How to Perform a WordPress Security Audit (Complete Checklist)

Do you want to perform a WordPress security audit to make sure that your website is secure?

WordPress out of the box is very secure. However, if you suspect that something is not right with your website, then you may want to perform a complete security audit to make sure that your website is secure.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily perform a WordPress security audit without taking down your site.

Easily perform a complete WordPress security audit

What is a WordPress Security Audit?

WordPress security audit is the process of checking your website for signs of a security breach. You can perform a WordPress check to look for suspicious activity, malicious code, or an unusual drop in performance.

The basic WordPress security contains simple steps that you can perform manually.

For a more thorough audit, you can use a WordPress security audit tool to automatically perform the checks for you.

There are also online WordPress security audit services that you can use to evaluate your website’s security.

If you find something suspicious, then you can isolate, remove, and fix it.

When to Perform a WordPress Security Audit?

You should perform a WordPress security audit at least once a quarter. This allows you to stay on top of everything and close security loopholes even before they cause any trouble.

However if you see something suspicious, then you should perform a security audit immediately.

The following are some of the signs which indicate that you may need a security audit.

  • Your website is suddenly too slow and sluggish
  • You witness a drop in website traffic
  • There are suspicious new accounts, forgot password requests, or login attempts on your website
  • You see suscpious links appear on your website

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily perform a WordPress security audit on your website.

WordPress Security Audit Checklist

The following are some of the steps you can take to perform a basic WordPress security audit on your website.

1. Software updates

WordPress updates are really important for the security and stability of your website. They patch security vulnerabilities, bring new features, and improve performance.

Make sure your WordPress core software, all plugins, and themes are up to date. You can easily do that by visiting Dashboard » Updates page inside WordPress admin area.

WordPress updates

WordPress will look up if any updates are available and then list them for you to install. If you need more help, then see our guides on how to properly update WordPress and how to properly update WordPress plugins.

2. Check user accounts and passwords

Next, you need to review WordPress user accounts by visiting Users » All Users page. You’ll be looking for suspicious user accounts that shouldn’t be there.

If you run an online store, a membership site, or sell online courses, then you may have user accounts for your customers to sign in.

However, if you run a blog or a business website, then you should only see user accounts for yourself, or any other user that you have manually added.

WordPress users

If you see suspicious user accounts, then you need to delete them.

Now if your website doesn’t require users to create an account, then you need to visit Settings » General page and make sure that the box next to the ‘Anyone can register’ option is unchecked.

WordPress user registration

As an extra precaution, you need to change your WordPress admin password. We highly recommend adding two-factor authorization to strengthen password security on your website.

3. Run a WordPress security scan

IsItWP Security Scanner

The next step is to check your website for security vulnerabilities. Luckily, there are several online security scanners that you can use to check for malware.

We recommend using IsItWP Security Scanner which checks your website for malware and other security vulnerabilities.

These tools are good, but they can only scan the public-facing pages of your website. We’ll show you how to perform deeper audits later in this article.

4. Check your website analytics

Website analytics help you keep track of your website traffic. They are also a pretty good indicator of your website’s health.

If your website has been blacklisted by search engines, then you’ll see a sudden drop in your website traffic. If your website is slow or unresponsive, then your overall page views will also drop.

We recommend using MonsterInsights to track your website traffic. It not only shows your overall pageviews, but you can also use it to track registered users, your WooCommerce customers, form conversions and more.

5. Check or set up WordPress backups

If you haven’t already done so, then you need to immediately set up a WordPress backup plugin. This ensures that you always have a back up available in case anything goes wrong.

On the other hand, many beginners forget about their WordPress backup plugin after setting it up. Sometimes backup plugins may stop working without any notice. It is a good idea to make sure that your backup plugin is still working and saving backups.

Automatically Perform WordPress Security Audit

The above checklist allows you to go through the most important aspects of a security audit. However, it is not a very thorough process which means your website may still be vulnerable.

For instance, it is difficult to keep a manual record of all user activity, file differences, suspicious codes, and more. This is where you need a plugin to automate security auditing and keeping a record of everything.

You can automate this process with the help of a few WordPress security and monitoring plugins.

1. WordPress Security Audit Log

WP Security Audit Log

WordPress Security Audit Log is the best WordPress activity monitoring plugin on the market.

It allows you to keep track of all user activity on your website. You can view all user logins, IP addresses, and what they did on your website.

Audit log viewer

You can track WooCommerce users, editors, authors, and other members who have an account on your website.

You can also turn on events that you want to track and switch-off events that you don’t want to monitor.

Track events in WP Security Audit Log

The plugin also shows you a live view of all the users logged in to your website. If you see a suspicious account, then you can end their session right away and lock them out.

For more details, see our guide on how to monitor user activity in WordPress using WP Security Audit log.

2. Sucuri


Sucuri is the best WordPress firewall plugin on the market, and it is also the best all-in-one WordPress security solution that you can get for your website.

It provides real-time protection against DDoS attacks by blocking suspicious activity even before it reaches your website. This removes load from your server and improves your website speed / performance.

It comes with a built-in security plugin that checks your WordPress files for suspicious code. You also get a detailed look at the user activity across your website.

Most importantly, Sucuri offers malware removal for free with all their paid plans. This means, that even if your website is already affected, their security experts will clean it for you.

