Microsoft Aims to Take Over IoT with Windows 10

Everybody's trying to get in on the big-money future of IoT, and now "everybody" includes Microsoft with Windows 10. Larry Dignan at ZDNet put together a look at Windows 10's role in IoT - as it's been described by Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at the Gartner Symposium ITXpo, at least - which suggests that the new OS will be a central platform for IoT systems of all types. Specifically:

Windows will be able to run on everything from sensors to wearables to whatever computing shift emerges.

Is Windows 11 Safer Than Windows 10?

Windows 11 is already here. Let's take a look at what Microsoft has changed in terms of security and privacy in its operating system. Does Windows 11 protect users’ data better than Windows 10? How does Windows 11 resist cyberattacks?

Windows 11 was released on October 4, 2021. Earlier it produced plenty of hype with its version for testing. Even a simulator was created. I would like to note that this article was prepared before the official release of the new OS version. Some functions could have been changed, removed, or improved as it happened for example, with the minimum system requirements. Initially, Windows 11 was not intended for everyone (at least 8th generation Intel processors were required). However, the Windows community found a way to bypass the installation lock. Microsoft decided that it would not take action to restrict installations. In its blog, the corporation disowned possible problems, including problems with drivers on old PCs.

How To Build Docker Images for Windows Desktop Applications


It used to be that people first downloaded their software onto a physical computer and then ran it. Now, with cloud computing, you no longer need to worry about awkward downloads. Instead, you can use all the same services online from anywhere and see updates in real-time.

Why Businesses Migrate Their Legacy Applications To the Cloud

  • Probably the first main reason for moving to the cloud is access to virtually unlimited computing resources. Cloud elasticity and scalability are essential elements of cloud computing. 
    • Cloud elasticity is the ability of a system to dynamically manage available resources based on current workload requirements.
    • Cloud Scalability is a scalable system infrastructure to meet growing workload demands while maintaining consistent performance appropriately.
  • Moving from the legacy Windows app to cloud computing lets you work anytime and anywhere so long as you have an internet connection. A cloud-based web service is accessible from any device.
  • In the current pandemic situation, team members are forced to work from their home offices. Using the cloud, your teammates can open, edit, and share documents anytime and from anywhere; they can do more together and do it better. Before the advent of the cloud-based workflow, employees had to send files back and forth as email attachments that a single user worked on simultaneously.
  • A public cloud provider owns the hardware infrastructure and is responsible for managing and maintaining it, so you don’t have to worry about maintenance. With a public cloud, you only need to focus directly on meeting your business goals.
  • Cloud computing reduces high hardware costs. You pay only for the actual consumption of resources.

Virtual Machines Vs Containers.

Containers and virtual machines (VMs) are the two main approaches to deploying multiple isolated services in the cloud. So how are they different?