Data Table Filtering Using a D3 Timeline

Here I am going to explain how we can implement data table filtering using a timeline. It will be a great approach to interact with records in a table and also to have better visualization of the data. To make this happen, I will use Angular framework, D3.js, moment.js, and a bit of Bootstrap. 

Getting Started

Start with generating an Angular application :

How CSS Subgrids Make Vertical Alignment Easy

Do you know that both the grids and alignment CSS properties are always talked about together? Why? Because of the nature of their existence and the mess that alignment creates on different screen devices. How easy and convenient would web developers’ lives become if all the devices in this world existed with the same screen size. That would be a dream! But coming back to reality, we have to deal with hundreds of devices with varying screen sizes, and the problems they create for the developers with alignment is an add-on. CSS grids and CSS subgrids were introduced to tackle the alignment problem with multiple elements existing side by side.

Grids were responsive, and instead of the “hit and try” of pixel and margin values, setting display: grid worked like a charm. As time stands witness to the issues tackled by web developers, if they do not have one, they invent one themselves. Now the developers have started to create complex web designs with one grid nested with other grids. That was a makeshift arrangement, and making it work was an endeavor in itself.

The Right Way to Use Favicons

How to Add a Favicon

To make an icon display, you need to add a file with a graphic image of the icon to a tab. To add an icon to your website, you need to follow the mandatory browser requirements and use a minimum set of favicons, which we will now consider in detail.

Why a set and not a single icon? The fact is that browsers and screens are constantly evolving. More modern formats are usually supported by more modern browsers. For example, you might think that you can add a single SVG icon and the browser will render it correctly. However, not all browsers still support the SVG format for favicons. The following table illustrates the browsers that support the SVG format.

Machine Learning and React Native: Feasible for Web Development?

Unless you have been living under a rock, there is no way you have not heard of at least artificial intelligence. Of course, this is because of the potent tool it has proven to be over the past decade. This popularity, then, led to the emergence of machine learning as well as deep learning. Now, they are both technically subsets of artificial intelligence, but the plethora of their advantages have ensured they were each able to establish their distinct identities in the market. Now, machine learning serves to help systems use input data to improve themselves. 

Meanwhile, deep learning, which involves the use of algorithms based on the human brain’s structure and function, is enabling the achievement of unparalleled results in computer vision, ML, etc.

Managing Annotations Within PDFs Using Accusoft PDF Viewer

Viewing PDFs natively within applications used to be a major headache for developers. Even though the PDF standard has been open and available for decades, most people still relied upon external reader software and browser plug-ins to open, view, and edit PDF files. Given the complexity of PDF rendering and discrepancies between readers, there was no guarantee that two people viewing the same document would see the same thing.

When Mozilla developed and released PDF.js as an open source library in 2011, developers finally had a way to easily integrate PDF viewing into their web applications to ensure a consistent viewing experience. Even then, however, this JavaScript library didn’t support the entire PDF specification and lacked key features like annotation tools. That may not have presented much of a problem ten years ago, but today’s users no longer regard annotation as a “nice to have” feature. If your web application doesn’t allow them to natively markup or sign documents, they’re liable to turn to more comprehensive solutions pretty quickly.

10 Coding Challenge Websites For Developer

The purpose of the following websites is to help you test to what extent your programming prowess is able to solve problems low to high. Not only that, but there you also have to compete with other developers to achieve higher rankings. Just like playing games, we have to go from low rankings like copper, silver to gold, platinum. Here are some websites to help increase your interest in programming.


The Exercism website is home to thousands of exercises that you can practice in over 50 supported programming languages. Its exercises are also varied for beginners or those with a lot of programming experience. It is open-source and based on donations from developers around the world so you can rest assured that it won't be charged. In addition, if you feel you are capable, you can also contribute helpful exercises to the community that will improve your programming skills and others.

Django: Context Processors for Custom Environments

Django's context processors enable you to set global variables that are easily accessible in templates. In a few lines of code, you can customize your app's environment for a variety of user groups. For instance, we use context processors to segment user access and toggle features based on a user group.

For the example below, let's assume that users are grouped into three categories:

Most Trending Tech Stacks for Web Development Fitting Your Needs

Millions of business enterprises are competing to set a foothold in the competitive market. As technology trends are changing fast, businesses look at the mobile and web application sectors to reach their audience and serve them. Technological advances and the availability of app development tools and technologies propel organizations to pick the best one as per their changing needs. Broadly speaking, the tech stack is the mechanism that makes your website or web app run smoothly. Hence, technology stacks catch all eyes when it comes to developing a programming project. Moreover, it isn't easy to pick up the right tech stack for newer web projects.

Technology Stack Trends

A 2020 survey on the usage of libraries, frameworks, and tools among software developers globally by Statista, a data research company, shows that Node.js is the first choice of 51.4 percent of respondents. .NET, .Net Core, and Pandas are preferred by 35.1 percent, 26.7%, and 15.5% developers respectively.  The survey also exhibits the usage growth of newer technologies like data analysis and machine learning. 

