Spring Webflux: EventLoop vs Thread Per Request Model

Spring Webflux Introduction

Spring Webflux has been introduced as part of Spring 5, and with this, it started to support Reactive Programming. It uses an asynchronous programming model. The use of reactive programming makes applications highly scalable to support high request load over a period of time.

What Problem It Solved Compared With Spring MVC

Spring MVC uses a Synchronous Programming model, where each request has been mapped to a thread and which is responsible to take the response back to the request socket. Cases where applications make some network calls like, fetch data from a database, fetch a response from another application, file read/write etc., a request thread has to wait to get the desired response. 

Spring WebClient and Java Date-Time Fields

What time is it? Java time!

WebClient is the Spring Framework's reactive client for making service-to-service calls. WebClient has become a go-to utility for me; however, I unexpectedly encountered an issue recently in the way it handles Java 8 time fields that tripped me up. This post will go into the details of the date and time fields in Java.

MQTT Data Throttling

This article was first published on the MQTT.Cool blog.

Most MQTT brokers currently available on the market provide native support for WebSockets, thus enabling any MQTT JavaScript library to establish communications by encapsulating MQTT messages into WebSocket frames: This is called the MQTT Over WebSocket