How I Used the WAAPI to Build an Animation Library

The Web Animations API lets us construct animations and control their playback with JavaScript. The API opens the browser’s animation engine to developers and was designed to underlie implementations of both CSS animations and transitions, leaving the door open to future animation effects. It is one of the most performant ways to animate on the Web, letting the browser make its own internal optimizations without hacks, coercion, or window.requestAnimationFrame().

With the Web Animations API, we can move interactive animations from stylesheets to JavaScript, separating presentation from behavior. We no longer need to rely on DOM-heavy techniques such as writing CSS properties and scoping classes onto elements to control playback direction. And unlike pure, declarative CSS, JavaScript also lets us dynamically set values from properties to durations. For building custom animation libraries and creating interactive animations, the Web Animations API might be the perfect tool for the job. Let’s see what it can do!

For the rest of this article, I will sometimes refer to the Web Animation API as WAAPI. When searching for resources on the Web Animation API, you might be led astray by searching “Web Animation API” so, to make it easy to find resources, I feel we should adopt the term WAAPI; tell me what you think in the comments below.

This is the library I made with the WAAPI

@okikio/animate is an animation library for the modern web. It was inspired by animateplus, and animejs; it is focused on performance and developer experience, and utilizes the Web Animation API to deliver butter-smooth animations at a small size, weighing in at ~5.79 KB (minified and gzipped).

The story behind @okikio/animate

In 2020, I decided to make a more efficient PJAX library, similar to Rezo Zero’sStarting Blocks project, but with the ease of use of barbajs. I felt starting blocks was easier to extend with custom functionality, and could be made smoother, faster, and easier to use.

Note: if you don’t know what a PJAX library is I suggest checking out MoOx/pjax; in short, PJAX allows for smooth transitions between pages using fetch requests and switching out DOM Elements.

Over time my intent shifted, and I started noticing how often sites from used PJAX, but often butchered the natural experience of the site and browser . Many of the sites looked cool at first glance, but the actual usage often told a different story — scrollbars were often overridden, prefetching was often too eager, and a lack of preparation for people without powerful internet connections, CPUs and/or GPUs. So, I decided to progressively enhance the library I was going to build. I started what I call the “native initiative” stored in the GitHub repo okikio/native; a means of introducing all the cool and modern features in a highly performant, compliant, and lightweight way.

For the native initiative I designed the PJAX library @okikio/native; while testing on an actual project, I ran into the Web Animation API, and realized there were no libraries that took advantage of it, so, I developed @okikio/animate, to create a browser compliant animation library. (Note: this was in 2020, around the same time use-web-animations by wellyshen was being developed. If you are using react and need some quick animate.css like effects, use-web-animations is a good fit.) At first, it was supposed to be simple wrapper but, little by little, I built on it and it’s now at 80% feature parity with more mature animation libraries.

Note: you can read more on the native initiative as well as the @okikio/native library on the Github repo okikio/native. Also, okikio/native, is a monorepo with @okikio/native and @okikio/animate being sub-packages within it.

Where @okikio/animate fits into this article

The Web Animation API is very open in design. It is functional on its own but it’s not the most developer-friendly or intuitive API, so I developed @okikio/animate to act as a wrapper around the WAAPI and introduce the features you know and love from other more mature animation libraries (with some new features included) to the high-performance nature of the Web Animation API. Give the project’s README a read for much more context.

Now, let’s get started

@okikio/animate creates animations by creating new instances of Animate (a class that acts as a wrapper around the Web Animation API).

import { Animate } from"@okikio/animate";

new Animate({
  target: [/* ... */],
  duration: 2000,
  // ... 

The Animate class receives a set of targets to animate, it then creates a list of WAAPI Animation instances, alongside a main animation (the main animation is a small Animation instance that is set to animate over a non-visible element, it exists as a way of tracking the progress of the animations of the various target elements), the Animate class then plays each target elements Animation instance, including the main animation, to create smooth animations.

