump to the section you are most interested in:

1. Lay a Solid SEO Foundation

SEO is not complex. It is comprehensive. You need to keep SEO in mind even when you start building your site.

Unfortunately, many businesses think of SEO as a patchwork on top of whatever they are already doing.

By building a solid foundation with a clear-cut SEO strategy, we’ve seen several new websites grow their organic traffic exponentially.

Let’s take a look at, a food review website that grew traffic by 1,036% YoY, for example.

This website built a solid SEO foundation by applying Google’s E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness) principles from the very beginning.

Here is how their website’s traffic exploded.

Sporked's organic growth chart

Sporked is a very focused niche website. Google loves niche websites as it is easier for those sites to demonstrate their E-E-A-T.

The solid SEO foundation alone wasn’t the only reason for Sporked’s traffic growth. High-quality content, consistency, and backlinks also gave them an SEO boost.

Here is what you need to do to ensure that you are building an SEO-friendly business from the start.

1. Equip Yourself with the Right SEO Tools

Make sure you have the tools that help you easily implement SEO recommendations on your site. Below are a few:

  • A WordPress SEO plugin: An SEO plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) makes it easy to optimize your site for search engines, even if you’re an absolute newbie.
  • Google Search Console: It helps you identify how your site performs on Google for free.
  • Google Analytics: It gives you insights into how every website visitor interacts with your site. Using a plugin like MonsterInsights is the easiest way to install Google Analytics on your site.
  • A professional SEO tool: With an SEO tool like Semrush, you can analyze competitor content and make informed decisions to boost rankings.

2. Configure Essential SEO Settings

There are some essential SEO settings you’ll need to enable on your site.

These include your permalink structure, categories and tags, and WordPress sitemaps.

I highly recommend checking out the essential WordPress site settings that are critical for SEO success.

For more details, check out the ultimate WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

2. Don’t Forget About Keyword Research

Keywords are the search terms that users type into Google and other search engines to find information. Understanding which keywords your users may be looking for gives you a tremendous advantage in optimizing your website.

This means that you will want to focus on keyword research.

Ideally, you will want to rank for keywords that have the most search volume. However, those keywords may be difficult to rank for, especially for a new website.

In my experience, targeting keywords with the right balance of search volume and lower difficulty level helps you gain the traffic boost you need at the start.

Here’s how Content Authority, a content services provider, uses Keyword Research to grow its traffic by almost 300%.

Content Authority is a content services provider. They grew their website traffic by almost 300%, mainly due to the clever use of keyword research in their strategy.

They are in a highly competitive industry of content creation. Most of their competitors are equally good at creating high-quality content and the latest SEO trends.

To stand out among the competition and capture an untapped traffic source, Content Authority targeted misspelled keywords. They wrote articles targeting those keywords in articles like:

  • Cruncy vs Crunchy: Decoding Common Word Mix-Ups
  • Excel Vs. Accel: What’s The Correct Spelling Of This Word?
  • Adress Vs. Address: What’s The Correct Spelling Of This Word?

Did it work? Yes, it did. Most of their top-ranked content is in this format, targeting misspelled words.

Misspelled keywords

Why did it work? Content Authority writes exclusively about creating content and writing. Writing articles about correct spelling usage falls right into their area of expertise.

Lesson learned: In a competitive industry, clever keyword research can help you bring traffic from untapped sources that your competitors may have ignored entirely.

Here’s how you can implement the same strategy on your site.

1. Understand the Keywords Your Website Ranks For

Google Search Console is a handy tool that helps you identify the keywords your website ranks for. If you want, you can also use an SEO plugin like AIOSEO that helps you view keyword data in your WordPress dashboard.

Keyword Rankings in All in One SEO

Here’s how to check if your blog posts are ranking for the right keywords.

2. Unveil More Keyword Insights

You can use a premium SEO tool like Semrush to clearly understand everything you need to know about a particular keyword. It offers detailed insights into search volume, keyword trends, similar keywords, user intent, and more.

Semrush keyword magic tool

3. Generate Keyword Ideas

If you want to use a free tool to generate keyword ideas, you can use WPBeginner’s free Keyword Generator tool. Simply enter your main keyword, and the keyword generator tool will fetch hundreds of related keywords that people are using.

Keyword Generator Tool example

For more details, take a look at this guide on how to do keyword research.

3. Content is Still King

Many small businesses create a simple website with a few pages of content and hope for traffic to appear magically.

Unfortunately, it does not work that way anymore.

In fact, one of the best ways to drive traffic is to publish great content on a regular basis.

Let’s take a look at how Golfer Geeks, a website all about golf, grew its traffic by 190% through content marketing.

Golf is a highly competitive industry where websites are competing not just with other golf enthusiasts but big-name brands and media companies.

Golfer Geeks applied a very disciplined approach towards content. Each piece of content is highly structured, with multiple headings and sections, making it a pleasure to read.

They also use a proactive approach towards content decay. All their content gets regular updates with new information, keeping the content fresh and search engines happy.

Keeping the content fresh

They also actively used schema markup, particularly for FAQs.

This helped their content rank for many untapped keywords that their big-name brand competitors completely ignored.

Appearing in people also ask

Lesson learned: Excellent content, when combined with the latest SEO best practices, can help smaller websites compete with much larger publications.

If you want to grow your traffic by publishing content, as Golfer Geeks did, then here are a few things you need to take care of:

  • Create a plan to regularly update all your blog articles on a regular basis to fight content decay. Learn more: What content decay is and how to fix it.
  • Implement FAQ schema for People Also Ask results.
  • Optimize images to increase the clickthrough rate on Google.

4. Using Schema Markup

Schema markup is a special type of HTML code that you can add to your WordPress website to tell search engines more about your content.

For instance, you can tell the search engines that a particular page is a blog post, a recipe, FAQs, a news article, or a product page in your online store. Search engines can then use this data to display rich results.

Schema markup displayed in search results

1. Implement Proper Schema Markup

Some types of content benefit more from schema markup than others. For instance, if you write product reviews, then adding the Review markup to your post will make it extremely useful for your users as well as search engines.

Learn how to properly add schema markup in WordPress and WooCommerce.

2. Create User-Centric Content

Schema markup gives you an advantage in search results, but this doesn’t mean that you need to start creating content for search engines alone.

Make sure that your schema markup actually helps users find the information they need. It supplements your actual content and makes it more discoverable.

Case Study: How a Food Blog Grew Traffic by 508%

For this part, I would like you to look at Iowa Girl Eats. It is a food blog specializing in gluten-free food.

It is an older blog that has been publishing content for a while, but recently, it has exploded in traffic.

Iowa Girl Eats

So what changed?

They started optimizing heavily for user-centric content using schema markup. The blog now ranks for 316.2K keywords with review schema markup.

After the success of the review snippets, the blog has now started focusing on recipe schema markup as well.

Lesson learned: Implement schema markup to make your content more user-centric and search engine-friendly.

Links play a crucial role in SEO. Search engines treat links as authority signals. Generally speaking, the more links pointing towards a website, the more trustworthy that website becomes.

Now, there are two types of links you need to focus on:

  1. Internal links
  2. Backlinks from third-party domains

1. Building Internal Linking

Internal linking refers to the practice of linking to your existing content. This helps you achieve two things.

First, it lets your users discover more content when reading your articles.

Secondly, it helps search engines crawl more content and understand the context and subject authority of your website.

For more details, look at this internal linking guide for SEO.

2. Get Backlinks From Third-Party Sites

These backlinks are hard to get. Site owners try to avoid linking to external sources too much to ensure that more sites are pointing to their own domain names.

However, there are several ways to get backlinks. For instance, you can get reciprocal links from third parties by mentioning them on your website.

Reach out to other blogs in your industry that you believe you can partner with and pitch them your content.

3. Creating Link Magnets

Link magnets are the kind of posts that websites generally like to link to. These include:

  • Industry research: This is one of the best backlink magnets, as every publisher looks for proof to validate a point they make in their content. Unique industry research does just that. As a result, people will link to it.

These link magnets attract a lot of attention from other website owners in the industry and will help you gain a ton of backlinks.

Case Study: How Quadrupled Their Traffic with Backlinks is a travel website, which is a highly competitive industry. This makes it difficult to remain at the top of search rankings. witnessed a very slow growth for 5 years straight, then they suddenly grew their traffic by 305%. What changed?'s traffic growth

Looking closely, it’s clear that their traffic growth is directly proportional to an increase in backlinks.

Here is the graph.

backlinks increased

Obviously, backlinks alone were not the only reason for their organic growth.

They also implemented schema markup and started targeting a wide range of long-tail keywords that their competitors had ignored.

Lesson: Just a few backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry can have a huge impact on SERPs when combined with other SEO best practices.

6. Measure Your SEO Performance

One question that I have been asked a lot is, how do I measure SEO performance to see if something has worked or not?

As you apply SEO best practices and publish content regularly, you will want to see how they impact your website’s SEO.

Again, I’d recommend using all the SEO tools I mentioned in tip #1 of this article.

Case Study: How Meshki UK Grew Traffic by 589%

Meshki is a popular fashion brand in Australia, UK, and the US. They use country-based TLDs for their websites in each region.

This gives them a competitive advantage in local searches. But the real value they achieved is by adding review schema markup and monitoring branded keywords.

Organic keyword growth

However, to get such a result, a website owner has to regularly monitor their SEO performance and measure the impact of changes they’re making.

Conclusion: Summary of Tips to Double Your SEO Traffic

These are just some of the ways that you can step up your SEO game and better compete with established brands.

Implementing all these tips might sound tedious, but you can take one lesson at a time and start testing them on your site.

To summarize, below are the tips we’ve explained so far:

  1. Lay a solid SEO foundation by using an excellent SEO plugin and using the right SEO settings.
  2. Keyword research can help small businesses compete with big-name brands and publishing companies.
  3. Publishing user-centric content is still the most important factor in winning organic traffic.
  4. Schema markup allows you to help search engines show rich results. In return, they send you more traffic and display your site more prominently.
  5. Focus on building both internal and third-party backlinks. Don’t underestimate the power of internal linking.
  6. Measure your SEO performance to view your gains and losses. Change strategies when needed or double down to have a much larger impact.

I hope these practical tips help you increase your SEO traffic. For further reading, I recommend following the WPBeginner SEO guide step by step.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Double Your SEO Traffic in 6 Months (With Case Studies) first appeared on WPBeginner.

21 Tips for Using Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic

Are you wondering how to use Google Search Console to grow your website traffic?

Google Search Console is a powerful free tool created by Google to help website owners understand how the search engine sees their websites. Unfortunately, most businesses don’t know how to effectively use the full power of Google Search Console to increase their organic traffic.

In this article, we will show you how to properly use Google Search Console to improve your website SEO and get more visitors.

Use Google Search Console to grow website traffic

What Is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free tool offered by Google to help website owners monitor and maintain their site’s presence in Google search results.

It provides essential marketing data that you need to start tracking from day one. It also lets you know about errors, security issues, and indexing problems that may affect your website’s search rankings.

You can use all this information in your WordPress SEO strategy to increase your website traffic.

The sad thing is that most businesses don’t utilize the full power of Google Search Console because most of them think that just adding their website to Google Search Console is enough.

There’s so much more that you can do with the tool.

If you are not leveraging all of the powerful features that Google Search Console offers, then you are missing out.

Luckily, we are here to help. We have created this ultimate Google Search Console guide to help you grow your website like a Pro.

Since this is a comprehensive guide, we have added a table of contents for easier navigation:

Setting Up Google Search Console

Fixing Crawling Issues

Growing Your Website

Useful Google Search Console Tools

1. Adding Your Website to Google Search Console

If you haven’t already done so, then you need to go ahead and add your website to Google Search Console. It is really simple and will only take a few minutes.

Simply go to the Google Search Console website and click on the ‘Start Now’ button.

Click the start now button

You will be asked to sign in using a Google / Gmail account. Once logged in, you will need to enter your website URL.

Google Search Console offers 2 methods for site verification, including domain name or URL prefix. We recommend using the URL Prefix method as it provides more flexibility.

Choose a property type

Keep in mind that Google considers HTTP and HTTPS as two different protocols. It also considers and as two different websites.

You will need to make sure that you enter the correct URL for your website.

If you are unsure, then simply log in to your WordPress admin area and go to the Settings » General page. There, you will see your website’s URL in the Site Address field.

View your site address URL

After entering your website address, click on the ‘Continue’ button.

Next, you will be asked to verify ownership of your website. There are several ways to do that, but we will show the HTML tag method because it is the easiest one.

Verify ownership

Click on the HTML tag to expand it and then copy the code inside it.

Next, you will need to add the code to your WordPress website so that Google can verify the ownership. However, this requires coding, which can be tricky for beginners.

An easier way of adding Google Search Console to WordPress is by using All in One SEO (AIOSEO). It’s the best SEO tool for WordPress and is used by over 3 million users.

First, you will need to install and activate the AIOSEO Lite plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you can go to the AIOSEO » General Settings page and then click the ‘Webmaster Tools’ tab. Next, select the ‘Google Search Console’ option under Webmaster Tools Verification.

