WordPress vs Google Sites – Which One Is Better?

Are you looking for a comparison of WordPress vs. Google Sites to help you decide which platform to use for your new website?

WordPress and Google Sites both offer easy ways to create a website. However, they each have pros and cons, so it might be unclear which one best fits your needs.

In this article, we will compare WordPress and Google Sites with their strengths and weaknesses so you can decide which is the better platform for you.

WordPress vs Google Sites - Which One Is Better?

Since we want to create the most detailed WordPress vs. Google Sites comparison, we have broken down the article into multiple in-depth sections. In each section, we will show which platform offers the most benefits to a beginner:

Overview of WordPress and Google Sites

Let’s start with an overview of what WordPress and Google Sites offer when creating a new website, along with their pros and cons.

What Does WordPress Offer?

WordPress.org Home Page

WordPress was launched over 20 years ago and has been continually improved. It now powers over 43% of sites on the internet.

That makes it the most popular website builder and content management system (CMS) in the world. Many of the most successful blogs and websites use WordPress, including a lot of big-name brands.

It can be used to create anything from simple blogs to complex business websites, online stores, membership sites, and much more. You can easily add features to your WordPress website using plugins and customize its appearance using themes.

To create a WordPress website, you will need to purchase a domain name and web hosting. Luckily, the best WordPress hosting companies make it easy to set up your website with a 1-click WordPress installation.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using WordPress that we will discover as we compare the two platforms side by side in this article.


  • The WordPress software is free, open-source, and super easy to use.
  • You can host WordPress on your own website, so you are in full control of your content.
  • The WordPress block editor is beginner-friendly and allows you to add rich content by inserting blocks into your posts.
  • You can add more features to your WordPress website using plugins.
  • You can customize the look and feel of your WordPress website by installing a theme.
  • There are many ways to make money using a WordPress blog, such as running ads, making affiliate income, and selling products and services.
  • You can get detailed analytics about your website using tools like Google Analytics.
  • Powerful SEO plugins can help you increase traffic to your WordPress website.


  • WordPress requires more setup than Google Sites, including purchasing web hosting. However, this can be quite inexpensive.
  • You will need to install the WordPress software, but many hosting providers do this for you automatically.
  • You will also need to update and back up the WordPress software. However, this is straightforward, and there are plenty of easy-to-use backup plugins to choose from.

Note: In this article, we are talking about WordPress.org and not the WordPress.com hosting service. For more details, please see our guide on the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com.

What Does Google Sites Offer?

Google Sites Getting Started Page

Google Sites is a free platform for creating websites that was launched in 2008 after Google acquired the JotSpot website-building technology. It was completely rebuilt in 2016 with a simpler and more streamlined design.

While Google’s Blogger product helps you create a blog, Google Sites allows you to create other types of websites, such as a team, event, project, or help center site.

Designed for simplicity and ease of use, Google Sites integrates seamlessly with other Google services like Docs, Sheets, and Slides, making content management easy.

This makes it a convenient platform for Google users to create a basic website and is especially suitable for internal sites for teams that are using Google Workspace. These sites can be viewed by just your team or the general public, depending on your sharing settings.

However, Sites has not been widely adopted and is used by only 0.1% of all websites.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using Google Sites that we will discover as we compare the two platforms side by side in this article.


  • You don’t need to install or update software to use Google Sites. It is available to anyone with a Google ID or Google Workspace.
  • The Google Sites editor is easy to use. However, it only offers basic features.
  • Google Sites integrates easily with other Google products, such as Google Docs.
  • You can also use Google Analytics to track your website visitors.
  • Google Sites is free to use, though you will need to pay for Google Workspace and a domain name.


  • Google Sites has limited features, and you can’t add more using plugins.
  • Google Sites offers fewer themes and customization options than WordPress.
  • Google Sites does not offer built-in monetization tools.

Now that you have a general idea of the pros and cons of WordPress and Google Sites, we can jump into our full review.

WordPress vs. Google Sites: Hosted vs. Self-Hosted

One of the biggest benefits of using WordPress is that you can install it on your own web hosting account. This means that you own 100% of all your content and have full control over how you promote your brand.

That means you will need to organize web hosting where you can install the WordPress software. Luckily, installing WordPress is normally very easy, and the best hosting companies offer 1-click WordPress install.

On the other hand, Google Sites is a hosted service. The software is automatically available to all Google users, and your website content is stored on Google’s servers. You need to follow their terms of service, and they can change the software and pricing plans at any time.

Plus, Google has been known to unexpectedly discontinue its products in the past, leaving the future of your website in doubt.

Winner: WordPress

WordPress vs. Google Sites: Features & Plugins

WordPress is designed to be flexible and can be used to create just about any type of website. You can easily add the features you need to create a blog, small business site, online store, portfolio, and more.

That’s because you can add new features to WordPress using plugins. These are apps you can install to add new features to your website, such as image galleries, contact forms, backups, and much more.

WordPress plugins

You can choose from around 60,000 free plugins in the official WordPress plugin directory or countless premium plugins available from third-party websites.

Google Sites isn’t like this. It is designed to make it easy to create basic websites without coding or design skills. It lets you easily add content from other Google services, but there is no way to add new features.

Google Sites No Code Required

It is easy for Google users to get started creating a simple website. But as your needs grow over time, you may quickly outgrow the features that Google Sites offers.

Winner: WordPress

WordPress vs. Google Sites: Design & Layout

WordPress themes allow you to easily customize the look and feel of your WordPress website. They determine how your site will look and let you personalize it and add unique features.

You can customize your theme using the built-in theme customizer or full site editor, or a page builder plugin that offers a beginner-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

For example, SeedProd is a powerful page builder plugin that makes it easy to create attractive landing pages and even completely custom themes.

Add the Nav Menu block in SeedProd

SeedProd provides professionally designed themes and page templates that get you up and going with just a few clicks of a mouse. They also offer ready-made site template kits that can create a full website for your niche, including dummy content that is easy to customize.

Google Sites also provides templates to help you get started quickly. However, only 4 basic templates are offered.

