Scanner or Scammer: Analysis of CamScanner Vulnerability

One of the most popular photo-scanning apps with OCR capabilities, CamScanner was recently found out to be riddled with nasty malware.

An estimated 100 million of CamScanner users may be affected as a result of this threat. After a series of negative reviews on the Google Play Store by users who observed suspicious behavior on the app, Kaspersky researchers investigated and discovered the malicious components of the application. Reportedly, one of the app’s advertising libraries contained the malware component.

Dependencies: It’s Not Just Your Code You Need to Secure

Original article published by Cristián Rojas at Hackmetrix Blog

The EQUIFAX USA event of 2017 put a spotlight an under-considered aspect of software security: it’s not just our code that we need to secure. The facts of the case are widely known, but its cause? Not so much. Little is said about the fact that this leak would not have taken place if the developers of the EQUIFAX application had upgraded their Apache Struts web framework to a more secure version.