Webmaster tools in AIOSEO

After that, go ahead and enter the code you copied earlier from Google Search Console into the ‘Google Verification Code’ box.

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your changes.

You can now go back to Google Search Console settings.

You need to click on the ‘Verify’ button.

Click the verify button

Google Search Console will now look for the HTML tag in your website code.

Then, it will show you a success message.

Verification success

That’s all. You have successfully added your site to Google Search Console. You can now click on the ‘Go to Property’ link to visit your Google Search Console dashboard.

Note: If Google Search Console cannot verify your website after you have added the code, then you need to make sure to clear your WordPress cache and try again.

2. Adding an XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a way for website owners to tell search engines about all the pages that exist on their website. It also tells search engines which links on your website are more important than others.

Adding an XML sitemap to your website helps search engines better crawl your content. While it doesn’t give you a boost in search rankings, it can definitely help search engines index your content more efficiently.

Plus, if you installed All in One SEO (AIOSEO) in the first step, then the plugin automatically adds an XML sitemap to your site.

To see the sitemap, you can head over to All in One SEO » Sitemaps and make sure that the toggle for ‘Enable Sitemap’ is switched on.

Enable sitemap

The plugin will automatically generate an XML sitemap for your website, and you can find it at the URL that looks like this:

Don’t forget to replace with your own domain name. You can now submit this URL in Google Search Console.

Just head over to the Google Search Console dashboard and then click on the ‘Sitemaps’ option from the left column. After that, you can paste the URL and click the ‘Submit’ button.

Add a new sitemap

Google Search Console will now check your sitemap and use it to improve your website’s crawling. You can go through our guide on how to add a sitemap page in WordPress for more details.

3. Connecting Google Search Console to Google Analytics

Connecting Google Search Console to your Google Analytics account helps you analyze search console data in Google Analytics. This provides you with a new perspective on your top-performing content and keywords.

If you haven’t already done so, then you will need to install Google Analytics on your WordPress website.

We recommend using MonsterInsights for this. It is the best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress, and it will automatically show your top keywords from Google Search Console in your WordPress admin area.

Viewing Google Search Console Report in MonsterInsights

However, if you wish to see the Google Search Console report on the Google Analytics website, then you will first need to connect the two services.

You can connect Google Search Console to your Analytics account from either the Google Search Console or Google Analytics website. For this tutorial, we will initiate the connection from Google Search Console since we are already there, and it’s easier.

In the bottom left corner of the Google Search Console screen, click on the ‘Settings’ button. Then under ‘General settings’ you should click on the > arrow next to ‘Associations’.

Google Search Console Settings

This will open a page where you can see a list of services you previously associated with Google Search Console, if any. However, if you have not already associated with Google Analytics or any other Google service, then the list will be empty.

Under that, you will see a link where you can associate Google Analytics with Google Search Console. Simply click the word ‘Associate’ to get started.

In Google Search Console, Click on Associate

You will see a popup asking you to select the Google Analytics GA4 property you wish to associate. After that, you will see another popup asking you to select the GA4 web stream.

Finally, you will see a third popup asking you to confirm the association. Simply click the ‘Associate’ button to confirm.

Confirm the Association Between Google Search Console and Google Analytics

That’s all. You have successfully connected your Google Search Console data to your Analytics account.

You can now see on the Google Analytics Search Console settings page that Google Analytics is an associated service.

Google Analytics Is Now Listed as an Associated Service in Google Search Console

Google Search Console data is available 48 hours after it is collected, and will go on being available for the next 16 months.

Now you can add the Google Search Console report to Google Analytics.

You need to visit the Google Analytics website and make sure you are logged in. Once there, you need to click the second icon at the left of the screen, which is ‘Reports’.

After that, you should click ‘Library’ in the menu on the left of the screen.

Opening the Reports Library in Google Analytics

Now, under ‘Collections’, you need to find Search Console and click ‘Edit collection’.

You don’t need to make any changes on the next screen. Simply click the ‘Back’ button at the top of the screen.

Google Analytics Customize Collection Page

Now, you can click the 3 dots at the top of the Search Console card to show more options.

A dropdown menu will appear, and you should click ‘Publish’.

Publish the Search Console Report in Google Analytics

This will add a new Search Console section to the navigation menu for Google Analytics Reports.

Now, you can view your Google Search Console report in Google Analytics by navigating to reports and then expanding the Search Console section.

Search Console Report Found in Google Analytics Navigation Menu

4. Finding and Fixing Search Indexing Issues

The most helpful feature of Google Search Console is that you can troubleshoot indexing errors.

These errors can affect your organic search rankings by stopping search engines from crawling and indexing the pages on your website.

You can easily locate these errors in the Pages report (previously called the Coverage report).

It shows you which pages from your website are indexed by Google and which pages resulted in an error or a warning.

When you scroll down, you will see a detailed list of all the errors. Clicking on a link will open the detailed view, where you will also find the link to learn more about the error and how to fix it.

Google Search Console Pages Report

The following are a few common indexing errors you may see:

  • 404 error – This error means that the crawler followed a URL and saw a 404 error.
  • Soft 404 error – This error occurs when the crawler sees a 404 error page, but the page’s status code sends a 200 (success) message to the browser.
  • Server error – This means that your website server timed out or didn’t respond. This could happen if your website was under heavy traffic, under maintenance, or unavailable for any other reason.
  • Not followed – This error occurs when Google is not able to follow a content type. This could be a flash, JavaScript, iframe, or other resources that the crawler cannot fetch.

Now, let’s take a look at how to fix some of these crawl errors.

5. Fixing 404 Errors in Google Search Console

First, you need to keep in mind that not all 404 errors are equal. You can safely ignore some of them and only fix those that are actually errors.

For example, if you deleted a blog post and don’t want to redirect users to a newer post, then it is ok to let Google see a 404 error page. Google will eventually deindex that page if it keeps seeing the 404 error.

However, the reason Google wants you to look at those 404 errors is that you may not be aware of them. For example, you accidentally deleted something or forgot to redirect users to the new, updated version.

Simply click on the error in the Pages report, and it will show you all the pages displaying that error. Carefully review the pages, and if you see a page that shouldn’t be there, then copy its URL and open it in a new browser window.

If you see a 404 error page in your browser, then this means that you need to fix this page.

Now, if it is a page that no longer exists, but you have a newer or similar version of it, then you will want to redirect users to that page. See our guide on how to set up redirects in WordPress.

However, sometimes, 404 errors may occur due to a misconfiguration in the WordPress permalink structure.

To fix this, simply visit Settings » Permalinks and then click on the ‘Save Changes’ button without changing anything.

Save changes in permalink

6. Fixing Soft 404 Errors in Google Search Console

Soft 404 errors are a bit tricky to troubleshoot.

Basically, these errors occur when the Google bot sees what looks like a 404 error document instead of content. However, your server is sending a 200 (success) code.

Normally, your server sends a 200 success code when a page is displayed without an error or redirect.

Soft 404 errors

To resolve soft 404 errors, go ahead and click on the errors in the Pages report to view the list of affected pages.

Now, you need to open the page in a new browser tab to see what’s happening. If the page displays correctly, then you can safely ignore the error.

On the other hand, if the page is showing a 404 error document, then you may want to investigate further.

Start by clicking the ‘Submitted URL seems to be a Soft 404’ link from the Pages report. Next, you can open the link in a new tab to check if it’s not a false alarm.

If the page is valid and you want it to appear in the search results, then simply click the ‘VALIDATE FIX’ button. Google will then recrawl the page and change the status error.

Fix soft 404 error

If the WordPress search function causes the soft 404 errors you are seeing, then the easiest solution is to stop the Google bot from crawling search URLs.

To do that, you need to add the following lines to your robots.txt file:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /?s=
Disallow: /search/

Usually, Google Bot doesn’t crawl search URLs. However, some spammers might try to spam Google search console reports by linking to search URLs with random strings. This way, they hope you will see their link in your Search Console report and click on it.

If the affected URLs are not searched queries, then you may want to redirect them to a proper page on your site.

7. Fixing Server Error in Google Search Console

Server errors in Google Search Console are caused by a number of reasons. The most common cause is when your server times out during a crawl, throws an unexpected error or does not appear to be online.

You can use the ‘URL inspection’ tool to make sure that the affected URL is working.

If it is working, then you can ignore the error. If you are on a reliable WordPress hosting provider, then most server errors will disappear automatically.

However, if you can confirm the error by visiting the URL, then there are several things you can do to fix it. See our list of the most common WordPress errors guide to find a fix for the specific error message you are seeing.

8. Finding and Fixing Security Issues

Security issues not only stop Google from crawling your website, but they could also cause a sudden drop in search traffic. Google may temporarily remove affected pages, show a warning to users, and drop a page’s ranking.

Security issues will be highlighted on the overview screen when you log in to your Google Search Console account. The most common WordPress security issue is a website affected by malware and trojans.

Google Search Console Security Issues

To fix this, see our guide on how to clean a hacked WordPress website for step-by-step instructions.

You can also see our article on how to fix a website after getting de-indexed by Google.

9. Finding Manual Actions and Requesting a Review

While security issues are automatically triggered, manual actions are the penalties that are imposed by human staff from the Google Search team after a careful review. If a manual action is taken against your website, then this is pretty significant and can immediately take away all your search traffic.

These manual actions usually occur when a website is involved in illegal activities, spamming, and other fraudulent or fishy activities.

Search Console Manual Actions

Clicking on the ‘Manual Actions’ link will show you the actions in your search console report. You will also find detailed information about the issue that triggered it and how to clean it up.

Once you have removed the objectionable content, you can click on the ‘Request review’ button. Your website will now be reviewed and reconsidered by the Google Search team, and they can decide to remove the penalty.

10. Using Google Search Console to Grow Traffic

Now that we have covered the technical bits, let’s get to the fun part of growing your website traffic by using the data available in Search Console.

Google Search Console helps you uncover keyword data, find out your top-performing keywords, and discover hundreds of potential keywords where you can easily rank and get more traffic.

We will also look at links and how to use them to improve search performance.

Ready? Let’s get started.

11. Mining Keyword Data in Google Search Console

Keywords are the search terms users type in search engines to find information.

Marketers and website owners can optimize their content to target desired keywords and improve their chances of appearing on top in search results.

You can also view the keyword data in your Google Search Console reports.

It gives you a full view of the keywords your website is ranking for, average position, clicks, and impressions (number of times your site appears for that keyword).

You can see this information in your Google Search Console reports under the ‘Performance’ tab.

Performance report

On the top, you will see a graph of your website’s performance in search results.

Below that, you will see the keyword data, which you can filter by position, impression, and click-through rate.

Top keyword in search console

You can sort this data by clicking on any column.

You can also use the filter option to narrow down the results.

Filter top keywords

Just switch to the ‘Pages’ tab to see the performance of your pages in search results.

Clicking on any page in the list will filter the results for that page. You can then switch to the ‘Queries’ tab to see the keywords that bring the traffic to that particular page.

Now that we have covered how to browse and view this data, let’s see how to actually use this in your SEO and content planning.

12. Finding Low-Hanging Keywords Where You Can Easily Rank

A lot of your pages may be ranking on page 2 or 3 of Google search results for different keywords. These are the keywords that you can quickly work on to rank higher and get more traffic.

Let’s find those keywords.

In your Performance report, click on the filter icon and then select the ‘Position’ option. Next, you will be looking for keywords where the average position is higher than 7.

Use filter by position

Search Console will now only show the keywords where your site appears on an average position of 7 or higher.

Now, click twice on the ‘Position’ column to sort the list in ascending order.

Sort positions

As you scroll down, you will find tons of keywords that rank between 7 and 30. All these keywords are low-hanging fruits where you can easily rank higher.

To view more results, scroll to the bottom and select a higher number for ‘Rows per page.’

Rows per page

When choosing the keywords to work on, you will want to pick them based on the number of impressions. Higher impressions mean more search traffic for those keywords.

To do that, you can export the data in CSV format and then open it in spreadsheet software.

download data

Now that you have mined the low-hanging keywords with higher impressions, the question is, how do you improve your rankings for those keywords?

Here are some tips to help you improve your rankings for those keywords.

1. Improve the Content by Adding More Useful Information

The #1 reason your page isn’t ranking for a keyword is that Google finds other content more valuable. To counter that, you need to review your article or blog post and add helpful content.

Look at the articles ranking in the top 5 positions for that keyword and cover all the information that your article is missing in more detail.

We are not saying that you should just add more text to it. You need to make it more useful, informative, and comprehensive.

For more details, you can see our guide on how to write a great blog post.

2. Evaluate On-Page SEO

Using All in One SEO (AIOSEO) can improve the on-page SEO score for your article. It gives practical tips on improving a page by analyzing the content, keyword density, title, readability, links, and more.

AIOSEO's Action List for Improving Readability

You can also check out our SEO audit checklist to boost your rankings.

3. Increase the Time Users Spend on That Page

Google considers it a success when users click on a search result and spend time viewing it. This means your content needs to be highly engaging and instantly provide users with the information they are looking for.