You can also customize the appearance of your website using themes. While only 6 themes are offered, there are color and font options for each theme.

Google Sites Themes

You can also create your own theme and import third-party themes. However, the customization you can achieve in Google Sites does not come close to that of WordPress.

Winner: WordPress

WordPress vs. Google Sites: SEO

Most websites get a lot of traffic from search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization’ and is all about making your content appear higher in searches so that users will find it easily.

The best way to rank higher in searches is to choose a search engine-friendly platform when building your website.

WordPress is built with SEO best practices in mind, such as permalink settings that create SEO-friendly URLs, categories that organize your content, and much more.

You can improve your SEO using WordPress SEO plugins and tools. For example, All in One SEO lets you add SEO titles and meta descriptions and choose a focus keyword. It also offers recommendations on how to optimize your blog posts.

AIOSEO content optimization suggestions

Google Sites doesn’t offer these SEO benefits. However, if you are just using Google Sites to create resources for your Google Workspace-based team, then SEO will not be important.

But if you are creating public websites and you care about SEO, then Google Sites is not the best platform to use. Google acknowledges that ‘if SEO is your primary consideration, it might be worthwhile to explore other options.’

In any case, you might find our checklist on how to optimize blog posts for SEO helpful, whether you are using Google Sites or WordPress.

Winner: WordPress

WordPress vs. Google Sites: Support

There is great support available for WordPress, and you will often find an answer to any WordPress-related questions with a simple Google search.

You will find official documentation and support forums on WordPress.org. And because WordPress is so popular, you will find lots of useful third-party resources available online.

If you need technical support for a WordPress plugin, then you can visit the dedicated support forum on WordPress.org or the plugin’s own website. You can learn more in our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it. 

WPForms support forum example

And as you know, you will find a large range of free resources at WPBeginner. You can also ask for help on social media platforms, such as our WPBeginner Engage Facebook group, and view video tutorials on our YouTube Channel.

Google Sites also offers a lot of support options to its users.

You can find information on a variety of topics in the Google Sites Help Center and ask specific questions in the Google Sites Community Forum. If you are looking for training materials, then you should visit the Google Sites Training Center.

Google Sites Help

Besides these resources, Google offers several paid support options for Google Sites. Users can pay for Google Sites Support Premium, which can help you with a variety of tasks, including troubleshooting, configuration, and customization.

You can also pay for Google Sites Developer Support.

Winner: Tie

WordPress vs. Google Sites: Monetization

WordPress gives you complete control over your website, including the ability to monetize it any way you like without restrictions.

Here are just a few ways you can make money online with your WordPress website:

It is more difficult to make money from a website on Google Sites. That’s because it doesn’t include built-in monetization features like advertising integrations, and it is not a suitable platform for creating an online store.

That’s not to say you can’t make any money on Google Sites, just that there are fewer options that will require more effort.

For example, you can manually embed the code needed for Google AdSense or affiliate marketing into your site’s HTML. You could also offer exclusive content to subscribers and include payment buttons using third-party tools like PayPal or Google Forms.

Before deciding on a way to monetize your Google Site, make sure you check Google’s policies and guidelines to make sure you are not breaking any rules.

Winner: WordPress

WordPress vs. Google Sites: Cost

Cost is an important consideration when deciding which website platform to choose. Let’s take a look at how much it will cost to create a website on WordPress vs. Google Sites.

The Cost of a WordPress Website

The WordPress software is free of charge, but you will need to pay for a domain name and web hosting to create a new website. You may be concerned about how much this will cost.

Typically, you will pay $14.99 per year for a domain name and $7.99 per month for a hosting plan. This can add up if you are just starting out.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to cost that much. You can save money when you choose Bluehost, a web hosting company recommended by WordPress. They have agreed to give our readers a huge discount on hosting and include the domain name for free.

Bluehost website

Besides that, they also include a free SSL certificate that protects your users’ privacy and allows you to accept online payments.

With that in mind, you can get started for as low as $1.99 per month.

And that’s all you will need to pay if you are happy to get started with free WordPress plugins and themes. As your needs grow, you can invest in premium themes or plugins as needed.

You can find a detailed breakdown in our guide to the cost of building a WordPress site.

The Cost of Google Sites

Google Sites is a free service. Anyone with a Google ID can use it, and it is part of Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), which offers productivity and collaboration tools for businesses.

Google Workspace itself costs between $6 and $18 per user per month when paid annually. You also need to pay for a domain name, which is typically $14.99 per year.

This is normally all you will need. Some users may need to pay for third-party tools they wish to integrate with their website or hire a developer to help set up their website.

To compare typical costs for the first year, WordPress may cost you around $33, and Google Sites around $87. Keep in mind that Google Workspace includes more than just Google Sites, but also that you will need to pay extra for each user who accesses it.

Winner: WordPress

WordPress vs. Google Sites: Which Is Better?

Now that we’ve compared WordPress vs. Google Sites, you can see that, in most cases, WordPress is a much better option for starting a new website.

WordPress offers more design options and a much wider variety of themes. It is also easy to add new features to WordPress using plugins. And it offers all of this at a low monthly price.

If you would like to get started with WordPress, then you can see our complete step-by-step guide on how to create a WordPress website.

Is there any time that Google Sites would be a better option? Yes.

If you are already using Google Workspace and need to build a basic site where you can share information and resources with your team, then you can do this quickly and easily using Google Sites.

Frequently Asked Questions About WordPress vs. Google Sites

Do you still have questions about WordPress vs. Google Sites? Here are answers to some of the questions we are asked most often by our readers.

Can I save money using Google Sites instead of WordPress?

In general no, most businesses will find WordPress more affordable than Google Sites. You just need an affordable hosting plan that includes a free domain, such as one offered by Bluehost or Hostinger.

However, if your business is already using Google Workspace with a custom domain, then there is no additional charge for using Google Sites.

Can I use my own domain name with Google Sites?

Yes, it is possible to connect up to 5 custom domains with a single Google Sites website. You can add these in Google Sites settings, and you will be prompted to follow some steps to verify that you own the domain or domains you wish to use.

