What the Next 20 Million Devs Want — With Tiff in Tech and Stereotype Breakers’ Masha Zvereva

The world is shortly going to need another 20 million developers, and with over 1,000 engineering leaders joining us for INTERACT on April 7th, there’s no better time to talk to two people who have captured the minds of millions of developers - and will be featured at INTERACT - Tiffany Janzen and Masha Zvereva.

In addition to their own tech careers, both women have become prominent voices in the dev community, Tiffany is most well-known for her Tiff in Tech YouTube channel and Masha for her company Stereotype Breakers.

Props to Rosie the Riveter and Women Who Pioneered the Digital Revolution

Originally published March 8, 2021

With the pandemic, worker burnout, and the horror of war in Ukraine, it’s easy to feel conflicted about celebrating Women’s History Month. But for decades women have been pulling double shifts as mothers and wage earners, often doing the same work as men for less pay, even making less than men for doing the same work at the same company. In other words, it’s always a good time to recognize women for keeping our culture and technology moving forward.

JVM Advent Calendar: How to Ally as Java Devs

Technology reflects the people who make it. Today, women make up 52 percent of the world population; however, most technology is designed by men. Women hold only approximately twenty percent of technology jobs and earn on average 28 percent less than what men make. Yet, it is proven that teams with both men and women are more profitable, smarter, faster, and more innovative — their collective IQ rises. As technology becomes more pervasive and we move to a more digital society, the impact grows beyond just those in the technology world.

In my role, as Director and Chairperson of the Java Community Process (JCP) Program, I also serve as an international speaker engaging the 12 million+ Java developer community worldwide — and in this space, as in the stats above, it is also primarily men. I love my job, and I love working with all kinds of people, but increasingly, community members ask me what we can do to change the ratio.

Java Annotated Monthly — May 2019

This month, we have a guest section on security since there were so many relevant security articles. We have the results of two developer surveys and a huge culture and community section that explores some of the factors that might contribute to the results of those developer surveys. Of course, May’s Annotated Monthly also includes your regular fix of Java news, tutorials, and tips.

Java News

Big news, everyone! Java EE is dead. Again. What year is it? Why are the same headlines popping up, again and again, every year?

To C, or Not To C: How Can We Best Teach the Coders of the Future?

Photo credit by Unsplash/Good Free Photos

HackerRank is known for its invaluable research into the lives of those who make the tech world go round, and this year’s Women in Tech Report is no exception. Filled with numerous important insights into the skills and motivations of the youngest female developers entering the workforce, it is an absolute must-read for any hiring manager looking to bring on the best and brightest of this uniquely savvy generation.

HPE to Teach Girl Scouts About Cybersecurity

Hewlett Packard Enterprise announced yesterday that it will partner with a Girl Scouts organization to teach girls how to protect themselves against phishing, cyberbullying, and other dangers online. 

HPE worked with Girl Scouts Nation's Capital, an organization serving the greater Washington, D.C. area, to create a game and curriculum to teach girls cybersecurity literacy. Part of the goal is to encourage girls to cultivate an interest in cybersecurity and IT and eventually pursue careers in those fields.