Here are some crazy simple things you can do to increase user engagement:

  • Use images – Users find images much easier to look at than text. Adding more images makes it easier for users to scan the information and keeps them engaged.
  • Use videos – Videos are the most engaging form of content available. Adding video to a page significantly increases the time users spend viewing that page.
  • Make text more readable – Use smaller paragraphs, lots of white space, simpler sentences, and keep your style casual and conversational. All these things make reading easier for users.

For more tips, see our article on how to increase the time users spend on your site.

13. Using Link Reports in Google Search Console

Links play an important role in WordPress SEO. Search engines use them as a metric to determine how important a page is and where it should rank in search results.

The Links report in Google Search helps you see your website’s performance in terms of links.

It shows you external links, internal links, top-linking sites, and top-linking text. More importantly, it shows top linking sites, how often they link to your site, and how many pages they link to.

Let’s see how you can use these reports to get more backlinks, improve internal links, and boost your rankings.

Google Search Console shows third-party websites that have linked to your site in the ‘Top linking sites’ report.

You can expand the report by clicking on the ‘More’ link at the bottom.

Top linking sites

If you click on a domain name to expand the report, you will see all the pages they have linked to. Next, click on each page to get the exact URL linked to that particular page.

You can now use this data to get more backlinks for your site. Simply visit the website and see how they have linked to you. After that, see what other content they have where your site can be linked from.

Next, simply reach out to the website via email or the contact form on their website.

First, thank them for linking to your article and then politely mention that they may want to include a link to an article of yours.

Now, this direct approach may not always work. In that case, you need to be creative. You can offer them to write a guest post for their blog, leave comments on their articles, follow them on social media, or retweet their articles.

Repeat the process for all important external links on your website. With consistent effort, you can get proper backlinks without spending any money.

15. Improving Internal Links to Boost Rankings

It is harder to get third-party websites to link to your content. However, it is way easier to link to your own content from your own site. This practice is called internal linking.

Internal linking helps search engines understand the context and relationships among different pages on your website. It also helps them understand which pages are important based on how often you have linked to them.

This is why you should make internal linking a habit when writing new content on your website or blog.

Now, let’s see how to use the links reports in Search Console to help you build internal links.

In Google Search Console, click on the Links report and then click on the ‘More’ link in the ‘Internal Links’ column. The report shows how often you have linked to other pages on your site.

Go ahead and click the filter icon and then select the ‘Target page’ option.

Filter internal links

Search Console will now show you how many pages are linking to this page. You can now compare it with other pages and see whether pages with more internal links are ranking higher than posts with many internal links.

If that’s the case, then go ahead and start adding internal links to pages that you want to rank higher. Make sure you are only linking to the article when it makes sense. Adding links where they don’t make sense would create a bad user experience.

Related: To make internal linking even easier, you can check out our picks of the best internal linking plugins for WordPress.

16. Using Core Web Vitals in Search Console

Did you know that Google considers your website loading speed as a ranking factor?

In 2020, Google introduced Core Web Vitals, which measure how fast your website is and helps the search engine measure your site’s user experience.

In Google Search Console, you can view the ‘Core Web Vitals’ report under the Experience menu on your left. It provides a complete report about your site’s speed score for mobile and desktop.

The best part is that you also get recommendations on how to improve your Core Web Vitals scores and improve your site’s load time.

Core web vitals report

For more information, please refer to our guide on how to boost WordPress speed and performance.

Viewing Google Search Console Data Inside WordPress (Bonus Tip)

Searching through Google Search Console reports can be time-consuming, especially if you are a beginner.

Luckily, AIOSEO has a Search Statistics addon that lets you view important insights from Google Search Console right inside the WordPress dashboard.

This will save you tons of time, as you won’t have to switch between Search Console and your website to find the data you need to grow your business.

After connecting Search Statistics with Google Search Console, simply click on ‘Search Statistics’ under the AIOSEO menu in the WordPress admin dashboard.

AIOSEO Search Statistics dashboard

This will bring you to the Search Statistics dashboard. Here, you can view search stats like impressions, total clicks, average click-through rate (CTR), and the average position of all your content for the date range you have set.

You can also see easy-to-read reports on your keyword positions, keyword rankings, content rankings, and more.

You can even view your ‘top winning’ and ‘top losing’ keywords, which are the keywords that have seen the biggest position change in search results.

Search Statistics keyword performance table

This report, along with AIOSEO’s built-in SEO recommendations, makes it easy to nudge your losing keywords back to the top of search results and ensure your winning content continues to rank well.

In addition, AIOSEO offers a Content Rankings report to help you easily spot content decay. It includes details like the date a URL was last updated, the rate at which your content is decaying, SEO data about each individual URL, and more.

AIOSEO Content Rankings report

This will help you quickly identify what content needs to be updated and optimized so that you can drive more traffic to your website.

17. Creating Rich Snippets for Your WordPress Pages

Rich snippets or schema markup allows Google to display additional information in its search results. These include star ratings, prices, reviews, and more.

Rich snippets make your page more noticeable in the search results. As a result, you can get more clicks and website traffic.

An example of a rich snippet, created using AIOSEO

Many WordPress themes automatically include some basic structured data. If you publish recipes, run a reviews site, or have an online store, then rich snippets can give your site an SEO boost.

Google Search Console makes it very easy to find pages that are displaying rich snippets. It also shows the type of rich snippets for your website.

You can view them by going to ‘Overview’ and then scrolling down to the ‘Enhancements’ section.

Enhancements section in search console

The really useful thing is that the report allows you to quickly look at pages that have errors while displaying rich snippets so that you can fix them.

If you want to learn more about setting up rich snippets, then please see our guide on how to add schema markup in WordPress and WooCommerce.

18. Using Search Console to Improve Mobile Usability

Nearly 63% of all Google searches in the United States come from mobile devices. That’s why Google gives an SEO bump to mobile-friendly websites in the search results.

Google has a Mobile-Friendly test tool called Lighthouse that allows you to quickly examine a page. The Mobile Usability report in Search Console also tells you how Google sees your entire website in mobile performance.

Mobile usability

If you see errors on this page, then this means that these issues may affect your site’s rankings.

To see the affected pages, you can scroll down to the ‘Details’ section and click on the error.

Mobile errors in search console

Poorly coded WordPress themes or plugins cause most mobile usability issues. The easiest way to fix those issues is by using a responsive WordPress theme.

19. Using the URL Inspection Tool in Search Console

The URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console provides information about a page and whether it’s in the Google search results or not.

You can check the status of a page and also request Google to recrawl a page. To start, simply enter a URL in the top search bar.

URL inspection tool

Google Search Console will then show you the status of the page that is indexed by Google. If it’s not indexed, then you will see a message saying, ‘URL is not on Google.’

You can click the ‘Requesting Indexing’ button and request Google to manually fetch the page from your website.

Besides that, you can scroll down and see more details in the Pages report. It will show information about sitemaps, crawl history, and indexing.

Detailed coverage report

You can also live-test a URL and see if there is an indexable version available.

If there is, then simply click the ‘Request Indexing’ option.

Live test URL

20. Removing URLs From Google Search

So far, we have focused on using Search Console to get your content indexed and improve rankings in Google Search. However, sometimes you may want to remove content from Google Search as well.

One way to do this is to add a noindex meta tag to the page you want to remove from search results. However, depending on how often Google crawls your website, it could take some time before your page actually disappears from search results.

Search Console’s Remove URL tool allows you to request a URL to be removed from the search results. Simply click on ‘Removals’ under Index in the menu on your left.

Removals requests

Now click on the ‘New Request’ button, and a popup window will appear.

Go ahead and enter the URL you want to remove, select whether you want to remove this URL only or with this prefix, and click the ‘Next’ button.

New removal request

Google will now block the URL from its search results for about 6 months. You can add as many URLs as you want and see them in the Removals section in Search Console.

21. Adding Users to Access Google Search Console

If you have a marketing team or you have hired someone to help you with SEO, then those users may also need access to Google Search Console data.

Search Console allows you to easily add users and give them access to view all reports without sharing your Google account credentials with them.

To add a new user, simply click on the Settings » Users and permissions option under Property settings and then click on the ‘Add User’ button.

Add new user

Next, you need to provide the user’s valid Google account email address.

Then, select a permission to grant them.

Enter user email

There are two types of permission levels. The full permission level will give them access to everything, including the ability to add new users. Restricted permissions will allow them to view the data but not add new users.

After choosing a permission level, click on the ‘Add’ button to save your changes.

The user who you added will now receive an email notification so they can log in and view Google Search Console data for your website.

Helpful Resources

The following helpful resources on WPBeginner will help you further improve your website’s performance in search engines:

  • Ultimate WordPress SEO Guide – Our complete step-by-step WordPress SEO guide will walk you through setting up WordPress SEO like a pro.
  • WordPress Performance Guide – Step-by-step guide to improve your WordPress speed and performance for higher search rankings and better user experience.
  • WordPress Security Guide – Keep your WordPress site secure with this complete WordPress security guide for beginners.
  • Tracking User Engagement – This guide helps you learn how to track user activity on your website and use it to plan your growth strategy.
  • Convert Visitors into Customers – If you run an online store, then this guide will show you how to convert search traffic into paying customers.

We hope this article gave you some good tips on using Google Search Console more effectively to grow your site. You may also want to see our guide on how to do an SEO content gap analysis and our expert picks for the best keyword research tools for SEO.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 21 Tips for Using Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing & Fix Over Optimization in SEO

Are you worried that you’ve stuffed too many keywords into your content?

When it comes to optimizing your site for search engines, many new users have a tendency to stuff their content with keywords. However, this is not a good practice and could lead to over-optimization, which can then lead to being penalized by search engines like Google.

In this article, we will show you how to avoid keyword stuffing and fix over-optimization in SEO.

How to avoid keyword stuffing and fix over optimization in SEO

What is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword stuffing is filling a web page with keywords to manipulate search engines in the hopes of getting higher rankings.

In the early days of search engine optimization (SEO), it was easy to exploit search engines and use keyword stuffing to boost ranking. However, search engines like Google have become a lot smarter and can penalize sites that use this as an exploit.

There are different ways you can do keyword stuffing in your content. For instance, repeating words and phrases unnecessarily, listing or grouping text together unnaturally, or inserting blocks of keywords that appear out of context.

Here’s an example of how using the same keyphrase repeatedly in a single paragraph can lead to keyword stuffing.

Keyword stuffing example

Another way site owners can stuff search terms is by adding hidden text to the source code of the page. Users won’t be able to see this, but search engine crawlers will. Google does not like this practice.

That said, let’s look at how keyword stuffing can impact your site’s SEO.

Why is Keyword Stuffing Bad for SEO?

If you’re starting out with WordPress SEO, then it can be easy to get carried away and add the same keyword lots of times in the content. However, you should know that it goes against the web search policies of Google.

This could lead to a penalty from Google, where your site can be demoted in rankings. In worst cases, Google can also remove your page from its search engine results.

Besides that, keyword stuffing also leads to poor user experience because the content can be come hard to read. People might not find your content useful and exit the website. As a result, your site might look spammy and you won’t be able to build a healthy relationship with your audience.

Having said that, let’s look at different ways you can fix over-optimization and avoid keyword stuffing.

1. Measure Your Content’s Keyword Density

The easiest way of avoiding keyword stuffing is by measuring the keyword density of your content. Keyword density checks how many times a search term is used within the content.

You can use WPBeginner Keyword Density Checker to get started. It is a free tool that doesn’t require signup, registration, or installation.

Simply enter the URL or text of your content into the tool and click the ‘Check’ button.

WPBeginner keyword density checker tool

Next, the tool will analyze your content and show you the results.

You can then see how many times a keyword is being used on the web page. For instance, in the screenshot below, you can see the word ‘parrotfish’ occurs 28 times or has a 13.66% density.

The Free WPBeginner Keyword Density Checker Tool

After finding the density of the search term, you can then edit your content and remove words and phrases that are repeated multiple times.

A best SEO practice suggests that keyword density should be around 2%. You can use this as a guideline and ensure your content isn’t over-optimized.

2. Assign a Primary Keyword to Each Content

Another way you can fix over-optimization for SEO is by assigning a primary keyword or phrase to each blog post and page.

You should conduct keyword research and pick a search term that best represents the main topic of your content. This way, your content will focus on a specific issue and you’ll be better able to fulfill the search intent

If you try to optimize a web page with multiple keywords with different intent, then you’ll leave your site in a big mess. It will confuse search engines from understanding your content and who it is for, which will prevent your page from ranking for the right keyword.

There are different keyword research tools you can use to find the primary search term for your content. We recommend using Semrush, as it is a complete SEO tool that offers powerful features.

The Semrush keyword overview tools

You get a detailed overview of the keyword along with other valuable information. For instance, Semrush shows search volume, intent, keyword difficulty, and more for the search term.

Once you’ve found a primary keyword, you can use the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin to optimize your content for the search term. AIOSEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress that lets you add focus keyphrases to each post and page.

Adding focus keyphrase for your blog post

The plugin analyzes your content for the keyphrase, shows a score, and provides tips to improve keyword optimization. AIOSEO also integrates with Semrush to help you find more related keywords.

To learn more, please see our guide on how to properly use focus keyphrases in WordPress.

3. Use Synonyms and Related Keywords

You can avoid keyword stuffing by using LSI (latent semantic indexing) or related keywords for your content.