The main animation is there to ensure accuracy in different browser vendor implementations of WAAPI. The main animation is stored in Animate.prototype.mainAnimation, while the target element’s Animation instances are stored in a WeakMap, with the key being its KeyframeEffect. You can access the animation for a specific target using the Animate.prototype.getAnimation(el).

You don‘t need to fully understand the prior sentences, but they will aid your understanding of what @okikio/animate does. If you want to learn more about how WAAPI works, check out MDN, or if you would like to learn more about the @okikio/animate library, I’d suggest checking out the okikio/native project on GitHub.

Usage, examples and demos

By default, creating a new instance of Animate is very annoying, so, I created the animate function, which creates new Animate instances every time it’s called.

import animate from "@okikio/animate";
// or
import { animate } from "@okikio/animate";

  target: [/* ... */],
  duration: 2000,
  // ... 

When using the @okikio/animate library to create animations you can do this:

import animate from "@okikio/animate";

// Do this if you installed it via the script tag: const { animate } = window.animate;

(async () => {
  let [options] = await animate({
    target: ".div",

    // Units are added automatically for transform CSS properties
    translateX: [0, 300],
    duration: 2000, // In milliseconds
    speed: 2,

  console.log("The Animation is done...");

You can also play with a demo with playback controls:

Try out Motion Path:

Try different types of Motion by changing the Animation Options:

I also created a complex demo page with polyfills:

You can find the source code for this demo in the animate.ts and animate.pug files in the GitHub repo. And, yes, the demo uses Pug, and is a fairly complex setup. I highly suggest looking at the README as a primer for getting started.

The native initiative uses Gitpod, so if you want to play with the demo, I recommend clicking the “Open in Gitpod” link since the entire environment is already set up for you — there’s nothing to configure.

You can also check out some more examples in this CodePen collection I put together. For the most part, you can port your code from animejs to @okikio/animate with few-to-no issues.

I should probably mention that @okikio/animate supports both the target and targets keywords for settings animation targets. @okikio/animate will merge both list of targets into one list and use Sets to remove any repeated targets. @okikio/animate supports functions as animation options, so you can use staggering similar to animejs. (Note: the order of arguments are different, read more in the “Animation Options & CSS Properties as Methods” section of the README file.)

Restrictions and limitations

@okikio/animate isn’t perfect; nothing really is, and seeing as the Web Animation API is a living standard constantly being improved, @okikio/animate itself still has lots of space to grow. That said, I am constantly trying to improve it and would love your input so please open a new issue, create a pull request or we can have a discussion over at the GitHub project.

The first limitation is that it doesn’t really have a built-in timeline. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. I ran out of time. I am still only a student and don’t have lots of time to develop all the projects I want to.
  2. I didn’t think a formal timeline was needed, as async/await programming was supported. Also, I added timelineOffset as an animation option, should anyone ever need to create something similar to the timeline in animejs.
  3. I wanted to make @okikio/animate as small as possible.
  4. With group effects and sequence effects coming soon, I thought it would be best to leave the package small until an actual need comes up. On that note, I highly suggest reading Daniel C. Wilson’s series on the WAAPI, particularly the fourth installment that covers group effects and sequence effects.

Another limitation of @okikio/animate is that it lacks support for custom easings, like spring, elastic, etc. But check out Jake Archibald’s proposal for an easing worklet. He discusses multiple standards that are currently in discussion. I prefer his proposal, as it’s the easiest to implement, not to mention the most elegant of the bunch. In the meanwhile, I’m taking inspiration from Kirill Vasiltsov article on Spring animations with WAAPI and I am planning to build something similar into the library.

The last limitation is that @okikio/animate only supports automatic units on transform functions e.g. translateX, translate, scale, skew, etc. This is no longer the case as of @okikio/animate@2.2.0, but there are still some limitations on CSS properties that support color. Check the GitHub release for more detail.

