Certificates for Internal Servers

I often get the question from customers "How do I make a browser trust my internal Intranet web server". Is it possible to use trusted certificates for Intranet servers? The short answer is yes. It is possible, and I'll show you two ways this can be solved. But what exactly is an Intranet server?

What Is an Intranet Server?

An Intranet (internal) server is one that runs on a private (home/business) network with a non-public IP address -- that is, any IPv4 address in the RFC 1918 range (e.g.,, and any IPv6 address in the RFC 4193 range.

How to Install and Configure Apache2

In this article, we will see how to install and configure Apache2 web server in Ubuntu 16.04.

Note: Throughout this article, we will be referring to domain name as website1-example.com. Replace this domain name with your actual domain name whenever required.

Install R Shiny Server on CentOS 7

The shiny server is a web server which provides you with a platform to host R-powered shiny applications on the server. You can host multiple shiny applications on a single server without getting HTML, CSS, and other stuff involved. It enables you to support non-web socket-enabled browsers like Internet Explorer 10.

Some of the features of the Shiny server are listed below: