How to Use AI to Boost Your Marketing (13 Expert Tips)

Are you wondering how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to help market your WordPress website or online store?

Generative AI technologies are changing the way we work, and many website owners are looking for new ways to use them.

In this article, we will share some expert tips on how to use AI for marketing.

How to Use AI to Boost Your Marketing

How Can AI Be Used on WordPress Websites?

Artificial intelligence technologies like OpenAI show a lot of promise for small business owners, freelancers, online stores, and anyone who works online.

Using a simple chat interface, you can ask the AI to answer questions, generate content, and repurpose existing content. You can also automate tasks on your WordPress website that normally need human intelligence by using AI plugins.

For example, you can use AI in WordPress to detect spam comments, improve SEO, translate your website content, identify plagiarized content, scan for malware, and much more.

There are also a ton of ways you can use it to market your products and services.

With that being said, let’s take a look at some expert tips on how to use AI for marketing.

This article will cover a lot of topics, so you can click on any of the links below to jump to a section that you are interested in:

1. Come Up With a Catchy and Memorable Business Name

Marketing starts early. Choosing a catchy and memorable name for your business is an important first step. It plays a crucial role in your blog’s branding, marketing, and SEO.

Of course, you’ll want to use your business name in the address for your website. So, you need to make sure the domain name is available.

This is where artificial intelligence can help.

All you need to do is visit our free Business Name Generator tool. Simply type in a few words related to your business and then click the ‘Generate’ button.

The Free WPBeginner Business Name Generator Tool

Our tool will use AI to choose dozens of suitable business names. It will then automatically check to make sure the domain name is available before presenting you with a convenient list.

If you like one of the names, then you can simply click the ‘Buy’ link to register the domain name with or get it with a Bluehost hosting package.

The Free WPBeginner Business Name Generator Tool

2. Generate Content Marketing Ideas

Now that you’ve chosen a business name and set up your WordPress website or online store, you can start planning your content marketing. This means the interesting and helpful blog content that you will write to attract new visitors to your website.

Brainstorming content ideas can be hard work. But it’s surprising how quickly AI can generate a list of fantastic blog post ideas.

Rather than typing prompts directly into ChatGPT, you can use Uncanny Automator to automate the process from your WordPress website using a recipe like this:

Automator and OpenAI content ideation recipe

This will let you type your prompt into a WPForms form on your website, such as ‘Give me 5 fun blog posts on pediatric dentistry’. The prompt will be passed along to OpenAI, which will generate content ideas for you.

These ideas can then be sent anywhere you like, such as a Google spreadsheet.

OpenAI topic ideas

You can learn how to combine AI and automation to come up with blog post ideas in our guide on the best ways to use OpenAI on your WordPress website.

3. Prepare and Research Your Articles

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can be very useful when planning and researching new blog posts. That’s because they have learned and stored vast amounts of information by going through what is publicly available on the internet.

They can use this information to answer your questions. The trick is knowing what is possible and using specific prompts that give you the results you need.

For example, if you ask the simple question, ‘How do you care for a parrotfish?’, then ChatGPT will generate a long list of guidelines. But it’s often helpful to use more specific prompts.

For instance, if you are planning to write different blog posts on the specific pieces of equipment needed to care for a parrotfish, then you can use this prompt instead:

‘Create a list of the most popular equipment needed to care for a parrotfish along with the pros and cons of each one.’

This will give you much more helpful information. You will get a list of tools and equipment you can write about on your WordPress blog, such as an aquarium tank and filtration system. You will also learn some pros and cons of each tool that you can talk about in the article.

Once you choose a topic to write about, you can even generate an outline of everything that should be covered in the blog post. Here is an example question:

‘Write an article outline for the following topic: live rock and decorations for a parrotfish.’
Asking ChatGPT to Create a Blog Outline

For even more ideas, just see our detailed guide on the best ChatGPT prompts for bloggers, marketers, and social media.

4. Write Draft Blog Posts

Artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT can also write full blog posts. However, we recommend you treat these as first drafts and spend some time checking and improving the content before you publish them.

While the articles are well written, the information provided may be out of date. Also, some of the information could be inaccurate or completely false.

You can create content using prompts on the ChatGPT website. For example, you can ask it to ‘Write an essay about black holes at a 6th-grade reading level.’

