Microsoft Information Leaker ‘Exiting the Game’, But Not Without Spilling More Beans

A reliable source of Microsoft-centric information leaks, MSnerd has announced he is exiting the arena.  But before he goes, he's decided to answer any and all questions related to Microsoft and their place in the industry in a Q&A session on Reddit.  Of particular interest are the topics of Silverlight and potential Windows Phone 'Apollo' upgrades for 1st and 2nd generation Windows Phone users.


Rumors have been swirling for some time now that Silverlight might be on its way out of the Microsoft product line.  However, MSnerd says that Silverlight will continue to be utilized in three areas:

How to Build a Custom Application Bar for Your Windows Phone App (the Easy Way)

There is nothing quite like building the perfect customized application bar to help you feel like you have made something truly special for your users. Indeed, many users report that they appreciate the efforts that companies go through to create useful utilities within the products that they already use.

A customized application bar is a wonderful tool to include because it can be used to create something that users absolutely need, and also something that they have been requesting from the companies that they work with for quite some time. 

Build an RSS Reader for Windows Phone 7

In this lesson, I will create a simple RSS(Really Simple Syndication) Reader for Windows Phone 7. I will use Linq-To-XML for reading an RSS feed. The user interface will contain a Textbox to enter an URL of an RSS Feed and a ListBox element to display results.

Source code

Additional information

1. Creating a new project

First of all, you need to create a new project. To do so open Visual Studio 2010 -> File -> New Project -> select Windows Phone Application there as it is shown in the picture below.

Real email accounts inside the Windows Phone emulator

You can now get email accounts with the Windows Phone Emulator. With this Mail app, you can have all your email accounts in one place. You don’t have to access your emails to different websites or apps.

While you couldn't do this easily in the past, you can use the Windows Phone Emulate to do this. Windows Phone Emulator is a tool that comes with various features for development. For instance, documentation, emulator images, tools for Visual Studio, and obtaining a sample code.

Another Way of Passing Values Between Windows Phone 7 Pages

A View of Different Pages

If you are a Windows 7 phone owner, you may have noticed that your phone has different pages that you can engage with. This is intentional, of course, and allows for users of this phone to get access to exactly the information that they want at any time. 

Developers look at this as somewhat of a challenge. They need to figure out how they can keep certain bits of information from page to page while transferring other bits, and it is all about what they think their users will need to see from page to page. 

How to use WordPress App on your iPhone, iPad, and Android (Guide)

Did you know that nearly half of all global website traffic originates from mobile devices? People are not just browsing the web on mobile, they are also creating content using mobile apps from platforms like WordPress, Facebook, and other media sites.

Over the years, the WordPress mobile apps have seen significant improvements to help you easily publish content and manage your website using a mobile device. WordPress app is already available for both Android and iOS devices.

In this article, we will show you how to use the WordPress app on your iPhone, iPad, Android, and other mobile devices.

How to use the WordPress app on mobile devices

Why Use WordPress App on iPhone or iPad?

The WordPress app allows you to create content and manage your website from anywhere in the world specially when you’re traveling.

You can capture and upload photos, record and upload a video, write quick blog posts while riding the train or bus, walking around, or hanging out with friends. You can take your WordPress site with you in your pocket.

By default, the WordPress admin area is fully responsive and works well on mobile browsers.

WordPress admin area on mobile browser

However, this user interface is not optimal for mobile usage.

On the other, the WordPress app is designed to be touch-friendly, mobile optimized, and easy to use. It has an intuitive user interface which makes using the WordPress app a pleasure.

Writing without a physical keyboard had been an issue for many bloggers. The app combines your device’s native touch keyboard with WordPress formatting buttons, making it simple and easy to write posts on touch devices.

What Do You Need to Use the WordPress Mobile App?

Unlike other mobile apps, you actually need to have a WordPress website or a WordPress blog before you can start using the WordPress app.

The WordPress app works for both the popular free self-hosted platform as well as the blog hosting service.

For details, see our side-by-side comparison of vs

Setting up Your Website for WordPress Mobile Apps

You’ll need the following two things to connect your website to the WordPress app:

  • JetPack plugin on your website
  • A free account

Let’s get started.

First, you need to install and activate the JetPack plugin on your website. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll need to click on the setup button to continue.

Next, you will be asked to sign in with a account. If you already have one, then you can go ahead and sign in. Otherwise, you can continue to signup for a free account.

Sign up with

During this process your self-hosted website will be connected to JetPack servers via your free account.

Once that’s done, you are now ready to start using the WordPress app on your mobile device(s).

Setting up the WordPress App on Your Mobile Device

First, you need to install the WordPress app on your device. It is available for Android, iOS (iPhones and iPads), Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

WordPress Apps

Next, you need to open the app and sign in to your account.

