How to Create a Video Portfolio in WordPress (Step by Step)

Do you want to create a video portfolio in WordPress?

Videos are an engaging medium that can display your skills and creativity in a way that static images can’t. By default, you can easily embed videos in WordPress, but you can’t display them in a portfolio-style layout.

In this article, we will show you how to easily create a video portfolio in WordPress without slowing down your website or writing code.

Create a Video Portfolio in WordPress

How to Get Started with Your Video Portfolio

First, you will need to start a WordPress blog or a website. If you already have one, then you can move to the next step.

WordPress allows you to easily embed videos in your blog posts and pages. However, it does not let you create a beautiful video portfolio out of the box.

For your portfolio, you will want to display your videos in a nice grid-based layout so that more videos can be viewed without a lot of scrolling.

You also need to make sure that the portfolio works on mobile devices and offers a good user experience. This can help improve your website rankings, as high-quality video content can lead to more organic traffic.

While you can upload a video to your WordPress site, we recommend using a third-party service like YouTube or Vimeo because videos are resource-intensive and can slow down your site.

For more details, you may want to see our article on why you should never upload videos to WordPress.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily create a video portfolio in WordPress, step by step.

Creating a Video Portfolio in WordPress With Envira Gallery

You can easily create a video portfolio in WordPress with Envira Gallery. It is the best WordPress gallery plugin on the market that comes with a video addon.

The plugin lets you create beautiful galleries and offers premade templates, watermarking, a lightbox feature, and much more.

First, you need to install and activate the Envira Gallery plugin. For detailed instructions, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: Envira Gallery also has a free plan. However, you will need a premium plan to unlock the Videos addon.

Upon activation, visit the Envira Gallery » Settings page from the WordPress dashboard to enter your license key. You can get this information from your account on the Envira Gallery website.

Add the Envira Gallery license key

Next, you must head to the Envira Gallery » Addons page and locate the ‘Videos’ addon.

Once you do that, click the ‘Install’ button next to it. After that, you need to click ‘Activate’ to start using it on your website.

Install the Videos addon

Now, it’s time for you to start creating your video portfolio. To do this, go to the Envira Gallery » Add New page from the WordPress admin sidebar.

Keep in mind that Envira Gallery allows you to create a gallery of your self-hosted videos as well as videos hosted on platforms like YouTube, Wistia, and Vimeo.

However, we recommend using third-party video hosting services to avoid performance issues or problems with your WordPress hosting.

Upon uploading your videos on YouTube or Vimeo, you can add a name for your gallery and then click the ‘Select Files from Other Sources’ button.

Click Select files from other Sources button

This will launch the media library, where you have to switch to the ‘Insert Videos’ tab.

Here, you can add your video’s title, caption, and alt text. Once you do that, just add the video URL in the ‘Video URL’ field.

If you want to upload a video from your computer, then you can click the ‘Upload Media’ button.

You can also add more videos by clicking on the ‘Add Video’ button at the top. Then, repeat the process until you have added all the videos you wanted to show in your portfolio.

Once you are done, simply click the ‘Insert into Gallery’ button.

Add video URL, title, caption, and alt text

Envira will now show the thumbnails it fetched from your videos in the ‘Currently in your Gallery’ section.

Here, you can click the pencil icon on top of each thumbnail to change the alt text and captions, video heights, widths, and more.

Edit video details by clicking the pencil icon on top of each thumbnail

Once you have done that, just switch to the ‘Configuration’ tab.

You can now choose your gallery layout, add gallery columns, enable lazy loading, change image dimensions, and add captions under the videos.

Go through the gallery configuration settings

After that, switch to the ‘Lightbox’ tab from the left column and check the ‘Enable Lightbox’ option. Your videos will now play on the same page in a lightbox popup.

For detailed instructions, you can see our tutorial on how to add a gallery in WordPress with a lightbox effect.

Enable the lightbox option for the video portfolio

Next, switch to the ‘Videos’ tab and check the box next to the ‘Display play icon over gallery image’ option. That way, users can click on the play button to start watching your videos.

After that, you can scroll down to the ‘Video Lightbox Settings’ section and enable video autoplay, display video controls, add a progress bar or current time, enable video download, and more.

Configure the video settings

You can then also configure other gallery settings according to your liking. Once you are done, click the ‘Publish’ button at the top to store your settings.

Next, open the WordPress page or post where you want to add your video portfolio. Here, click the ‘+’ add block button to open the block menu and add the Envira Gallery block.

Once you do that, select the video portfolio gallery that you just created from the dropdown menu within the block itself.

Add the Envira Gallery block for the video portfolio

Finally, click the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button to store your settings.

You can now visit your WordPress site to view the video portfolio. This is what it looked like on our demo WordPress website.

Video portfolio preview

Bonus: Add Your YouTube Feed to Your WordPress Site

Apart from creating a video portfolio, you can also add your entire YouTube feed to your WordPress site to drive traffic to your channel and increase user engagement.

This can also help improve your website rankings and allow you to showcase your skills and creativity within the video feed.

You can easily add a YouTube feed in WordPress with the Smash Balloon YouTube Feed plugin. It is the best WordPress YouTube gallery plugin on the market that comes with multiple feed types, customizable layouts, social sharing, and live stream support.

Smash Balloon YouTube Feeds Pro

Upon plugin activation, all you have to do is connect your YouTube channel with WordPress.

Once you do that, your YouTube feed will be launched in the Smash Balloon builder, where you can customize the layout, add a subscribe button, change color schemes, and edit individual elements.

For detailed instructions, you can see our tutorial on how to create a video gallery in WordPress.

Smash Balloon's video style settings

Apart from YouTube, you can also use other Smash Balloon plugins to embed your Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter feeds within your website.

For more information, just see our complete Smash Balloon review.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a video portfolio in WordPress. You may also want to see our beginner’s guide on how to boost WordPress speed and performance and our top picks for the best WordPress portfolio themes for your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create a Video Portfolio in WordPress (Step by Step) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Create an Online Portfolio Website in WordPress

Looking to create an online portfolio website in WordPress?

The freelance market has grown rapidly. Resumes and LinkedIn profiles are important, but to beat out the opposition, you’ll need a portfolio website to showcase your best work and land more clients.

In this article, we will show you how to easily create an online portfolio website in WordPress, step by step.

How to create an online portfolio website in WordPress

Why Do You Need an Online Portfolio Website?

Think of your online portfolio website as your digital business card.

Portfolios are assets for everyone, including freelancers, job seekers, and small businesses.

Example of portfolio website

While you may think a portfolio is only for artists or creatives, that’s simply not true. They work for any profession, whether you’re a graphic designer, writer, or developer.

It’s a chance to put your best foot forward in your industry. In a nutshell, your website portfolio helps you to stand out from the crowd and build trust. When you design a professional portfolio website, you instantly gain credibility and show off your experience.

Plus, you can optimize your site for search engines based on specific keywords so that more people can find you.

How to Create an Online Portfolio Website in WordPress with SeedProd

You don’t need to learn how to code or write HTML to build your portfolio site. Simply follow our step by step instructions, and you’ll have your website up and running in minutes.

1. Choose a WordPress Host

To start with, you’ll need a domain name and web host. The web host stores your website files and is your site’s home on the internet.

A good web host should be scalable enough to handle demanding sites, offer support in case anything goes wrong, take web security seriously, and have features to keep you safe.

You should also be looking for the fastest WordPress hosting providers, which helps to get your site loading quickly.

Hostinger is the best choice for small businesses that want affordable, beginner-friendly hosting.

Fortunately, Hostinger has agreed to offer our readers a free domain name and up to 78% off on WordPress hosting. You can get started for just $2.69 per month.

To get set up with Hostinger in a few minutes, simply click this button:

If you need help signing up for Hostinger, check out our post on how to get a free domain name, where you find a step by step tutorial.

Once you’ve registered and set up your hosting plan, you can just go into your dashboard and select the ‘Domains’ tab.

From there, you’ll need to enter a new domain name.

Hostinger get a domain

You’ll be prompted to create a new website or migrate an existing website.

For the sake of this tutorial, you can click the ‘Skip, create an empty website.’

Skip website hostinger

Next, click on the ‘Select’ button under ‘Claim a Free Domain.’

You can simply enter the domain name that you want to use for your portfolio website.

Claim free domain

If you need help deciding on a domain name, WPBeginner offers a free business name generator to help you find a company name that is easy to read and promote online.

Of course, if you’re creating a personal portfolio, the easiest thing to do would be to use your first and last name as a domain name. If it’s taken, you can add your profession along with your first name.

For example, if is taken, you might find or

Ideally, you should stick to a .com domain extension since it’s the most recognizable and trustworthy for small businesses.

2. Install WordPress

One of the most common mistakes most beginners make is choosing the wrong website platform. Many freelancers or small business owners gravitate towards Squarespace or Wix.

While those are easy to use, they lack tons of functionality, customization, and control.