ChatGPT response example 1

Here are a few detailed ChatGPT prompt examples you can use for inspiration when creating content for your blog:

  • ‘Write an article on the following topic: [TOPIC]. The article should be at least [NUMBER] words in length. Use a persuasive tone and pretend to be an expert on the topic.’
  • ‘I want you to write a motivational blog post about overcoming [FEAR/FAILURE/CHALLENGE].’
  • ‘I want you to pretend to be a topic expert and compare [ITEM 1] vs [ITEM 2] with pros and cons. I need you to show that [ITEM 1] is better than [ITEM 2] and persuade the reader to have a positive feeling about [ITEM 1].’
  • ‘Write an article based on the topics covered in the following article: [COMPETITOR URL]. Make the article more comprehensive than the URL provided by adding details that the source URL has missed or didn’t cover. Answer the most frequently asked questions about the topic at the end of the article.’

However, you may prefer to generate AI content directly from your WordPress admin area. You can do that by installing and activating the GPT3 AI Content Writer plugin.

You can learn how to use this plugin, as well as the pros and cons of using AI to write blog posts, in our guide on how to write content using AI content generators in WordPress.

5. Come Up With Titles and Meta Descriptions

One of the most important things to do when writing blog posts is to come up with irresistible headlines and descriptions. This will encourage more users to click on your articles, which will grow your visitors, conversions, and sales.

You can ask generative AI services like ChatGPT to help with post titles and descriptions. Here is an example of an effective prompt:

‘Suggest at least 5 SEO-friendly titles and meta descriptions for the following blog post: [POSTURL]. Use a persuasive and intriguing tone.’

However, you can also do the same thing directly from your WordPress dashboard using a plugin.

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the best SEO plugin for WordPress and uses artificial intelligence to help you optimize your content, such as generating post titles and meta descriptions for your content.

You can connect AIOSEO to OpenAI and generate title ideas for your post. The plugin will display 5 post title suggestions that use up-to-date best practices for writing effective headlines.

AIOSEO OpenAi SEO post title suggestions

You can learn the best way to do this in our guide on how to write powerful headlines using AI.

It can also generate SEO-friendly meta descriptions in a similar way. Simply click the robot icon next to the ‘Meta Description’ option. Then, All in One SEO will come up with 5 different meta descriptions to pick from.

Generate article descriptions using AI

6. Optimize Your Content for Search Engines

Besides helping you write effective titles and meta descriptions, there are some other ways AI can help optimize your content for search engines.

For example, you can improve SEO on your website by adding more links to your own content. These are called internal links, and they help search engines discover your content and rank them higher in search results.

However, if there are a lot of posts on your WordPress website, then you may not always be aware of all the relevant articles you can link to. This means that you are missing out on opportunities for your posts to rank higher in search.

This is another area where AI can help. We recommend using All in One SEO because it includes a unique Link Assistant feature that lets you add links to your old and new content without having to open up the post.

You can learn more in our ultimate guide on internal linking for SEO.

7. Improve the Grammar and Readability of Your Content

WordPress does not offer its own grammar and spellcheck tool. You may be worried that your marketing content contains embarrassing grammar and spelling errors or that it’s difficult to read.

Luckily, there are many WordPress plugins and online tools to help check your grammar and improve your writing. Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that automatically checks spelling and grammar as you write and highlights the errors so that you can fix them.

There is a free Grammarly browser extension for all major web browsers. This will give you instant proofreading for your posts, emails, social media, Google Docs, Slack, and more. There is also a pro version that will help you with tone, formality level, and word choices.

To see how to use Grammarly in detail, please see our guide on how to check grammar and spelling mistakes in WordPress.

You can also use ChatGPT to check your spelling, grammar, and more. Here’s an example ChatGPT prompt for proofreading an article:

‘I want you to act as SEO editor and copywriter. I need you to proofread and analyze the following text and optimize it for the focus keyword. I also need you to correct any grammar mistakes you find in the article. Ask me to provide you with the article text and focus keyword.’

8. Write Compelling Email Copy

ChatGPT can write draft emails or improve existing ones in seconds. You can use it when you are responding to questions from your customers, writing email newsletters, or reaching out to potential clients.

