How to Make an Ajax Call in Laravel


In this article, we will go through the main steps of making an Ajax call in the Laravel framework. To understand this article, the reader must have a basic understanding of HTTP, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel framework, and MySQL database.

What Is Ajax

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique for making asynchronous calls to the server. It is a particular way of using JavaScript language for downloading data from the server in the background. Ajax allows us to dynamically update part of a web page without making the user wait, thus improving the overall user experience. It is now an integral part of modern web development and helps in creating rich, user-friendly websites. 

How to Choose a Container Registry: The Top 9 Picks

The invention of the open-source Docker Engine in 2013 resulted in containerization being one of the first steps towards modernizing the process of developing cloud applications. Before the invention of the Docker Engine, you had to configure applications for a specific computer/hardware. The downside of this approach was that it could be time-consuming to move an application from one server to another if the need arose.

But, with the launch of the Docker Registry,  the longstanding challenge of managing and organizing container registries was solved.  In fact, the Docker Registry rapidly became the software industry standard. Today, container registries help firms to collect, store, and deliver container images for different phases through their software development process within a central location. 

What’s the Best Way To Optimize Images for the Web?

Want fast loading web pages?

You probably aren’t optimizing your images enough. Image optimization is frequently overlooked because it’s only a small difference and takes some time to do, but a series of small changes will lead to a screaming fast website. It’s worth it. Your pages will load faster.