For example:

  targets: [".div", document.querySelectorAll(".el")],

  // By default "px", will be applied
  translateX: 300,
  left: 500,
  margin: "56 70 8em 70%",

  // "deg" will be applied to rotate instead of px
  rotate: 120, 

  // No units will be auto applied
  color: "rgb(25, 25, 25)",
  "text-shadow": "25px 5px 15px rgb(25, 25, 25)"

Looking to the future

Some future features, like ScrollTimeline, are right around the corner. I don’t think anyone actually knows when it will release but since the ScrollTimeline in Chrome Canary 92, I think it’s safe to say the chances of a release in the near future look pretty good.

I built the timeline animation option into @okikio/animate to future-proof it. Here’s an example:

Thanks to Bramus for the demo inspiration! Also, you may need the Canary version of Chrome or need to turn on Experimental Web Platform features in Chrome Flags to view this demo. It seems to work just fine on Firefox, though, so… 🤣.

If you want to read more on the ScrollTimeline, Bramus wrote an excellent article on it. I would also suggest reading the Google Developers article on Animation Worklets.

My hope is to make the library smaller. It’s currently ~5.79 KB which seems high, at least to me. Normally, I would use a bundlephobia embed but that has trouble bundling the project, so if you want to verify the size, I suggest using because it actually bundles the code locally on your browser. I specifically built it for checking the bundle size of @okikio/animate, but note it’s not as accurate as bundlephobia.


One of the earlier demos shows polyfills in action. You are going to need web-animations-next.min.js from web-animations-js to support timelines. Other modern features the KeyframeEffect constructor is required.

The polyfill uses JavaScript to test if the KeyframeEffect is supported and, if it isn’t, the polyfill loads and does its thing. Just avoid adding async/defer to the polyfill, or it will not work the way you expect. You’ll also want to polyfill Map, Set, and Promise.

    <!-- Async -->
    <script src=",es2015,es2018,Array.prototype.includes,Map,Set,Promise" async></script>
    <!-- NO Async/Defer -->
    <script src="./js/webanimation-polyfill.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Content -->

And if you’re building for ES6+, I highly recommend using esbuild for transpiling, bundling, and minifying. For ES5, I suggest using esbuild (with minify off), Typescript (with target of ES5), and terser; as of now, this is the fastest setup to transpile to ES5, it’s faster and more reliable than babel. See the Gulpfile from the demo for more details.


@okikio/animate is a wrapper around the Web Animation API (WAAPI) that allows you to use all the features you love from animejs and other animation libraries, in a small and concise package. So, what are your thoughts after reading about it? Is it something you think you’ll reach for when you need to craft complex animations? Or, even more important, is there something that would hold you back from using it? Leave a comment below or join the discussion on Github Discussions.

This article originally appeared on, it also appeared on and
Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash.

The post How I Used the WAAPI to Build an Animation Library appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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How to Animate the Details Element Using WAAPI

Animating accordions in JavaScript has been one of the most asked animations on websites. Fun fact: jQuery’s slideDown() function was already available in the first version in 2011.

In this article, we will see how you can animate the native <details> element using the Web Animations API.

HTML setup

First, let’s see how we are gonna structure the markup needed for this animation.

The <details> element needs a <summary> element. The summary is the content visible when the accordion is closed.
All the other elements within the <details> are part of the inner content of the accordion. To make it easier for us to animate that content, we are wrapping it inside a <div>.

  <summary>Summary of the accordion</summary>
  <div class="content">
      Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
      Modi unde, ex rem voluptates autem aliquid veniam quis temporibus repudiandae illo, nostrum, pariatur quae!
      At animi modi dignissimos corrupti placeat voluptatum!

Accordion class

To make our code more reusable, we should make an Accordion class. By doing this we can call new Accordion() on every <details> element on the page.

class Accordion {
  // The default constructor for each accordion
  constructor() {}

  // Function called when user clicks on the summary
  onClick() {}

  // Function called to close the content with an animation
  shrink() {}

  // Function called to open the element after click
  open() {}

  // Function called to expand the content with an animation
  expand() {}

  // Callback when the shrink or expand animations are done
  onAnimationFinish() {}


The constructor is the place we save all the data needed per accordion.

constructor(el) {
  // Store the <details> element
  this.el = el;
  // Store the <summary> element
  this.summary = el.querySelector('summary');
  // Store the <div class="content"> element
  this.content = el.querySelector('.content');

  // Store the animation object (so we can cancel it, if needed)
  this.animation = null;
  // Store if the element is closing
  this.isClosing = false;
  // Store if the element is expanding
  this.isExpanding = false;
  // Detect user clicks on the summary element
  this.summary.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.onClick(e));


In the onClick() function, you’ll notice we are checking if the element is being animated (closing or expanding). We need to do that in case users click on the accordion while it’s being animated. In case of fast clicks, we don’t want the accordion to jump from being fully open to fully closed.