Which is easier to use, WordPress or Google Sites?

Both WordPress and Google Sites are quite easy to use. Google Sites is designed to be beginner-friendly, so it has a simpler interface but also more limited functionality.

WordPress offers more features and customization. While it is easy to use, beginners may find it more complex. However, it is the platform that will continue to meet your needs as they grow in the future.

Can I easily migrate my content from Google Sites to WordPress?

No, there is no automatic way to move your content over from Google Sites to WordPress. You will need to carefully copy and paste the contents of each page individually.

That means that if you think you may want to change to WordPress in the future, it is best to start with a WordPress website.

We hope this tutorial helped you compare WordPress vs. Google Sites. You may also want to see our guide on important reasons why you should use WordPress for your website or our expert picks for the best WordPress hosting.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post WordPress vs Google Sites – Which One Is Better? first appeared on WPBeginner.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress – Which One is Better?

Are you trying to decide between the GoDaddy website builder vs WordPress?

WordPress powers over 43% of all websites, but GoDaddy is also a popular choice. You can use either of these tools to create your website or online store.

In this article, we will compare GoDaddy website builder vs WordPress with their pros and cons, so you can decide which one is the right choice for your next project.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress

We will be looking at the GoDaddy website builder vs WordPress from a few different angles, and you can use the links below to jump to a specific area.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress: Overview

GoDaddy Website Builder is an all-in-one solution that includes web hosting. You can easily create a site using the GoDaddy editor and then click ‘Publish’ to make your site live.

The GoDaddy website builder

However, this ease of use does come at a price. Since your website lives on the GoDaddy servers, you need to follow all of their rules, restrictions, and terms of service. You’re also limited by the features and resources that GoDaddy provides.

If you want to change platforms at any point, then it’s quite difficult to move your website from GoDaddy website builder to WordPress. This can be a big problem when you need more advanced features or flexibility as your business grows.

That being said, if you want to create a simple website fast, then GoDaddy website builder is an all-in-one solution that lets you create a site in minutes.

By contrast, WordPress is a free software that you can install on your own web hosting account.

The WordPress website builder

Note: In this guide, we’re comparing GoDaddy with self-hosted WordPress.org sites, not WordPress.com blogs. For more information, please see our guide on what’s the difference between WordPress.com vs WordPress.org.

If you opt for WordPress, then you can choose the hosting plan and provider that has the most to offer your particular project. If your needs change, then most of the best WordPress hosting providers make it easy to upgrade your plan or even move WordPress to a new host.

As the world’s most popular content management system, there are all kinds of hosting packages that you can use for a WordPress project. With that in mind, you should have no problems finding a provider that fits your needs and budget.

If you want a flexible and customizable website builder, then WordPress is a great choice.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress: Ease of Use

Most people who want to create a website aren’t developers, so ease of use is a big factor when choosing a website builder.

WordPress is used by more than 43% of all websites. That’s millions of people at different skill levels. Unsurprisingly, WordPress is fairly easy to use and beginner-friendly.

There is a slight learning curve as you’ll need to familiarize yourself with new concepts like themes, plugins, and the differences between posts and pages.

The good news is that there’s lots of support out there, including plenty of free resources. For example, the WPBeginner Engage Facebook group has over 88,000 members and is the largest and fastest-growing WordPress group for non-techies and beginners on Facebook.

The WordPress Engage Facebook group

WPBeginner Engage is the perfect place to post questions and get advice from the WordPress community.

Every plugin and theme on the official WordPress repository also has its own support forum, so you can often get help directly from the developer. For more information, please see our guide on how to properly ask for WordPress support and get it.

The official WordPress plugin and theme repository

Adding content to WordPress is fairly easy, thanks to an intuitive and beginner-friendly visual editor called the block editor.

You can simply add blocks to your pages and posts to create beautiful layouts without ever writing any code.

The WordPress post editor

If you don’t like the default WordPress editor, then there are plenty of drag-and-drop page builders that you can use instead. These page builders are available as plugins, and most of them have free versions so you can try them out and see which one you like best.

Most of these page builders come with ready-made templates that you can use on your site, or you can start from scratch and create a completely unique design.

The SeedProd page builder plugin

While WordPress has a slight learning curve, the GoDaddy website builder is designed with ease of use firmly in mind. There is also a free trial, so you can try it out and see whether it’s right for you.

After creating an account, GoDaddy will guide you through the process of building a website.

Choosing a category for your GoDaddy website

After entering some information about the type of website you want to create, GoDaddy will go ahead and generate a site for you.

To customize any part of your site, simply give it a click. GoDaddy will then show all the settings for that section.

The GoDaddy website builder

If you want to completely change how your site looks, then just click on the ‘Theme’ tab.

Here, you can choose a new theme, change your site’s color scheme, switch to a different font, and more. In this way, you can easily make major changes to your website’s design.

Choosing a new GoDaddy theme

To add more pages to your site, just click on the ‘+’ icon.

You can then type in a title for the page and click on the ‘Create Page’ button.

Adding more pages to a GoDaddy website using the GoDaddy builder

Simply repeat these steps to add more pages to your site.

You can publish a site during the free trial, but GoDaddy will add ‘godaddysites.com’ to your site’s URL.

For that reason, we recommend purchasing a GoDaddy plan and then connecting your site to a custom domain before clicking ‘Publish.’ For more information, please see our guide on how to register a domain name.

Publishing a GoDaddy website

As you can see, GoDaddy lets you create a simple website in minutes. However, you are limited to the tools, themes, and settings that GoDaddy provides. This can feel restrictive, especially if you already have a clear website design in mind.

Winner: WordPress is the winner here because it offers you the ease of use along with advanced features that helps you grow your business.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress: Maintaining Your Site

As an all-in-one solution, GoDaddy handles a lot of website maintenance for you. You don’t need to worry about installing updates or even installing the tools that you’ll use to build your GoDaddy website.

This is perfect for busy business owners who don’t have the time for day-to-day site maintenance. Or for beginners who are unsure how to properly maintain a website.