These are search terms that are closely related to the primary keyword. Related keywords also help search engines better understand your content.

Using different variations of keywords, synonyms, or long tail phrases can also help avoid keyword stuffing. It gives you more flexibility in incorporating different topics into your article.

You can find related keywords using the WPBeginner’s Keyword Generator tool. Simply enter your main search term or topic in the search bar and click the ‘Analyze’ button.

Keyword generator tool

The tool is 100% free to use and generates over 300 keyword ideas.

You can then use different variations in your article to avoid keyword stuffing.

keyword analysis report

Besides that, you can also search the primary keyword on Google and then scroll down to see related searches.

This will give you even more keyword variations to use in your content and fix over-optimization issues.

Related searches

4. Add Value by Extending the Word Count

Next, you can create long-format content to cover the topic in detail and help achieve higher rankings.

Extending the word count gives you the opportunity to cover multiple sub-topics, answer different questions users might have, and easily use keyword variations to avoid stuffing.

This also helps you use different search terms naturally instead of forcing them in every sentence. Plus, it offers a better reading experience for users.

While extending the word count will help avoid keyword stuffing, you should also focus on content quality. Google and other search engines emphasize creating content that’s valuable. So, we recommend writing for your users instead of focusing on keyword placement.

One way of extending the word count and diversifying the use of keywords is by adding a FAQ section at the bottom of the post.

Include a FAQ section

5. Include Keywords in On-Page SEO Optimization

You can also avoid keyword stuffing and fix over optimization by placing the target search term in different places during the on-page SEO process.

On-page SEO is optimizing a webpage for search engines and users. It refers to anything you do on the page itself to boost its rankings in search engine page results (SERP).

By spreading the placement of keywords across different page elements, you can easily fix keyword stuffing issues. For instance, there are different page elements where you can add the main keyword. These include the title, meta description, subheadings, permalink, and more.

With AIOSEO, it is very easy to perform on-page SEO and ensure your content is properly optimized. You can add meta descriptions, focus keyphrases, build internal links, and get suggestions for improvement.

Post title and meta description example

Similarly, adding keywords to image alt text lets you rank for image search and allows you to diversify the use of primary search terms across the content.

It can help show screenshots from your blog post as featured snippets, helping you get more traffic.

Adding alt text, a description, caption, and more to images in WordPress

You can learn more by following our tips to optimize your blog posts for SEO.

We hope this article helped you learn how to avoid keyword stuffing and fix over-optimization in SEO. You may also want to see our guide on a 13-point WordPress SEO checklist for beginners and must-have WordPress plugins for business sites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing & Fix Over Optimization in SEO first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Appear in Google Answer Boxes with Your WordPress Site

Do you want your articles to appear in Google answer boxes?

Google uses answer boxes to answer questions directly on the search results page. Getting featured in them can help you get more organic clicks and boost website traffic.

In this article, we will explain how to make your WordPress website’s content appear in Google answer boxes.

How to appear in Google answer boxes with your site

What Is a Google Answer Box?

The Google answer box is part of Google’s knowledge graph. It is an algorithm that tries to answer user’s questions right on the search page like a featured snippet, and it appears at the top of the page.

Answer box example on google

Google uses carousels, side boxes, lists, tables, and answer boxes to display the most relevant information at the top. This information is gathered from various sources, and the algorithm decides which results should be displayed inside an answer box.

According to research done by Advanced Web Ranking, answer boxes have an average click-through rate of 32.3%. This makes them extremely important for your WordPress SEO strategy.

How Google Displays Information in the Answer Box

The purpose of answer boxes is to offer instant information to users. This works particularly well when people are looking for factual data like public figures, distances, conversion rates, scores, and similar information.

Answer box for conversion rates

If users get the exact information they need, then they can move on and search for something else. For many queries, Google can just display a sidebox from the web’s most reliable knowledge sources, like Wikipedia.

In a way, it might sound like Google is trying to keep all the traffic for itself. However, not all users are looking for information that Google’s knowledge graph can answer with accuracy.

If a user’s keywords require an opinionated, well-thought-out, or research-based answer, then Google relies on other web sources.

Answer box for researches

If you are among the top 10 results for a keyword, then you are already closer to appearing in a Google answer box.

Google answer box results change quite often, and you can easily appear as the best answer by simply improving your WordPress website content.

Let’s explore a number of content optimization steps that you can take to appear in the answer box. You can click the links below to jump to our different tips:

1. Add Short and Helpful Answers in Your Content

The purpose of answer boxes is to provide quick answers to users.

To help grab a Google answer box, you will want to make sure that your article answers a specific question as early in the article as possible. You also need to make your answer short, concise, and easy to understand.

You can also add a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section to your blog post and pages. This will allow you to answer as many questions as possible for a particular topic and increase your chances of getting featured in an answer box.

Include a FAQ section

If you are using All in One SEO for WordPress (AIOSEO), then it is super easy to add a FAQ section to your content. AIOSEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress, and it automatically optimizes your site for featured snippets.

Another advantage of using AIOSEO is that it lets you easily add FAQ schema in WordPress. FAQ schema is a smart markup code that allows Google to identify a FAQ section in your content.

As a result, Google may reward you by listing your site in answer boxes, people also ask sections, and other rich results.

FAQ schema can appear in the People Also Ask box

2. Include Keywords in the Form of Questions

It also helps to include your keywords in the form of a question followed by a short answer. After that, feel free to add as much detail to your answer as you want.

Adding more information will allow you to use the keyword throughout the article. You can even use the article to answer other questions your users may have about the same topic.

To find keywords that are in the form of a question, you can use any keyword research tool.

For instance, we recommend Semrush as it shows a lot of information about a search term. This includes questions about the topic, which you can include while writing the article.

View questions for a keyword

Expert Tip: Looking for a free way to do keyword research? Our WPBeginner Keyword Generator tool can help you find hundreds of keyword ideas in just seconds.

To learn more, please follow our guide on how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog.

3. Use Lists, Tables, and Table of Contents

Users love properly formatted content because it helps them quickly get the information they need. You can publish informative content in a viral listicle format that is easier for visitors to consume and share.

For example, here’s how Google picked numbered bullets from OptinMonster’s exit-intent popup hacks article and showed it as an answer box / featured snippet in the search results.

Include lists in your content

Google understands that list and table formatting makes content easier to read and tends to highlight the websites that use this formatting.

This includes:

  • Pages that use tables to list items
  • How to articles that use step-by-step instructions
  • Top lists that simply list items
  • Lengthy articles that use a table of contents
  • And more

This does not mean that you must always use one of these formats to write your articles. However, if using formatting can help your users get to the information quickly, then it’s a good idea to use it.

In other cases, Google will use descriptions from your list post and show them in answer boxes.

For example, Google picks small details from our article about WordPress form plugins and displays them in the search results.

Google answer box form plugins

4. Optimize Content With Data-Driven Decisions

Data is the most important thing you need if you want to create an effective content strategy. Without knowing information about your visitors, you won’t be able to write content that they want to read.

This is where Google Analytics comes in. Its detailed data helps you understand your audience and plan accordingly.

You will need MonsterInsights to properly track user engagement in WordPress. It is the best Google Analytics plugin on the market, and it will help you learn where your users are coming from and what they do while they are on your site.

The MonsterInsights Google Analytics plugin

These stats provide you with a clear picture of what’s already working on your website. You can then expand on it and make informed decisions for better SEO.

5. Optimize Your Page’s Meta Description

A meta description is a brief description explaining what your page is about. It is added in the <head> section of your site’s HTML. At times, Google will use it as an answer and show it in its answer boxes.

You can easily add meta descriptions to your articles by using the All in One SEO plugin. When you are in the content editor, simply scroll down to the AIOSEO Settings meta box and enter a meta description.

AIOSEO meta description

Make sure that your meta description includes your target keyword. It also needs to explain what questions or topics this particular page or post will be answering.

6. Follow SEO Best Practices

Apart from answering user questions, you also need to make sure that Google can find your content and understand it easily.

This means you still need to optimize your posts for SEO just like you would normally do:

  • Include your keywords in the SEO title, description, and keywords.
  • Add your focus keyword in the content and sub-headings in your article.
  • Properly use categories and tags.
  • Make sure there is enough content to cover the topic.
  • Make internal linking a habit and link to your other posts and pages.
  • Add title and alt tags to your images.

For more details, you can see our complete guide on how to optimize your WordPress blog posts for SEO.

Are Google Answer Boxes Worth the Effort?

Yes, absolutely. As we mentioned earlier, the click-through rate for results in the answer box is way higher than other content. Depending on the topic and your content, it could go as high as 51.2%.

However, we do not recommend you overthink it. The purpose of answer boxes is to help users find information quickly. If you focus on answering questions through helpful and informative content, then search results will start picking up your content.

Google’s search features are always changing. There are no shortcuts that will help you win forever. But building your website as an authority/reliable source of useful information will help you win in the long run.

We hope this article helped you learn how to appear in Google answer boxes. You may also want to see our list of the best WordPress SEO plugins and our guide on how to use Google Trends to improve SEO and grow your business.

The post How to Appear in Google Answer Boxes with Your WordPress Site first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Use AI for SEO in WordPress (12 Tools)

Do you want to use AI for SEO in WordPress?

Artificial Intelligence is making a significant impact on the SEO industry. There are already excellent AI SEO tools that you can use to improve your SEO rankings without much effort.

In this article, we’ll show you how to use AI for SEO in WordPress with our hand-picked selection of tools and software.

Using AI for SEO in WordPress with best tools and software

Why Use AI for SEO in WordPress?

Most AI tools for SEO use a type of artificial intelligence that uses machine learning technology to teach itself.

These incredibly powerful computer programs are trained over a massive amount of data with access to millions of resources and websites.

With this powerful range of knowledge, natural language capability, and lightning-fast speeds, AI SEO tools can make SEO a breeze for WordPress website owners.

Artificial Intelligence powered SEO tools can help you with the following:

  • Research and optimize your content
  • Keyword research and finding related topics
  • Comparing your content with the competition for better search rankings
  • Understanding your audience

With that said, let’s look at some of the best AI tools for SEO on the market and what they can help you with.

Best AI SEO Tools for WordPress

There are many AI SEO tools available on the market. However, not all of them are equally capable or suitable for day to day SEO tasks of a WordPress website owner.

We looked at many of them and here is our expert pick of the best AI tools for SEO.

1. All in One SEO for WordPress

The AIOSEO website

All in One SEO for WordPress is the best WordPress SEO toolkit on the market. It is the most comprehensive SEO software for WordPress, used by over 3 million websites.

It has powerful SEO features, including some powered by artificial intelligence.

It comes with an AI-powered title and description generator. This allows you to use AI to generate SEO-optimized titles and descriptions for your articles.

Generate SEO title and meta descriptions

Simply click on the robot button next to the Post Title and Meta Description fields. All in One SEO will generate up to 5 ideas based on your post’s content.

You can then click to select the one that you want to use and then further improve it if needed.

Choose an AI generated SEO title

Internal links play a massive role in SEO. However, it becomes difficult to internal link to your newer articles as your website grows.

To solve this, All in One SEO includes an AI-powered link assistant, which helps you manage internal links.

Link assistant overview

It crawls your website and analyzes all your links. You can then view your links reports to see the results.

Switch to the Link Suggestions tab and you will see a list of opportunities for creating internal links.

AI discovered internal linking opportunities

Recommendation: Best overall for WordPress users with the most comprehensive set of SEO tools for website owners. After testing many AI tools, we feel that AIOSEO provides the most value for money as it comes with multiple tools that cost a lot more when purchased individually from other providers.

Pricing: Starts at $49.60. A free version is also available called All in One SEO Lite.

2. Clearscope


Clearscope is an AI powered content optimization software that helps website owners optimize their content for higher search rankings.

You can start by typing in a keyword. Clearscope will then show you a list of relevant terms, competitors that already rank, and questions users commonly ask.

Keyword discovery

Clearscope’s AI-powered content optimizer allows you to edit your content for higher rankings.

It will show you a list of relevant terms. You can sort them by importance and include them in your content. You also get questions users commonly ask under the Research tab. Including answers to these questions in your content makes it more comprehensive and useful.

Create article outlines and briefs

As you optimize your content, Clearscope will grade your work.

Your aim should be to get at least an A+ grade to ensure that the content you are working on is comprehensive and covers all the relevant information your audience may be looking for.

Content optimizer in Clearscope

Clearscope saves all your reports and optimizations you make for your content. Next, time you are working on an article, you can compare it with the previous version and only update newer information missing from the content.

Clearscrope also offers a Google Docs extension, which allows you to collaborate with team members in Google Docs without missing Clearscope’s optimization features.

It also has a WordPress plugin that lets you optimize inside the default WordPress editor as you write new content or update older articles.

Recommendation: Best for enterprise users, larger editorial teams, and anyone who needs to get to the top of highly competitive keywords.

Pricing: Starts at $170 per month.

3. Semrush

Semrush website

Semrush is an all-in-one search marketing platform for SEO professionals.

Often ranked as one of the best SEO tools, Semrush offers a comprehensive set of content marketing tools including several tools powered by AI.

