Getting Started With WebdriverIO Typescript Jasmine

What is WebdriverIO?

WebdriverIO is a progressive automation framework built to automate modern web and mobile applications. It simplifies the interaction with your app and provides a set of plugins that help you create a scalable, robust, and flakiness test suite. WebdriverIO is built on top of Selenium NodeJS bindings.

Webdriver IO is Open Source Framework managed by OpenJS foundation and follows W3 framework architectural standards

WebdriverIO Tutorial: Browser Commands for Selenium Testing

WebdriverIO is a very well known End to End JavaScript testing framework for automation testing. It is based in Node.js and can further help you automate user activities on a browser with the help of WebdriverIO browser commands. WebDriverIO browser commands are used to directly perform certain actions on the browser. There are a few examples: Opening browser, Finding element, Navigating forward, back, Refreshing the page also Close the browser.

In Selenium, a driver object is created to interact with the browser. However, in WebDriverIO you can set up a WebDriverIO test runner to directly use a globally initialized ‘driver' or ‘browser’ object. In this WebDriverIO tutorial, I will cover the ‘browser’ object and how to use them. While running the script, the browser session gets automatically initialized and closed. You don't have to create objects separately in WebDriverIO.

How WebDriverIO Uses Selenium Locators in a Unique Way

In any automation testing framework, finding elements is the most fundamental activity. We have to choose web elements very carefully so that automation script execution can handle static and dynamic elements for stable test results. WebDriverIO has many advanced Selenium locators/ selector strategies compared to other automation testing frameworks. Traditionally, each locator has a specific By method which identifies the locators during runtime. 

WebdriverIO has simplified these By methods and now we do not have to specify them explicitly.