However, since everything is handled automatically, you can’t customize how your website is maintained. This might be a problem for website owners who prefer a hands-on approach.

If you choose WordPress, then you may be responsible for performing some, or all these website maintenance tasks, depending on your hosting provider.

The good news is that most popular WordPress hosting companies make these tasks easy. A lot of companies offer 1-click installations for WordPress, or you can follow our beginner’s guide on how to properly install WordPress.

Some hosting providers will install new versions of WordPress automatically, while others offer one-click updates. Another option is to enable automatic updates in WordPress for major versions so new releases get installed automatically.

How to enable automatic updates in WordPress

As you can see, with a bit of planning there are ways to maintain your WordPress website without putting in a lot of time and effort. You also have the option to use a managed WordPress hosting provider like WPEngine who will take care of the day-to-day maintenance for you.

Winner: Tie – as both WordPress and GoDaddy website builder are fairly easy to maintain.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress: eCommerce Features

If you accept bookings or sell services, then visitors can book a one-time appointment through your GoDaddy website no matter what plan you’re on. However, if you want to collect payments, then you’ll need to buy GoDaddy’s eCommerce plan, which is $18.69 per month.

After upgrading to the eCommerce plan, you can accept payments using credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

You can also publish product listings and create an online store.

The GoDaddy website builder offers flexible shipping options and lets you add banners to your site, which is perfect for promoting your sales and special offers.

You’ll also get access to hundreds of professionally-designed website templates.

A GoDaddy website builder template

With its ready-made designs and straightforward eCommerce features, the GoDaddy website builder is a good choice if you want to launch a store quickly, or only want to sell a small number of products.

By default, WordPress doesn’t have any eCommerce features, but it does have several advanced eCommerce plugins. This includes WooCommerce, which powers more than 40% of all online stores and is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms for WordPress.

The WooCommerce eCommerce plugin

Using WooCommerce, you can quickly and easily create an online store and sell any kind of product, including physical products, membership plans, and affiliate products.

By itself, WooCommerce is already a powerful eCommerce platform, but you can add even more features by installing the best WooCommerce plugins. There are also loads of WooCommerce themes so you can create a store that perfectly reflects your brand.

A WooCommerce theme

If you want to sell digital downloads such as ebooks or online courses, then Easy Digital Downloads lets you sell any kind of digital product and then collect payments using Stripe, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal.

For more information, see our beginner’s guide on how to sell digital downloads.

The Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin

After building your online store, you can use WordPress plugins, extensions, and services to promote your store and get more sales. For example, you might create smart coupons, use page builder plugins to design a sales page that converts, and use WordPress popups to get the customer’s attention.

The huge range of eCommerce plugins, addons, and themes gives WordPress a big advantage over GoDaddy if you’re looking to create an online store.

Winner: WordPress easily wins in this category because it offers more robust eCommerce features with payment options that works worldwide.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress: SEO

If you want to get traffic to your website, then it’s important to choose an SEO-friendly website builder.

GoDaddy has built-in SEO tools that can help you identify keywords that people are using to find websites just like yours. You just need to answer a few simple questions and GoDaddy will suggest some keywords that could get more visitors to your site.

The GoDaddy SEO tools

After choosing your keywords, GoDaddy will help you add them to different areas of your site.

This includes adding the keyword to your page title and editing the website description.

GoDaddy website builder vs WordPress

The GoDaddy dashboard also shows some suggestions on how to improve your website’s search engine optimization.

Simply click on any of these options and GoDaddy will show you how to make the changes.

GoDaddy's search engine optimization tools

These SEO tools are fairly simple, but they’re easy to use. Even if you’re completely new to SEO, GoDaddy shows you exactly how to make some important optimizations.

By comparison, WordPress’ built-in SEO tools are more advanced and powerful.

You can create custom permalinks, organize your content based on categories, add tags to your blog posts, add image alt text, and more simply by using the built-in settings.

WordPress' built-in SEO tools

Besides that, there are lots of WordPress SEO plugins that can help you fine-tune every part of your site.

For example, you can use a complete WordPress SEO plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) and optimize your site without hiring an expert.

The AIOSEO advanced SEO WordPress plugin

Using AIOSEO you can add title tags, meta descriptions, focus keywords, and get page analysis recommendations that you can use to optimize your posts. You can even manage and track redirects using the plugin.

For more information, please see our ultimate guide on how to set up All in One SEO.

Even if you don’t use an SEO plugin, WordPress has some advanced tools to help improve your website’s ranking. With that being said, WordPress is the clear winner if you want to create a high-ranking website.

Winner: WordPress easily wins this category because it’s known as the most SEO friendly website builder in the market.

GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress: Pricing

GoDadddy offers four pricing plans starting from $10.99 per month and going all the way up to $18.69 per month.

GoDaddy's pricing plans

All of their plans come with an SSL certificate, 24/7 support, and the option to connect a custom domain. However, GoDaddy’s Basic plan doesn’t have any eCommerce features or SEO tools.

The Basic plan also limits the number of marketing emails you can send, which may make it difficult to grow your website.

With that in mind, you’ll typically want to opt for GoDaddy’s Standard ($11.54) or higher plan. If you want to sell products or services then you’ll need to go one step further and invest in their special eCommerce plan, which is priced at $18.69 per month.

If you do choose the GoDaddy website builder then we recommend carefully checking what’s included in each plan to make sure it has everything you need.

On the other hand, WordPress is a free and open-source platform. However, you will need to buy a domain name and a web hosting provider.

Prices can vary, which makes it difficult to work out exactly how much it really costs to build a WordPress website. Thankfully, there are special offers and deals that can help you create a WordPress website for less.

Note: WPBeginner users can get a Bluehost Coupon to save up to 73% off website hosting plans. That means you can get Bluehost web hosting for just $2.75 per month rather than $9.99 per month for your first year.

You also get a free domain name and a free SSL certificate.

You can also use any other WordPress hosting provider like Hostinger, Dreamhost, or SiteGround and all are more affordable than GoDaddy.

To keep your costs under control you can also use free themes and WordPress plugins.