We hope this article helped you learn how to perform a WordPress security audit on your website. You may also want to see our complete WordPress security guide for step by step instructions on how to protect your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Perform a WordPress Security Audit (Complete Checklist) appeared first on WPBeginner.

7 Best WordPress Activity Log and Tracking Plugins (Compared)

Are you looking for an activity log and tracking plugin for your WordPress site?

If multiple users log in to your website, then keeping an activity log helps you monitor all user activity on your website.

In this article, we’ll show you the best WordPress activity log and tracking plugins that you can use.

Comparing the best WordPress activity log and monitoring plugins

Why Use a WordPress Activity Log and Tracking Plugin?

Keeping an activity log in WordPress helps you track and monitor user actions on your website.

For instance, on a WordPress membership site, you’d be able to keep track of user login, downloads, and other actions.

Online stores and ccommerce websites using WooCommerce will be able to track customer activity and keep track of downloads, logins, emails sent, and more.

These plugins can also help you identify suspicious activities like fake user accounts, spam, and even DDoS attacks.

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress activity log and tracking plugins.

1. Sucuri


Sucuri is the best WordPress security plugin on the market. It comes with comprehensive WordPress activity log and monitoring with instant email alerts to notify you of important changes as they happen.

Sucuri monitors your WordPress files, plugins and themes for any changes. This enables you to be notified if a malicious script is added to your site. It also keeps track of plugins installed, activated, or deactivated on your website.

The plugin keeps an activity log of all user sessions, login/logout activity, and changes made to your WordPress posts and pages. You can also export the logs and view them on your computer for in-depth analysis.

2. WP Security Audit Log

WP Security Audit Log

WP Security Audit Log is a comprehensive WordPress activity log and monitoring plugin. It allows you to monitor user sessions and keep track of who logged in and out of your website.

It comes with a detailed event view showing each user activity with their IP address. You can also view changes they make like creating posts, pages, comments, media uploads, theme changes, plugins, and more.

You can terminate a user session from the dashboard at any time which would log them out of your website. The plugin also supports WordPress multisite networks and helps network admins monitor activities across all sites.

This plugin also allows you to create any kind of reports for different activities, keep track of them, and download them on demand when needed. This comes in handy if you are looking for an activity log plugin for regulatory compliance in your region.

3. Simple History

Simple History

Simple History is a simpler but excellent WordPress activity monitor plugin. It is easy to use and shows you complete website activity status inside WordPress admin or any page you want.

It keeps track of all user activity on your site. This includes post and page editing, image uploads, comments, widgets, user profiles, login sessions, theme changes, and more.

It also works seamlessly with many popular WordPress plugins like Beaver Builder, Redirection, Limit Login Attempts, and more.

All log events are kept for 60 days, after that they are discarded. You can click on any event to view full details including user ID, changes made, time and date, IP address, and more.

4. ActivityLog


ActivityLog is another useful WordPress activity monitoring and logging plugin. It is easy to use and allows you to view all website activity inside the WordPress dashboard.

The plugin keeps a log of all user sessions, any changes made to posts, pages, comments, themes, plugins, or widgets, plugins, and theme changes.

You can set the plugin to send you notification emails for certain events. The plugin also allows you to easily export activity logs as a CSV file to your computer.

5. User Activity Log

User Activity Log

User Activity Log is another simple option to set up a WordPress activity log and monitoring system. The plugin tracks all user activities including any changes made to content, media, or WordPress settings.

You can also set up notifications for specific users and receive an email alert when those users login. There is a built-in export feature that allows you to export activity log to your computer.

It also offers additional support for several popular plugins such as WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, Easy Digital Downloads, Advanced Custom Fields, and more.

6. Error Log Monitor

Error Log Monitor

WordPress is written in the PHP programming language which comes with its own error reporting feature.

By default, WordPress does not show several less important messages for notices and warnings. However, these messages can be really helpful in troubleshooting WordPress issues.

Error Log Monitor helps you track those errors and displays them inside the WordPress admin dashboard. This helps you easily look for problematic plugins and address those issues quickly.

7. WP Mail SMTP

WP Mail SMTP Pro

If multiple users access your website by logging in, then this means your website often sends email notifications. This includes password reset requests, email changes, membership website emails, orders, receipts, etc.

WP Mail SMTP Pro ensures that all those emails reach users inbox by using a proper SMTP service to send your WordPress emails. It also keeps an email log of all the emails sent by your WordPress website.

Looking at this log, you can find a lot of useful information that you would otherwise miss as many activity log monitoring plugins don’t save email logs.

For more details, see our article on how to set up email logs for WordPress and WooCommerce

Which is The Best WordPress Activity Log and Tracking Plugin?

If you are considering an overall activity monitoring solution, then Sucuri is hands down the best option. Not only does it keep an activity log, but you also get the complete WordPress security for your website.

It is an activity monitor, vulnerability scanner, malware removal, and the best WordPress firewall against any threats.

If you already have a security plugin, but need a more detailed activity log solution, then WP Security Audit Log is the best option.

You would also want to keep a log of all emails sent by your website, and for that you’ll need WP Mail SMTP Pro.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress activity log and tracking plugin for your website. You may also want to check out our complete WordPress security guide to protect your website against common internet threats.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 7 Best WordPress Activity Log and Tracking Plugins (Compared) appeared first on WPBeginner.