Simply ask the AI to write an email for you, giving it as many details as necessary, like this:

‘Write a 300-word marketing email promoting a Black Friday sale on limited edition clothing.’

You can even specify the tone that should be used in the email:

  • ‘use a persuasive tone and pretend to be an expert on the topic.’
  • ‘use a sympathetic and kind tone.’
  • ‘use a professional and trustworthy tone.’
  • ‘use a casual and conversational tone.’

Alternatively, you might have already written an email, but you want to polish it to sound more effective and professional before you send it out. You can use a ChatGPT prompt like this:

‘Fix this email. Write it as someone with a charismatic personality in perfect English. Use extremely professional and concise language. Also, give at least three samples to use as the email subject. [EMAIL TEXT]’

9. Create Blog Post Summaries for Social Media

Promoting your blog posts on social media is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your website. But it can be challenging to write blog post summaries that make people want to see more of your content.

Social media summaries need to be the correct length, accurately summarize the post’s contents, and use compelling language that will encourage clicks.

That’s where artificial intelligence can help.

In our guide on the best ways to use OpenAI on your WordPress website, we show you how you can combine ChatGPT with Uncanny Automator to automatically create and post effective summaries with hashtags to social platforms.

For example, here’s a screenshot of an Uncanny Automator action that sends a complete blog post to OpenAI and generates a summary that can be shared on Twitter.

Create a post summary for Twitter

The next step would be to get Uncanny Automator to send the summary, complete with hashtags, to WhatsApp. This will let you review and edit the tweet before you publish it.

Alternatively, Uncanny Automator could just post the summary directly to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more.

OpenAI social sharing

For more inspiration, you can see our guide on how to create automated workflows in WordPress with Uncanny Automator.

10. Write Ad Copy and Product Descriptions for Your Store

If you have an online store, then you already know how much work it can be to create descriptions and ad copy for all of your products.

ChatGPT can help you do this quickly and easily. You just need to use the right prompts. Here are some examples that you can modify to suit your own needs and store.

Writing product descriptions and short descriptions:

‘I want you to pretend that you are an eCommerce SEO expert who writes compelling product descriptions. I will provide you with one product title and I want you to come up with three distinct content sections for product descriptions, and each section should have its own headline.’
‘I want you to pretend that you are an eCommerce SEO expert who writes compelling product descriptions. I will provide you with one product title and I want you to come up with a short product description of between 250-300 characters.’

Writing ad copy for your products and services:

'I want you to act as a professional copyrighter with experience in writing high-converting Facebook ads. I want you to write Facebook ad copy for the following products/services: [PRODUCTS/SERVICES]. Produce ad copy that is between 100-150 words, with an attention-grabbing headline and a strong call to action. I want you to research the potential target audience and optimize the ad copy so that it appeals to that particular target audience.’

You can even use ChatGPT to help plan your content marketing strategy and calendar:

'I want you to act as my social media manager promoting [PRODUCTS/SERVICES]. I need you to provide me with a two-week content calendar for Facebook posts that are highly engaging and generate emotional responses from the readers. Add one post for each day, using hashtags and emojis.’

You might also want to see our guide on how to add a short product description in WooCommerce.

11. Write Better Landing Page Copy

When you are running a marketing or advertising campaign, you can use a dedicated landing page to get more conversions and sales.

The simplest way to create a landing page is using SeedProd. It is the best page builder on the market and comes with more than 180 professionally designed templates, including pages that are designed to help you get conversions.

How to create a landing page in WordPress with SeedProd

We take you through the process step-by-step in our guide on how to create a landing page with WordPress.

Now, you will need to write the copy for the landing page. You can create written content within seconds by using the right ChatGPT prompt:

'I want you to pretend to be a copywriter specializing in writing landing page copy for better SEO rankings and higher conversions. I need you to write the landing page copy for [PRODUCT]. I want you to start with an intriguing headline to captivate the target audience followed by a call to action button. Below that I want you to add three content sections with different headings each targeting a specific keyword for the product. I need you to end the landing page copy with a FAQ section answering at least 5 customer questions about the product.’

Once you have added the copy to the landing page, you can also use ChatGPT to generate call-to-action ideas:

'I want you to come up with 5 effective call-to-action button ideas based on the contents of the following URL: [LANDING PAGE URL].’