While the cost of creating a WordPress website can vary, there are plenty of hosting providers, themes, plugins, and other addons available so you should be able to create a website no matter what your budget is.

Winner: WordPress is definitely more affordable and gives you far more value than GoDaddy website builder.

Conclusion: GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress – Which One Is Better?

Based on our research and user reviews, WordPress is by far the best choice when compared to GoDaddy website builder because it’s more affordable, has a large plugin ecosystem, and offers you the flexibility to grow your business.

If you want to create a website quickly and don’t need lots of flexibility, then you can choose a beginner-friendly tool like GoDaddy. Their builder has everything you need to create a website, including hosting.

However, if you want complete control over your website then you need a customizable and flexible platform like WordPress. In particular, if you’re creating an online store or want to sell courses, then WordPress has some of the most powerful eCommerce tools available.

We hope this GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress comparison helped you understand the pros and cons of each so you can make the right decision for your website. To learn more about WordPress, we recommend reading our guide on the most important reasons to use WordPress and see the type of websites you can create with WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post GoDaddy Website Builder vs WordPress – Which One is Better? first appeared on WPBeginner.

What’s the Difference Between Landing page vs Website?

Do you want to learn the difference between landing page vs website?

Many small businesses wonder whether they should make a landing page or a full-fledged website to showcase their online presence.

In this article, we’ll show you the difference between landing page vs website and which one you should make for your business.

Landing page vs website - what is the difference

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a stand-alone web page designed for a specific purpose and goal. It is a highly versatile tool that can be used in marketing, advertising, and lead generation campaigns.

It can also be used as a coming soon website for a business, a single-page website on its own, a product sales page, and more.

Landing page example

Landing pages are specifically designed for higher conversions. They have unique design characteristics that make it easier for users to perform the desired action.

This action could be signing up for an email list, purchasing a product, filling out a form, and more. These actions are referred to as ‘Call to action’.

Overall, the goal of landing pages is to minimize distractions that could take users away, and provide them with all the information they need to take action.

A landing page could also be a stand-alone website on its own with different sections all leading to one clear call to action.

A landing page website

What is a Website?

A website is a collection of different landing pages and sections to help your users find what they’re looking for.

For instance, a typical business website can have an about section, a separate blog page, a contact us page, products and services pages, and more.

There are many different types of websites and they can all have different pages for different features.

How a Website Differs from a Landing Page?

Unlike a landing page, a website can have multiple pages of information with different goals and purposes.

Not each page on a website is as highly focused on conversions as a landing page.

For instance, a business website may want users to get information about all the products and services they are offering. It may also give users multiple calls to action to choose from (e.g. make a purchase, ask for quote, join email list, follow on social media, and more).

Different types of websites would have different goals and a website gives them more ways to engage the audience.

A website could also be supported by multiple landing pages for their marketing campaigns.

For instance, a membership website may utilize a landing page for a subscription plan or an eCommerce store may want to create a pre-launch landing page for an upcoming product.

Landing page vs Website – Which One to Choose?

Many beginners struggle to decide between landing page vs website and which one to choose?

The answer lies in your own requirements and what you want to achieve for your business.

If you want to quickly launch a product, create an online presence for your business, capture potential leads and customers, then a landing page would be an easy way to go.

Example of a quick landing page

On the other hand, if you want to create a multi-page online presence for your business, use an eCommerce cart, sell online courses, start a blog, and more, then you will be better off with a website.

WPForms Website example

Remember you can always choose to create a landing page as a single-page website. You can also convert your landing page to a full-fledged website as your business grows.

Similarly, you can also create a complete website with multiple pages and still add landing pages for specific campaigns.

What Do I Need to Make a Landing Page vs Website?

You’ll need a domain and a web hosting account to create a landing page or a website.

A domain name is the location of your website or landing page (e.g. wpbeginner.com). This is what your users will type in their browsers to view your landing page or website.

The web hosting account is where your landing page or website files will be stored.

Normally, a domain costs around $16 per year, and hosting plans start at $7.88 per month (usually paid annually). Now this is a significant amount if you are just starting out.

Luckily, our friends at Bluehost has agreed to offer a free domain name and a generous discount on hosting for WPBeginner users.

Basically, you can get started for just $2.75 per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←

Bluehost is one of the biggest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Once you have signed up for a hosting account, Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you.

WordPres is the world’s best website builder and makes it super easy to create a website or make landing pages. Simply log in to your hosting account and then login to your WordPress account dashboard.

Log in to WordPress

How to Make a Landing Page for My Business

The easiest way to make a landing page is by using SeedProd. It is the best landing page builder on the market and allows you to easily create landing pages using a drag and drop interface and without writing any code.

First, you need to install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There is also a free version of SeedProd available that you can use to give it a try. However, you’ll need to upgrade to unlock all features and templates available in the premium version.

Upon activation, you need to enter your SeedProd license key. You can find this information under your account on the SeedProd website.

SeedProd license key

You can now start building your first landing page.

Simply head over to SeedProd » Pages page and click on the ‘Create new landing page’ button.

Creating a new landing page

Next, you will be asked to choose a template page as a starting point for your landing page. SeedProd comes with dozens of beautiful templates that you can completely modify or you can even start with a blank template.

Choose a landing page template

This will bring up a popup asking you to provide a name for your landing page. Enter a name for your page and then click on the ‘Save and Start Editing the Page’ button.

Name your landing page

SeedProd will now load the page builder interface with a live preview of your chosen template.

SeedProd page builder interface

You can simply point and click on any item in the live preview to edit it. You can also add new blocks from the left column to your page.

SeedProd comes with all commonly used elements as blocks. Each block has its own settings that you can adjust using a simple user interface.

It also includes blocks for WooCommerce and integrations for all popular email marketing services under the ‘Connect’ tab.


Once you are satisfied with your landing page, you can click to save or publish your page to make it live.

Publish landing page

Publishing Landing Page as Homepage for Your Domain

Now if you want to only display your landing page when someone enters your domain name, then you’ll need to set it up as your homepage in WordPress.

