Securing Web Applications and APIs With Confidence [Webinar Sign-up]

The number of web applications and APIs exposed to the internet are growing exponentially. Unsecure web applications and APIs are low-hanging fruit that attackers are targeting to steal sensitive data. In a recent report “State of the Web Security for H1 2020,” CDNetworks highlighted that, in particular, web application attacks rose by 800%.

Legacy WAFs can no longer provide comprehensive coverage for cloud native architectures since attackers are looking to exploit unsecured APIs, Bad Bots, and more. Security, operations, and infrastructure teams require a holistic solution with comprehensive protection across the full application lifecycle.

Web Application Security Driven by WAF is Favoring Organizations

Web application security through WAF is a great way to protect a company's web applications from hacking attempts. It provides comprehensive security for the server's web applications, allowing the company to protect the data stored in back-end databases. While a WAF cannot provide the same level of protection as a dedicated firewall, it can prevent data leakage in a secure manner.

First-Generation WAF

Although first-generation WAFs scanned web traffic without detecting malicious content, these models did not offer the highest level of security. They weren't flexible enough to handle constant software updates, and a stateless WAF could not prevent attackers from devising new attack behaviors. Additionally, they were too expensive, offered false positives, and required dedicated IT expertise to maintain.

Is Service Mesh Right for Your Infrastructure?

Intro: About Microservices

The introduction of cloud-native applications and containers changed the way of how people structure and provision applications. Deploying and configuring physical servers at every edge location and trying to balance the load is just not feasible for dynamic loads and hybrid infrastructures.  The solution to this problem is microservices.

In addition to supporting dynamic scalability, the move from monolithic applications to microservices avoids the bottlenecks of a central database and supports portability and code reuse. It also provides additional benefits of easier automation, integration in CI/CD pipeline, observability, and high availability, although microservices security and management may create certain new challenges.