12. Create Images for Your Blog, Social Media, and More

Images make your content more interesting and improve the user experience on your WordPress blog and social platforms. If you can’t create your own artwork or take professional photos, then you might consider paying for stock images or using royalty-free images. However, these graphics can look generic.

Luckily, you can use AI. DALL.E 2 is an artificial intelligence tool made by OpenAI that can create unique images for your website and social media.

You can see some of the recent images it created when you sign up for a free account.

To create your own image, just type in a text description of what you want. If you are out of ideas, then simply click the ‘Surprise Me’ button to see examples of some of the prompts you can use to generate an image.

You can make life even easier by using Uncanny Automator to automate the process of creating a new DALL.E 2 image and pulling it into your blog post.

You will find instructions in our guide on how to use AI to generate images in WordPress.

13. Optimize the Copy in Your Popups

OptinMonster is a powerful lead generation and popup plugin that you can use on your WordPress site. It offers powerful features that can help you increase sales, grow your email list, and get more leads.

There are lots of different professionally designed templates included in the app. This makes it quick and easy to create your lead forms using the drag-and-drop builder.

This plugin also has a new feature called Smart Suggestions AI. It takes the text you added to your campaign’s popup and asks ChatGPT to suggest improvements.

OptinMonster Smart Suggestions

You will be given a list of alternatives to your copy. You can select your favorite version or ask for the tool for further variations.

When you click the ‘Select’ button next to one of the variations, it is added to your popup.

OptinMonster Smart Suggestions

Note: At the time of writing, this feature is being beta-tested.

Bonus: Provide Excellent Customer Service and Support

After all your marketing efforts, potential customers have arrived on your website or online store. But they might still have some questions about your products and services before they are ready to buy.

As users reach out to you via email, help desk, and chat, it’s more important than ever to interact with them effectively. Luckily, artificial intelligence can help you provide excellent customer service and support.

This is where you can use OpenAI’s emotional intelligence. It can perform sentiment analysis by identifying the mood of your customer’s feedback as negative, neutral, or positive.

This can be useful for flagging negative feedback and prioritizing message urgency. If you address negative feedback quickly, then you will keep your customers happier.

You can start to unlock the real power of AI by combining it with automation. With Uncanny Automator, you can use a negative response as a trigger for any action you like, such as notifying your team or creating a ticket in your help desk software. You can even have OpenAI automatically draft a reply.

See our guide on how to automate customer support with AI sentiment analysis for details.

You can also use artificial intelligence within a chatbot. It can automatically chat with your customers and answer their questions using the answers you provide, letting you offer 24/7 customer support.

For example, chatbots can ask questions about a customer’s preferences and suggest suitable products or help customers with making a payment. They can also explain how to install software updates, guide users through common technical issues, and much more.

For step-by-step instructions, see our guide on how to add a chatbot in WordPress.

Expert Guides on Using Artificial Intelligence

Now that you’ve read our tips on how to use AI for marketing, you may want to see some of our other guides on using artificial intelligence with your WordPress site:

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to use AI for marketing. You may also want to see our guide on how to build an email list or our expert picks of the best email marketing services for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Use AI to Boost Your Marketing (13 Expert Tips) first appeared on WPBeginner.

15 Best WordPress Plugins for Marketers in 2022

Are you a marketer trying to make the most out of WordPress?

WordPress plugins can help marketers achieve their goals, like increasing sales and attracting more traffic to the website. You can also use plugins to automate marketing workflows and optimize your site for search engines.

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress plugins for marketers.

WordPress plugins for marketers

Why Should Marketers Use WordPress Plugins?

WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world that powers over 43% of all websites on the internet.

A big reason for that is that marketers have access to over 59,000 WordPress plugins.

As a marketer, you can use these plugins to improve your workflow and grow your business.

For instance, some plugins help you optimize your website for search engines. Using them, you can improve your keyword rankings and attract more visitors from organic search.

Using the right WordPress plugins can also help improve your site’s conversions. You can create different campaigns to get people to buy your product or enter their emails.

WordPress plugins can also help you to automate different tasks. This helps save time so you can focus on other things to improve your business. For instance, you can automatically share WordPress blog posts on social media using the right plugin.

That said, let’s look at some of the best WordPress plugins for marketers.

1. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is the best WordPress popup plugin and the #1 lead generation tool available in the market. It allows you to grow your email list, boost subscriptions, and get more conversions.

You can add beautiful signup forms without hiring developers. OptinMonster allows you to add signup forms in the sidebar, after content, slide-in forms, lightbox popups, display a floating bar, and add countdown timer widgets.

It also comes with built-in analytics and A/B testing to optimize your lead generation efforts. Its signature Exit-Intent technology helps you convert visitors just before they are about to leave your website.

2. All in One SEO (AIOSEO)


All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the best SEO plugin for WordPress. Over 3 million websites use this plugin to improve their SEO rankings.

The plugin lets you optimize your site for search engines without technical knowledge or hiring an expert. It allows you to add meta tags, open graph tags, XML sitemaps, breadcrumb navigation, and more.

It also has all the advanced features like smart schema markup (featured snippets), local SEO module, image SEO module, news & video sitemaps, IndexNow integration for faster content indexing, smart link assistant, and more.

Besides that, AIOSEO provides a tool to conduct an SEO audit of your website and analyze your competitors. The plugin also offers a powerful redirection manager that you can use to fix broken links on your site and boost your SEO.

You can check out our guide on how to properly set up AIOSEO on your WordPress website.

3. SeedProd

SeedProd landing page builder

SeedProd is the best landing page builder for WordPress. It’s used by over 1 million professionals and makes it super easy to create all kinds of landing pages for WordPress.

You can build a landing page for your marketing campaign in just a few clicks using the drag and drop builder. SeedProd also offers prebuilt landing page templates to get started and multiple customization options. It lets you add an optin form, countdown timer, images, videos, and more to the landing page.

SeedProd easily integrates with some of the best email marketing services. You can connect your favorite service to the landing page and grow your email list.

Besides, the plugin also lets you set up a coming soon page for a new website or a new product launch, maintenance mode page, 404 pages, and more.

With their new theme builder feature, you can now use SeedProd to create completely custom WordPress themes without any code.

4. PushEngage


PushEngage is the best push notification software that helps you engage with your visitors and bring them back to your website.

You can send push notifications when a new blog post is published or a new product is launched. It also helps promote sales offers and get more conversions. If you have an eCommerce store, then PushEngage helps recover abandoned carts with personalized messages.

With PushEngage, it’s very easy to send targeted push notifications. You can create different audience segments and send marketing messages based on their action.

Other features offered by the software include A/B testing, automatic drip campaigns, custom campaigns, campaign tracking, and more.

5. ThirstyAffiliates


ThirstyAffiliates is the best affiliate link management tool for WordPress. It allows you to manage your affiliate links inside WordPress, cloak links, and easily add them to your posts.

It also allows you to see how each affiliate link performs on your site. You can even organize your links into categories, so they’re easier to find.

For more details, see our guide on how to add affiliate links in WordPress using ThirstyAffiliates.

6. WPForms


WPForms is the most beginner-friendly contact form plugin for WordPress. It allows you to quickly create beautiful forms and add them to your WordPress site.

WPForms comes with an easy drag and drop form builder and ready-to-use templates. You can create any type of form with just a few clicks and don’t have to touch a single line of code.

Over 5 million websites use WPForms because it contains advanced features that marketers love such as form abandonment detection, conversational forms, user journey reports, geolocation insights, smart data routing, user segmentation, conditional logic, and more.

As a marketer, you can use WPForms to stay in touch with your visitors. You can create forms to get their feedback, conduct surveys, and help them resolve their queries.

Another benefit of using WPForms is that it’s mobile-friendly and highly optimized for speed. For more details, see our article on how to create a contact form in WordPress.

7. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is the best automation plugin for WordPress that helps you automate different tasks without editing code. You can create powerful workflows to save time.

Uncanny Automator works seamlessly with over 70 different WordPress plugins and third-party tools. This allows you to create automation recipes on your WordPress website.

For instance, you can automatically tweet new blog posts, send SMS notifications from your WooCommerce store, integrate zoom meetings in WordPress, and more.