Simply go to Settings » Reading page. From here you need to select ‘A static page’ under ‘Your homepage displays’ option.

Set homepage

After that, go ahead and select the landing page you created earlier as your ‘Homepage’. Don’t forget to click on the Save changes button to update your settings.

Creating Landing Pages for Other Domain Names?

What if you wanted to create landing pages for other domain names? This comes in handy if you have multiple domains to cover different markets and regions.

SeedProd comes with built-in domain mapping support. This allows you to easily create a landing page in SeedProd and map it to any other domain name.

Set custom domain name

For more details, see our tutorial on how to easily add a custom domain for your landing page in WordPress.

How to Make a Complete Website for My Business

WordPress is the most powerful website builder used by millions of business websites, eCommerce stores, blogs, news and media sites.

Since you have already installed WordPress on your Bluehost account, you can simply login to your account dashboard and start working on your website.

First, you want to add new pages by visiting Pages » All Pages page and clicking on the Add New button.

Adding new pages in WordPress

WordPress comes with a powerful editor that allows you to easily add design and content elements to your pages as blocks. To learn more, see our tutorial on how to use WordPress editor.

Tip: Need ideas for pages? See our list of the most important pages to create for a new WordPress website for some excellent ideas.

Next, you would want to choose a design for your website. WordPress comes with thousands of free and paid themes for all sorts of websites.

Bonus Tip: Need help choosing a theme, see our expert pick of the most popular WordPress themes or take a look at these great themes for business websites.

Once you have found a theme you want to use, you can go to Appearance » Themes page and click on the Add New button to install it.

Install WordPress theme

See our tutorial on how to install a WordPress theme for detailed instructions.

The real power of WordPress comes from its plugins. These are like apps for your WordPress websites that you can install to extend its features. Start by checking out our pick of the essential WordPress plugins.

Need more help with your new website? See our detailed tutorial on how to make a website with step by step instructions.

We hope this article helped you learn the difference between landing page vs website. You may also want to see our guide on how to promote your business on a budget and our tips on quickly getting more traffic to your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post What’s the Difference Between Landing page vs Website? appeared first on WPBeginner.

Best Website Builders — 2021 Honest Developer Advice (CMS Tested)

Get ready, because here you won’t find a bunch of irrelevant numbers, paid reviews, and criteria recurring around the web. You won’t waste time registering for and testing dozens of useless CMSs and digging around website developers’ forums.

In this article, you get everything you need for choosing the best website builder of 2021, compiled through several interviews with experienced website developers.

Be: The Fastest and Easiest Way to Build Your Portfolio Site

The website for your design business should not only explain who you are and what you do, but show off the impressive body of work you’ve created. It’s the strongest tool in your sales and marketing arsenal. 

But as a web designer, you know how long it can take to build a really great website for a client. If you’re ready to start attracting awesome leads and adding new clients to your business now, you might not want to spend that much time building your portfolio site. 

The good news is that you don’t have to. 

BeTheme’s new Muffin Builder is like upgrading from a Ford to a Ferrari. You’ll be shocked at how quickly you get your website to the finish line — and with superior results, no less. 

Let’s take a closer look:

New Muffin Builder features that’ll knock your socks off

Time is money when you’re a web designer. So, it’s important to build a portfolio site and get it online as soon as possible. 

Here are 6 features from the new Muffin Builder (and BeTheme) that will enable you to quickly and painlessly create something you’re proud of and that will undoubtedly impress prospective clients:

Feature #1: A professional-looking portfolio site already built for you

There are certain pages and features every portfolio should have: An attractive home page, convincing client testimonials, a selection of works, and so on. 

But just because the structure of your site will mirror other portfolio sites, that doesn’t mean it has to look like everyone else’s. 

As of today, BeTheme has over 600 pre-built sites, with dozens of portfolio site options to choose from: 

While these portfolio sites might be built for different types of creatives, pay attention to the different styles. Whether you want to give your site a futuristic edge or you want to infuse the design with some femininity, you’ll find the perfect portfolio-equipped site for your business here. 

What’s more, each pre-built portfolio site is compatible with Muffin Builder, so you’ll have the added benefit of being able to edit your pre-built site with this powerful website builder. 

Feature #2: Intuitive customization options

Realistically, you could have a new portfolio site designed and loaded into WordPress in under a minute with BeTheme. 

While each site comes with well-chosen imagery and helpful placeholder text, you’ll still need to customize the content and maybe even tweak the design in order to make it your own.

Once you’re inside the new and improved Muffin Builder, you’ll see how easy this is to do.

The first customization feature to take advantage of is the global settings editor, which you’ll find under Betheme > Theme Options in WordPress: 

Quickly update colors, fonts, layouts, and styles and apply them globally to the site from this panel. 

To make changes on a smaller scale, use the Muffin Editor within your Pages. The section toolbar will allow you to make adjustments to each container: 

You have the same level of control over the content within each block. The settings you find here all depend on what kind of content is in the block. For example: 

You have the flexibility to customize your content however you prefer: Use the text editor or take advantage of Muffin Builder’s predefined settings.

Feature #3: Importable and reusable section templates

It’s not just the base of your site that’s already built for you with BeTheme. 

Let’s say you’ve imported a great-looking portfolio pre-built site like Portfolio 2

You like the current layout of the About us page on this site, but you want to add a Google reviews section between the “My offer” and “How I work” sections. 

With the Muffin Builder, you can easily import pre-built sections using the icon on the right toolbar or by clicking “Pre-built sections” when you add a new section to the page: 

Chances are good that whatever you envisioned adding to the page can be found there. Like this:

As you can see, it’s all placeholder content. That said, the structure and design are taken care of, so all you need to do is fill in the content. 

Feature #4: Custom layouts and headers

Pre-built sites are a great starting point. In many cases, you can use them right out of the box. 

However, if you want to alter the layout across the site or on a specific page or two, Muffin Builder can help you make those adjustments:

Under the Layouts section in WordPress, set up your custom layout — which includes changing the header, too, if you prefer — and save it.

