Top Python Coding Best Practices for Beginners

In March 2022, Python made headlines in the programming world by becoming the most popular programming language. After years of hovering in the top ranks, it finally surpassed Java and C to reach the number one spot on the TIOBE index.

And why not? After all, it is such a fun and powerful language to work with. It is fast, user-friendly, open-source, and has a community comprising millions of programmers across the globe.

Improving Your Communication Skills as a Developer

Communication with other people is an important part of a software developer’s career. As a software developer, you will often communicate with other developers on your team, non-technical people on your team, stakeholders, and users of your software.

Having good communication skills will help you work well with your team and others by communicating your messages effectively.

Spinning up a Node.js Server in a Container on AWS with EC2

For a project at work, I needed to get a Node.js Express server running in a Docker container, then deploy that container to an EC2 instance on AWS. I took notes along the way because I was sure I'd need to do something like this again someday. Then, I figured—since I took notes—I might as well share my notes.

You can generalize my use case for your own needs. It doesn't have to be a Node.js server. It can be any Docker container image that you need to deploy to AWS EC2, as long as you know what port(s) on the container you need to expose to the outside world.

Problems With Angular Migration


It would seem that this is the easiest way to solve the problem—by avoiding it. But this is the wrong way. By avoiding the problem, we only postpone its solution. And over time, the problem will not go away on its own and will just hang over you and put pressure on you. But in my opinion, it is easier to get rid of such a burden immediately.

There is one safe way to do this—to get acquainted with all the possible difficulties that may befall you and prepare well to meet them.

Web Design vs Web Development

Web design and web development are two important areas in website building. In truth, many people use these terms interchangeably, not realizing that they are different —albeit related — concepts. It's wise to know the differences between web design and web development, especially if you plan on making your own website.

Let's try to explain these two concepts in simple terms.

8 Reasons Why PHP and .NET Rule the World of Web Development

If any company wants to succeed in the market, it needs to strengthen its digital presence. Though social media provides a place to gain some attention, it is impossible to create a brand without an official web page. This is why businesses hire firms offering web development services to get their website designed, which would enable them to get as much traction as possible. 

Web development covers actions such as web design, programming, content creation, network security tasks, and server-side & client-side scripting. Among the technologies available for web development, most web development companies make their programming choice between PHP and.NET.

The A-Z of Web Development

Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day.
Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime.
― Muhammad Waseem


As we all know, web development is a very vast and wide field. The career path in this field can come in a different way, shape or form.

Importance of Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) is software that enables end-users to create and manage content on a website. They are designed to make content management easy for non-technical users. One of the key features of a good content management system is that no coding is needed to create or modify content. CMS handles all the basic coding, so users can concentrate on what visitors to the website will see, rather than what goes on behind the scenes.

A content management system consists of two main elements. First, there is the content management application (CMA). The CMA is the part of the application that allows users to add content and manage it. The second element is a content delivery application (CDA). This is the backend application that formats the content and makes it available to visitors to the site.