Vue 3 Reactivity Composition API Using Reactive() And Ref()

Reactivity is a key pillar for building VueJS applications. While VueJS Reactivity using Options API is quite powerful, more and more developers are moving to Composition API for building their Vue applications. Thankfully, Vue 3 Reactivity with Composition API is equally robust.

Vue 3 Reactivity with Composition API is driven by reactive() and ref() functions. These functions turn the component model data reactive so that Vue is able to track changes. However, both reactive() and ref() have their specific use-cases. It is important to know which function should be used in which particular scenario.

React vs. Vue in 2021: Best JavaScript Framework

While JavaScript frameworks are now vital for web app development, many companies struggle to choose between React and Vue for their projects. The short answer is that there is no clear winner in the general React.js vs. Vue.js debate. Each framework has its pros and cons and is useful for different applications. So, we’ve put together this convenient guide to popular frameworks, to help you better understand the use cases of Vue vs. React and determine which one will work best for your next project.

Vue.js vs. React — What Are They?

Both React and Vue are open source JavaScript frameworks that make it easier and faster for developers to build complex user interfaces. Before we get into the React vs. Vue comparison, we’ll give you a brief overview of each one.

7 Common Vue.js Mistakes You Should Never Make

I was using different frameworks but have not used Vue.js until recently. My friend told me about Vue.js and encouraged me to give it a try. When I started using Vue.js, I encountered several issues, problems, challenges, and even made a lot of mistakes along the way. So, I decided to share my experience with others so that other developers don’t have to go through the same ordeal as I did.


If you are not familiar with Vue.js is, Vue is basically a framework for designing user interfaces. What differentiates it from other frameworks is that it is designed with incremental adaptability in mind. Even the main library focuses on the view layer, but it can easily be integrated with other libraries.

Validation Forms in Vue.js Apps Using Vuelidate library

Hello! One of the most common tasks in software development is input validation. Any app has different forms that submit some data, and we want to check numerous conditions: that fields are not empty and that they have a proper format (like emails), length, and so on. Yes, we can do it manually, but this is not the best path. It is better to use a specific validation library. For Vue.js apps, the popular choice is Vueildate. In this post, we will see how to install it to your Vue apps, how to use it, and observe the most important built-in validators.

What Is Vuelidate?

Let have a simple example. You’re building a signup form. You want to check that user provides a correct input, like:

Vue vs. Angular Comparison – What Framework to Choose?

Selecting a front-end framework can be a trickier and more time-consuming process than you might think. In today’s article, we’re going to quickly compare a couple of JavaScript frameworks, that is, Vue vs. Angular. Let’s look at their history, job market, and learning curve, and other characteristics that will help us determine the winner. After […]

The post Vue vs. Angular Comparison – What Framework to Choose? appeared first on WPArena.

Type-Based Global Events in Vue.js

In one of the latest freelance projects of mine, my client prefers Vue.js, which is recently super popular on the frontend side. So, I dove into Vue. I can say that it is very practical and effective. Besides, when we compare it with other predominant competitors like Angular and Aurelia, we can easily notice Vue has a very small learning curve.

However, it didn't take long for me to have a feeling that my code was getting unmanageable. This wasn't a big surprise to me because this is often the trade-off with dynamically-typed languages.