Automated Deployment with Mule Management Console and Maven

In my opinion, the deployment of any application should be as automated as possible to avoid errors due to manual mistakes. This is no different with a mule esb application. If you are using the enterprise edition of the mule esb you also have the ability to make use of the mule management console (MMC). 

This instrument makes the governance of the deployment of your mule applications into different environments easier, and therefore, the whole deployment cycle less error-prone. 

The Definitive Guide to Developing Portable Tizen Apps


This article complements the online lecture series delivered at the annual Tizen Developer Conference and elsewhere. Titled “JavaScripting Tizen Web Apps” and “Tizen Application Portability,” these lectures serve to guide developers interested in Tizen and the benefits of portable development strategies. 

An analysis of the available Tizen API begins with the consideration of standards and portable web technologies. The Tizen architecture is reviewed, and contrasting its web and native frameworks, leads to an inspection of Tizen’s deployment approach and how it affects web logic and content of both server-based and locally installed apps. 

Modern REST API Design Principles and Rules

Typically, when updating or developing an API like Newsdata.ioa news API for a service to provide news data with quick response time, there are lengthy discussions about the API’s structure, naming, and functions. Although, over time, specific rules have emerged that can be applied to the process and aid in reaching a common ground while developing.

Let’s get started with some basics.

Book Review: Python Distilled

Python Distilled by David M. Beazley is a pragmatic book that presents some of the most important topics about the Python programming language in a concise form, designed to make it easier to find out the most relevant information bits in a context where resources abound and frequently are just too overwhelming.

Book Structure and Contents

The book is organized into 10 chapters. It starts off with the basics, such as variables, data types, operators, expressions, control flow, and looping. Compared to other books I have read recently, it uses a smaller font size, which is quite readable to me, but it may be less comfortable for some readers. On the other hand, it contributes to making it a lighter and less thick book, compared with other programming manuals. The book uses no syntax highlighting, but code samples are short enough that actually this does not become a problem at all.

Types May Finally Be Coming to JavaScript

With the promotion of Type Annotations to Proposal Level 1 Stage, JavaScript is one step closer to being a more strongly typed language. Let's dive into what the changes will mean for JavaScript.

Types in JavaScript

JavaScript is dynamically typed. That means that it figures out the type of something by where it appears. For example:

How the TypeScript Exclude Type Works

In TypeScript, the Exclude utility type lets us exclude certain members from an already defined union type. That means we can take an existing type, and remove items from it for specific situations.

Let's look at how the exclude utility type works in TypeScript.

Demystifying How ‘this’ Works in JavaScript

It's something used in JavaScript, but it is often a mystery. In JavaScript, this works quite differently from other programming languages - and it works differently depending on if you are using strict mode or not.

If you find it hard, you aren't alone. Let's look at exactly how this works and remove any confusion about its meaning in various contexts.

Using the PDF Embed API With Vue.js

I've recently become acquainted with Adobe's PDF Embed API. As you can probably guess by the name, it's a library for embedded PDFs on a web page. It is not just a simple viewer; it has APIs for interacting with the PDF and excellent mobile support. This is a part of the Document Cloud service that provides other PDF tools (extraction, conversion, and so forth). I've been playing with the viewer a bit and wanted to see what Vue.js integration would look like. Here's my solution, but note that I'm still learning about the product, so it could probably be done better.

First off, to use the API, you need a key. Clicking the link from the webpage will walk you through generating a key. One important note on this, though. You have to lock down your key to a domain, and that domain cannot be changed either. Also, you can only specify one domain. So, if you want your domain and localhost, create two projects, generate two keys, and set them as environment variables for your development and production environment. I did my testing on CodePen and had to use this domain:

CSS Layers Tutorial: Real CSS Encapsulation

Just around the corner, a new feature is rearing its head and it's getting frontend developers excited. That feature is CSS layers. With layers, we'll finally be able to fully encapsulate our CSS for import. That means modules, scripts, or anything else imported into your projects can have CSS that is entirely separate from your own, putting to bed the age-old problem of styles overriding each other. It will also let us be more agile with the CSS we add to our pages with custom import statements.

Let's take a deep dive into CSS layers, and how they will work when they land in a browser near you.

When to Use keyExtractor Prop in React Native’s FlatList

In React Native, the FlatList component works well to render a long list of data. It renders only the items shown on the screen in a scrolling list and not all the data items at once.

To render a scrollable list of items using FlatList, you need to pass the required data prop to the component. The data prop accepts an array of items. Each item in the array represents a single item in the list. Another required prop is renderItem, which takes an item from the data and renders it on the list. This prop accepts a function that returns the JSX to be rendered.

C# for Absolute Beginners: The Basics

This article was originally published in August 2019.

Beginning your journey with C#

The objective of this article is to familiarize you with the C# programming basics. This article is for absolute beginners who want to learn C# fundamentals.

How To Make a Rest API Call In React


This article provides an overview of making a REST API call in the React library using JavaScript Fetch API. The readers of this article must have some prior knowledge of using React library for creating user interfaces. It uses a functional component approach and controlled form for building component-based design. This article demonstrates a use case for posting blog content in the MongoDB database as an example.

Functional Components

Functional components are written using JavaScript function syntax in React. When compared with class-based components, they use much less code and are easier to understand. Class components follow ECMAScript 6 (ES6) class-based syntax for defining components and are relatively complex for the following reasons:

8 Best Free Vue.js Courses for Beginners To Learn Online

Hello folks! It's tough competition these days, and we need to get the right kind of skills from the best resources possible. When it comes to front-end development, ReactJS and Angular are still king and queen, but Vue.js is quickly making its way up to fill the gap.

Vue.js, as you may know, is an open-source view model of the JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. You can also use Vue.js to develop single-page applications. If you are self-teaching Vue.js yourself or want to become a VueJS developer and looking for the best Vue.js resources like free online courses, books, and tutorials then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share Vue.js online courses and tutorials you can join for FREE, but before that, let's learn a bit more about what Vue.js is and what benefits it offers.

Drawing Basic Shapes with HTML5 Canvas

Since HTML5 Canvas is a graphic tool, it goes without saying that it allows us to draw shapes. We can draw new shapes using a number of different functions available to use via the context we set. 

In this guide, we'll cover how to make some of the most basic shapes with HTML5 Canvas — squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles.

How to Master Your Software Engineering Journey, Part 2

Software engineering is one of the most talked-about and sought-after career paths in the current world.

During my journey as a software engineer, I have worked with some wonderful people, the latest technologies, and great projects. As I reflect on my humble beginnings and the gradual progression to my current role as an engineering manager, I wish I knew some key aspects of the craft of software engineering back then.

Flutter vs. React Native in 2022: Detailed Framework Comparison

Native applications work smoothly on mobile devices. Their graphic transitions take less time for UI rendering compared to the cross-platforming. The reason is simple: their code can communicate straight to the mobile OS core, enabling UI methods.

In the meantime, the native mobile platforms (OS) are written in different languages. For instance, Android OS is a mix of Java, C, and C++. In comparison, the iOS platform is built with Objective C and Swift. So, native mobile development requires the knowledge of a few languages like Swift and Java simultaneously. That's a big deal, as not many companies could afford to hire developers for each platform.