Sermsuh includes keyword research, competition analysis, track search rankings, and AI-powered writing assistance to optimize content for specific keywords.

Semrush dashboard

Semrush also helps you track PPC keywords for paid marketing campaigns. You can also monitor your social media campaigns, track social postings, and manage your social media postings in an editorial calendar.

The AI-powered writing assistant isn’t as powerful as Clearscope, but Semrush comes with many more features for the price.

Recommendation: Best for power users and small businesses who need a suite of different tools for SEO in one place.

Pricing: Starts at $129.95 per month. A free plan is available with limited features.

4. ChatGPT

ChatGPT website

ChatGPT by OpenAI is a powerful generative AI software. It comes as a chatbox where you can enter your questions as prompts, and the AI will respond to them using natural language processing.

ChatGPT can help you in multiple ways to improve your SEO. It can be used as a research assistant, article outline assistant, proofreader, and more.

Many marketers and bloggers use ChatGPT to write content for their blogs. However, we don’t recommend ever simply copying and pasting content generated by AI. It is often inaccurate and not optimized for conversions and user experience.

Responses from ChatGPT depend a lot on how good you are at writing the prompts. To help with that, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the most useful ChatGPT prompts for bloggers and marketers.

Recommendation: Best for content analysis, article outlining, proofreading, and assistance in writing. It is not good for one-click content generation.

Alternatives: Bing Chat and Google Bard. You can also see our list of even more ChatGPT alternatives.

Pricing: ChatGPT Plus starts at $20 per month.

5. Jasper


Jasper is an AI-powered writing assistant for bloggers, marketers, and SEO teams. It uses GPT 3.5 and a custom natural language understanding model to train the AI.

Jasper is trained to work for brands by adapting your brand’s voice and style to create blog post outlines, article drafts, landing pages, and more.

It comes with a powerful template library with ready-to-use commands for writing articles, social media posts, photo captions, and more.

Jasper templates

It also offers tools to generate AI images, translations for content in over 30 languages, brand memory, and style training.

Recommendation: Best for brand-conscious marketing teams and small businesses. In our opinion, the pricing for the number and quality of tools is very good.

Pricing: Starts at $39 per month.

6. Grammarly


Grammarly is a must-have tool for any SEO team. It started as a grammar and spelling checker and has evolved into an AI-powered writing assistant.

Grammarly’s AI-powered writing assistance is called Grammarly Go. It allows you to choose a tone for your writing, edit it as you write, and switch tones as needed. It can help you rewrite and rephrase whole articles using AI.

Grammarly AI powered writing assistant

It also includes a plagiarism checker, which helps you avoid search penalties and catch plagiarized articles before they appear live on your site.

The best part is that Grammarly works everywhere you work. It is available for all operating systems, mobile phones, browser extensions, and more.

It also works inside the WordPress block editor and helps you improve your content as you write.

Recommendation: In our experience, Grammarly is a tool all users can benefit from using.

Pricing: $12 per month. A free forever plan is also available with fewer features.

7. Surfer


Surfer is an AI-powered, on-page SEO optimizer tool. It allows you to perform keyword research, generate article outlines, and optimize your content for better rankings.

It is made for SEO professionals and editors and uses AI to generate headlines, article guides, in-depth topic research, and more.

Surfer AI editor

Surfer is also available as a WordPress plugin and integrates with the block editor to optimize your content as you write it.

With the keyword research tool, Surfer can help you find topic clusters and semantically related keywords. You can then sort them by the level of difficulty, search intent, and monthly search volume.

Once you have chosen a topic cluster or a keyword, you can launch the Surfer SEO editor to prepare your content.

Surfer SEO Editor uses AI to analyze your content and recommends improving it. It will show you an article outline, competitors, questions to answer, and keywords to include.

Recommendation: Useful for bloggers, content writers, editors, and SEO professionals with a medium budget.

Pricing: Starts at $69 per month.


Link Whisper is a WordPress-specific, AI-powered, internal linking plugin for SEO professionals, marketers, and bloggers.

It allows you to discover internal linking opportunities as you write. This helps you link to the newer posts that may not get as many internal links as some of your older content.

It uses Artificial Intelligence to find relevant content and keywords. This makes link suggestions highly relevant and useful. You can also enter a keyword to find relevant internal linking opportunities.

Link Whisper reports overview

You can also set automatic linking for specific keywords. This ensures you can link to some of your pillar content without editing any articles.

If you are already using a WordPress SEO plugin like All in One SEO, RankMath, or Yoast, then Link Whisper will automatically use focus keywords set for your articles to suggest relevant internal linking opportunities.

Plus, it shows you very useful internal linking reports, where you can monitor internal links, find internal linking opportunities, and catch errors like broken links or 404 errors.

Recommendation: Useful for optimizing and automating internal link-building tasks.

Pricing: Starts at $75 per year.

9. Rank Math


Rank Math is a popular WordPress SEO plugin that comes with AI powered features to help automate your SEO workflow.

Like All in One SEO and Link Whisper, RankMath has an internal linking assistant.

However, unlike All in One SEO and Link Whisper, Rank Math doesn’t automatically add internal links. You’ll need to edit a post and manually copy and add the internal link suggested by the plugin.

Rank Math also offers a Content AI module which offers AI-powered writing assistance on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Rank Math content AI

The content AI tool uses Rank Math’s proprietary algorithms that run on their own servers to analyze your content. After that, the data is stored for that particular analysis on your web hosting server.

Besides AI-powered features, Rank Math is a good WordPress SEO plugin for day-to-day SEO tasks like adding SEO titles, descriptions, schema markup, Google Search Console integration, and more.

Recommendation: Useful for small businesses without large budgets and writers who may not need to pay for AI assistance all the time.

Pricing: Pricing starts at $59 per year. A free version is also available with limited features.

10. WordLift


WordLift is another AI SEO plugin for WordPress. It allows you to easily add structured data and schema markup to your WordPress posts automatically.

Similar to other AI-powered SEO tools, WordLift shows you suggestions inside the block editor to improve your content.

These suggestions include schema markup, relevant sources that you can link to, images you can use, and building topical authority by building content clusters.

WordLift also offers a product knowledge graph builder that helps your eCommerce products appear in Google Shopping results.

Recommendation: Useful if you need to add structured data to your website without using a full-featured WordPress SEO plugin like AIOSEO.

Pricing: Starts at €49 per month. However, the starter plan doesn’t include some of the AI-powered features, so you may want to upgrade to a higher plan.

11. Outranking


Outranking is another useful AI SEO tool for WordPress websites. It comes with content optimization, analysis, and planning features that help you improve and maintain your search rankings.

It helps you optimize content based on search intent, incorporate semantic search terms, and perform in-depth content optimization.

It helps you generate facts and stats to start your draft with a solid outline. With a built-in plagiarism checker, you can easily check content submitted by authors to be sure it is original and won’t hurt your search rankings.

Recommendation: Good for in-depth on-page SEO and content optimization. Outranking is especially good for writers who need a boost with the first steps of generating content and outlines.

Pricing: Starts at $59 per month.

12. Frase


Frase is a powerful AI SEO tool designed for content marketers and writers. It helps you generate content using AI by including facts and background research from search results.

It makes content research simplified and helps you quickly come up with great article outlines. The outline builder helps you easily drag and drop headings to plan your content.

It also helps you discover relevant search terms to include, perform competitive analysis, and communicate with your team.

Recommendation: Best for users who need a standalone AI-powered content writing assistant.

Pricing: Starts at $14.99 per month.

Which AI SEO Tools to Use in WordPress?

We recommend using All in One SEO for WordPress as the best overall AI SEO tool for WordPress users.

All in One SEO comes with powerful AI integrations, and it is the most comprehensive WordPress SEO plugin on the market.

It includes schema markup support, local SEO, powerful sitemaps, a redirection manager, SEO audit, competitor analysis, AI headline writing, and more. With such a comprehensive set of features, AIOPSEO for WordPress is the best value for your money.

You can also combine All in One SEO with other AI SEO tools.

For instance, you can use Grammarly for proofreading, Semrush for powerful keyword tracking, and Jasper for AI-powered content writing.

We hope this article helped you learn how to use AI for SEO with the best tools for the job. You may also want to see our complete WordPress SEO guide or take a look at how to create automated workflows in WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Use AI for SEO in WordPress (12 Tools) first appeared on WPBeginner.

13 WordPress Site Settings That are Critical for SEO Success

Do you want to learn about WordPress site settings that are most critical for SEO success?

Many different plugins can improve your search engine rankings and drive more people to your website. However, it is vital that you get your site’s foundations right by fine-tuning the WordPress site settings.

In this article, we will look at all the WordPress site settings that are critical for SEO success.

WordPress site settings that are critical for SEO success

Why Are WordPress Site Settings Critical for SEO Success?

Search engines are a major source of traffic for most websites, so it’s important to optimize your site for SEO.

There are countless tips, tricks, plugins, and best practices that can boost your search engine rankings. However, the wrong site settings can completely undermine all your SEO efforts, and may even stop your WordPress blog from showing up in search results.

If you ignore some basic WordPress site settings, then you’re almost certainly missing out on easy ways to fine-tune your SEO and get more visitors to your WordPress website. Plus, these settings are built-in so you don’t need to worry about installing any extra plugins, making them an easy win even if you’re just getting started with SEO.

With that being said, let’s look at all the WordPress site settings that are critical for SEO success. Simply use the quick links to jump straight to the setting you want to learn about.

1. Be Sure Your Site Is Visible to Search Engines

Before you start changing any WordPress site settings, it’s important to check that search engines can see your content. This is particularly important if you’ve just created a website, or previously made your WordPress blog private.

To do this, go to Settings » Reading in the WordPress dashboard. Then, find the following checkbox: ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this site.’

WordPress site settings that are essential for SEO

If the box is checked, then uncheck it. Then, click on ‘Save Changes’ to store your settings.

Now, search engines such as Google should have no problems finding your website, and showing it to people who are searching for content just like yours.

2. Set WordPress Plugins and Themes to Auto-Update

WordPress themes and plugins are a big reason why WordPress is so popular and has such a huge CMS market share. However, if you don’t keep this software up to date, then it can damage your website’s search engine rankings.

When a security vulnerability is discovered in a theme or plugin, the developer will usually release an update that fixes the issue and keeps users safe.

With that in mind, outdated themes and plugins can put your site at risk. In fact, hackers often target websites that are running older versions of themes and WordPress plugins.

If your website gets hacked, then it can have a big impact on your rankings and traffic. Search engines such as Google may even remove a hacked website from its index, so your content stops appearing in relevant search results.

Google Chrome and other browsers will even block visitors from accessing your site if they believe it has been compromised, even if it hasn’t been hit with an SEO penalty yet.

Outdated software also has a higher chance of causing crashes, conflicts, and many other common WordPress errors. It may even affect your website’s speed and performance. All of this can hurt your site’s SEO.

The good news is that you can set both themes and plugins to update automatically using the built-in WordPress site settings. For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to enable automatic updates for WordPress plugins and themes.

3. Organize Your Content With Categories and Tags

Categories and tags help organize your posts and make it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for. You can even add categories to a custom post type in WordPress.

Adding categories and tags to a WordPress post

For step-by-step instructions, please see our beginner’s guide on how to add categories and tags for WordPress pages.

Categories and tags don’t directly affect your site’s SEO, but they can boost your rankings by improving the user experience and giving you internal linking possibilities. By helping visitors find relevant and interesting content, you can often increase pageviews and reduce bounce rate in WordPress.

This is a strong sign that visitors are enjoying your content. When ranking pages and posts, search engines such as Google try to show the best content first. In this way, anything that improves the user experience and keeps people on your site can indirectly boost your SEO.

Once you’ve added relevant and helpful tags to your WordPress posts, you may want to fine-tune how this information appears in the search results.

The easiest way to do this is by using AIOSEO. It is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market and gives you complete control over your WordPress tags and categories.

AIOSEO's categories and tags settings

AIOSEO stop can also search engines from indexing your WordPress website’s category and tag archive listings.

In this way, you can avoid duplicate content, which confuses search engines and forces them to choose which duplicate page should rank higher than the other. This is a waste of crawl budget, since the search engines will spend time analyzing and indexing identical content while ignoring your site’s unique content.

Excluding categories and tags using the All in One SEO WordPress plugin

For a complete guide on how to create SEO-friendly categories and tags, please see our SEO best practices for sorting your content.

4. Add Descriptions to Your Category Pages

Whenever you create a category, you have the option to add a description. This will appear on the category archive page, and can introduce the content to visitors.

An example of an SEO-optimized category description

It can also help the search engines understand the category’s content, and show it to people who are looking for content just like yours.

To add a category description in WordPress, simply go to Posts » Categories.

Adding a category description in WordPress

You can now type in the category name, create a slug, and add an optional parent category.

To add a description, simply type into the ‘Description’ field.

How to add a category description to an archive page

When you’re happy with the information you’ve entered, click on ‘Add New Category.’

Do you want to add a description to a category that already exists? Then simply click on the ‘Edit’ link next to that category.

Editing a WordPress category description

You can then go ahead and type in a description.

Finally, click on ‘Update’ to save your changes.

When analyzing your pages, search engines don’t just look at the page content. Instead, they use many different factors to rank and display your content including permalink structure.

