How Do You Reduce Costs in Cross-Platform Mobile Development?

Cross-platform mobile development can be significantly more expensive than developing for a single platform. This article will cover five steps to reduce cross-platform mobile app development costs to help you find the right solution for your business. Whether you’re looking to develop a new app or update an existing one, this guide will help you reduce the cost and save time and energy in the process.

Reduce Cross-Platform Mobile Development Costs

There are few industries that can grow as quickly and profitably as the mobile industry. More than 1.4 billion people use smartphones, and this number is likely to increase in the future. The problem with this growth, however, is that it’s expensive. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce cross-platform development costs so you can get ahead of the game.

Thunderhead Speeds Quality Delivery With Applitools

Thunderhead is the recognized global leader in the Customer Journey Orchestration and Analytics market. The ONE Engagement Hub helps global brands build customer engagement in the era of digital transformation.

Thunderhead provides its users with great insights into customer behavior. To continue to improve user experience with their highly-visual web application, Thunderhead develops continuously. How does Thunderhead keep this visual user experience working well? A key component is Applitools.

What Is a Single-page Application (SPA)?

Single-page application technology has become the de facto standard for creating modern web applications today due to the numerous benefits related to loading times and user experience. Industry giants of the digital space that have already adopted this approach to web development include Facebook, Gmail, Google Maps, LinkedIn, and Netflix.

But is a single-page application framework the right one for your upcoming web project? In this blog post, I’ll set out what a single-page application is, its benefits, and when you should use it.

What Is a Single-page Application?

A single-page application (SPA) is a JavaScript framework for distributing application functionality over the web. The three most popular SPA tools are:

Application Development: Are You Making the Right Investments for Speed?

In our 2020 state of application development survey, 21 percent of 2,200 IT professionals said they were changing faster than their competition, and 19 percent and 21 percent said they could deliver mobile and web apps, respectively, in 1-2 months or less. How do they do it? According to our Speed of Change report, they use modern application development technology that drives a customer focus and increases their speed. But before you rush off and invest in an application development platform that promises speed, there are some things to consider to ensure you invest wisely.

Ready to Develop an Application at High Speed? Not so Fast

Consider everything involved with hand-coding an app, scaling it, and changing not long after it is released. Describing the development process would increase the length of this post to War and Peace proportions. And my figurative hat goes off to all the designers, developers, and architects who spend as much as 12 months doing this. But what if it’s a virtual care app that has to go live in a month?

Develop Web Application With Spring Boot in 30 minutes

Spring boot is one of the most popular Java-based web application development frameworks. It helps develop applications rapidly as most of the application-specific configuration is taken care of by the framework. Spring boot also comes with an in-built servlet container, which helps run and test the application quickly. 

The following tutorial will help you quickly learn Spring Boot basics by creating a standard “Hello World” application. Let’s follow the quick tutorials with the basic assumption that Java8, maven, and eclipse are installed, and the reader knows their basic usage. 

Exploring the Fundamentals of Node.js With Mario Casciaro and Luciano Mammino

Node.js’ high scalability and its ability to run Javascript code outside the territories of the web browsers gives it an edge over traditional platforms for web development. It is considered to be possibly the biggest innovation of the decade and is loved not just for its technical capabilities, but also for the paradigm shift that it introduced in web development and, in general, in the software development ecosystem. 

Let’s explore the journey of Mario Casciaro and Luciano Mammino, the authors of Node.js Design Patterns, Third Edition, and get some insights on how they mastered the platform. 

7 Web Application Security Best Practices

Web Application Security has been one of the most significant parts when it comes to web app development. Developers need to make sure the security of apps as there is a substantial rise in the number of cyberattacks such as DDoS attacks that have been affecting the entire health of any site.

Factors like the rise of cloud platforms, use of open-source tools and technologies, complications of web apps, the increment in data processing needs, and an augment in the sophistication level of cyber attackers have led to an tremendously complex and challenging environment for IT security in any organization. As per Security Magazine, a cyber attack happens somewhere in the globe every 39 sec. As hackers are more interested on people’s confidential data and the cases of cyberattacks increase, it is crucial to make sure reliable security of your web application.

Explaining the Difference Between Web and Mobile App Testing

If a product has a web and a mobile version of an application, their functionality is almost identical. The app QA process, however, will flow differently for each platform due to their particularities.

A mobile application has become an umbrella term that covers three different types of apps – native, PWA, and hybrid. Each is coded in a specific way and has some distinctive features. 

10 Nifty Tips To Bolster Selenium Test Automation

It is now common to see businesses that have transitioned to Selenium test automation. And with reliable feedback on brand-new features, it is easy to see why automated browser testing has become the new norm.

Although there are no rigid guidelines for composing Selenium test automation scripts, there are unwritten rules that you can follow to write much better test scripts.

Launching an EC2 Instance on AWS

To be able to host your web application, you will need a hosting solution. You can easily get started with AWS and commission an EC2 instance to be able to host your web application.

Step 1: Create an AWS Free Tier Account 

AWS provides 1-year access to the Free Tier Program which can allow you to play around with various services free of charge. For this just register with a new email address and you are good to go.

10 Node.js Security Practices

Web application security is rapidly becoming a major concern for companies as security breaches are becoming expensive by the day. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to web security. OWASP has put together a regularly updated list of the top ten web application security risks.

In the course of this article, we will examine the ten secure practices in Node.js which are in line with the OWASP top 10 web application security risks.

Build a Web Application Based on Your Excel Files

Many companies have operated their business with Excel for decades. It is powerful yet easy to use, however, one of the biggest issues with Excel is that it is hard to integrate an Excel file with other systems and services, especially with a database. If you upload an Excel file as an attachment to a system and have to download it and open it up in Excel whenever you need to edit the file, you are just using Excel in a standalone manner. This is not an integrated solution.

In this article, I will show you how you can make your Excel file work seamlessly in a database-driven web application.

Data Streaming in OSGi R7 applications With OSGi R7 Push Stream and Server Sent Events

Providing users of your application with feedback regarding long running operations used to require utilizing pull based solutions such as polling. In modern web applications, however, utilizing push based data streaming solutions to provide such feedback is the norm. But what options do we have if we’re building modern cloud native OSGi applications and we wish to implement such monitoring solutions?

In this article, I will show you how implementations of some of the latest OSGi specifications — i.e. OSGI R7 Push Stream, OSGi R7 HTTP Whiteboard, and OSGi R7 JAX-RS Whiteboard  can be applied, along with Server Sent Events, to implement such push based data streaming solutions. So, instead of having a background JavaScript worker slamming the server with requests for status every few seconds, we’ll have the server push data updates and have them displayed onto our GUI.