9 Best Quiz Plugins for WordPress (2021)

Are you looking for the best quiz plugins for your WordPress website?

Many popular websites like BuzzFeed use quizzes to create viral content and boost user engagement on their websites.

In this article, we have hand-picked the best quiz plugins for WordPress that will help you engage your users and increase time spent on your site.

Best quiz plugins for WordPress

1. Formidable Forms

Formidable Pro

Formidable Forms is the most advanced WordPress form builder plugin in the market. It comes with a simple but very powerful drag and drop form builder that helps you create forms that go beyond simple contact forms.

It’s equipped with powerful form templates, or you can start with a blank form and build your quiz from scratch.

You can create quizzes that are scored automatically or create your own grading scale. Once a user submits a quiz, there’s the option to email the score or display it in a success message.

Plus, there are multiple ways to format the quiz score, including the total answer count, letter grade, percentage of correct answers, and more.

Note: you’ll need to get at least the ‘Business’ plan, which includes the useful Quiz Maker addon.

For more details, see our guide on how to easily create a quiz in WordPress.

2. LearnDash


LearnDash is one of the best WordPress LMS plugins in the market. It comes with a powerful quiz feature which allows you to create any type of quiz that you need.

It has multiple question types including: single choice, multiple choice, free text, sorting, matching, essay, fill-in-the-blank, and survey.

Some of the other features include: timed quizzes, randomized questions, question bank, multi-page quizzes, limit attempts, and more. You can even add media into any of the question and answer choices.

Post quiz options include redirects, messages, quiz result displays in multiple styles, leaderboard, certificates, and levels.

Whether you are selling online courses or creating viral content, LearnDash is one of the most flexible WordPress quiz plugins for all types of quizzes.

3. Interact Quiz Maker

Interact Quiz Maker

Interact Quiz Maker is a powerful web-based app to generate viral quizzes and use them to generate leads, build social media following, generate traffic, and improve conversions.

It allows you to create highly interactive quizzes with a nifty drag and drop quiz builder.

You can choose different styles, colors, designs, and more than 800 ready-to-use quiz templates.

It supports quiz branching which allows you to show questions based on user’s answers to previous questions. You can use their scoring system to easily show results at the end.

It can be easily added to your site using a simple shortcode and integrates beautifully with your email marketing and CRM software.

4. WP Quiz

WP Quiz

WP Quiz is a flexible and easy to use quiz plugin for WordPress. It comes with 3 quiz types: trivia, personality, and flip cards.

You can add images to your questions and answers, allow users to restart quiz, show results at the end, and more.

WP Quiz comes with two styling options: multi-page or single page quiz. You have the ability to auto-scroll and add social sharing buttons.

The pro version of the plugin allows you to force users to perform an action to view results, randomize questions and answers, countdown timer, and display ads.

5. Quiz And Survey Master

Quiz and Survey Master

Quiz and Survey Master is a flexible quiz and WordPress survey plugin. This powerful two-in-one plugin may look a bit rough around the edges, but it makes up for it with excellent features and extensive documentation.

It supports multiple types of questions including multiple choice, true and false, fill the blanks and more.

It also allows you to create multiple result pages, so you can customize them based on user score. It comes with email support, certificates, leaderboards, hints, comment boxes, and more.

The pro version of the plugin comes with all kinds of addons that give you reporting and analysis, email marketing integration, funnel optimization, and more.

6. Quiz Cat

Quiz Cat

Quiz Cat is a free WordPress quiz plugin with an easy to use interface and great options to create viral quizzes for your website.

It allows you to add images to each question and answer. You can also create a start and finish screen for your quiz.

Each answer can be given a rating and assigned an amount of points. If you’re creating a right and wrong quiz for visitors, then this can be useful.

7. HD Quiz

HD Quiz

HD Quiz is another awesome free quiz plugin for your WordPress blog. It has a responsive design and allows you to create unlimited quizzes with as many questions and answers as you need.

You can also use GIF images with your questions and answers to make them more interactive and fun.

Other notable features include quiz timer, question tooltips for hints, social sharing, use images as answers, scoring, and more.

8. ARI Stream Quiz

ARI Stream Quiz

ARI Stream Quiz allows you to use quizzes for lead generation by collecting user email address and name.

It supports integration with MailChimp and other email marketing service providers. Apart from lead generation, the actual quiz builder features an easy to use interface to build your quizzes.

It uses AJAX for faster performance, has multiple themes, social media integration, Open Graph support, and more.

9. Chained Quiz

Chained Quiz

Chained Quiz is a WordPress quiz plugin with the conditional logic feature where the next question in the quiz depends on user’s answer to the previous question.

This allows you to create highly interactive personality quizzes that change dynamically.

It supports multiple choice, single choice, and essay answers. You can assign scoring to each correct answer and decide what to do when the user selects an answer.

Which is the Best WordPress Quiz Plugin?