To apply it to your pages, scroll down below the Muffin Builder on each page and select the layout from the list: 

This way, you’re not just empowered to swap out your content for BeTheme’s placeholder content. With Muffin Builder, you get to customize as much or as little of the pre-built site as you want. 

Feature #5: Backup and restoration

It’s not uncommon to “sleep on it” and decide you liked the way the site looked or the way you wrote something previously. 

Thanks to the Muffin Builder’s revision panel and backups, you can quickly and painlessly roll back your portfolio site.

First, open the revisions panel: 

Then choose the revision (if there’s more than one) you want to restore: 

If you’ve ever stressed about an update you made to your portfolio and wished you could instantly go back to the way it was before, this new Muffin Builder feature is going to be a lifesaver.

Coming soon: The Front-end builder

If you prefer to design from the front-end of the website, a new Muffin Builder feature will be headed your way the Summer of 2021:

There are a number of reasons why many website builder tools (including WordPress’s own Gutenberg) have a front-end editing experience: 

  • It saves you the trouble of having to switch between the editor and website preview to check your work. 
  • Some people prefer to do their editing within the full context of the website as it’s easier to make decisions when looking at the big picture. 
  • It’s more client-friendly than the typical backend editor, so this feature can empower your clients and other non-tech-savvy users to make tweaks to their sites.

If you’ve been looking for a live visual editor to use in WordPress, this new feature is just around the corner!

The fast and easy way to build a portfolio: BeTheme + Muffin Builder

If you’re looking for a fast and easy way to build your digital portfolio, the solution is obvious: 

Start with a beautiful BeTheme pre-built site and then customize it with the intuitive Muffin Builder.

Who knows? This potent combo could end up changing the way you build websites for your clients going forward. 

Learn more about BeTheme, explore the more than 600 pre-built sites available, and check out Muffin Builder’s newest features here.

The post Be: The Fastest and Easiest Way to Build Your Portfolio Site appeared first on Codrops.

What is WordPress? A Beginner’s Guide (FAQs + Pros and Cons)

WordPress is the world’s most popular website builder. It allows you to easily create websites, blogs, eCommerce stores and more.

If you have been wondering what is WordPress, how does it work, and what you can use it for, then you are in the right place.

In this beginner’s guide, we will explain what is WordPress, how you can use it, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about WordPress.

WordPress explained for beginners

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a website builder and content management system. It is an open source software that anyone can use to make any kind of website imaginable.

It started out as a blogging platform in 2003 but soon transformed into a CMS and later a full-fledged website building platform. Today it powers more than 38% of all websites on the internet.

To learn more about its evolution, see our complete guide on the history of WordPress and how it changed over time.

To summarize, WordPress is a software that you can use to build blogs, websites, and stores to sell products online.

How is it Different from WordPress.com?

In this article, when we say WordPress we are talking about WordPress.org.

WordPress.com is a separate website that offers website and blog hosting service. It was launched by the WordPress co-founder, Matt Mullenweg.

Most beginners often confuse the two due to their similar names.

WordPress.org is the open-source software used by millions of websites (including WPBeginner). On the other hand, WordPress.com is a website and blog hosting platform.

For more details, see our guide on the difference between WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.

What do You Need to Use WordPress?

You need a web hosting account and a domain name to start using WordPress.

All websites need web hosting. It is the place where all your website files are stored, so that others on the internet can access your website.

A domain name is your website’s address on the internet (example, wpbeginner.com).

If your website was a house then web hosting will be the building you live in and domain name would be your street address. For more on this topic, see our beginner’s guide on the difference between web hosting and domain name.

To get a web hosting account, you’ll need to sign up with a WordPress hosting provider. These are third-party companies that sell hosting solutions.

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

Normally, a domain name costs $14.99 per year and web hosting starts from $7.99 per month.

Bluehost is offering WPBeginner users a discount on hosting with a free domain name. Basically, you can get started for just $2.75 per month.

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←

For step by step instruction, see our complete guide on how to make a website it will walk you through complete WordPress set up.

What Kind of Websites You Can Make Using WordPress?

You can make any kind of website imaginable using WordPress.

Users from all over the world use WordPress to make money online. It is flexible enough to run eCommerce operations and simple enough to quickly make small websites.

The following are just some types of websites you can make using WordPress.

How WordPress Works?

Once you have installed WordPress, you’ll see an easy to use dashboard with links to different areas in the left column. From here, you can create pages for your website or write blog posts.

You can also choose a website design template (Theme) for your website. There are thousands of free WordPress themes that you can choose from. You can also choose premium WordPress theme that comes with more advanced features.

WordPress themes

All these WordPress themes allow you to set up your website using a simple theme customizer interface. From here you can edit and customize your site design.

Theme customizer

But the real power of WordPress comes from the plugins.

WordPress plugins are like apps for your website. Similar to the apps you install on your phone, WordPress plugins allow you to add new features to your website.

For instance, you can add a contact form to your site, or display a lightbox popup to announce a sale.

You can convert your site into an online store using plugins like WooCommerce, or use a membership plugin to make a subscription-based website.

There are 56000+ free WordPress plugins in the WordPress plugin directory alone. There are also premium WordPress plugins that offer full support and guaranteed updates.

You can see some of the best WordPress plugins hand-picked by our expert team to help you grow your WordPress site.

Note: If you want to see how WordPress works behind the scenes from a technical point of view, then please check out our infographic on how WordPress works.

Who Else is Using WordPress?

WordPress is not just for beginners. It is used by many of the fortune 500 companies, universities, non-profits, governments around the world, and more.

The following are some of the top brands and organizations that are using WordPress.

1. The White House

The White House

The official website of the White House is built using WordPress. It features a large header on the top followed by the latest updates, news, and resources.

2. Facebook


Facebook uses WordPress for their corporate website. It is a typical business website with a homepage showcasing key characteristics of the brand along with its flagship products. It also has a blog section called the Newsroom.

3. The New York Times

The New York Times

New York Times uses WordPress on its corporate website showcasing the company behind the iconic newspaper.

4. Microsoft


Microsoft uses WordPress to run their blogs website. It features company news, information, and product highlights.