By optimizing your URLs, you can help search engines understand what the page is about, so they can show it to the right people at the right time.

Note: If your site is over 6 months old, then changing the permalink structure will most likely damage your SEO. If you do decide to change the permalinks on an established website, then it’s important to setup proper redirects.

By default, WordPress uses the post name in its URL. For example, a post with the title ‘How to Install WordPress’ will usually have a URL like this:

This is a great start, but it’s still worth reviewing your website’s permalink structure to make sure it’s working well for your content. To do this, head over to Settings » Permalinks in the WordPress dashboard.

Optimizing your WordPress permalinks using the WordPress site settings

Here, you’ll see all the different permalink structures that you can use:

  • Plain ( Sometimes also called the Ugly Permalink, this uses the post’s unique ID in the WordPress database. This ID doesn’t give search engines any information about the post’s content, so we don’t recommend using this permalink structure.
  • Day and name ( This adds the month and year to the URL. This may be a good option if you post time-sensitive content, such as articles on a news website. However, this structure can create very long URLs and your content will start to look outdated very quickly. With that in mind, we don’t recommend using the day and time structure, especially if you’re trying to create evergreen content.
  • Numeric ( This option uses the post ID from the row in your database’s wp_posts table. Similar to the Plain structure, this information doesn’t mean anything to the search engines, so this isn’t an SEO-friendly permalink structure.
  • Post name ( This uses the title of the page or post. Post name is a good choice for most websites, especially if you’re using a headline analyzer to improve your titles.
  • Custom ( The final option is a custom structure that uses various different tags. This is a particularly good option if you have lots of different content organized into categories. By adding the category name to the permalink structure, you can help search engines understand your content and organize it correctly in the search engine index. Adding the author to the permalink structure can help boost your site’s expertise and authority score with Google, too.

For more detailed instructions, please see our guide on how to create custom permalinks.

6. Install an SSL Certificate on Your WordPress Website

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It’s an internet protocol that helps you securely transfer data between a user’s browser and your website.

An SSL certificate is essential if you collect sensitive visitor data, for example if you accept credit card payments in WordPress. However, it can also improve your SEO.

With an SSL certificate in place, visitors will see a padlock next to your website’s address in their web browser. They can click on the padlock to see information about your SSL certificate, plus a confirmation that the connection is secure.

An example of a secure website with an SSL certificate

By making them feel safe, an SSL certificate can keep visitors on your site for longer, which sends positive signals to the search engines. There is also evidence that search engines such as Google use SSL certificates as a ranking factor.

If you’re just getting started and have a limited budget, then you can get a free SSL certificate for your WordPress website.

However, many of the top WordPress hosting providers offer an SSL certificate as part of their packages. For example, SiteGround, Hostinger, and Bluehost all offer free SSL certificates to their customers.

Once you have an SSL certificate, you’ll need to add it to WordPress. For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to properly move WordPress from HTTP to HTTPS.

7. Add Alt Text to Your Images

When uploading an image, it’s a good idea to add alt text. Also known as alternative text, this is an HTML attribute that WordPress adds to the image’s ‘img’ tag.

Accessibility tools such as screen readers use alt text to help visually-impaired users understand a site’s images.

Even though it’s an important accessibility feature, search engines also use alt text to understand an image’s contents. With that being said, it’s smart to use descriptive alt text and include relevant keywords wherever possible.

Google also includes the alt text in its image search, so helpful and interesting alternative text may increase your blog traffic.

An example of a Google image search

Usually, alt text won’t be visible on your WordPress website, but it may appear if the image is broken or can’t be found.

In this way, alt text can help visitors understand the image’s contents, even when they can’t see the image due to an error or a poor internet connection.

An example of a WordPress image error message

When uploading an image to the WordPress media library, simply type your alternative text into the ‘Alt text’ field.

WordPress will now use this alternative text every single time you add that image to a WordPress page or post.

Adding image alt text using the WordPress site settings

If you’ve already added an image to the WordPress content editor, then simply click to select the Image block.

Then, type into the ‘Alt Text’ field in the right-hand menu. Just note that adding alt text to an image through the block editor will not add it to the media library.

Adding alt text to a WordPress image

For more detailed information on alt text, please see our beginner’s guide to image SEO.

8. Create a User-Friendly Navigation Menu

The longer people stay on your website, the more likely you are to rank highly in search engine results. With that in mind, it’s important to create helpful, eye-catching, and logical navigation menus.

These menus will help visitors find interesting content, which will keep them on your WordPress website for longer. It can also improve important metrics, such as the average number of pages visited.

The exact location of your menu will vary depending on your WordPress theme, but most themes have several options. This means you can create different menus and then show them in different places.

For example, most WordPress themes come with a primary menu that appears on the top of the screen. Some themes may include a secondary menu, a footer menu, or a mobile navigation menu as well.

To create a navigation menu, simply go to the Appearance » Menus page in your WordPress admin dashboard.

Creating a WordPress navigation menu

Here, you can create multiple menus, and add pages, posts, and even custom links to those navigation menus.

For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to add a navigation menu.

If you have lots of content, then the default navigation menu can quickly become confusing and overwhelming for visitors. If your menu is starting to look cluttered, then you can easily turn the default menu into a dropdown menu.

An example of a dropdown navigation menu

9. Protect Against Comment Spam

A lively comment section can keep people on your website for longer, and encourage them to pay repeat visits, which can indirectly improve your SEO. Even better, if commenters use relevant keywords then their conversations can directly boost your SEO, too.

This is all good news for your search engine rankings, but there’s still a big problem every website owner should know about: comment spam.

Spammers and spambots may try to post off-topic, low-quality comments and malicious links on your website. If you publish these comments, then it can hurt your search engine rankings. In the worst-case scenario, your site may even get blacklisted by Google.

With that being said, it’s important to moderate your comments using the WordPress site settings. To get started, go to Settings » Discussion.

Changing the WordPress comment settings

Here, you’ll find lots of WordPress settings that give you more control over comments. For example, you can help combat spam by making it mandatory for comment authors to provide a name and email address.

For a detailed look at these settings, please see our beginner’s guide on how to moderate comments in WordPress.

Another option is to disable comments completely. This will make it more difficult for visitors to engage with your content, but it’s also a guaranteed way to block all spam comments.

If you do decide to disable comments, then uncheck the option that says ‘Allow people to submit comments on new articles.’

Disabling the comments on a WordPress blog or website

For a more in-depth look at this topic, please see our guide on how to completely disable comments in WordPress.

If you do make any changes in the WordPress site settings, then make sure you click on ‘Save Changes’ to store your settings.

10. Review the WordPress User Permissions

Some website owners share the WordPress dashboard with multiple people. For example, you might run a multi-author WordPress blog or allow users to submit posts.

In this case, it’s important to control the actions that users can take on your site, and the information they can access.

If people have unlimited access to your WordPress dashboard, then they might make changes that affect your SEO. For example, they may change the settings in an important SEO plugin, publish a blog that’s not properly optimized for SEO, or approve spammy comments.

Thankfully, WordPress comes with built-in site settings that allow you to control what a user can and can’t do. By default, there are 5 roles to choose from: admin, editor, author, contributor, and subscriber.

To learn more about these default roles, please see our beginner’s guide to WordPress user roles and permissions.

To change a user’s role, simply go to Users » All Users. Here, hover over the account that you want to change, and click on the ‘Edit’ link when it appears.

Changing the user permissions on a WordPress website

With that done, scroll to the ‘Role’ section and open the dropdown menu.

You can now choose a new user role from the list.

Boost your SEO using the WordPress site settings

When you’re happy with these changes you’ve made, click on the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Pro Tip: Want to change these default user roles? Then see our guide on how to add or remove capabilities to user roles in WordPress.

11. Check Your WordPress Sitemap

A sitemap is a file that lists all your site’s content in a machine-readable format. This acts as a roadmap that helps search engines discover all your pages, and index them properly.

A sitemap also tells search engines which links are more important, and how frequently they get updated. In this way, you can encourage search engines to prioritize indexing your site’s best or highest-value content, so it appears in search results more quickly.

The good news is that WordPress creates a sitemap automatically. To see your sitemap in action, simply type in your domain name and then add /sitemap.xml to the end. For example,

The default WordPress sitemap

The default sitemap may be a good fit for some small business websites, or sites that only have a small amount of content. However, there’s no way to customize the default sitemap, which can be a problem for many website owners.

The best way to create a powerful, fully customizable sitemap is by using AIOSEO. You can use this plugin to add or remove post types, categories and tags from your sitemap. You can also enable XML sitemaps for date-based archives and author archives.

Creating a powerful and customizable sitemap using AIOSEO

AIOSEO even allows you to add external pages to the WordPress sitemap.

This is perfect if you have stand-alone pages like a contact form, a landing page, or Shopify store pages. With a custom sitemap, you can tell search engines to crawl this content, even if they’re not part of your WordPress website.

Adding external pages to a WordPress sitemap

For step-by-step instructions, please see our guide on how to create a sitemap in WordPress.

12. Test the Mobile Version of Your WordPress Website

More than 50% of visitors will access your site using a smartphone or tablet, so your WordPress website must be mobile-friendly. In fact, Google will most likely index your site’s mobile version rather than its desktop version.

Even if you’re using a responsive WordPress theme, it’s still important to check how your site looks on mobile.

You can preview the mobile version of your WordPress site using the WordPress theme customizer. In the dashboard, head over to Appearance » Customize.

Opening the WordPress customizer

At the bottom of the screen, simply click the mobile icon.

WordPress will now show a preview of how your site looks on mobile devices. You can use this view to locate any mobile-site issues that might cause Google or other search engines to penalize your website.

For example, if your content is unreadable or doesn’t display at all, Google will note that and potentially deem your site’s UX to be bad for visitors and move you down in search results.

Testing the mobile version of your website using the built-in WordPress site settings

For more detailed instructions, please see our guide on how to view the mobile version of WordPress sites from desktop.

13. Install an SEO WordPress Plugin (BONUS)

In this guide, we showed you how to improve your SEO using the built-in WordPress site settings. This is a great start, but there are lots more ways to fine-tune your content for the search engines, improve your rankings, and get more visitors to your WordPress website.

If you want to take your SEO to the next level, then we recommend installing AIOSEO. AIOSEO adds a new area to the WordPress content editor where you can type in the exact post title and meta description that should appear in the search engine results.

Adding a meta description to a WordPress page or post

You can also type in the focus keyphrase that you want to rank for.

AIOSEO will then scan your content and show a list of actions you can take to improve your ranking for that focus keyword.

Adding a focus keyphrase or word to WordPress

The key to SEO success is to monitor your site’s performance, and then constantly make changes to improve that performance.

AIOSEO can analyze your site and show an overall SEO score. In this way, you can quickly and easily check if your website is SEO optimized.

The All in One SEO's site score feature

It’ll also create an SEO checklist of any critical issues you need to address, and improvements you can make to boost your overall score.

For help getting started, please see our ultimate guide on how to set up All in One SEO for WordPress correctly.

We hope this article helped you learn the top WordPress site settings that are critical for SEO success. You may also want to see our guide on how to install Google Analytics WordPress, or see our expert picks for the best web push notification software.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 13 WordPress Site Settings That are Critical for SEO Success first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Write Powerful Headlines Using AI (Explained)

Do you want to write powerful headlines using AI (artificial intelligence)?

Many bloggers have already started using AI tools like ChatGPT to improve their content creation process. However, some people still wonder how to use it safely in their workflows.

In this article, we will explain how to write powerful headlines using AI on your WordPress blog.

Writing effective headlines using AI

Why Is Writing Powerful Headlines Important?

Did you know that 4 out of 5 people will not click on your website even when it appears on the first page of search results?

Users don’t typically read pages as much as they scan them. It takes them just a couple of seconds to decide which search result they will click on.

As a publisher, your job is to make sure that your search listing is displayed more prominently to get user attention.

To do that, you can optimize your blog post for SEO, use schema markup, and write better headlines.

The headline or the SEO title is one of the most prominently-displayed parts of a listing in the search results.

Headlines in search results

Writing irresistible headlines encourages more users to click on your website, which brings you more visitors, conversions, and sales.

Plus, the benefits of powerful headlines are not just limited to search results. They also encourage users to view more pages when they are on your blog and help them discover more of your content.

This leads to a superior user experience and more revenue for your business.

What Kind of Headlines Work Best?

Now the big question is: how do you know which headlines are more effective?

Luckily, marketers have been perfecting headline-writing techniques for decades. Even before the internet, headlines played a significant role in newspapers, magazines, television, advertising, and more.

The most popular headline writing technique is Emotional Marketing Value (EMV). It recommends using headlines that generate an emotional response among your readers.

Other things you may need to consider are the headline’s length and making it more helpful, relevant, and discoverable by search engines for your target keyphrases.

Now, you may wonder how to handle all these things when writing headlines.

The good news is that there are already plenty of tools available which can help you optimize your headlines. For instance, you can use WPBeginner’s free Headline Analyzer tool to improve your headlines.

However, you will still need to write different headlines to optimize and test them. This is where AI can help.

