Multi-Threaded Geo Web Crawler In Java

[Updates to the Article and Codebase / Code Snippets ~ 17/Feb/2021]
- Fixed Possible Con. Leaks in Network Connections
- Fixed Poor Code and Bad Programming Practices
- Improved Code Formatting, Practiced Clean Code*
- Mowglee v0.02a is Released (Previously, v0.01a')

This article provides the implementation of a web crawling system called Mowglee that uses geography as the main classifying criteria for crawling. Also, it runs in a multi-threaded mode that provides a default implementation of the robot's exclusion protocol, sitemap generation, data classifiers, data analyzers, and a general framework for application to be built of a web crawler. The implementation is in core Java. Mowglee is a multi-threaded geo web crawler in Java.

Is My Single-Page Application SEO Friendly?

A notoriously murky area of single-page application (SPA) development is SEO. Depending on who you ask, search engine crawling of client-rendered content is either totally fine, fine as long as it's synchronous or not at all fine.

Due to the confusion caused by all this conflicting advice, I regularly see the question "is my Vue SPA okay for SEO?" come up in places like the Vue.js Developers Facebook group, the Vue.js Forums, and r/vuejs on Reddit.