Why Developers Should Care About Low Code Development

Although “low code” and “no code” have become the latest buzzwords in the tech industry, these concepts are actually not new. WordPress and Shopify were among the first low code platforms available and have been around since 2003 and 2004 respectively.

No code platforms contain all the code you would need to create an application. The code is encapsulated into blocks and users create simple applications by connecting various blocks using a simple drag and drop UI. The benefit of no code is that anyone can be trained to use the platform and build simple applications since no coding experience is required. Unfortunately, these platforms are quite limited in what they allow users to develop. This is where low code development comes into play. 

Website Accessibility: What You Need to Know

In a world where we are more connected than ever before, everyone must have access to the same information and opportunities. Achieving web accessibility means removing any barriers that stand in the way of disadvantaged and or handicapped users accessing online content or services with the same capacity as other users.

In this guide, you will learn how to create a website that is accessible for screen-readers and SEO robots. 

Talk Python To Me Podcast Founder Michael Kennedy Interview


Michael Kennedy is a successful entrepreneur and software development professional. He created and hosts the weekly podcast, Talk Python To Me, which focuses on Python and related software development topics. He also founded and is the chief author for Talk Python Training, an online Python training program. We had the opportunity to interview Michael about his programming experiences, and we have included the entire transcript below. Hope you enjoy it!

The Interview

Evrone: We at Evrone have done custom development for many years, and we try to organize professional communities in Russia, like a community for Ruby developers, for Python developers. Your podcasts are famous in Russia. So, first of all, from the Russian Python community, thank you for your hard work.

The Drawbacks of MobX

I would like to talk about what I could rarely find in articles covering MobX, about those drawbacks that ruin the impression of use, as well as how to crack this problem. I also need to describe its pros to justify my own choice. So, let’s start.

MobX is a state manager, which now has a new version 6 that works due to Proxy. The further opinion is based on using MobX v6 together with the React library when developing mobile (React Native) and web applications. It is worth clarifying that I used MobX v4, react-easy-state, Redux, Zustand in previous projects, and I’m also familiar with a dozen alternative state managers at the level of reading their documentation. I would also like to note that all the pros and cons listed below aren’t complete and can be detected if compared to other state managers.

What Is Segmentation in Operating System?

The idea of segmentation In OS is similar in function to paging, which is used to manage memory. Segmentation is a way to divide the user program and data into segments. Segmentation and paging are two different things. Each page in paging has a fixed size, while segments have a variable size.

Segmentation maps the user's view onto actual physical memory. We will briefly discuss segmentation and its workflow in the next section. We will also discuss segmentation using an example and conclude the discussion with some advantages and disadvantages.

How a Low-Code Approach Can Scale to Building MVPs (Part 2)

Editor's Note: The following is an article written for DZone's 2021 Low-Code Development Trend Report.

In part one, we explored the idea of MVPs and important attributes, including validation of the hypothesis, low-cost model, and less need for technical expertise. Additionally, important questions about the MVP such as customer feedback, product readiness, and scope are critical for startup founders looking to enter the market and scale quickly. Now, let us get to the details of an MVP lifecycle. 

How a Low-Code Approach Can Scale to Building MVPs (Part 1)

Editor's Note: The following is an article written for DZone's 2021 Low-Code Development Trend Report.

The current digital revolution has made it easy for users to build custom applications and get their businesses up and running in a short time. A good example is an interface built to enable the creation of applications with minimal coding. Low-code applications are increasing, with Gartner estimating low-code systems to comprise at least 60% of platforms in the next three years.

Extend Your Golang App With Embedded WebAssembly Functions in WasmEdge

The Go programming language (Golang) is an easy-to-use and secure programming language that compiles into high-performance native applications. It is a very popular choice for writing software infrastructure and frameworks.

A key requirement for software frameworks is the ability for users to extend and customize it with their own code. However, in Golang, adding user-defined functions or extensions to an existing app is not easy. Oftentimes, you need to integrate at the source code level by combining the source code for the framework and the user-defined functions. While it is possible to create dynamic shared modules with Golang, support for shared modules is lacking on ARM-based systems, which are widely used in edge computing. Furthermore, neither source code integration nor dynamic modules provide isolation for the user-defined functions. The extension could interfere with the framework itself, and it is unsafe to integrate user-defined functions from several parties. As the language for "cloud-native", Golang needs a better extension mechanism.

Top 10 Web Development Trends: How To Stay Ahead In 2021

Due to the pandemic, 1000s of businesses went online to avoid closure and remain competitive on the market. This transition strengthened the contest between companies and tech solutions that include programming languages and frameworks.

So, running a web project has become more difficult. CTOs and Product Owners can feel FOMO (fear of missing out), considering the number of existing tech trends. The high price for any mistake makes them feel a chill running up and down the spine, especially in the case of large projects.