8. MonsterInsights


MonsterInsights is the best analytics solution for WordPress, and it helps you track your site’s performance. As a marketer, you can see which campaigns are working the best by finding out where your visitors are coming from.

You no longer have to rely on your best guess to see what’s working and what’s not. With MonsterInsights, you can uncover insights to grow your business by connecting Google Analytics with WordPress.

For instance, it automatically tracks outbound links clicks, affiliate link clicks, and file downloads. This shows how people are interacting with your website. Plus, it will also help track form conversions, eCommerce performance, and more.

Using the plugin, you can also see stats inside your WordPress dashboard. It helps in quickly glancing at your site’s performance without having to leave your website.

MonsterInsights also offers a Popular Post feature, which lets you display your best content and top products within your content, in the sidebar, or at the end of an article.

9. Revive Old Post

Revive old posts

Revive Old Posts allows you to engage users on social media by sharing your old content. Social media is an important source of traffic for any website.

The plugin automatically shares links to your old posts on your social profiles. You can choose a time interval between posts, use hashtags, exclude specific categories or posts, and more.

For detailed instructions, see our guide on how to automatically share your old WordPress posts.

10. Subscribe To Comments Reloaded

Subscribe to comments reloaded

Subscribe to Comments Reloaded allows your users to subscribe to comments on your posts. Comments are probably the most powerful user engagement tool on any WordPress site.

But by default, once a user has added their comment, there is no way to remind them to come back and check out any replies or future discussion.

Using the plugin, users will get notification emails whenever there is a new comment on the post. It not only helps you gain more page views, but it also helps users keep up with the conversation.

See our guide on how to allow users to subscribe to comments in WordPress for detailed instructions.

11. AdSanity


AdSanity is one of the best ad management plugins for WordPress, and it offers an easier way to manage ads on your WordPress site.

You can create as many ad units as you want and then rotate them, group them, or schedule them to maximize your earning potential. You can use it with advertising programs like Google AdSense or sell your own ads directly.

Check out our guide on how to manage ads in WordPress with Adsanity plugin for more details.

12. Smash Balloon

Smash Balloon

Smash Balloon is the best social media plugin for WordPress. You can use it to display content from your social media profiles on your WordPress website.

The plugin helps create Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram feeds in WordPress. This way, you get to showcase your social media posts on your website and boost your followers. The plugin also lets you create a social wall and display content from multiple social platforms in one place.

Smash Balloon offers multiple options for customizing the social feed to match your WordPress theme. Besides that, the plugin is SEO-friendly and ensures that your site’s speed isn’t compromised.

13. Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery

Envira Gallery is the best WordPress photo gallery plugin in the market. It allows you to create mobile responsive, SEO friendly, and faster loading image galleries in minutes. You can open up gallery images in beautiful lightbox popups with thumbnail navigations.

Images are the most engaging form of content on the web. You can easily add images to your WordPress posts without any plugin. However, if you are going to share a lot of photos, then you need Envira Gallery. Its drag and drop builder lets you create stunning photo galleries.

The plugin also lets you add watermark to your image galleries and helps prevent image theft. For details, check our article on how to create responsive WordPress image galleries with Envira.

14. WP Call Button

WP call button

WP Call Button is a free WordPress plugin that lets you add a click to call button on your website without hiring a developer.

If your business requires customers to contact you for quotes, information, or support, then adding a click to call button is beneficial. With rising mobile traffic, users can simply click on the button and instantly reach out to your business phone number.

WP Call Button is a user-friendly plugin and all you have to do is enable the plugin, enter your phone number, and that’s it. The plugin also offers options to change the button text, color, call button position, and more.

15. TrustPulse


TrustPulse is the best social proof plugin for WordPress. It helps you boost your site’s conversions by leveraging social proof.

You can display the latest customer interactions on your website as social proof, like buying a product or subscribing to your newsletter. This helps you leverage FOMO (fear of missing out) and get more sales.

The plugin is super easy to use, and you can customize the notifications for your audience. It also comes with smart targeting, which allows you to control when and to whom the notifications will be shown.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress plugins for marketers. You may also want to see our guide on how to start a podcast and the best WooCommerce plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 15 Best WordPress Plugins for Marketers in 2022 first appeared on WPBeginner.