Using the Strangler Pattern to Break Down Your E-Commerce Monolith


Monolithic platforms like Shopify, Oracle ATG, and BigCommerce are easy to get up and running. However, they lock you into various platform-specific limitations. As a result, you're subject to each platform’s constraints and may feel stuck using one-size-fits-all software.

You face similar challenges if you’ve built your own e-commerce monolith. When more components of the application are intertwined, it is harder to modify features, scale components, or divide the work. After years of using one of these systems, technical debt builds up, and changes are hard to implement.

Which Methodology Works Better in Mobile App Development?

For several years, project management teams used the conventional method of meticulous preparation, reporting, and developing processes. However, due to the rapid growth of the IT industry, project management has rapidly developed from a collection of principles to a broad area of various methodologies. Nonetheless, there are a few methodologies that are at the heart of project management for mobile app growth.

This article discusses two of the most widely used project management methodologies: agile and waterfall. The second most important factor in mobile app development is choosing the methodology. Choosing the right methodology facilitates the development process and results can be obtained in the most efficient and timely manner.

Pick Your Poison: Waterfall, Agile, or Cowboy?

If you watch much TV or read much fiction, you are likely familiar with some typical character archetypes. First, there is the kid who does everything by the book and does well in school. Second, is the character that builds a business by testing the limits and getting the job done while still coloring in the lines. Third, the wild child character throws all of the pieces of a problem in the air to see how and where they will land.

When it comes to project management, there are three main types, just like the characters mentioned earlier. Waterfall is the cautious and rule-abiding kid. Agile is the businessman testing the speed limits to get a product out quickly. Finally, cowboy is the rule-breaker who just wants to get the job done without overthinking the rules they may be breaking.

Waterfall vs Agile Project Management: 7 Major Differences (And One Clear Winner)

In the battle between waterfall and agile project management, there can be only one winner. (I would have used an image from the film 'Highlander' if it weren't copyrighted.)

Everything changes over time. From music to clothes to cars, the list is endless.

Software development has followed the same evolution.For most of its history, software development was dominated by the Waterfall methodology. There just wasn’t a better alternative.

Head-to-Head: The Agile and Waterfall Methodologies

Before the development of a project begins, the project manager’s job is to determine which methodology should be used for the project life cycle. The two most popular methodologies are

  • The Waterfall model, relying on a more traditional approach
  • Agile methodology, a rapid application development procedure, newer than Waterfall and often implemented using Scrum.

The Waterfall model is slowing losing its popularity as software development companies worldwide are adopting Agile methodologies for developing their product. Let’s dive deep into the reason behind Agile’s popularity and how it differs from Waterfall.