The <details> element has an attribute, [open], applied to it by the browser when we open the element. We can get the value of that attribute by checking the open property of our element using

onClick(e) {
  // Stop default behaviour from the browser
  // Add an overflow on the <details> to avoid content overflowing = 'hidden';
  // Check if the element is being closed or is already closed
  if (this.isClosing || ! {;
  // Check if the element is being openned or is already open
  } else if (this.isExpanding || {


This shrink function is using the WAAPI .animate() function. You can read more about it in the MDN docs. WAAPI is very similar to CSS @keyframes. We need to define the start and end keyframes of the animation. In this case, we only need two keyframes, the first one being the current height the element, and the second one is the height of the <details> element once it is closed. The current height is stored in the startHeight variable. The closed height is stored in the endHeight variable and is equal to the height of the <summary>.

shrink() {
  // Set the element as "being closed"
  this.isClosing = true;

  // Store the current height of the element
  const startHeight = `${this.el.offsetHeight}px`;
  // Calculate the height of the summary
  const endHeight = `${this.summary.offsetHeight}px`;

  // If there is already an animation running
  if (this.animation) {
    // Cancel the current animation

  // Start a WAAPI animation
  this.animation = this.el.animate({
    // Set the keyframes from the startHeight to endHeight
    height: [startHeight, endHeight]
  }, {
    // If the duration is too slow or fast, you can change it here
    duration: 400,
    // You can also change the ease of the animation
    easing: 'ease-out'

  // When the animation is complete, call onAnimationFinish()
  this.animation.onfinish = () => this.onAnimationFinish(false);
  // If the animation is cancelled, isClosing variable is set to false
  this.animation.oncancel = () => this.isClosing = false;


The open function is called when we want to expand the accordion. This function does not control the animation of the accordion yet. First, we calculate the height of the <details> element and we apply this height with inline styles on it. Once it’s done, we can set the open attribute on it to make the content visible but hiding as we have an overflow: hidden and a fixed height on the element. We then wait for the next frame to call the expand function and animate the element.

open() {
  // Apply a fixed height on the element = `${this.el.offsetHeight}px`;
  // Force the [open] attribute on the details element = true;
  // Wait for the next frame to call the expand function
  window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.expand());


The expand function is similar to the shrink function, but instead of animating from the current height to the close height, we animate from the element’s height to the end height. That end height is equal to the height of the summary plus the height of the inner content.

expand() {
  // Set the element as "being expanding"
  this.isExpanding = true;
  // Get the current fixed height of the element
  const startHeight = `${this.el.offsetHeight}px`;
  // Calculate the open height of the element (summary height + content height)
  const endHeight = `${this.summary.offsetHeight + this.content.offsetHeight}px`;

  // If there is already an animation running
  if (this.animation) {
    // Cancel the current animation

  // Start a WAAPI animation
  this.animation = this.el.animate({
    // Set the keyframes from the startHeight to endHeight
    height: [startHeight, endHeight]
  }, {
    // If the duration is too slow of fast, you can change it here
    duration: 400,
    // You can also change the ease of the animation
    easing: 'ease-out'
  // When the animation is complete, call onAnimationFinish()
  this.animation.onfinish = () => this.onAnimationFinish(true);
  // If the animation is cancelled, isExpanding variable is set to false
  this.animation.oncancel = () => this.isExpanding = false;


This function is called at the end of both the shrinking or expanding animation. As you can see, there is a parameter, [open], that is set to true when the accordion is open, allowing us to set the [open] HTML attribute on the element, as it is no longer handled by the browser.

onAnimationFinish(open) {
  // Set the open attribute based on the parameter = open;
  // Clear the stored animation
  this.animation = null;
  // Reset isClosing & isExpanding
  this.isClosing = false;
  this.isExpanding = false;
  // Remove the overflow hidden and the fixed height = = '';

Setup the accordions

Phew, we are done with the biggest part of the code!

