7 Key Reasons Why Progressive Web Apps Are the Future of Web Development


The web development environment has rapidly transformed with an increased demand for more scalable and cross-platform web and enterprise applications in the ever-changing market equilibrium. To help enterprises address their business needs and connect with the customers using a range of devices and platforms seamlessly, legacy web apps have made way for progressive web apps (PWAs) that allow easy access to mobile users.

Progressive web apps use modern web capabilities to deliver reliable, fast, and engaging user experiences on their preferred devices and platforms. PWAs also provide personalization and caching capabilities, which ensure faster loading time and less data usage. These apps are developed once and can be deployed wherever required.

Progressive Web Apps in 2021: Will They Die or Thrive?

Back in 2015, when Google first introduced progressive web apps, we heard a lot of promises. PWAs were supposed to become the next big thing for mobile users, bridging the gap between mobile websites and native apps. Rumors had it that PWAs would replace the native apps altogether and that mobile app developers had to get ready for the change. 

Five years later and native mobile apps, as well as their developers, are still well and healthy. What went wrong? 

Best Node.JS Frameworks for Web Apps in 2021

In the 2020 COVID pandemic, most enterprises have realized the importance of creating an effective digital presence. While some businesses used digital presence to promote their services and business continuity, other companies used the latest trends to stay ahead among competitors. One of the most popular and widely used platforms is Node.JS, which is widely used for the development process.

What is Node.JS? 

Serverless Web Apps With Knative Compared to AWS Lambda

This post originally appeared on LinkedIn and has been updated since.

It’s hard to not be overwhelmed with the hype around serverless; the term seems to be constantly redefined to mean almost anything. I wanted to look at how easy it would be to do a serverless web app (which is to say: an app that responds to HTTP requests and does some work, and when there isn’t work to be done, scales down to zero cost).

The Largest Developer Community: A Critical View

When developers evaluate new technologies, one of the elements they often look at is the size and strength of the community surrounding that technology. “Can I get help and support from peers when needed?” It’s one of the reasons why open source technologies tend to be so popular. Conversely, technology vendors regularly signal their virtue with community numbers: “Our product is used by millions of developers, choose us!”

However, there is a reason to be critical of this line of thinking. The activity of a core group, or indeed the vendor itself, may matter more to get great support than the sheer number of users. Most technologies are not subject to network effects: they don’t become inherently more valuable when more developers adopt them. Even in open source projects, there is often only a small number of core contributors. Furthermore, vendors may bloat the numbers they report: deliberately, or simply because they don’t have good data available.