The Ultimate Website Testing Checklist Before Going Live

Website testing.

We know the excitement when it comes to launching your first web site. After working hard on the stunning design, user interface, and engaging content, you cannot wait to share it with the audience. Are you sure your website is completely ready to launch? Aren’t you missing anything in it?

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Most individuals often make their site live in a hurry without checking some essential factors, and later on, receive negative feedback from the users. It’s necessary to understand that launching a website is critical, as you can easily miss out on essential steps.

TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver With Examples

There are different interfaces provided by Java that allow you to modify TestNG behavior. These interfaces are further known as TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver. TestNG Listeners also allow you to customize the tests logs or report according to your project requirements. TestNG Listeners in Selenium WebDriver are modules that listen to certain events and keep track of test execution while performing some action at every stage of test execution.

This is a TestNG tutorial, where I will help you realize the different TestNG listeners with examples so you can use them proficiently the next time you plan to work with TestNG and Selenium.

Web Element Locator Strategies [A Student’s Experience]

I wanted to know about web element locators. In my free time, I am taking courses on Test Automation University, sponsored by Applitools. We are getting some of the best minds in test automation to present their approaches to testing web software. You may have read my review of Amber Race's course on API testing.

I took Andrew Knight's course on Web Element Locator Strategies to learn about how locators play a huge role in test automation — or just testing in general. Andrew is also a star teacher, consultant, and practitioner in the areas of software development and testing. You can read his blog at

Custom appsettings.json File for ASP.NET Core Integration Tests

ASP.NET Core introduced the concept of TestServer for the integration testing of web applications. Integration tests need web applications to run with all the bells and whistles to make sure that all the components work together with no flaws. Often we need special settings for integration tests as web applications cannot use live services and the easiest way to do it is to use a special appsettings.json file. This blog post shows how to do it.

Getting Started

Let's start with minimalistic integration test from ASP.NET Core integration tests document.

Selenium WebDriver for Cross-Browser Testing, Part 1

Selenium is a popular automation testing framework that is primarily used for the cross-browser testing. It is open source and is ideal for automating testing of web applications across different browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, etc. Selenium has become a renowned framework and is giving stiff competition to other test frameworks like HP QTP (Quick Test Professional) and AKA HP UFT (Unified Functional Testing). This look at Selenium WebDriver will help you develop the basic understanding of the components of the Selenium suite, Selenium WebDriver architecture, and show you how to run automated tests for cross-browser compatibility.

Components of the Selenium Suite

Below are the core components of the Selenium Test Suite