All that’s left is to use our Accordion class for every <details> element in the HTML. To do so, we are using a querySelectorAll on the <details> tag, and we create a new Accordion instance for each one.

document.querySelectorAll('details').forEach((el) => {
  new Accordion(el);


To make the calculations of the closed height and open height, we need to make sure that the <summary> and the content always have the same height.

For example, do not try to add a padding on the summary when it’s open because it could lead to jumps during the animation. Same goes for the inner content — it should have a fixed height and we should avoid having content that could change height during the opening animation.

Also, do not add a margin between the summary and the content as it will not be calculated for the heights keyframes. Instead, use a padding directly on the content to add some spacing.

The end

And voilà, we have a nice animated accordion in JavaScript without any library! 🌈

The post How to Animate the Details Element Using WAAPI appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Pseudo-elements in the Web Animations API

To use the Web Animations API (e.g. el.animate()) you need a reference to a DOM element to target. So, how do you use it on pseudo-elements, which don’t really offer a direct reference? Dan Wilson covers a (newish?) part of the API itself:

const logo = document.getElementById('logo');

logo.animate({ opacity: [0, 1] }, {
  duration: 100,
  pseudoElement: '::after'

I noticed in Dan’s article that ::marker is supported. I was just playing with that recently while doing our List Style Recipes page. I figured I’d give it a spin by testing the WAAPI and @keyframes on both a ::marker and and ::after element:

At first, I confused myself because it seemed like the WAAPI wasn’t working on ::after, but Dan reminded me that when using a transform, the element can’t be display: inline. Instead, I made it inline-block and it worked fine. However, I did uncover that @keyframes don’t seem to work on ::marker elements in Firefox — hopefully they’ll fix that (and we get Chrome and Safari support for ::marker ASAP).

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The post Pseudo-elements in the Web Animations API appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Tips for Writing Animation Code Efficiently

I’ve been coding web animations and helping others do the same for years now. However, I have yet to see a concise list of tips focused on how to efficiently build animations, so here you go!

I will be using the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP). It provides a simple, readable API and solves cross-browser inconsistencies so that you can focus on animating. The code and concepts should be understandable even if you’ve never used GSAP. If you’d like to familiarize yourself with the basics of GSAP first so that you can get the most out of this article, the best place to begin is GSAP’s getting started page (includes a video). 

Tip #1: Use an animation library

Some developers think that using an animation library is wasteful because they can just use native browser technologies like CSS transitions, CSS animations or the Web Animations API (WAAPI) to accomplish the same thing without loading a library. In some cases, that’s true. However, here are a few other factors to consider:

  • Browser bugs, inconsistencies, and compatibility: An animation library, like GSAP, solves these for you and is universally compatible. You can even use motion paths in IE9! There are many problematic areas when it comes to cross-browser issues, including handling transform-origin on SVG elements, path stroke measurements, 3D origins in Safari, and many more that we don’t have the space to list.
  • Animation workflow: Building even moderately complex animations is much faster and more fun with a tool like GSAP. You can modularize animations, nest them as deeply as you want, and have their timing adjusted automatically. This makes it so much easier to experiment. Trust me: once you try building an animation sequence in CSS and then in GSAP, you’ll see what I mean. Night and day! Future edits are faster too.
  • Animate beyond the DOM: Canvas, WebGL, generic objects, and complex strings can’t be animated with native technologies. Using one consistent tool for all your animations is much cleaner. 
  • Runtime control: Using a good animation library can enable you to pause, resume, reverse, seek through, or even gradually change the speed of an entire animation sequence. You can control each transform component independently (rotation, scale, x, y, skew, etc.). You can also retrieve those values at any time as well. JavaScript animations give you ultimate flexibility.
  • Easing options (bounce, elastic, etc.): CSS only gives you two control points for eases. GSAP’s CustomEase lets you literally create any ease you can imagine. 
  • Lag smoothing: GSAP can prioritize absolute timing or adjust things on the fly to avoid jumps if the CPU gets bogged down.
  • Advanced capabilities: Using GSAP, it’s easy to morph SVGs, add physics/inertia, edit motion paths directly in the browser, use position-aware staggers, and more.