After reviewing each of these plugins, we believe that Formidable Forms, LearnDash, and TryInteract are the most comprehensive quiz building solutions in the market.

If you’re looking for a solution to add quizzes to WordPress and advanced form building features, then we highly recommend you go with Formidable Forms.

If you want a simple way to create interactive quizzes on a course website, then LearnDash is a great option.

If you’re looking to create viral Buzzfeed style quizzes, then TryInteract is a great option for that because it comes with many ready-to-use templates.

We hope this article helped you find the best quiz plugin for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of the must have WordPress plugins for businesses and our expert picks of the best webinar software including free options.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Best Quiz Plugins for WordPress (2021) appeared first on WPBeginner.

How to Easily Create a Quiz in WordPress

Do you want to create a quiz in WordPress?

No matter whether you’re testing knowledge or creating viral content like Buzzfeed, quizzes can get more engagement on your site. You can even use them to collect feedback and ideas from your customers, so you can improve their experience.

In this article, we will show you how to easily create a quiz in WordPress.

How to easily create a quiz in WordPress

Why Add Quizzes to Your WordPress Site?

Quizzes are fun and engaging. Since they’re so interactive, users find them more rewarding than other types of form.

Marketers have been using quizzes to generate leads since the very early days of the internet. For example, you might ask for the visitor’s email address so you can send them their quiz results, or ask them to sign up for your email newsletter.

They’re also a great way to get more social shares by encouraging visitors to post their results.

BuzzFeed is probably the most popular example of viral quizzes.

An example of a Buzzfeed quiz

If you sell online courses, then quizzes are an important way to test the student’s knowledge and reinforce learning. Since these quizzes are automated, they’re also an easy way to improve the student experience.

If you run an online store, then you might even create a short quiz that asks the shopper for some information and then suggests a product or service based on their answers.

An example of a product quiz

This is much more engaging than asking them to read through product descriptions and could get you some extra sales.

Having said that, let’s go ahead and see how to easily create a quiz in WordPress.

Creating a WordPress Quiz with Formidable Forms

For this guide, we’ll be using the Formidable Forms plugin. It is one of the best WordPress quiz plugins on the market and allows you to create advanced quizzes using a simple drag-and-drop builder.

Formidable Forms is also one of the best WordPress form builder plugins. This means that once it’s set up on your website, you can use it to build all kinds of forms including contact forms, registration forms, booking forms, and more.

With that being said, let’s see how you can create a WordPress quiz using Formidable Forms.

Step 1: Install the Formidable Forms and Quiz Maker Addon

To create a quiz, you’ll need to use the Formidable Forms Business plan, as it includes the Quiz Maker addon.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Formidable Forms plugin. For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll also need to install Formidable Forms Lite. This free plugin provides the core foundation for the premium plugin’s more advanced features.

Once you’ve done that, go to the Formidable Forms » Global Settings page in your dashboard and select ‘Click to enter a license key manually.’

Adding the Formidable Forms license

You can find the license key under your account on the Formidable Forms website. After entering this information, go ahead and click the ‘Save License’ button.

Next, you will need to install the Quiz Maker addon by going to Formidable » Add-Ons. On this screen, find the Quiz Maker addon and click on its Install button.

After a few moments, Formidable Forms will mark the Quiz addon as ‘Active.’

Installing the Quiz Maker addon

Step 2: Create a WordPress Quiz with Formidable Quiz Maker

Now you’ve installed the Formidable Forms Quiz Maker, you’re ready to create your first WordPress quiz.

To get started, go to Formidable » Forms and then click the ‘Add New’ button.

Creating a new WordPress form

This opens a popup showing all of the plugin’s ready-made templates, including templates that you can use to create a mortgage calculator and a booking form.

In this guide, we’ll be starting from scratch so click on the ‘Blank Form.’

A blank Formidable Form template

Once you’ve done that, type a title into the ‘Form Name’ field and enter an optional description. This information is just for your reference so you can use anything you want.

Then, simply click on the ‘Create’ button.

Creating a new quiz using Formidable Forms

This will open the template in the Formidable Forms editor.

To the right is a live preview, and on the left-hand side is a menu with all the fields you can drag and drop into your quiz.

The Formidable Forms editor

You can create quizzes for lots of different purposes, including getting customer feedback, performing market research on your WordPress blog, testing knowledge, and more.

You may need different types of fields depending on the kind of quiz you’re creating. As an example, we’ll show you how to create a simple quiz that tests the visitor’s knowledge. We’ll be creating different kinds of questions, including multiple choice.

To add a field to your quiz, simply drag it from the left-hand menu and then drop it onto the live preview. Let’s start by adding a ‘Text’ field.

Adding fields to your form

After that, click to select your new ‘Text’ field in the live editor.

You can then go ahead and type your question into the ‘Field Label.’

Creating a simple text question

Next, we’re going to create a multiple choice question.

