What Is WebRTC and How It Works

The world of web-based communication is changing at a speed you might not even imagine Now, for making a video conferencing call, sharing a file—all that you need is a URL, thanks to the power of WebRTC for opening the door of infinite possibilities for developers and businesses.     

Developed by Google in 2011 as an open-source framework comprising standards, protocols, and JavaScript APIs, WebRTC or Web Real-Time Communications facilitates the peer-to-peer transfer of audio, video, and data without plugins, native applications, or any third-party proprietary software 

WebRTC Use Cases, Challenges, and Trends

What is WebRTC?

An open-source project released by Google in 2011, WebRTC provides API-based communication between web browsers and mobile applications, including transmissions of audio, video, and data. Eliminating the need for native plugins and app installations makes these connections user-friendly and supported by all the major browsers and mobile operating systems.

The adoption of WebRTC in the tech community has grown dramatically in the past few years. Facebook, Amazon, and Google are among the significant technology companies that implemented WebRTC to make their web applications faster, reliable, and more secure.

Twilio Vs. MirrorFly: Who Is the Future of Real-Time Communication?


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the corporate business world to network with associates and communicate with potential clients using online communication tools. Hence, given the current market conditions – having a functional and efficient communication system has become the need of the hour. Due to which platforms offering text, voice, and video chat features must ensure they offer enterprise-level models. These platforms must be customizable and scalable. It is also important for the communication platform to be of a certain standard that supports a huge number of users with minimal latency rates. Nevertheless, with multiple options in the market, it can be difficult to choose the right real-time communication platform.


So, what is Twilio? Twilio is one of the top-rated cloud communication platforms in the market that uses a PaaS model. Twilio offers developers tools or software-based platforms to integrate voice, video, or messaging into any mobile app. Twilio is basically a developer’s platform, which means that this platform cannot be used by a marketer or a non-developer. Twilio as a communication platform provides a powerful API system for phone services offering companies to make and receive phone calls and send and receive text messages instantly.