Most of the top animators in the industry use a tool like GSAP because they’ve learned these same things over the years. Once you get beyond very basic animations, a JavaScript library will make your life much, much easier and open up entirely new possibilities. 

Tip #2: Use timelines

A good animation library will provide some way of creating individual animations (called tweens) and a way to sequence animations in a timeline. Think of a timeline like a container for your tweens where you position them in relation to one another. 

const tl = gsap.timeline();".box", { duration: 1, x: 100 })
  .to(".box", { duration: 1, backgroundColor: "#f38630" }, "+=0.5") 
  .to(".box", { duration: 1, x: 0, rotation: -360 }, "+=0.5")

By default in GSAP, tweens added to a timeline will wait for the previous tweens to complete before running. The +=0.5 adds an additional offset or delay of a half-second as well, so the second tween will start 0.5 seconds after the first tween finishes no matter how long the first tween’s duration is.

To increase the amount of time between the tween to 1 second, all you need to do is change the +=0.5 to +=1! Super easy. With this approach, you can iterate on your animations quickly without worrying about doing the math to combine previous durations.

Tip #3: Use relative values

By “relative values” I mean three things:

  1. Animate values relative to their current value. GSAP recognizes += and -= prefixes for this. So x: "+=200" will add 200 units (usually pixels) to the current x. And x: "-=200" will subtract 200 from the current value. This is also useful in GSAP’s position parameter when positioning tweens relative to one another.
  2. Use relative units (like vw, vh and, in some cases, %) when values need to be responsive to viewport size changes.
  3. Use methods like .to() and .from() (instead of .fromTo()) whenever possible so that the start or end values are dynamically populated from their current values. That way, you don’t need to declare start and end values in every tween. Yay, less typing! For example, if you had a bunch of differently-colored elements, you could animate them all to black like".class", {backgroundColor: "black" }).

Tip #4: Use keyframes

If you find yourself animating the same target over and over in a row, that’s a perfect time to use keyframes! You do so like this:".box", { keyframes: [
  { duration: 1, x: 100 },
  { duration: 1, backgroundColor: "#f38630", delay: 0.5 }, 
  { duration: 1, x: 0, rotation: -360, delay: 0.5 }

No timeline necessary! To space out the tweens we just use the delay property in each keyframe. (It can be negative to create overlaps.)

Tip #5: Use smart defaults

GSAP has default values for properties like ease ("power1.out") and duration (0.5 seconds). So, the following is a valid tween that will animate for half a second.".box", { color: "black" })

To change GSAP’s global defaults, use gsap.defaults():

// Use a linear ease and a duration of 1 instead
gsap.defaults({ ease: "none", duration: 1 });

This can be handy, but it’s more common to set defaults for a particular timeline so that it affects only its children. For example, we can avoid typing duration: 1 for each of the sub-tweens by setting a default on the parent timeline:

const tl = gsap.timeline({ defaults: { duration: 1 } });".box", { x: 100 })
  .to(".box", { backgroundColor: "#f38630" }, "+=0.5") 
  .to(".box", { x: 0, rotation: -360 }, "+=0.5")

Tip #6: Animate multiple elements at once

We mentioned this briefly in the third tip, but it deserves its own tip.

If you have multiple elements that share the same class of .box, the code above will animate all of the elements at the same time!