Simply drag a ‘Dropdown’ field onto the form.

How to create a multiple choice question

Once again, click the ‘Dropdown’ field in the preview to the right and then type your question into the ‘Field Label.’

You can now type the possible answers into the ‘Dropdown Options’ section.

Adding multiple answers to a quiz question

To add more answers to your multiple choice question, simply click on the ‘Add Option’ button. You can repeat these steps to add more questions to your quiz.

When you’re happy with how the quiz looks, it’s time to configure the correct answers and how to show the user’s score.

To do this, click on the ‘Settings’ tab and then select ‘Actions & Notifications.’ You can now click on ‘Scored quiz.’

Creating a quiz in WordPress

If you scroll to the new ‘Scored Quiz’ section, then you’ll see that this action already has some default settings.

Formidable Forms can randomize the questions and answers, which will make it more difficult for people to cheat.

By default, these settings are disabled but you may want to enable them by clicking on the ‘Randomize questions’ and ‘Randomize options’ toggles.

Randomizing questions in your online quiz

Formidable Forms awards one point for every right answer. However, if you enable advanced scoring then you can take points away for wrong answers.

We’ll be covering advanced scoring shortly, but if you plan to deduct points then you can click to activate the ‘Allow negative scoring’ toggle.

Enabling negative scoring for your quiz

Next, let’s set the correct answers so that Formidable Forms can score visitors automatically.

To do this, go ahead and click on the ‘Customize Quiz Scoring’ button.

Set up quiz scoring in WordPress

To add the correct answer, simply click on the toggle next to each question.

For text questions, simply type the correct answer into the field. You can also use the dropdown to specify whether the user’s answer should include this exact text, some of the text, or none of the text.

Setting the correct answers for an online test

For multiple choice questions, click on ‘Add Correct Answers’ to open a menu showing all the possible options.

You can now check the box next to each correct answer.

Setting the right answers for an online exam

By default, each correct answer is worth 1 point. To award more points, simply type a different number into the ‘Max score’ box.

Sometimes you may want to assign a unique score to the different answers in a multiple choice question.

To do this, select ‘Advanced scoring’ and then type in the score for each answer.

Setting up advanced scoring for your online questionnaire

Once you’ve set all of the correct answers, click on ‘Done’ to save your changes.

After that, you can set the action that Formidable Forms will perform every time someone submits a quiz. Simply open the following dropdown to see the different options: ‘What would you like to do after submit?’

Creating a quiz in WordPress

If you choose ‘Show the score,’ then Formidable Forms will display a standard message with the visitor’s score.

You can see an example of this in the following image.

Showing the score to your learners

If you select ‘Show user’s answers,’ then Formidable Forms will show the user’s score plus their answers.

This can help reinforce learning by encouraging visitors to review their answers and think about which ones they may have answered wrong.

Showing the answers to your students

There is also ‘Show correct answers’ that shows users which questions they got right.

If they got a question wrong, then Formidable Forms will show the right answer. This can help students learn from their mistakes.

However, it isn’t a good option if learners have the option to retake the quiz as this could lead to cheating.

Displaying the right answers to customers

The final option is ‘Use default success settings,’ which shows a message that reads, ‘Your responses were successfully submitted. Thank you!’

You’ll typically want to change this message to include the user’s score. To do this, click on ‘General’ and customize the message in the ‘On Submit’ box.

Showing a custom success message to learners

To show the user’s score, simply add the [219] key. A ‘key’ is a dynamic value you can use to customize messages to each user.

For example, you might type in: ‘Your responses were successfully submitted. You scored [219].’ The [219] will automatically be replaced with their score.

A custom score message, created using Formidable Forms

There are more keys that can help you create a more personalized message.

To take a look at the different keys, simply click on the ‘Keys’ tab in the little popup.

Using keys to create a personalized message

After that, click the ‘Update’ button to store your changes. You’ve now successfully created your first quiz.

Step 3: Adding Your Quiz to Your WordPress Site

You can now add your quiz to any post or page, or any widget-ready area of your WordPress theme. In our example, we’ll add the quiz to a page, but the steps will be similar when adding the quiz to other areas of your WordPress site.

To start, go to Pages » Add New in your WordPress admin area. Once inside the content editor, click on the ‘+’ button to add a new block.

In the popup that appears, type ‘Formidable Forms’ to find the right one, and then add the block to your post.

The Formidable Forms block

After that, simply open the ‘Select a form’ dropdown.

Then, choose whichever quiz you have already created, and now WordPress will load the quiz automatically.

Adding a quiz to your WordPress website

Now you can add any other content to the page, including any categories and tags or customized permalinks that you want to use.

When you’re ready, either publish or update the page. Your WordPress quiz is now live and users can start answering questions.

We hope this article helped you add a quiz to your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on how to run a giveaway in WordPress and our expert pick of the best LMS plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Create a Quiz in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.