Using a content management system like WordPress gives you much more flexibility with thousands of designs and addons for your portfolio site. WordPress is free, open-source, and has thousands of pre-built extensions and website designs.

With the right WordPress plugins and themes, you’ll also get the same drag-and-drop builder that makes platforms like Squarespace or Wix so easy to use.

Whether you use Hostinger or another WordPress hosting service like WPEngine or Bluehost, you can follow our guide on how to install WordPress for detailed, step by step instructions.

Next, in your Hostinger dashboard, click on the ‘Admin Panel’ button with the WordPress logo to go to your WordPress website’s dashboard.

You can also go to directly in your browser.

3. Choose a Portfolio Theme

Once you have your WordPress set up, you’re ready to customize your website design by choosing a theme and creating new pages.

For this tutorial, we’ll be using SeedProd to create a theme specifically for portfolio websites.

SeedProd is the best WordPress page builder on the market. It lets you quickly and easily create any type of page without writing a single line of code.

Whether you want to make a portfolio website to land potential clients, start a WordPress blog, or an online store, SeedProd is a one-stop solution that gives you templates tailored to your needs.

You’ll want to install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more help, see our in-depth guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon installation, you’ll be prompted to complete the setup wizard. You can click ‘Get Started’ and just follow along the step by step instructions so that SeedProd can configure the plugin to best suit your needs.

SeedProd setup wizard

When you’ve completed the setup wizard, head over to SeedProd ≫ Settings and enter your license key. You can find your license key under your accounts page on the SeedProd website.

After entering the information, click on the ‘Verify Key’ button.

Verify key for SeedProd

You will now have access to all of SeedProd’s features.

4. Build Your Portfolio Landing Page

Next, go to SeedProd ≫ Theme Builder.

From there, select the orange button that says ‘Theme Template Kits.’

SeedProd theme builder

You’ll land on a page with a searchable library of WordPress themes to choose from. Type in ‘portfolio’ in the search bar and select the theme template that best fits your website idea.

Also, you may want to search other keywords if you’re in a specific niche. For example, if you are a realtor, you can find real estate WordPress themes on SeedProd.

We’ll be choosing the ‘Freelance Portfolio’ theme, but feel free to pick any theme that fits your needs.

Online portfolio theme in SeedProd

We’ll be creating a one-page portfolio site, where your portfolio page is on the Homepage of your website. This lets you have your portfolio site up and running fast without the hassle of designing multiple pages.

In the WordPress dashboard, head over to Settings ≫ Reading. Next to the Homepage, select the ‘Portfolio’ dropdown to make your portfolio page your Homepage.

Set portfolio page as homepage

Then head back to SeedProd ≫ Theme Builder, and you’ll see a list of all the pages within the theme.

Scroll down and hover over the ‘Portfolio’ page. Then click on ‘Edit Design.’

Edit portfolio page

5. Edit the Portfolio Website

Now it’s time to edit the content and make it your own. You’ll be sent to SeedProd’s visual, drag-and-drop page builder. There are plenty of Standard and Advanced widgets to choose from, such as a headline, text, list, header, featured image, and so on.

Simply drag the widget you want and move it to the exact location you want that element.

Widgets in SeedProd

You can also customize the background to your liking by choosing a solid color, gradient color, or background image.

Just click on the outer layer box, and under ‘Content’ in the sidebar menu, you’ll see options to customize your background.

Background in SeedProd

If you need help working with the SeedProd interface, you can watch our SeedProd video tutorials.

When editing the contents of your main portfolio page, there are several key components you want to include, such as:

Strong Call to Action (CTA): Portfolio sites should have a clear call to action to allow visitors to hire or get in touch with you. The CTA button should be placed both above the fold and at the bottom of your page.

Just find the ‘Button’ box in the left-hand menu and drag it to your page on the right.

Call to action in SeedProd

When editing any element, you must click on the specific element or area you want to customize.

Then, the options for that block appear to the left. As you can see below, the Content tab lets you edit the button text and link it to your contact page or even to an embedded form lower in this same page.

The ‘Templates’ tab lets you choose the button style, and the Advanced tab lets you change the padding, fonts, and more.

Edit button SeedProd

Services you offer: Visitors want to know what you offer so they can be sure you can do what they’re looking for. For instance, as a WordPress developer, do you code custom plugins, offer website customizations, or build websites from scratch?

To create a services section, just add a Column widget and insert an Icon Box for each service we offer.

Then, you can customize the text and icons as needed by clicking on the element and using the sidebar.

Services page in SeedProd

About Me section: Potential customers and clients also want to know more about your background and experience. This is a chance to build a connection with people and showcase why you’re passionate about what you do.

To create an About Me section, all you need to do is add the ‘Image Box’ widget to the page. Then, add a portrait photo of yourself and write a description that tells people more about you.

If you are creating a portfolio for a business or brand, you could use your custom logo here instead.

Author bio in SeedProd

Testimonials: Providing testimonials from previous clients helps to build trust, especially if you’ve worked with reputable brands. Seeing that other people are satisfied with your work gives others the confidence that you can also do a great job.

Simply add the Testimonials widget to your page. Then, you can add a photo of the client and edit their name and testimonial. If you want to add more reviews, click on the ‘Duplicate’ icon next to the person’s name.

Duplicate testimonials in SeedProd

6. Add a Gallery to Showcase Examples of your Work

Creating a portfolio website gives you a chance to showcase all of the awesome work you’ve done. When potential clients see what you can do, they’ll trust that you’re the right person for the job.

To do that, we’ll be using Envira Gallery, which is the best WordPress gallery plugin. While you can use the ‘Advanced Gallery’ widget on SeedProd, Envira Gallery gives you more functionality.

For example, it comes with Lightbox images, meaning when someone clicks on a photo, it automatically displays the full dimensions without needing to crop or resize them. You can even add slideshows and organize your galleries into albums to better categorize your work.

First, install and activate the Envira Gallery plugin. You can follow our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin for detailed instructions.

Head over to Envira Gallery ≫ Add New in the WordPress dashboard. Then, name your gallery in the title bar. From there, click ‘Search Files from Your Computer’ to add images of your portfolio projects.

Add new gallery Envira Gallery

Once you’ve uploaded the portfolio items, scroll down and select the ‘Config’ tab.

Here, you can change the number of gallery columns you want to display. Setting it to ‘Automatic’ will set the number of images to automatically fill each row.

Configurations in Envira Gallery

If you want to change the image sizes, scroll down in the ‘Config’ tab and find the Image Size option.

Select the size that best showcases your portfolio items.

Image size in Envira Gallery

You can also adjust the Lightbox image size so that it displays the original size image when someone clicks on the picture.

Go to the ‘Lightbox’ tab and adjust the Image Size to ‘Original Image.’

Lightbox in Envira Gallery

Scroll up to the top of the page and hit ‘Publish.’ Underneath the publish button, you’ll see a shortcode.

Copy the shortcode so that we can add the gallery to our WordPress portfolio page.

Publish gallery in Envira Gallery

Go back to your portfolio page in SeedProd. Drag and drop the Shortcode block anywhere you’d like on the page.

Then, simply paste the shortcode into the ‘Shortcode’ box in the sidebar menu.

Shortcode in SeedProd

If you want to preview the shortcode, click on the ‘Preview’ button on the top right corner of the page.

This will show you what the entire page looks like.

Preview portfolio website

Here, you should be able to see that your Envira Gallery is embedded in your portfolio site.

With the lightbox feature from Envira Gallery, you can click on each item to see the full image.

Recent projects in SeedProd

7. Add a Contact Form

Now that you’ve reeled in your potential clients, it’s time to get them to contact you. Sure, you can just drop an email in there, but contact forms let them send you a message directly without opening up their email app.

The best way to create a simple and professional contact form is with WPForms.

WPForms form builder

WPForms is the best WordPress form builder that lets you create online contact forms.

To learn how to create a simple contact form for your website so that potential clients can contact you, just follow our step-by-step tutorial on how to create a contact form in WordPress.

Once you’ve completed your form, go back to your portfolio page. You can use the ‘Contact Form’ widget to add a form from WPForms. Under ‘Select a Form,’ choose the one you’ve created.

WPForms in SeedProd

8. Make It Live

If everything looks good, you’re ready to launch your website.

All you have to do is click the arrow under the green ‘Save’ button on the top right corner. Then click ‘Publish.’

Publish portfolio in SeedProd

Go ahead and check the live site.

Everything should appear, including the portfolio gallery, buttons, and contact form.

Portfolio website live example

Once you have a professional-looking portfolio website made, you’re ready to start sending more traffic to your site or nurture interested prospects.

We hope this article helped you learn how to create an online portfolio website in WordPress. We also recommend that you check out our post on how to start a WordPress blog or our guide on how to create an email newsletter.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Create an Online Portfolio Website in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

7 Best WordPress Portfolio Plugins for Designers & Photographers

Are you a designer or photographer looking for the easiest way to build a portfolio website in WordPress?