Artificial intelligence is excellent at recognizing patterns and reproducing them. You can use AI to come up with headline ideas and then manually edit them to make them more powerful.

How to Write Better Headlines Using AI

There are several ways to generate headlines using artificial intelligence.

We will talk about the two easiest ways, and you can choose the one that works best for you.

Both methods will be using OpenAI’s ChatGPT. In our tests, it came up with the most useful headline ideas.

Note: ChatGPT and other AI apps do not create content that can be copied and pasted without any human edits. When you use an AI tool, you must thoroughly review the results to make sure that all information is correct and that the messages are appropriate for your audience.

Method 1: Use All in One SEO to Generate AI-Powered Headlines

This method is recommended for most users because it works inside your WordPress admin dashboard.

One of the easiest ways to write better headlines using AI is by using OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

ChatGPT is a machine learning-based artificial intelligence software. It answers users’ queries using plain language in a chatbox-like interface.

To instruct ChatGPT, you must phrase your question as a ChatGPT prompt. You will need to write a prompt that can generate headlines using your content and other criteria we mentioned above.

However, this process means you will need to open a separate browser tab, copy and paste your content, and optimize your prompt based on the results.

This is where All in One SEO for WordPress comes in. It is the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market that allows you to easily use AI to generate powerful headlines for your posts and pages.

First, you need to install and activate the All in One SEO for WordPress plugin. For more details, see our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you will be prompted to follow the setup wizard to configure plugin settings. Just follow the on-screen instructions to finish the setup.

AIOSEO setup wizard

After that, you need to edit a post or page where you want to create a new headline.

On the post edit screen, scroll down to the AIOSEO Settings section and click on the robot icon next to the ‘Post Title’ field.

Generate headlines using AI

This will show a popup where you will need to provide API keys for your OpenAI account.

Note: You will need the premium version of ChatGPT to use this feature.

Connect OpenAI

You can generate API keys on the OpenAI website by visiting the API Keys page in your account.

Simply generate a new Secret key and copy and paste it into the AIOSEO settings.

OpenAI API keys

Once AIOSEO is connected to OpenAI, you will see the option to generate SEO titles.

Simply click on the ‘Generate Titles’ button to continue.

Generate titles

All in One SEO will now generate SEO-friendly titles for your post using artificial intelligence.

You will see five post titles on the screen. They all automatically use the most up-to-date best practices for writing effective headlines.

AI generated headlines

Just click on the ‘+’ button next to the headline you want to use. It will then appear in the SEO Title field in the All in One SEO settings.

You can also use AI to generate SEO-friendly meta descriptions by clicking on the robot icon next to the ‘Meta Description’ option.

Generate article descriptions using AI

Once you have chosen a headline, you can then use AIOSEO’s built-in Headline Analyzer to test and further improve your headline.

Simply click on the ‘Headline Analyzer’ button in the top right corner of the screen.

All in One SEO headline Analyzer

It will show you a score for your headline based on the recommended best practices with practical tips to improve your score.

Basically, any score above 70 is considered good for an effective and SEO-friendly headline. For more details, you can see our guide on how to use the Headline Analyzer in WordPress.

Method 2: Using ChatGPT AI to Write Powerful Headlines for WordPress Posts and Pages

This method is recommended for users who don’t have the premium version of ChatGPT or don’t use All in One SEO.

The downside of this method is that you will need to design your own prompt. You will also need to copy and paste your post content into ChatGPT so that it can analyze it.

First, you will need to visit OpenAI’s ChatGPT website. You can sign up for a free account to try out ChatGPT or log in to continue.

Try ChatGPT

Once you have signed up, you will see a chat window with a text field at the bottom where you can type your instructions.

The AI will then respond to your instructions by replying to your prompts.

Asking questions to ChatGPT

You can ask ChatGPT to help you come up with headline ideas for your content by typing a prompt into the box.

For example, you can use the following prompt to generate a powerful WordPress post or page headline:

“I want you to act as an SEO expert and copywriter. Suggest at least 5 SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions for the following blog post [Enter your blog post text here].
You must use the following focus keyword at least once in each title and description: [Enter your Focus Keyword Here]
Use a persuasive and intriguing tone. Make sure that each title is no more than 60 characters long. Make sure that each description is no longer than 160 characters.”

You will need to replace [Enter your blog post text here] with the contents of your blog post or page. You must also replace [Enter your Focus Keyword Here] with the focus keyword you want to use for your blog post.

After that, just hit ‘Enter’ and wait for ChatGPT to respond.

ChatGPT generated headlines and descriptions

You can then select any of these headlines and descriptions to use as your blog post title and description.

If you are not using All in One SEO for WordPress, then you may want to run your headlines through WPBeginner’s free Headline Analyzer tool.

Headline Analyzer score

The free Headline Analyzer tool tests your headlines based on a variety of parameters, including sentiment, character count, and word balance. You can then use its suggestions to make your headlines more powerful and effective.

We hope this article helped you learn how to use AI to write powerful headlines. You may also want to see our tutorial on how to use AI to write content in WordPress or see our expert picks for the best AI plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Write Powerful Headlines Using AI (Explained) first appeared on WPBeginner.

13-Point WordPress SEO Checklist for Beginners

Do you want to make sure that your WordPress site is properly optimized for search engines?

Going through a search engine optimization (SEO) checklist can help you follow best practices and ensure you don’t miss out on small details. This way, you can rank higher on Google and grow website traffic.

In this article, we will share a WordPress SEO checklist for beginners.

WordPress SEO checklist

Why Follow a WordPress SEO Checklist?

Search engines are often the largest source of traffic for many websites. However, the idea of optimizing your site for WordPress SEO can be intimidating, especially for beginners.

There are many technical terms, SEO tactics, and new trends that can put off new website owners from optimizing their sites and ranking higher in search engines.

This is where a WordPress SEO checklist can help you out. It covers all the basics and makes sure you follow SEO best practices. Plus, there are many tools and plugins that can optimize your site and take care of technical SEO for you.

You can use the checklist by going through each point step by step. After that, make changes to ensure search engines can easily crawl and index your content.

That said, let’s look at the WordPress SEO checklist for beginners. Here are all the things we’ll cover, so you can simply click the links below to jump ahead to your preferred section:

1. Install a WordPress SEO Plugin

An SEO plugin can help configure your WordPress site for search engines. It ensures that you follow the best practices and handles all the technical SEO optimizations.

You can use All in One SEO (AIOSEO) for your website. It is the best SEO plugin for WordPress and helps you optimize your site for search engines without technical knowledge or hiring a developer.

It is also the SEO plugin we also use on WPBeginner.

All in One SEO

AIOSEO offers lots of powerful features. For instance, you can use it to create an XML sitemap, add schema markup, integrate social media, breadcrumb navigation, TruSEO On-Page analysis score, robots.txt editor, local SEO, WooCommerce SEO, link assistant, track broken links, and much more.

You can also use AIOSEO to conduct an SEO audit. The plugin will monitor and highlight crucial issues. Plus, you’ll get actionable insights for resolving these issues and boosting organic traffic on your site.

To learn more, you can follow our guide on how to set up All in One SEO for WordPress.

2. Set Up Search Engine Webmaster Tools

Next, you’ll need to set up different search engines’ webmaster tools, like Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Yandex Webmaster Tools.

These free tools help you track your site’s organic search performance. You can use them to see which keywords people are using to find your website, check rankings, submit sitemaps, uncover errors that might be preventing your site from ranking in search engines, and more.

For example, Google Search Console shows which pages are indexed in the search results. You can then find out why Google doesn’t index other pages, fix any issues, and submit pages for indexing.

Page indexing in search console

You can follow these guides to add your WordPress site to each webmaster tool:

3. Add Google Analytics to WordPress

Another vital tool to set up on your WordPress website is Google Analytics. It is a free tool that shows how people behave on your site, where they’re coming from, which pages they view, and a lot more.

Google Analytics can help you track your WordPress SEO efforts and see the number of visitors that come from organic searches. It is an excellent tool for tracking website traffic and keeping an eye on all the traffic spikes and dips.

Besides that, you can use it to find high-converting pages and improve their SEO, look for opportunities to boost organic traffic, track 404 errors, and more.

View organic search traffic

The easiest way of setting up Google Analytics in WordPress is by using MonsterInsights. It is the best Analytics solution for WordPress, and you don’t have to edit any code or hire a developer to configure Google Analytics.

The best part, you can get started with the MonsterInsights Lite version for free to add analytics to your site. The plugin also offers a premium version and helps set up advanced tracking features like eCommerce tracking, form conversions, and more.

To learn more, you can follow our step-by-step guide on how to install Google Analytics in WordPress.

4. Do Keyword Research for Your WordPress Site

Keyword research is a technique that content creators and SEO experts use to discover topics your audience is interested in using search engine data.

Many beginners will use their best guesses to come up with topics that they think people might like. Instead, you should do proper keyword research and find search terms for each page on your website.

It is important that you define a primary target keyword for your blog post or landing page. Having too many different search terms can make it harder for search engines to understand the content.

You can use many keyword research tools to find a primary search term. We recommend Semrush because it offers in-depth keyword data, keyword position tracking, competitor analysis, related keywords, questions, and more.

The Semrush Keyword Magic tool

For more details, please see our guide on how to do keyword research for your WordPress blog.

5. Use LSI Keywords and Check for Keyword Stuffing

Now that you’ve found a focus keyphrase for your content, the next thing to do is find Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords. These are related search queries to your primary keyword.

The easiest way of finding LSI keywords is through Google Search. Simply scroll down to the bottom of the search results and see the ‘Related searches’ section.

Related searches

You can then use these terms throughout your content and cover the overall topic in depth. This also helps search engines better understand your content.

That said, it is vital that you don’t stuff the keywords. Using the exact search term repeatedly doesn’t provide a great reading experience for users, and search engines are pretty clever at detecting keyword stuffing.

6. Optimize Your SEO Title and Meta Description

The next WordPress SEO checklist item is whether your SEO titles and meta descriptions are optimized.

The title of your WordPress blog post or product page plays an essential role in search rankings. A compelling title will encourage the user to click on the link.

The meta description also provides more information to users about the page and helps improve the organic click-through rate (CTR). As more people click on your site’s link, it will send a positive signal to Google and help you achieve higher rankings.

It is an SEO best practice to include the primary keyword in your SEO title, meta description, and URLs. Plus, you should ensure that your titles are not more than 55 characters and meta descriptions are not more than 155 characters. Otherwise, Google will truncate your headline and description.

If you’re using AIOSEO, then you can use the headline analyzer to create engaging title tags. It shows a score for your headline and offers tips for improving your SEO title.

AIOSEO headline analyzer

You can check out our guide on how to use a headline analyzer in WordPress to improve SEO titles.

7. Use SEO-Friendly URLs

You should also optimize the URLs of your blog posts and landing pages for SEO.

Creating short and descriptive permalinks helps searchers to understand what’s the page about in the search results. Besides that, it is also a good practice to include the primary keyword in your URL.

For example, here is what an SEO-friendly URL should look like:

On the other hand, here’s what a URL that’s not optimized for SEO would look like:

You can change these in your WordPress permalink settings.

8. Make Sure to Add Alt-Text to Your Images

Optimizing your images for search engines is also important in WordPress SEO. One way of doing that is by ensuring that your photos have descriptive alternative or alt text.

Alt text helps Google and other search engines understand the image’s subject matter. This way, your pictures can appear in Google Images and help you get more organic traffic.

In WordPress, you can easily add alt text to your images. When you upload a picture in the WordPress content editor using the Image block, you’ll see the Alt Text option in the settings panel on the right.

Adding alt text to an image in the WordPress block editor

You can also go to Media » Library from the admin panel.

After that, simply select any image and enter the ‘Alt Text’ in the right side panel.

Viewing or editing the alt text for your image in the WordPress media library

Aside from that, you can also use an image compression tool to reduce the size of your pictures. This will help your site to load faster and provide a great user experience.

Note: Using the block editor to add alt text will only add it to that specific use of the image. If you want to add the same alt text to the image no matter where on your site it’s used, use the media library.

For more details, you can read our beginner’s guide to image SEO.

When going through the WordPress SEO checklist, another important thing to check is the internal links in your content. Internal links are pages you link from your own website.

Search engines use these links to find and index content on your website. It also helps pass authority from one page to another.

Additionally, it assists your visitors in navigating your website, reading related posts, finding sources for statistics, and discovering old articles and pages.

If you’re using AIOSEO, then you can use its Link Assistant feature to uncover internal linking opportunities. It will show orphaned pages with no internal links, provide suggestions and anchor text, and allow you to insert links in a single click.

Link assistant add link

If you’re not sure how to insert internal links, then please see how to add links in WordPress.

10. Improve the Readability of Your Content

When checking for on-page SEO, it is essential that your content is easy to read. It plays a massive role in getting higher rankings because blogs that are easier to read often rank higher than those that are hard to read.

Studies show that people spend less than a second deciding whether to exit or stay on the page. This means they scan through your content, and you have a very short time to convince them to stay on your website.

By improving the readability of your content, you can help users quickly scan your articles. A simple way of doing that is by grouping sections of your content under headings (H2, H3, H4, and so on).

