All You Need to Know About 8 Web Design Trends: 2021

However awash with challenges induced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the interminable year 2020 still anticipated the emergence of outstanding web design trends in 2021.

Indeed, the quarantine period, in concert with remote working, has increased human exposure to the virtual world, especially websites. And now, we’ll summarize the top possibly dominant website design trends in 2021.

Native App Network Performance Analysis


When 54 percent of the internet traffic share is accounted for by Mobile, it's certainly nontrivial to acknowledge how your app can make a difference to that of the competitor!

Once you're done with the app development and all looks good on the simulators and internal network devices—but out there in the wild, with bandwidth restrictions, TCP congestion, cache hit/miss, the device configuration, your user may not experience what you intend to provide & not every unhappy customer leaves feedback; they just stop coming.