Waterfall vs. Agile

Waterfall vs. Agile

The basic trait of civilization is order and protocol. The chaos and non-structured attempts to build something has never resulted in a fruitful outcome in any spectrum. Software Development isn’t an exception either. Since the inception of software development, the learned people of the industry have tried to bring in protocols, processes, and methods to drive the process which we commonly refer to as Methodology now. All the methodologies that have surfaced during the course have a common goal, better productivity, and a smoother operation.

The question arises if there is a common goal, then why did we need different methodologies? Well, as we human, evolved, the methodologies have also evolved. In 1970, when Winston W. Royce developed the Waterfall model for software development, no one would have thought that there could be a better process than that. However, 31 years later, the Manifesto of Agile Software Development was released and an ever going debate started since then, which is better Waterfall or Agile?

Waterfall vs Agile Project Management: 7 Major Differences (And One Clear Winner)

In the battle between waterfall and agile project management, there can be only one winner. (I would have used an image from the film 'Highlander' if it weren't copyrighted.)

Everything changes over time. From music to clothes to cars, the list is endless.

Software development has followed the same evolution.For most of its history, software development was dominated by the Waterfall methodology. There just wasn’t a better alternative.