Besides that, you can write short sentences, use bulleted lists, break long chunks of paragraphs into smaller paragraphs, and add a table of contents. Adding images, videos, and other multimedia can also enhance readability and make your content more engaging.

With AIOSEO, you can analyze readability issues inside the content editor and get suggestions on improving your content.

Analyze content readability

You can also use grammar checker tools like Grammarly to make sure your content is free from spelling mistakes, missing punctuation, and grammatical errors.

11. Ensure that Search Engines Can Easily Find Your Website

Now that your content and on-page SEO is optimized, there are a few technical elements you should also check as part of the WordPress SEO checklist.

First, you should make it easier for search engines to find your website and index your site. WordPress has a built-in option that stops search engines from crawling your site. If it is enabled, Google and other search engines will not list your site in the search results.

You can check this by heading to Settings » Reading from your WordPress dashboard, and scrolling down to the ‘Search engine visibility’ section. Just make sure that the ‘Discourage search engines from indexing this site’ option is not checked.

Search Engine Visibility Setting in WordPress

Another way you can help search engines find content on your site for crawling and indexing is by creating a sitemap.

An XML sitemap tells search engines about the most important pages on your site, so they can quickly discover new content and index them in the search results.

With AIOSEO, it is very easy to create a sitemap. The plugin lets you set up sitemaps for videos, news, RSS feeds, and HTML.

AIOSEO sitemap options

Once the sitemap is ready, you can submit it to search engines using different webmaster tools.

12. Check Your WordPress Website Speed

Next, your WordPress website speed is critical in ranking higher in Google. That’s because page load time is now a ranking factor, and Google will rank faster-loading sites higher compared to slow-loading sites.

A simple way of checking load time is by using MonsterInsights. It lets you run a website speed test and shows a Site Speed report inside your WordPress dashboard.

You can see an overall score for mobile and desktop, along with other important metrics for measuring how fast your site loads.

Site speed report

The plugin also shows suggestions and benchmark goals for improving each metric. For example, you can use a content delivery network (CDN) to improve site speed,

You can find more tips by going through our ultimate guide to boosting WordPress speed and performance.

13. Your WordPress Site Should Be Mobile Ready

The last WordPress SEO checklist item you need to check is whether your site is mobile responsive.

Google has now gone mobile-first. What that means is that it will use your site’s mobile version for indexing instead of the desktop version. You will lose out on higher rankings if your site is not mobile-ready.

Using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool is an easy way of checking mobile responsiveness.

Mobile friendly test

The free tool will analyze your site and tell you whether the website is mobile-responsive or not.

You can simply enter your site’s URL in the tool and click the ‘Test URL’ button.

See mobile friendly test tool results

If your site isn’t mobile-ready, then you can start by changing the theme. There are many responsive WordPress themes designed for mobile. You can follow our guide on how to change a WordPress theme without losing data or traffic.

We hope this article helped you learn about the WordPress SEO checklist for beginners. You may also want to see our guide on how to get free SSL certification for WordPress sites and the ultimate guide to WordPress security.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 13-Point WordPress SEO Checklist for Beginners first appeared on WPBeginner.

Internal Linking for SEO: The Ultimate Guide of Best Practices

Are you looking for the best practices to maximize the SEO benefits of internal links?

Internal links play an important role in search engine optimization (SEO). They help search engines discover your content and rank them higher in search results.

In this article, we’ll list the best practices to use for internal linking for SEO.

Internal Linking for SEO: The Ultimate Guide of Best Practices

How Does Internal Linking Improve SEO in WordPress?

Internal links are links between posts on your own website. Having internal links is important for your WordPress SEO. They help search engines like Google crawl your website and discover new content to index and rank.

Generally, the more links a page has pointing to it, the more likely it is to rank higher in search results. That means that you can use internal links to point to important pages on your site as a way to increase their traffic.

Internal links also help your visitors easily find related articles and provide a better user experience overall. This can also help increase pageviews and reduce your bounce rate.

That being said, let’s take a look at the best practices for improving SEO by adding internal links in WordPress. Since this is a comprehensive guide, we have included a table of contents for easier navigation.

1. Make Internal Linking a Habit

We recommend that you make a habit of linking to your older articles from your new articles.

It’s a great way to develop a contextual relationship between your new and old posts. It also allows you to pass relevant link juice to your older articles.

Because internal links play such an important role in SEO, we have even made it part of our pre-publish blog post checklist for WPBeginner writers.

You can also edit your older articles to add links to your newer content whenever you publish. Many successful bloggers dedicate time to adding internal links that point to new articles on a weekly or monthly basis.

This will help you boost your pageviews, increase the time users spend on your site, and ultimately will improve the SEO score of your individual blog posts and pages.

WordPress makes it easy to search for your old posts right inside the post editor. Simply select the text you want to link and click on the link button in the toolbar that appears.

A text pop-up will appear below your highlighted words. Then, you can start typing to search for the older articles you want to link to.

Add a Link to a Post

To learn more, see our beginner’s guide on how to add a link in WordPress.

It’s helpful to see your website’s SEO performance in terms of links by using a tool such as the Links Report in Google Search Console. This is a helpful starting point for working out how to improve internal linking on your site.

Filter internal links

The Links Report will show you how many pages are linking to this page. You can compare it with other pages and see whether pages with more internal links are ranking higher than posts with many internal links.

If you find that posts with more links do rank higher, then you can go ahead and start adding internal links to pages that you want to rank higher. For the details, see our guide on using Google Search Console to effectively grow your website traffic.

Just make sure you are only linking to the article when it makes sense. Adding links where they don’t make sense creates a bad user experience.

Another way to monitor the impact of internal linking is to see which keywords are gaining or losing position. All in One SEO makes this extremely easy with the Search Statistics feature.

Once you connect the plugin with Google Search Console, All in One SEO will fetch your Google Search Console data and present it under All in One SEO » Search Statistics.

Search statistics dashboard

The keyword positions chart shows a graph of your site’s keyword positions.

Below this, you’ll see the Keyword Rankings overview box. This shows your top 10 keywords, and if you use them for internal links they are very likely to be clicked.

keywords overview

3. Improve Your WordPress Site’s Internal Linking With a Plugin

If you’re not sure which posts you want to link to, then you will often find it faster to add internal links in WordPress using an internal linking plugin.

We recommend using All in One SEO. It includes a unique Link Assistant feature that lets you add links to your old and new content without having to open up the post. Plus, it provides link recommendations, detailed link reports, and much more.

To set up the plugin, see our guide on how to set up All in One SEO for WordPress correctly. After that, simply navigate to All in One SEO » Link Assistant in your WordPress dashboard.

Link Assistant will crawl every link on your website and then show a comprehensive list report.

Link assistant overview

The report will show you an overview of the links with total counts for internal, external, and affiliate links. It will also show you the number of orphaned posts that have not yet been linked to from another post or page.

You can switch to the Links Report tab for detailed information on all your links. Here you’ll see a list of all your posts and pages with columns for internal, external, and affiliate links.

Links report

It will also show a number of suggestions where you can add links.

For more details, you can click on the right arrow button next to a post or page. This will show all links organized in different tabs. From the suggestions tab, you can quickly view link suggestions and add links without directly editing a post or page.

View links details

Link Assistant also helps you discover more internal linking opportunities.

You can switch to the ‘Linking Opportunities’ tab to see suggestions about how to improve the internal linking on your website, and also see the list of orphaned posts so you can add links to them.

Linking opportunities

Another plugin useful for internal linking is Semrush SEO Writing Assistant because it can help you keep track of links inside your article.

For example, it lets you know when your article has too many or too few internal links and also suggests ways you can improve your links.

SEO Reporting Assistant Reports Issues With Links

This tool also comes in handy if you have other authors working on articles. Editors can quickly see if the article includes internal links to other posts on your website.

We show you how to use this plugin step-by-step to improve your SEO in our guide on how to use the SEO Writing Assistant in WordPress.

You can use a WordPress popular posts plugin to point users toward the articles that other users have already found helpful. These plugins automatically create a list of internal links to your most popular content.

Popular posts are usually your most successful content, which means they are more likely to increase user engagement, conversions, and sales. They are also a good opportunity for internal linking to your other less popular articles.

For example, MonsterInsights has a feature that allows you to show your popular articles anywhere on your WordPress site. You can use also use inline popular posts to show articles inside your content.

MonsterInsights Inline Popular Posts

If you want to show articles in the sidebar or at the end of your content, then you can select the Popular Post Widget. MonsterInsights even lets you display your top-performing products anywhere on your eCommerce store.

You can learn more in our guide on how to display popular posts in WordPress.

Another way to increase the number of internal links on your WordPress blog is to create roundups of your existing content. You do this by creating a new post that mentions your best articles on a certain subject to give a detailed overview of the topic.

In fact, you’re reading a post like that now.

Luckily, there are some plugins that make this job easy. For example, WP Tasty Roundups allows you to quickly repurpose your existing content into beautiful roundup posts that rank in search results.

All you need to do is type one or two keywords into the built-in search functionality, and the plugin will automatically pull images, titles, descriptions, and links from relevant posts into your roundup list.

WP Tasty Roundups

Sitelinks are a feature on Google search engine results pages (SERPs) where additional sub-pages appear under a website in the search results.

These are often internal links to the most popular pages of that website.

Google Sitelinks Example

The top 3 spots on Google get the most clicks. When sitelinks are shown for a website, it takes up the same amount of space as three regular search listings.

Having this much screen space dedicated to your site significantly increases your overall click-through rate. Simply put, more visitors will visit your website from the keyword.

While there is no guaranteed way to get Google to show sitelinks for your website, it certainly helps to create lots of internal links to your most important posts and pages.

You can learn more in our guide on how to get Google sitelinks for your WordPress site.

Link preloading is a browser technology that will load links in the background before a site visitor clicks them. This makes your website seem faster, which can improve SEO.

Because loading speed is one of the top indicators for search engine rankings and user engagement, when your internal pages are preloaded, your visitors are more likely to stay on your website longer.

They are more likely to view more pages because they’re loading instantly.

The easiest way to preload links is by using the Flying Pages plugin. It simply adds intelligent preloading to make sure preloading won’t crash your site or even slow it down.

Flying Links settings set the preloader delay

We show you how to set up the plugin step-by-step in our guide on how to preload links in WordPress for faster loading speeds.

Broken links are bad for your website’s SEO. Search engine crawlers find new content on your website by following internal links, so a broken link can stop them from indexing a new post.

They also negatively impact user experience because broken links will return a 404 error. If a visitor clicks on a link and is unable to find a page they’re looking for, then they may leave.

The MonsterInsights custom 404 error design

You can easily find and fix broken links on your WordPress website using All in One SEO.

AIOSEO offers a powerful redirection manager that helps track 404 errors on your website and lets you set up permanent 301 redirects to fix broken links.

404 error logs in AIOSEO

To learn more, see our detailed guide on how to find and fix broken links in WordPress.

If you ever move your WordPress site to a new domain name, then it is important to update all internal link URLs. Otherwise, you will have lots of broken links.

You should start by changing the WordPress address and site URL by visiting the Settings » General page from your WordPress dashboard.

Change the WordPress Address and Site URL to Your New Domain

But you will also need to change the URLs of every internal link added to your posts and pages.

You’ll find the simplest way to do this in our step-by-step guide on how to easily update URLs when moving your WordPress site.

If you want to make internal linking a habit, then it helps to use the most efficient method. Since WordPress 6.0, WordPress has supported standard MediaWiki syntax to quickly add internal links when creating or editing a post.

You can now quickly add links by adding two square brackets followed by the post title. The animated gif below shows you how easy this feature is to use inside WordPress.

Add link shortcut

The link will automatically add the correct URL to the post, and use the post title as an anchor link.

If you know the title of a post (or even just part of it), then using the double square bracket method is the fastest way of creating an internal link.

One of the best ways to uncover how users interact with your website is to track which internal links your visitors are clicking. Tools such as MonsterInsights can help you see which internal links your visitors are the most interested in.

You can then use these insights to improve the way you add internal links to your posts and pages.

We offer detailed instructions on tracking different types of links in our guide on how to track link clicks and button clicks in WordPress.

You might also like to see our guide on how to track user engagement in WordPress.

12. Enable Breadcrumbs in WordPress or WooCommerce

Breadcrumb navigation is a term used to describe a hierarchical navigation menu presented as a trail of links.

It’s often used as a secondary navigation that allows users to go up in the website’s hierarchy of pages.

Navigational links preview in WPBeginner

Breadcrumbs are great for internal linking because they define a clean path or trail to the page you are on.

These breadcrumbs also appear in search results giving your site an extra advantage in rankings.

Breadcrumb Navigation Links in Search Results

We cover two ways to add breadcrumbs in our guide on how to display breadcrumb navigation links in WordPress. Most users will find Method 1 easier, using All in One SEO.

The AIOSEO Breadcrumbs Settings Page

You can also use All in One SEO to enable breadcrumbs for your WooCommerce products. For details, see the fifth tip in our guide on WooCommerce SEO made easy.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how the best internal linking practices for SEO. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress security guide, or check out our list of tips on how to increase your blog traffic.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Internal Linking for SEO: The Ultimate Guide of Best Practices first appeared on WPBeginner.