5. Sony Music

Sony Music

Sony Music is one of the biggest music producers in the world representing top artists and labels. They use WordPress to power their corporate website.

To see a full list, check out our complete list on the most popular brands using WordPress.

Why Use WordPress to Make a Website?

Now, if you are thinking about starting a blog or a small business website, then you may be wondering why you should use WordPress as your website platform?

There are dozens of website builders and potential WordPress alternatives on the market that you can use to make your website. However, we believe that WordPress is the best platform for beginners and small businesses.

This is why over 38% of all websites use WordPress.

But here are just some of the reasons to choose WordPress for your website.

1. WordPress gives you the freedom

WordPress is free (as in freedom) and open-source software. Anyone can use it to create and launch a website. It is not owned by a single company, and it is protected by the WordPress Foundation, a non-profit organization.

This means you have complete freedom to use it in any way you see fit. You will have full control and complete ownership of your website and all of its content.

2. WordPress is easy

One of the reasons that make WordPress the #1 website builder is that it is incredibly easy to use.

There is a slight learning curve when you familiarize yourself with the software, but most beginners pass it quickly and easily manage their own websites.

Pro Tip: See our guide on how to learn WordPress for free in a week.

There is also a ton of free WordPress help and support available. You can ask questions on any tech community website and you’ll find answers from other users who started out just like you.

You can also join our WPBeginner Facebook Group to ask all your WordPress related questions and get free help from our experts and other WPBeginner users.

3. WordPress is super-flexible

WordPress allows you to use third-party themes and plugins. This means you can choose from thousands of professionally designed templates for your website.

Using plugins, you can add any feature to your WordPress website. Most of them are available for free, but you can also purchase premium plugins to get priority support from developers.

There are drag & drop WordPress page builder plugins that lets you completely customize your design and make custom templates without writing any code.

4. WordPress is multilingual

WordPress is fully translated into more than 65 languages. You can easily choose your website language during the installation or change it from the settings page.

Choose site language

You can keep the WordPress admin area in one language and create a website in another language. You can also use a WordPress multilingual plugin to create a website in multiple languages.

WordPress themes and plugins can also be translated and many of the top WordPress plugins are already translated into many languages.

5. WordPress is cost effective

With proprietary website builders and hosted platforms, you have to pay a monthly fee for a fixed set of features.

With WordPress, you pay a monthly fee for hosting and add any feature to your website using plugins. Most of them are free or have free alternatives, which gives you the freedom to control the cost of your WordPress website.

Once your website starts growing and making money, then you can spend on upgrading your hosting service or buying premium WordPress themes and plugins.

For more reasons, see our article on why you should use WordPress.

FAQs about WordPress

We made WPBeginner to help WordPress beginners. Since 2009, we have helped millions of beginners get started with WordPress and have been answering WordPress related questions every day.

Here are some of the most frequently asked WordPress questions that we hear from beginners.

1. Why is WordPress available for free?

WordPress is an open-source software available for anyone to use. It is free (as in freedom), but there are other costs involved. For instance, you’ll need WordPress hosting and domain name to make your website.

For a more detailed explanation, see our article Why is WordPress free which explains the philosophy behind free software and WordPress.

2. What are the disadvantages of using WordPress?

Like everything else in the world, there are pros and cons to using WordPress. We have mentioned the advantages in detail, and they are enough to outweigh any disadvantages. However, here are some of the cons of using WordPress.

  • You will need to spend a little time learning the basics. This does not mean coding or programming, but learning where things are located and how to use them.
  • You’ll need to spend time on setting up backups, security, and updates. Most of these tasks can be easily automated and most beginners manage them without any special skills
  • If you are not careful, then you may end up spending more on third-party tools and plugins that you may not need. Spend your money wisely and rely on free alternates whenever possible.

3. How can I learn WordPress?

WordPress is easy to learn, and there are a lot of learning material out there. You can learn WordPress right here on WPBeginner.

We are the largest WordPress resource site for beginners in the world. All of WPBeginner resources are available for free.

For beginners, we recommend starting out with our WordPress video tutorials. It is a series of videos that walks you through WordPress basics and how to manage your website like a total pro.

Our WordPress glossary section explains all the technical WordPress terminology in plain English for beginners.

You can also find answers to your WordPress questions by clicking on the search icon at the top.

WPBeginner search

Need a little more help from real users? Join our WPBeginner Facebook group to get answers from other WordPress users and our experts. It’s free to join, and there are over 50,000 members.

You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel for regular WordPress video tutorials and guides (over 500 free video tutorials).

4. Which WordPress hosting company to choose?

You’ll need WordPress hosting to start your website, and there are thousands of them out there. Due to fierce competition in the hosting industry, it becomes quite confusing for beginners to make up their minds.

Don’t worry, we did the research for you. You can read about it in our complete WordPress hosting guide for beginners.

For beginners, we recommend starting with Bluehost. They are offering a generous discount and a free domain name.

More importantly, they are one of the biggest names in the business and an officially recommended WordPress hosting provider.

If you have a slightly larger budget to afford premium hosting, then we recommend SiteGround or WP Engine.

5. How do I start a WordPress website?

Getting started with WordPress is easy. You can simply follow our step by step tutorial on how to make a WordPress website for detailed instructions.

It will walk you through the whole process, and you’ll be up and running with a brand new WordPress website in no time.

If you need assistance, you can take advantage of our free WordPress blog setup service, where our expert team will setup your WordPress blog for free, without any costs.

We hope this article explained what is WordPress, and how you can use it. You may also want to see our guide on things to do after installing WordPress, or head over to check out these practical online business ideas that you can start with WordPress right away.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post What is WordPress? A Beginner’s Guide (FAQs + Pros and Cons) appeared first on WPBeginner.

7 Things to Look For in a Website Builder for Your Next Project

You're reading 7 Things to Look For in a Website Builder for Your Next Project, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+!

7 Things to Look For in a Website Builder for Your Next Project

Website builders are great assets. If you’ve chosen to use one, we hope you like it. If you are debating which website builder to use, this post will go over seven different features to be mindful of when selecting the …