Compliance as Code and Applied DevOps

Use complaince as code for faster deployments.

Compliance as code is an important form of applied DevOps. This idea resonates with enterprises, who often use DevOps to deploy applications that have a specific purpose. For example, banks use DevOps to deploy applications to help improve compliance and insurance companies want applications that they can derive insights from.

You may also enjoy:  Towards Compliance as Code

It is this use of DevOps to automate the delivery of purpose-driven applications that we call applied DevOps. As enterprises picked up velocity in software delivery with faster development and faster deployments, compliance was left behind and waiting too long to incorporate compliance can undo many of the benefits of a faster delivery process. Organizations have started introducing security and compliance earlier in the software delivery process, making it part of the story from the very beginning rather than bolting it on as an afterthought at great cost.

Development Time: The Only Cost That Matters in 2019

It's the Thursday before a holiday weekend and you've got a cost crisis. Someone in finance has just noticed that this month's AWS bill is trending 15% higher than last month's. An all-hands meeting is called, and everyone is asked to shut down as much capacity as they can "safely." All the work your team has been trying to push out before end of sprint is going to be delayed for days. Chances of an operational outage when someone shuts down something critical? Pretty high...

The impact of lost development time, lost customer feedback on new features, operational issues — these all pale before the long-term impact of making developers scared to develop and deploy.