Permissions on the Web Suck

I am a fan of progressive web apps and the powers that they bestow on web developers to build the next generation of applications. We can write web applications that work offline, download large files in the background, send push notifications, and much more. I was so excited about push notifications on the web that I wrote a whole talk about it in 2015 and was fortunate enough to give it in a bunch of places around the world.

But perhaps I was a little too prescient with that talk title, "The web is getting pushy." Web applications themselves are getting pushy and now I see tweets like this:

VS Code Extension: Ngrok for VS Code

Over the Easter weekend, a four-day weekend characterized by lockdowns all over the world, I decided to use the extra time I had at home to start a new project and learn a new skill. By the end of the weekend, I was proud to release my first VSCode extension: ngrok for VSCode.

What’s That?

ngrok is a command-line tool built by Alan Shreve that you can use to expose your localhost server with a publicly available URL. It’s great for sharing access to an application running on your own machine, testing web applications on mobile devices, or testing webhook integrations. For example, I’m a big fan of using ngrok to test my webhooks when I am working with Twilio applications.

8 Reasons To Opt for Angular.JS in The Development Process

Angular.JS is a well-known platform to develop dynamic web applications. It helps to build interactive and feature-rich websites for the users.  However, this framework supports Single Page web apps and MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. It is considered as the most preferred platform for the developers and delivers enterprise profitability. 

Learn about Angular.JS

Angular.JS is a JavaScript framework and written in Javascript language only. It helps to develop Single Page Applications and runs on Javascript engine platform. This framework is known to develop front end web frameworks. Launched on 20 Oct 2010,  under MIT License. 

Double Dispatch in C++

Double Dispatch in C++ is a mechanism that dispatches a function call to different concrete functions depending on the runtime types of two objects involved in the call. In more simple words, its function calling using two different virtual tables of respective two objects. I know this sounds cryptic, but don't worry I will come to double dispatch solution after trying most of the naive solution so that you will come away with the full understanding of concept without having needless confusions.


  • At first, a pointer to a base class made sense; you didn't need to know the actual derived class. So you decided to expose a single collection of base class pointers to your clients like so:


struct Animal {    
    virtual const char *name() = 0;

using AnimalList = vector<Animal*>;

Automated Deployment of vCSA 6.5/6.7 with Ansible

We use VMware vSphere to manage internal infrastructure. We can create and manage virtual machines very efficiently, but how can we deploy the vCenter Server automatically?

We can use our favorite tool Ansible for this. I am an Ansible expert and here I am going to show you the deployment of vCSA 6.5 on ESXI host. I am going to use ESXI 6.5 host and a JSON configuration file to pass the parameters required for the deployment. You need to download the ESXI 6.5 installer and vCSA 6.5 ISO file.  

Use of JavaScript In Online Games

Do you know which programming language was used to develop your favorite online game? Many people will immediately think about HTML5 and C++, and they are actually right. These are the most common options. But what about JavaScript?

JS is considered to be the most popular and well-known programming language in the modern world. Its popularity is caused by a number of reasons, including user-friendly code and versatility. Indeed, JavaScript can also be an excellent helper when developing online games. Its scripts make it possible to easily combine JS codes with HTML5 and CSS, thereby creating excellent cross-platform applications.

The Step-by-Step Process of Mobile App Development

According to the Survey Reports, there are almost 1.84 million apps available on iOS and on Google Play there are 2.9 million apps. However, the usage of mobile applications is increasing constantly. Due to the high demand for Android and iOS applications, it leads mobile app development services to high competition.

In the digital world, mobile app developers don’t only have to focus on the backend and frontend coding process and functionalities. Apart from this, to launch successful apps, they have to be creative and require knowledge about market trends and guidelines.

13 of the Best React JavaScript Frameworks

If you're using React.js or React Native to create user interfaces, try these frameworks.

React.js and React Native are popular open source platforms for developing user interfaces (UIs); both rank well for desirability and use in StackOverflow's 2019 Developer Survey. React.js was developed by Facebook in 2011 as a JavaScript library to address the need for cross-platform, dynamic, and high-performing UIs, while React Native, which Facebook released in 2015, is used for building native applications using JavaScript.

4 Things Vue.js Got Right

Whether you’re suffering from Javascript fatigue, ES anxiety, post-webpack stress disorder or any other kind of web development malady, the last thing you probably want to do now is look at another Javascript framework.

But the focus, simplicity, and flexibility of Vue.js might just make it the hero you need. Coming a bit late to the game in 2014, Vue has had the advantage of being able to pick and choose from the best parts of its predecessors.

A Tutorial on Firebase Hosting

If you are looking to host your NextGen web app safely, Firebase from Google can put you at ease by providing fast, reliable, and secure static hosting for your web app. Offering production-grade web content hosting, Google Firebase enables you to effortlessly deploy web apps and static web page content and connect to a CDN (content-delivery network) with a single command.

Furthermore, with Firebase as an all-in-one hosting solution, you are exempt from sizing up various available cloud-based hosting service providers.

ASP.NET Core and Its Effectiveness in Building Web Applications

Is ASP.NET Core right for your development needs?

Earlier, businesses didn’t have multiple options to develop customized web applications with unique features using cutting-edge programming languages. To offer the optimal user experience, they had to invest more in infrastructure. Today, digitization has revolutionized the software industry. When it comes to building a web application, there are multiple technologies to pick from, and ASP.NET Core is prime amongst them.

ASP.NET core is an open-source web framework from Microsoft. Released in 2016, this web framework is one of the best alternatives to Windows-hosted ASP.NET applications.

Opportunities to Raise Visual Storytelling

While at ImageCon, I had the opportunity to meet with Colin Bendell, Senior Director of Strategy and Data Insights at Cloudinary to discuss the key findings of their recently completed State of Visual Media Report. The findings reveal how fully-optimized rich media is vital to successful visual storytelling.

The research was fielded to help companies better understand how visual content is being viewed and consumed. The insights and trends are based on Cloudinary data that comprised billions of media transactions across a sampling of more than 700 Cloudinary customers representing 14 vertical industries including e-commerce/retail, media, travel, and entertainment. You can view the interactive report here.