You can also select multiple elements with different selectors by using a more complex selector string:".box, .circle", { ... });

Or you can pass an array of variable references as long as the elements are of the same type (selector string, variable reference, generic object, etc.):

var box = document.querySelector(".box");
var circle = document.querySelector(".circle");

// some time later…[box, circle], { ... });

Tip #7: Use function-based values, staggers, and/or loops

Function-based values

Use a function instead of a number/string for almost any property, and GSAP will call that function once for each target when it first renders the tween. Plus, it’ll use whatever gets returned by the function as the property value! This can be really handy for creating a bunch of different animations using a single tween and for adding variance.

GSAP will pass the following parameters into the function:

  1. The index
  2. The specific element being affected
  3. An array of all of the elements affected by the tween

For example, you could set the movement direction based on the index:

Or you could choose items from an array:


Make your animations look more dynamic and interesting by offsetting the start times with a stagger. For simple staggered offsets in a single tween, just use stagger: 0.2 to add 0.2 seconds between the start time of each animation.

You can also pass in an object to get more complex stagger effects, including ones that emanate outward from the center of a grid or randomize the timings:

For more information about GSAP’s staggers, check out the stagger documentation.


It can be helpful to loop through a list of elements to create or apply animations, particularly when they are based on some event, like a user’s interaction (which I’ll discuss later on). 

To loop through a list of items, it’s easiest to use .forEach(). But since this isn’t supported on elements selected with .querySelectorAll() in IE, you can use GSAP’s utils.toArray() function instead.

In the example below, we are looping through each container to add animations to its children that are scoped to that container.

Tip #8: Modularize your animations

Modularization is one of the key principles of programming. It allows you to build small, easy-to-understand chunks that you can combine into larger creations while still keeping things clean, reusable, and easy to modify. It also lets you to use parameters and function scope, increasing the re-usability of your code.


Use functions to return tweens or timelines and then insert those into a master timeline:

function doAnimation() {
  // do something, like calculations, maybe using arguments passed into the function
  // return a tween, maybe using the calculations above
  return".myElem", { duration: 1, color: "red"});

tl.add( doAnimation() );

Nesting timelines can truly revolutionize the way you animate. It lets you sequence really complex animations with ease while keeping your code modular and readable.

function doAnimation() {
  const tl = gsap.timeline();;;
  // many animations as you’d like!

  // When you’re all done, return the timeline
  return tl;

const master = gsap.timeline();
master.add( doAnimation() );
master.add( doAnotherAnimation() );
// Add even more timelines!

Here’s a real-world use case modified from Carl Schooff’s “Writing Smarter Animation Code” post.

Here’s a more complex demo showing the same technique using a Star Wars theme by Craig Roblewsky:

Wrapping your animation-building routines inside functions also makes recreating animations (say, on resize) a breeze!

var tl; // keep an accessible reference to our timeline

function buildAnimation() {
  var time = tl ? tl.time() : 0; // save the old time if it exists

  // kill off the old timeline if it exists
  if (tl) {

  // create a new timeline
  tl = gsap.timeline();
    .to(...); // do your animation
  tl.time(time); // set the playhead to match where it was

buildAnimation(); //kick things off

window.addEventListener("resize", buildAnimation); // handle resize


With effects, you can turn a custom animation into a named effect that can be called anytime with new targets and configurations. This is especially helpful when you have standards for your animations or if you are going to be calling the same animation from different contexts.

Here’s a super-simple “fade” effect to show the concept:

// register the effect with GSAP:
    name: "fade",
    defaults: {duration: 2}, //defaults get applied to the "config" object passed to the effect below
    effect: (targets, config) => {
        return, {duration: config.duration, opacity:0});

// now we can use it like this:
// Or override the defaults:
gsap.effects.fade(".box", {duration: 1});

Tip #9: Use control methods

GSAP provides many methods to control the state of a tween or timeline. They include .play(), .pause(), .reverse(), .progress(), .seek(), .restart(), .timeScale(), and several others. 

Using control methods can make transitions between animations more fluid (such as being able to reverse part way through) and more performant (by reusing the same tween/timeline instead of creating new instances each time). And by giving you finer control over the state of the animation, it can help with debugging as well.

