7 Common Vue.js Mistakes You Should Never Make

I was using different frameworks but have not used Vue.js until recently. My friend told me about Vue.js and encouraged me to give it a try. When I started using Vue.js, I encountered several issues, problems, challenges, and even made a lot of mistakes along the way. So, I decided to share my experience with others so that other developers don’t have to go through the same ordeal as I did.


If you are not familiar with Vue.js is, Vue is basically a framework for designing user interfaces. What differentiates it from other frameworks is that it is designed with incremental adaptability in mind. Even the main library focuses on the view layer, but it can easily be integrated with other libraries.

Get Started With Vue Grid in 5 Minutes

Vue is the most responsive and progressive framework which is widely used in Single Page Applications. It provides one of the more powerful and flexible ways to display data in a tabular format using the JQWidget Grid component. Grid components are widely used to show smaller/larger sets of data in readable format. You can show read-only views or editable views.

In this article, we will quickly implement JQwidget grid components in Vue with very little coding and configuration.