Login to your account

After that, the app will connect and fetch your website information.

Logged in to the WordPress app

You can now click on the continue button to move forward and view the app dashboard. This is where you will manage your WordPress site using the mobile app.

WordPress App dashboard

Editing Blog Posts with WordPress App

The WordPress app comes with an intuitive user interface to make it easy for you to create / edit blog posts and pages on your website.

You can view all your posts by clicking on the Blog Posts menu from the app dashboard. This will show you a list of your recent blog posts.

Adding new blog post using the WordPress app

You can edit any blog post or tap the add new button to create a new blog post.

This will launch the WordPress app’s content editor. From here, you can write a new post using your phone’s native keyboard which will have a formatting toolbar at the bottom.

Editing posts in the WordPress app

You can click on the ‘Add’ button to add images to your blog post. The app will allow you to upload images from your device, using your phone’s camera, or from the WordPress media library.

Upload images to your blog posts

The app also allows you to change other post options. To access those options, tap on the three-dot menu on the top right corner of the edit screen and then select ‘Post settings’.

Editing post settings

This will bring up the post settings menu. From here, you can add category and tags, featured image, change post status, and other options.

Post options

The WordPress app comes with built-in autosave feature which saves your posts locally on your device. Once you are done editing the blog post, simply click on the publish or update button at the top right corner.

The app will now upload the post to your website. You can visit your website in a browser to see it in action.

Switching to The New Block Editor in WordPress App

The app also includes the new WordPress block editor, but it is not turned on by default. In order to use the new editor with the app, you need to tap on your profile icon at the bottom and then select App Settings.

App settings

This will bring up the app settings menu where you can turn on the block editor.

Enable block editor in the WordPress app

You can now create WordPress posts in the app using the same block editor that you use on Desktop. However, the number of blocks available on the app is very limited at the moment.

Editing with the block editor in WordPress app

Upload and Manage Media Files Using WordPress App

The WordPress app allows you to easily manage and upload photos / videos from your phone.

You can upload media while writing posts, or you can directly launch the Media library from the app dashboard.

Media menu in WordPress app

This will launch the WordPress media library, and you’ll be able to see all media files in your library. You can edit media files, delete them, and even upload new photos and videos from your phone using the Add button.

Upload media

Managing Comments on The Go Using The WordPress App

Comments help boost user engagement and build a community around your WordPress blog. The WordPress app makes it easy to moderate comments on the go.

Managing comments via WordPress app

You can view all comments on your site by visiting the Comments tab from the app dashboard. You’ll see comments awaiting moderation and approved comments.

Comments list

You can click on any comment to view more options. This will allow you to edit the comment, approve or disapprove it, mark it as spam, or add a reply.

Replying a comment via WordPress app

Performing Admin Tasks via WordPress App

The WordPress app comes with limited options to manage administrative tasks on your WordPress site via the app. Let’s take a look at these options and what you can do with them.

First, the WordPress app allows you to modify some of the site settings from the ‘Settings’ tab.

Settings menu

These settings are similar to the settings you see in your WordPress admin area. You can change site title, tagline, default category, timezone, and other options.

Site settings in WordPress app

However, you will not see settings pages created by your WordPress plugins.

Speaking of plugins, the WordPress app does allow you to manage and even install plugins from the plugin directory.

Managing plugins via WordPress app

However, you cannot use any of the plugins inside the app or access their settings. This feature is mainly useful when you need to activate or deactivate a plugin while away from your computer.

Same goes for WordPress themes. The app allows you to switch between installed themes on your WordPress site, but you cannot install new themes from the app or customize them.

Managing WordPress themes via the app

Is it Possible to Run WordPress Entirely from The App?

No. Currently, it is not possible to efficiently run a WordPress site using only the WordPress app.

For example, you cannot manage plugins using the app. Plugins are an essential part of a WordPress website and you need them to extend your website’s functionality.

You also cannot access custom post types, SEO options, use cover images, use blocks created by plugins, and more.

Why and When to Use The WordPress App?

While the WordPress app is not enough to efficiently run the entire website, it does an excellent job of providing you an easy to use interface to write content, upload photos, and manage comments while away from your computer.

It can also be used when traveling to places with low connectivity. You can use some of the app features offline which allows you to save content as local drafts.

It can be used as a companion app to create content on the go and manage routine tasks like moderating comments.

We hope this article helped you learn how to use the WordPress app on your mobile devices. You may also want to see our list of the best mobile apps to manage your WordPress site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to use WordPress App on your iPhone, iPad, and Android (Guide) appeared first on WPBeginner.