Here’s a simple example:

One amazing use case is tweening the timeScale of a timeline!

Use case: interaction events that trigger animations

Inside of event listeners for user interaction events, we can use control methods to have fine control over our animation’s play state.

In the example below, we are creating a timeline for each element (so that it doesn’t fire the same animation on all instances), attaching a reference for that timeline to the element itself, and then playing the relevant timeline when the element is hovered, reversing it when the mouse leaves.

Use case: Animating between multiple states of a timeline

You may want a set of animations to affect the same properties of the same elements, but only in certain sequences (e.g. active/inactive states, each with mouseover/mouseout states). It may get tricky to manage. We can simplify it by using states of a timeline and control events. 

Use case: Animating based on the scroll position

We can easily fire animations based on the scroll position by using control methods. For example, this demo plays a full animation once a scroll position has been reached:

You can also attach the progress of an animation to the scroll position for more fancy scroll effects!

But if you’re going to do this, it’s best to throttle the scroll listener for performance reasons:

Hot tip: GreenSock is working on a plugin to make scroll-based animations even easier! You’re in for quite a treat. Keep your eyes peeled for news.

Bonus tip: Use GSAP’s plugins, utility methods, and helper functions

GSAP plugins add extra capabilities to GSAP’s core. Some plugins make it easier to work with rendering libraries, like PixiJS or EaselJS, while other plugins add superpowers like morphing SVG, drag and drop functionality, etc. This keeps the GSAP core relatively small and lets you add features when you need them.


MorphSVG morphs between any two SVG shapes, no matter the number of points, and gives you fine control over how the shapes are morphed.

DrawSVG progressively reveals (or hides) the stroke of an SVG element, making it look like it’s being drawn. It works around various browser bugs that affect typical stroke-dashoffset animations.

MotionPath animates anything (SVG, DOM, canvas, generic objects, whatever) along a motion path in any browser. You can even edit the path in-browser using MotionPathHelper!

GSDevTools gives you a visual UI for interacting with and debugging GSAP animations, complete with advanced playback controls, keyboard shortcuts, global synchronization and more.

Draggable provides a surprisingly simple way to make virtually any DOM element draggable, spinnable, tossable, or even flick-scrollable using mouse or touch events. Draggable integrates beautifully (and optionally) with InertiaPlugin so the user can flick and have the motion decelerate smoothly based on momentum.

CustomEase (along with CustomBounce and CustomWiggle) add to GSAP’s already extensive easing capabilities by enabling you to register any ease that you’d like.

SplitText is an easy to use JavaScript utility that allows you to split HTML text into characters, words and lines. It’s easy to use, extremely flexible, works all the way back to IE9, and handles special characters for you.

ScrambleText scrambles the text in a DOM element with randomized characters, refreshing new randomized characters at regular intervals, while gradually revealing your new text (or the original) over the course of the tween. Visually, it looks like a computer decoding a string of text.

Physics2D lets you tween the position of elements based on velocity and acceleration as opposed to going to specific values. PhysicsProps is similar but works with any property, not just 2D coordinates.

Utility methods

GSAP has built-in utility methods that can make some common tasks easier. Most are focused on manipulating values in a particular way, which can be especially helpful when generating or modifying animation values. The ones that I use most often are .wrap(), .random, .interpolate(), .distribute(), .pipe(), and .unitize(), but there are many others you might find helpful.

Helper functions

In a similar light, but not built into GSAP’s core, are some helper functions GreenSock has created over the years to deal with specific use cases. These functions make it easy to FLIP your animations, return a random number based on an ease curve, blend two ease curves, and much more. I highly recommend checking them out!


You’ve made it to the end! Hopefully, you’ve learned a thing or two along the way and this article will continue to be a resource for you in the years to come.

As always, if you have any questions about GSAP, feel free to drop by the GreenSock forums. They’re incredibly helpful and welcoming! As an employee of GreenSock, that’s where I hang out often; I love helping people with animation-related challenges!

The post Tips for Writing Animation Code Efficiently appeared first on CSS-Tricks.