There are plenty of WordPress portfolio plugins that allow you to easily build beautiful portfolio websites.

However, finding the perfect portfolio plugin can be difficult for beginners. You will need to find a plugin that makes your work stand out, loads fast, and looks good on mobile devices.

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress portfolio plugins for designers and photographers.

Top WordPress portfolio plugins

Choosing Between WordPress Portfolio Themes vs WordPress Portfolio Plugins

Many WordPress portfolio themes come with built-in functionality to create a portfolio website.

This makes many beginners wonder why would anyone want to choose a plugin when themes can do the job?

Themes in WordPress are only supposed to handle the visual appearance of your website. This includes colors, styles, layouts, and presentation of your content.

Plugins on the other hand are the proper way to add functionality to your WordPress site such as slider, contact form, and more.

Adding a portfolio comes under functionality, which is why we recommend using a plugin.

Using a theme for functionality ties your website with that theme. If you change the theme, then you will lose your portfolio data.

On the other hand, if you decide to use a portfolio plugin, then you are free to use it with any theme you want.

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the top WordPress portfolio plugins.

1. WP Portfolio

WP Portfolio

WP Portfolio is the best WordPress portfolio plugin for photographers, freelancers, developers, and agencies. It allows you to instantly create portfolio websites from 40+ professionally designed portfolio templates.

It is made by the creators of Astra Theme, which is one of the best WordPress themes of all times. WP Portfolio brings the same ease of use to portfolios.

It comes with multiple style choices, layouts, supports all types of media, and can be easily customized without writing any code or CSS.

Most importantly, all portfolio layouts look equally great on mobile devices and work as elegantly as they do on laptops.

2. Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is a premium WordPress gallery plugin. It allows you to create beautiful image galleries and albums. Already used by thousands, Envira Gallery is the best WordPress plugin for photographers and designers.

Creating a portfolio with Envira Gallery is quite easy. Simply create galleries containing your portfolio items with optional description and details. You can also group galleries into Albums or make filterable portfolio.

The plugin also makes it easy to add your portfolio anywhere on your WordPress site with the click of a button.

For detailed instructions, take a look at our guide on how to add a portfolio to your WordPress site.

3. NextGEN Gallery


NextGEN Gallery is a popular WordPress plugin for creating image galleries, albums, and photography portfolios. Loved by beginners and expert photographers alike, NextGen comes with an intuitive user interface to create galleries.

It includes multiple styles and layout choices with support for albums, filterable portfolio, columns, and more. You can also create portfolio carousel/slider, compact portfolio albums, and list or timeline style layouts.

4. Visual Portfolio

Visual portfolio

Visual Portfolio is an elegant WordPress portfolio plugin that allows you to create beautiful portfolio galleries.

It comes with multiple layout styles including masonry, grid, justified, tiles, and carousel. The plugin also includes a Gutenberg block which makes it even easier to add a portfolio anywhere you like.

Your users can also sort portfolio items using filters, which offers a beautiful browsing experience.

5. GridKit Portfolio Gallery

GridKit portfolio gallery

GridKit Portfolio Gallery is a simple WordPress photo gallery and portfolio plugin. It allows you to manage portfolio items in projects and make them sortable. It comes with support for new WordPress block editor with shortcode support for older editor.

The base plugin is very with limited layout styles and features. You’ll need the premium version to get access more styles and features.

6. Meow Gallery

Meow Gallery

Meow Gallery is a free WordPress gallery plugin with full Gutenberg block editor support. It allows you to organize your portfolio items in beautiful image galleries.

It ships with support for multiple layouts including masonry, grid, tile, and justified. You can select the number of columns you want to display. It also comes with several add-on plugins that can be used for additional functionality like lightbox, audio commentary, external links, and more.

7. Genesis Portfolio Pro

Genesis portfolio pro

If you are using a StudioPress theme or any theme made for the Genesis theme framework, then you would want to try Genesis Portfolio Pro plugin.

It is made specifically for Genesis framework and provides a custom post type to create your portfolio items. It also comes with templates to display the featured image you set as the portfolio item in a grid layout.

It is a simple plugin and does not include many features of several other portfolio plugins. However, if you are looking for something minimalist, then it would get the job done nicely.

That’s all we hope this article helped you find the best WordPress portfolio plugins for designers and photographers. You may also want to see our list of 41 best free photography themes for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best WordPress Portfolio Plugins for Designers & Photographers appeared first on WPBeginner.